Did you know this about Iran?

obama had his less radical iranian regime handed to him on a platter with the Green Revolution. Instead he lied and lied and promised support all the while luring the Green leaders into exposing themselves. This allowed the Ayatollahs to round up every leader, every green sympathizer and execute them. obama worked with the most America hating mullahs to end the idea of moderate iran for more than a generation.

The iranian people hate obama with an incredible passion for causing so many deaths.
Or this?

Iranian general boasts of Quds Force killing U.S. troops in Iraq
By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 2, 2017
The deputy commander of Iran’s notorious Quds Force bragged at a recent ceremony that his operatives have killed more Americans than U.S. troops have killed Iranian fighters.

Brig. Gen. Ismail Ghaani was referring to Iran’s major intervention in the Iraq war to supply Shiite militias with supercharged explosives that could penetrate U.S. armored vehicles. The Pentagon has estimated the Quds Force, an arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, killed 500 Americans that way.

Tape Shows Israelis Training Cartels' Killers

'But sir, it’s an American ship.' 'Never mind, hit her!' When Israel attacked USS Liberty

The Lavon Affair: When Israel Firebombed U.S. Installations – 1992 July - WRMEA

Jonathan Pollard, American Who Spied for Israel, Released After 30 Years

Two Israelis held in NY's biggest ever ecstasy bust

Feds arrest 4 Israelis for manufacturing $77 million in fake bills

International Borders and Human Trafficking in Israel and Texas - Jerusalem Institute of Justice

Israeli Guilty of First Organ Trafficking Case in US History - Archives | Veterans Today

Israeli drug trafficker faces life in prison - The Boston Globe

Colombia extradites Israeli for drug and human trafficking

Israel Flagged as Top Spy Threat to U.S.

Go kill you Jooos kid.
Or this?

Iranian general boasts of Quds Force killing U.S. troops in Iraq
By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 2, 2017
The deputy commander of Iran’s notorious Quds Force bragged at a recent ceremony that his operatives have killed more Americans than U.S. troops have killed Iranian fighters.

Brig. Gen. Ismail Ghaani was referring to Iran’s major intervention in the Iraq war to supply Shiite militias with supercharged explosives that could penetrate U.S. armored vehicles. The Pentagon has estimated the Quds Force, an arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, killed 500 Americans that way.

Tape Shows Israelis Training Cartels' Killers

'But sir, it’s an American ship.' 'Never mind, hit her!' When Israel attacked USS Liberty

The Lavon Affair: When Israel Firebombed U.S. Installations – 1992 July - WRMEA

Jonathan Pollard, American Who Spied for Israel, Released After 30 Years

Two Israelis held in NY's biggest ever ecstasy bust

Feds arrest 4 Israelis for manufacturing $77 million in fake bills

International Borders and Human Trafficking in Israel and Texas - Jerusalem Institute of Justice

Israeli Guilty of First Organ Trafficking Case in US History - Archives | Veterans Today

Israeli drug trafficker faces life in prison - The Boston Globe

Colombia extradites Israeli for drug and human trafficking

Israel Flagged as Top Spy Threat to U.S.

Go kill you Jooos kid.

Stop killing American military, and Muslim civilians because of Joooos kids.
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.

Do you know this?

The Iranian Hostage Crisis
Representing the United States abroad has been a dangerous job since the beginning of the Republic, but that was never truer than during the Carter Administration. In the wake of a successful revolution by Islamic fundamentalists against the pro-American Shah of Iran, the United States became an object of virulent criticism and the U.S. Embassy in Tehran was a visible target. On November 4, 1979, Iranian students seized the embassy and detained more than 50 Americans, ranging from the Chargé d’Affaires to the most junior members of the staff, as hostages. The Iranians held the American diplomats hostage for 444 days. While the courage of the American hostages in Tehran and of their families at home reflected the best tradition of the Department of State, the Iran hostage crisis undermined Carter’s conduct of foreign policy. The crisis dominated the headlines and news broadcasts and made the Administration look weak and ineffectual. Although patient diplomacy conducted by Deputy Secretary Warren Christopher eventually resolved the crisis, Carter’s foreign policy team often seemed weak and vacillating.

