Do you feel your candidate DIDN'T "win" the first debate?

Or under-performed enough to make you nervous?


HRC wiped the floor with him and once again showed why politics is a profession; best left to the professionals. Trump illustrated that bluster and intimidation are not useful tools in most theaters of engagement with voters or peers. He looked several meters beyond his depth and Ms. Clinton looked right at home; competent, prepared, and qualified.

The true problem that Mr. Trump has is that the rule of thumb most of us operate by (and in the pale light of day will use to judge the performances) is the you put your best foot forward. You go into a job interview near the crest of the wave, you study your data, you shine your shoes, wear your lucky blouse or tie. Because you’re almost always meeting someone for the first time. If this was his best foot, the man has more problems than we knew about. Where does he go from here? Theoretically the 2nd debate will be a town hall type of thing where supposedly questions from the audience will give a little back in terms of specifics. The 3rd interview, however, will be moderator centered and they are sure to press for specifics. Trump is in huge trouble when it comes to specifics. Again…when you’re the President of your company and when you don’t have to answer to a board by keeping it internal…if you say we’re headed west, everyone pitches their wagon to head west. You’re the boss. When you are in the public sector where we all are board members, and you tell people to head west, a lot of folks are going to want to know why. “Cuz I said so” followed by a “believe me” ain’t going to get it done.

Particularly troubling for him is that he doubled down on the income tax issue placing conditions on when he would release it. No candidate in modern times or most voter’s memories ever conditionalized the release of income tax information. When confronted with it on MSNBC as I toured the news stations for post-game…Trump’s ditzy campaign manager was basically field dressed by Chris Matthews on the topic. Furthermore, he gave the Democrats favorite club in the golf bag a new course of attack…. Its like having a better driver than your opponent then betting her/him dinner based on a game of putt putt.
Da fuck is up with people saying The Donald only won the first half. He pwnd that nutcase the entire time. And what fucking "policy" are Crooked Hillary supporters alluding to. Dayam. Please stop reading the Washington/Huffington Post (etc) and stop watching MSNBC/CNN if you are low info and clueless.

Nobody won shit. She goaded him and he spent the vast majority of his time defending himself.
He had better do some mock debates before the next debate and stop thinking he is above them.

He could do mock debates daily and it won't make a dent. At best, he can only hit superficial points. He just does not have that kind of knowledge. So, she does not have to do anything.
However, my thought is that Hillary is a known incompetent and liar when it comes to her own responsibilities.
I do think he lacks the knowledge of say, a Gingrich, but he can learn. Just as Obama did, he learned on the job and Trumps can, too. At least we know what we get with Hilllary...Pay to Play, Incompetence in Foreign affairs, lying to Americans and fallen hero's families. Lies about even incidental items that makes you wonder about her psychological make up and her health. No, I'll take Trump.
This is a copy of a post I put on another thread. It seemed to honestly answer your question...

I reality, I thought Trump started out well, but honestly, the lack of preparation was obvious. I intend to vote for Trump because Hillary has proven to be incompetent, and, even dangerous. And, we need solid Constructionists on the SCOTUS.

I know that Obama was not prepared for the office of the presidency, but he did have an agenda.. It was to the the Black King Community Activism. He knew squat about foreign affairs and hired Hillary who was in the same boat. As a result, our foreign policies have suffered greatly. We need a president who is fixated of foreign as well as domestic agendas. Even on domestic problems. he was green on the economy, jobs and infrastructure. He was interested in race, Saul Alinsky principles so that led him to learn "on the job" the actual responsibilities of president.

Which brings me to Trump. His real asset is deal making and most likely the economy which is excellent. However, he has to learn "on the job" on foreign affairs, the incentives for manufacturers to go overseas, just as his businesses have done and what approach would be the ultimate carrot on bringing them back. We know Hillary hasn't a clue...she is still singing the praises of NAFTA and her bimbo husband.

Does Trump have the determination to actually learn on the job instead of constantly claiming how amazing he is? Does he recognize the pitfalls in his resume and will to learn about it?

