Do You Find The Term "Colored People" To Be Offensive?

Do You Find The Term "Colored People" To Be Offensive?

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Coon is as bad as the n word in my opinion, but...I'm a cracker, sooooooo

Really? I'm cajun and so I'm a coonass. Is that ok or racist?

Tell me what is the difference "colored people:"or "people of color"? Seems either is more inclusive than "Black People"
If colored people is racist why hasn't the NAACP changed their name
The term "People of color" is politically correct, so I won't ever use it (like "gay": I haven't used that since 1982 and AIDS). I think I'll start saying colored people just to mess with the POC nonsense. That would scramble some leftist brains.
It's constantly changing, at one point the polite term for blacks was negro, then it became colored, then African American, then Black, now it's People of Color.
Not "Black," but "black." I would never do this stupid capitalizing. Note the AP style guide that started demanding it does not cap "white." Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh!!!
I found out im a descendant of plantation slave owners in south LA. My mom told me her grandmother used to refer to the black woman who tended the house as the "coon." We could try that.
I like Dune Coon but we don't talk about the people in Sandland much anymore.
I'm like everybody else who has said that I don't see the difference between people of color and colored. What's next? People who are Caucasianlly challenged? (I seriously hope this joke doesn't offend anybody btw as I really don't mean to. XD)
Oh, go on, offend a little. It's good for us. :stir:
I find it funny how whiyrs are looking so hard to find excyses to use offensive racist language. The NAACP was founded when the term colored was used and they have chosen not to change the name. So Circe you go on up to someone black and call them colored. Then just accept the consequences of your choice.
I find it funny how whiyrs are looking so hard to find excyses to use offensive racist language. The NAACP was founded when the term colored was used and they have chosen not to change the name. So Circe you go on up to someone black and call them colored. Then just accept the consequences of your choice.
Yup. They are all mighty brave over here, aren't they? LOL
I find it funny how whiyrs are looking so hard to find excyses to use offensive racist language. The NAACP was founded when the term colored was used and they have chosen not to change the name. So Circe you go on up to someone black and call them colored. Then just accept the consequences of your choice.

Thanks for admitting the violence of the darkies.
I'm not Black, but since I do love words, and nuance of words. So I get why Colored is not great. Colored implies that the "natural" form is something different, but the skin has been colored over. Like a child's coloring sheet that is "uncolored" and then "colored".

It would be like calling white people "whitewashed" instead of just "white". Like it's not a natural state. So imagine the colors were designated "Black" and "Whitewashed".

Black and white is better. Or Dark and Light, as in skin. But what does it matter, since we're all blending toward mocha anyway?

Also I don't really care all that much. It's not that I "don't see color" I do but so what. People of all colors can be wonderful or complete idiots and cads. Increasingly this seems to be a minority opinion as half the nation is obsessed with race--at least.
I'm not Black, but since I do love words, and nuance of words. So I get why Colored is not great. Colored implies that the "natural" form is something different, but the skin has been colored over. Like a child's coloring sheet that is "uncolored" and then "colored".

Well then you would think that that would be a good thing. That means that the child colored it in and it's colorful instead of all white and boring. (Not that I'm calling my own race boring or anything, but I think that you get my point.)

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