The hostages sued iran and received an award of billions. Those iranian assets were frozen until obama loaded the cash on pallets and smuggled it to iran.
"death to america!!!" they said as they sign legislation to increase military spending and their missile program
" no deal will stop the destruction of the jews" they said right after our ex cuck filled our heads full og bullshit
" Iran won, usa lost" they said right after our ex cuck filled our heads full of bullshit.

WOW....well-documented and irrefutable, objective and non-partisan assertions.......Now WHO could possibly argue against the above fucking IDIOT?
Yeah I don't think a bunch of Iranians yelling they are going to wipe Israel off the map makes the Joos all warm and fuzzy

Good grief

Yep......Iran DOES have some of the same caliber of nut jobs as we do, don;t you think?

A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.

1.) Why does what Jews, or Israel want, or think matter the most?
Jews are a tiny minority in this country.

2.) There's more people of British heritage than Jewish heritage in this country.
Explain why they should support Israel over Iran?
Israeli Jewish terrorists like the Irgun kept blowing up Brits, like in the King David Hotel Bombing.

3.) There's more people of Polish heritage than Jewish heritage in this country.
Myself included.
Explain why I should support Israel over Iran?
Iran didn't recognize the Partitions of Poland, Iran accepted Polish to escape from Nazis, and Soviets.
Israel has on the other term only been anti-Polish, from helping Jewish Commie butcher Salomon Morel, to looking for money out of the Polish government, to defying anti-Polish libel laws on blaming Poland for the Holocaust.
Last edited:
Or this?

Iranian general boasts of Quds Force killing U.S. troops in Iraq
By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 2, 2017
The deputy commander of Iran’s notorious Quds Force bragged at a recent ceremony that his operatives have killed more Americans than U.S. troops have killed Iranian fighters.

Brig. Gen. Ismail Ghaani was referring to Iran’s major intervention in the Iraq war to supply Shiite militias with supercharged explosives that could penetrate U.S. armored vehicles. The Pentagon has estimated the Quds Force, an arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, killed 500 Americans that way.

Tape Shows Israelis Training Cartels' Killers

'But sir, it’s an American ship.' 'Never mind, hit her!' When Israel attacked USS Liberty

The Lavon Affair: When Israel Firebombed U.S. Installations – 1992 July - WRMEA

Jonathan Pollard, American Who Spied for Israel, Released After 30 Years

Two Israelis held in NY's biggest ever ecstasy bust

Feds arrest 4 Israelis for manufacturing $77 million in fake bills

International Borders and Human Trafficking in Israel and Texas - Jerusalem Institute of Justice

Israeli Guilty of First Organ Trafficking Case in US History - Archives | Veterans Today

Israeli drug trafficker faces life in prison - The Boston Globe

Colombia extradites Israeli for drug and human trafficking

Israel Flagged as Top Spy Threat to U.S.

Go kill you Jooos kid.

Stop killing American military, and Muslim civilians because of Joooos kids.

So many Joooos, so little time eh child?
Or this?

Iranian general boasts of Quds Force killing U.S. troops in Iraq
By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 2, 2017
The deputy commander of Iran’s notorious Quds Force bragged at a recent ceremony that his operatives have killed more Americans than U.S. troops have killed Iranian fighters.

Brig. Gen. Ismail Ghaani was referring to Iran’s major intervention in the Iraq war to supply Shiite militias with supercharged explosives that could penetrate U.S. armored vehicles. The Pentagon has estimated the Quds Force, an arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, killed 500 Americans that way.

Tape Shows Israelis Training Cartels' Killers

'But sir, it’s an American ship.' 'Never mind, hit her!' When Israel attacked USS Liberty

The Lavon Affair: When Israel Firebombed U.S. Installations – 1992 July - WRMEA

Jonathan Pollard, American Who Spied for Israel, Released After 30 Years

Two Israelis held in NY's biggest ever ecstasy bust

Feds arrest 4 Israelis for manufacturing $77 million in fake bills

International Borders and Human Trafficking in Israel and Texas - Jerusalem Institute of Justice

Israeli Guilty of First Organ Trafficking Case in US History - Archives | Veterans Today

Israeli drug trafficker faces life in prison - The Boston Globe

Colombia extradites Israeli for drug and human trafficking

Israel Flagged as Top Spy Threat to U.S.