Hillary has had the opportunity to make a difference of foreign affairs and continually demonstrated poor judgment. Her stint at State was disastrous and putting top secret information in the reach of hackers was unforgivable and incredibly stupid.

So it boils down to Vote for Certain Incompetency, Certain Poor Choices and Questionable Health or Learning on the Job and Learning to Listen to experts. I'll go with Trump. He learned how to be a successful businessman...let him learn how to be a Successful President.

When people have to put “honestly” into their posts…it shows you that it is something out of the ordinary for them.

He “learned how to be a successful businessman”…going bankrupt 6 times on casino and leisure properties. And now the recommendation is to let him “learn to be a successful President”. He has to learn? He says he knows more about ISIS than the generals…
Da fuck is up with people saying The Donald only won the first half. He pwnd that nutcase the entire time. And what fucking "policy" are Crooked Hillary supporters alluding to. Dayam. Please stop reading the Washington/Huffington Post (etc) and stop watching MSNBC/CNN if you are low info and clueless.

Nobody won shit. She goaded him and he spent the vast majority of his time defending himself.
He had better do some mock debates before the next debate and stop thinking he is above them.

He could do mock debates daily and it won't make a dent. At best, he can only hit superficial points. He just does not have that kind of knowledge. So, she does not have to do anything.
However, my thought is that Hillary is a known incompetent and liar when it comes to her own responsibilities.
I do think he lacks the knowledge of say, a Gingrich, but he can learn. Just as Obama did, he learned on the job and Trumps can, too. At least we know what we get with Hilllary...Pay to Play, Incompetence in Foreign affairs, lying to Americans and fallen hero's families. Lies about even incidental items that makes you wonder about her psychological make up and her health. No, I'll take Trump.

“Pay to play” bothers you but hiring one of the “players” is okay? Strange set of morals you have there.
Wowsa candycorn, I had no idea you were so fucking cluelessly, delusionally and "out there." :p

The true problem that Mr. Trump has is that the rule of thumb most of us operate by (and in the pale light of day will use to judge the performances) is the you put your best foot forward. You go into a job interview near the crest of the wave, you study your data, you shine your shoes, wear your lucky blouse or tie. .

The Donald wore his lucky BRAIN. Do you even want to talk about Crooked Hillary's brain? I didn't think so as she lost every intellectual exchange, and physically shuffled instead of walked and had her "fans" hold her up at the end. :p
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Wowsa candycorn, I had no idea you were so fucking cluelessly, delusionally and "out there." :p

The true problem that Mr. Trump has is that the rule of thumb most of us operate by (and in the pale light of day will use to judge the performances) is the you put your best foot forward. You go into a job interview near the crest of the wave, you study your data, you shine your shoes, wear your lucky blouse or tie. .

The Donald wore his lucky BRAIN.
Apparently so. The one that is empty, easy to pack, and takes up no room in the skull.
Do you even want to talk about Crooked Hillary’s brain?
She was correct on most points. We need to do better on mandatory minimums, common-sense gun laws such as the No-Fly-No-Buy law that your messiah agreed with her on.

I didn’t think so as she lost every intellectual exchange, and physically shuffled instead of walked and had her "fans" hold her up at the end. :p

HRC won on the number of punches landed, topic command, power punches on the birther issue, and clearly she is showing that health is no issue.
HRC won on the number of punches landed, topic command, power punches on the birther issue, and clearly she is showing that health is no issue.

What were her thoughts on Benghazi or The Clinton Foundation? I don't recall. Thanks.

Snaps. Now that I think about it, I can't seem to recall how Lester framed his question to Hillary about the emails either. For some reason it escapes me at the moment.
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Da fuck is up with people saying The Donald only won the first half. He pwnd that nutcase the entire time. And what fucking "policy" are Crooked Hillary supporters alluding to. Dayam. Please stop reading the Washington/Huffington Post (etc) and stop watching MSNBC/CNN if you are low info and clueless.

Nobody won shit. She goaded him and he spent the vast majority of his time defending himself.
He had better do some mock debates before the next debate and stop thinking he is above them.

