Do You Find The Term "Colored People" To Be Offensive?

Do You Find The Term "Colored People" To Be Offensive?

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Why don't we just ASK what they want to be called?

So, I suppose you always want me to ask a woman that looks like a man what he wants to be called as well then?

I am brown Mizrahi. Persian and Tunisian. Does that make me colored?

Yes, but that's not a bad thing. Somebody already pointed out that white is technically a color as well. :)

As in:

"Them coloreds?"

No. As in the physical description of what you look like.
Rarely hear it any more.
Is it offensive? Haha... these days what is offensive depends on who said it and how they said it.
For instance... Colored is that different than the politically accepted "people of color".
It is all asininee
It's constantly changing, at one point the polite term for blacks was negro, then it became colored, then African American, then Black, now it's People of Color.
It's constantly changing, at one point the polite term for blacks was negro, then it became colored, then African American, then Black, now it's People of Color.

I'm like everybody else who has said that I don't see the difference between people of color and colored. What's next? People who are Caucasianlly challenged? (I seriously hope this joke doesn't offend anybody btw as I really don't mean to. XD)
I found out im a descendant of plantation slave owners in south LA. My mom told me her grandmother used to refer to the black woman who tended the house as the "coon." We could try that.
I found out im a descendant of plantation slave owners in south LA. My mom told me her grandmother used to refer to the black woman who tended the house as the "coon." We could try that.

Good idea but we could also try not being offended by every little thing as well though.
What color are cave monkeys?
Meanwhile, I was colored in the summers. So saying all white people are racist against color, tell that to Banana Boat and other tanning lotions and the people who are so desperate to BE brown.

Plus, the question should be replied to by those OF "color". Personally, I call them by whatever their race least what I THINK their race is. Like my doc I have not met yet....he is Korean. So, when asked who my new doc is, I say some Korean dude. Or a clerk asks me which other clerk told me where the sale of the day was, I say the hispanic chick with the long hair and glasses. Shit like that. Nobody seems to be offended by that. If I get the race wrong, I am corrected.

I miss being brown. But now all I have are age spots. ;)
Coon is as bad as the n word in my opinion, but...I'm a cracker, sooooooo

I always understood that "porch monkey" was another term for a "lawn jockey" Lawn jockeys were a yard decoration depicting a black jockey as a horse attendant hearkening back to the antebellum south when rich plantation owners would have slave tend to the horses of guests. It is definitely racist and needs to be, along with the actual decorations, removed from our culture.
What color are cave monkeys?
Meanwhile, I was colored in the summers. So saying all white people are racist against color, tell that to Banana Boat and other tanning lotions and the people who are so desperate to BE brown.

Plus, the question should be replied to by those OF "color". Personally, I call them by whatever their race least what I THINK their race is. Like my doc I have not met yet....he is Korean. So, when asked who my new doc is, I say some Korean dude. Or a clerk asks me which other clerk told me where the sale of the day was, I say the hispanic chick with the long hair and glasses. Shit like that. Nobody seems to be offended by that. If I get the race wrong, I am corrected.

I miss being brown. But now all I have are age spots. ;)

Exactly. I'm not offended when somebody calls me a white person, because that's what I am.

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