Go kill you Jooos kid.

Stop killing American military, and Muslim civilians because of Joooos kids.

So many Joooos, so little time eh child?

A lot of Neocons like you follow Jewish former Communist Irving Kristol's philosophy, and in the process tend to support killing lots, and lots of Muslims, with Americans also dying as what you see as Collateral damage.

Perhaps you should look to who's really supporting the murders here..
When Iranians attempted an overthrow of their regime...and Barry turned his back on them.

partially correct.......Obama......being in office for less than 5 months, was too slow in backing the Iranian dissenters.......
Did you know if our CIA and Britain hadn't overthrown democratically elected Prime Minister Mossadegh in 1953 none of this would have ever happened?

Right on target..........and, may I add, we also had our CIA train the brutal Savak in the late 1950s...something that older Iranians well remember.
The hostages sued iran and received an award of billions. Those iranian assets were frozen until obama loaded the cash on pallets and smuggled it to iran.

Yeah........actually I think that Obama used FedEx........lol
The hostages sued iran and received an award of billions. Those iranian assets were frozen until obama loaded the cash on pallets and smuggled it to iran.

Since you’re an ignorant Trump ass-licker, you’re in need of some education.

First, former American hostages in Iran will receive compensation as of 2015…each of the 53 hostages to receive $10,000 for each day they were held captive. In addition, spouses and children would separately receive a one-time payment of $600,000. Thirty-eight of the former hostages are still alive.

Second, hostages were not compensated because Reagan made a hasty deal (to get himself elected.) Hostages were never allowed to take Iran to court because of the agreement made by Reagan with Tehran that freed them.

Third, payments will come from penalties paid after some banks, were found violating American economic sanctions against Iran.
No antidote for the T-Virus Nat, you're screwed.

I can only post some FACTS.....but they are not meant to change the mind of Trump ass-kissers.....like you.

Carry on with your bashing, I don;t really give a flying fuck..LOL
partially correct.......Obama......being in office for less than 5 months, was too slow in backing the Iranian dissenters.......
Nice partisan opinion, but evidence posted on this board numerous times by several people showed Obama aided ISIS, supplying them with financing, weapons, training, etc...

If you read all the different factions within Syria you realize how hard it is to determine who is on whose side, who is the 'good guys' and who is the 'bad guys'....which makes it all the more clear we should not be involved / should NOT be in the middle of a nation's civil war, especially when we were never asked to intervene by the official government of this nation.

that did not stop the Nobel Peace Prize winner, though, from dragging the US right into the middle of it, eventually invading Syria without Congressional approval to do so.
but evidence posted on this board numerous times by several people showed Obama aided ISIS, supplying them with financing, weapons, training, etc..

Fucking EVIDENCE?????................What a moron......LOL

Go take a nap......
Polish Catholic Zbigniew Brzezinski = #1 major U.S.A politician of the 20th century. (Even if he had some flaws)

1.) He called out the Israeli Lobby for pushing Zionism akin to McCarthyism in calling anyone not pro-Israel enough out as anti-Israeli, or anti-Semitic.

2.) He rightfully called the U.S.A as following Israel like a dumb mule for no reason.

3.) He rightfully said the U.S.A should stop Israeli planes if they go to bomb Iran.

4.) He rightfully said the U.S.A shouldn't have gotten involved in Syria, or against Assad.

5.) He was the #1 strategist thinker.

6.) He was the #1 most informed on World politics.

7.) He engineered the trickery of Soviets into Afghanistan the beginning of the end of Soviets.'

8.) He propped up Polish Solidarity against Communists so free Poland could split off from the Soviet Union.
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.

so you're saying we need to have the CIA orchestrate another coup to put the Shah back in power?

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