Did you know this about Iran?

Fucking EVIDENCE?????................What a moron......LOL Go take a nap......

Usually I love it when you humiliate yourself, but the constant repetition is getting boring....

Study shows US weapons given to Syrian rebels ended up in ISIS hands

'Weapons the United States originally supplied to Syrian rebels have ended up in the hands of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), according to a study released Thursday.

In summary, evidence collected by [Conflict Armament Research] indicates that the United States has repeatedly diverted EU-manufactured weapons and ammunition to opposition forces in the Syrian conflict,” the report says. “[ISIS] forces rapidly gained custody of significant quantities
 of this materiel.”

(Shades of Fast And Furious, where Barry handed out thousands of weapons - to include automatic weapons and hand grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels.)

Seriously, I don't know why anyone bothers to read anything you write anymore - it continues to repeatedly be exposed - with EVIDENCE - as Fake News / Hyper-Partisan OPINION.


Obama and the Syria training fiasco

Hillary Clinton -- Benghazi Scandal & Arming Syrian ‘Rebels’ | National Review

In Syria, militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA
-- Obama's Pentagon was arming / supporting one group in fighting another funded / supplied by Obama's CIA...

:wtf: :lmao:
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In U.S modern history say approx 99 out of 100 times the biggest enemies are no other than the retards, and maniacs who are on American soil.

So, when are we going to solve that? Rather than going to get involved in Mid-East affairs?

Oh, we can't even keep, or control what we got here, but let's go sort out the World. (Retardos)
obama had his less radical iranian regime handed to him on a platter with the Green Revolution. Instead he lied and lied and promised support all the while luring the Green leaders into exposing themselves. This allowed the Ayatollahs to round up every leader, every green sympathizer and execute them. obama worked with the most America hating mullahs to end the idea of moderate iran for more than a generation.

The iranian people hate obama with an incredible passion for causing so many deaths.
^^^ Bullshit
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.

so you're saying we need to have the CIA orchestrate another coup to put the Shah back in power?
The Shah died in 1980.
The second religious hardliners overthrew the Shah, that "great" relationship between Iran and Israel was dead. Period.
obama had his less radical iranian regime handed to him on a platter with the Green Revolution. Instead he lied and lied and promised support all the while luring the Green leaders into exposing themselves. This allowed the Ayatollahs to round up every leader, every green sympathizer and execute them. obama worked with the most America hating mullahs to end the idea of moderate iran for more than a generation.

The iranian people hate obama with an incredible passion for causing so many deaths.
^^^ Bullshit

Nope, he left them twisting in the wind.
obama promised help right up to the last second when obama learned who the leaders were. Then he left them hanging and turned everyone in. They were all executed. I have friends in Iran who lost family and loved ones. obama is cursed there. As he should be.
obama promised help right up to the last second when obama learned who the leaders were. Then he left them hanging and turned everyone in. They were all executed. I have friends in Iran who lost family and loved ones. obama is cursed there. As he should be.
According to your comments, your friends in Iran are terrorists/murderers.
obama promised help right up to the last second when obama learned who the leaders were. Then he left them hanging and turned everyone in. They were all executed. I have friends in Iran who lost family and loved ones. obama is cursed there. As he should be.
According to your comments, your friends in Iran are terrorists/murderers.
Are you trying to parse and excuse away obama's perfidy?
"Obama offered the world a decade reprieve"? Does anyone really believe this propaganda? Iran knew that Barry Hussein was a pushover and they could extort a multi billion dollar cash bribe which they did. President Trump was correct when he said it was the worst treaty in freaking U.S. history. The Iranians are going to whine for a while and chant and burn the U.S. Flag and then they are going to cave in and re-negotiate just like N.K. The U.S. will cone out on top without having to "hope" that good things will happen in Iran in the next decade like dumb ass chickenshit democrats do.

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