He could do mock debates daily and it won't make a dent. At best, he can only hit superficial points. He just does not have that kind of knowledge. So, she does not have to do anything.
However, my thought is that Hillary is a known incompetent and liar when it comes to her own responsibilities.
I do think he lacks the knowledge of say, a Gingrich, but he can learn. Just as Obama did, he learned on the job and Trumps can, too. At least we know what we get with Hilllary...Pay to Play, Incompetence in Foreign affairs, lying to Americans and fallen hero's families. Lies about even incidental items that makes you wonder about her psychological make up and her health. No, I'll take Trump.

Hillary is a piece of crap---no doubt about it. She has demonstrated more than anyone this is a plutocracy. For the record, I am not trying to tell you how to vote. I'm saying he could have nailed her on policy all day long but lacked the capacity to do so.
The people on both sides who support these morons have to ignore a lot of stuff to live with themselves.

A bad debate performance won't bother them.

It's the undecideds that are the issue.

Trump should have been better prepared pure and simple.

I didn't watch...just saw clips.

He can't shut up and let her talk (not that I enjoy listening to her drone on and on). He was disrespectful.

When he did talk (from what I saw) he blew his stack. Bad form.
Da fuck is up with people saying The Donald only won the first half. He pwnd that nutcase the entire time. And what fucking "policy" are Crooked Hillary supporters alluding to. Dayam. Please stop reading the Washington/Huffington Post (etc) and stop watching MSNBC/CNN if you are low info and clueless.

Nobody won shit. She goaded him and he spent the vast majority of his time defending himself.
He had better do some mock debates before the next debate and stop thinking he is above them.

He could do mock debates daily and it won't make a dent. At best, he can only hit superficial points. He just does not have that kind of knowledge. So, she does not have to do anything.
However, my thought is that Hillary is a known incompetent and liar when it comes to her own responsibilities.
I do think he lacks the knowledge of say, a Gingrich, but he can learn. Just as Obama did, he learned on the job and Trumps can, too. At least we know what we get with Hilllary...Pay to Play, Incompetence in Foreign affairs, lying to Americans and fallen hero's families. Lies about even incidental items that makes you wonder about her psychological make up and her health. No, I'll take Trump.

Hillary is a piece of crap---no doubt about it. She has demonstrated more than anyone this is a plutocracy. For the record, I am not trying to tell you how to vote. I'm saying he could have nailed her on policy all day long but lacked the capacity to do so.

He'd be better off saying that he'll appoint some good heads, give them general direction and let them get after it.

Our middle east performance has become more complex and feels like a failure.
Clinton did very well. She was stilted a few times, missed a few chances for a solid hit, but overall she was calm, eloquent, well-informed. She over-performed. I don't think you'll find a single liberal anywhere who wasn't pleased with her performance.

Trump was awful. Clinton simply broke him early with her comment about his taxes. After that, he was unable to form coherent sentences, and the whole nation saw it. Clinton's aim was to get under his skin and put him off-balance, and she succeeded.

It was a rout by Clinton, the most lopsided debate win in the history of televised presidential debates. And the polls reflect that. The media is picking up on it too. Trump's unsuitability for the office has gotten so obvious, even our crazy conservative national media can't ignore it.
Clinton did very ... .

Your whole post was as predictable, scripted and dry and boring as Hillary was all night last night.

It is very good for Trump that you libtards think Hillary won just like you idiots thought that Carter won his debates with Reagan.
Poll: 77 Percent of World Wants Trump?

Unscientific survey finds GOP nominee the global favorite, except in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, and Mexico

An online global poll is suggesting that more than three-quarters of the world wants Donald Trump to be the next president of the United States.

The poll, conducted by the website, asks “who does the world vote for U.S. president?” At the time of writing, over 120,000 people have voted.

The current results have Trump at 77 percent to Hillary Clinton’s 23 percent. Of the 48,346 Americans who have voted at the time of writing, 83 percent want Trump to be the next president.

Obviously this is not the world’s most scientific poll, having no real methodology to speak of. The U.S. has seen tens of thousands of people vote while many countries have logged fewer than 25 votes.

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