Do you even know why Iran has a nuclear program?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
The US gave Iran its nuclear program back in the 50s. Along with other countries like Pakistan. So when you hear politicians rattling their sabres over it, consider the possibility it's less about 'thsoe crazy Muslims trying to build a nuke' and more likely about erasing another foreign policy disaster the US created. Like when we helped the Taliban against the Soviets.

Born In The USA: How America Created Iran's Nuclear Program

"It seemed like a good idea at the time.

It was part of President Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace program, an initiative to provide countries with peaceful, civilian nuclear technologies in the hope that they wouldn't pursue military nuclear programs.

The beneficiaries included Israel, India, Pakistan — and Iran, then ruled by a U.S.-backed monarch, Shah Reza Pahlavi."
Soon after the Iranian revolution occured, and their government wasn't our obediant lapdog any more, their nuclear program was suddenly objectionable.
Soon after the Iranian revolution occured, and their government wasn't our obediant lapdog any more, their nuclear program was suddenly objectionable.
They are crazy religious zealots who talk about nuking people and we believe their sincerity. Im just guessing here, but i think thats the main reason people dont want them to have nukes.
Soon after the Iranian revolution occured, and their government wasn't our obediant lapdog any more, their nuclear program was suddenly objectionable.

Well, here's the thing. I'm thinking that the nuke power plant we left behind is in no way, shape or form, connected with the nuke plants the Iranians are operating today.

But having said that, we as Americans have no right to tell Iran how to produce their power for internal use.

Unfortunately for the Iranians, the fundamentalists controlling your Hollywood driven news media were opposed to nuke power back then, and still are to this day. And of course Israel takes of advantage of that by stoking the coals whenever necessary to great effect.

And of course your fundamentalist anti-nuke Hollywood driven news media goes along with their charade by force feeding anti-nuke propaganda to the population and to great effect, by throwing in an ocassional image of that crapatola komeni character.
Mission accomplished

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