Zone1 Do you get a lot of misogyny when you ditch MARY in your religion?

you are bent on keeping your beliefs, don't want to learn anything. You have been lied to about the CC as every Protestant is. And it is hard to let go of the fake information u have been given. I didn't read all your post bcfrankly I am just worn out with all the bizarre "The Catholics teach this" and the Catholics teach that" baloney.

Again, Protestants never seem to get around to studying what Catholics really believe.. too lazy to check it out or too entrenched in their own false beliefs or a combo of both.. to really find out the truth.

And I am supposed to have time for this? I'm supposed to get you to the truth when you don't even want to get there?
You learn from "What is written"..........not from dogmatic manmade traditions. Question? Why would anyone wish to study a doctrine that is demonstrably in error from the teachings of Jesus Christ and His apostles? As I stated, its does not take rocket science to study the Universally Documented Catholic dogma from history actual.

Read.......we no longer are required to depend upon prophets or supposed VICARS (God's mouth) in the N.T. covenant between man and God. "God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers (ancestors). Hath in these last days (which began on the day of Pentecost in ACTS 2) has spoken unto us by His Son, whom He has appointed hier of all things (its Jesus that is head of the church not the POPE); by whom also He (God) made the worlds." -- Gal. 1:1-2

I will agree with you if you can disprove the tradition mandated in the 19th (by decree of Pope Pius lX in 1870) century that delcares the POPE "infallible" of human error. If not......why study this false doctrine?:dunno: Even Peter......the supposed 1st Pope demonstated his human fallibility by denying the Christ 3x (Luke 22:54-62) And he was given the keys to the kingdom..i.e., the church and bound on earth that which is bound in heaven via his speech. (Matthew 16)

Who wants to worship God in such pomosity when we are command to worship in Spirit and Truth? I know and common sense should allow you to comprehend that no human is infallible, if not did the Christ not sacrifice Himself in vain if humanity could become infallible by Papal decree?

Did the Christ not openely chastise the Jewish leadership for exactly the same traditions now displayed by the RCC? (Matthew 23). In fact such traditional pomposity ended with the destruction and scattering abroad of all Biblical Israel, As prophesied in that same chapter (That destruction came in the late 1st century by the Roman Empire).

Evidence demonstrates only one thing........The Vatican is ruled by human greed, power and the quest for wealth. You can't hide from history actual. Rome perverted Christianity and used it as a political tool of conquest and authority. The RCC attempted to do what the Roman Military was failing to do.....control the wealth and power of the civilized world.

The Apostle John revealed in the Book of Revelation just who was betraying the true doctrine of Christ.........ROME
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Back to the athesitic charge that Christianity is misognist in nature. Reality: There is a divine order to God's plan.....that order is as such, "Chirst is subornante to the Father.........the male is subornate to the Christ......the female as being created as a helper and equal companion for the man is subornate to the man as the head of the household, both are responsible through the marriage contract to oversee the family (Children) to teach and instruct them of God's morality.

The Bible teachings of the Apostles and Christ Himself in no way implies a difference in worth, value or abilities between men and women. (Gal. 3:28-29), male and female are equal hiers to the promises made by God. Consider 1 Tim. 2:15 "She shall be saved........" and 1 Peter 3:7, ".....hiers together of the grace of life." All demonstrate that males and females are equals in person and in relation to salvation.

Women are no more inferior to men than Jesus the Christ is inferior to the Father, or citizens are inferior to the President of the United States because of the office held, nor is the Teacher superior to the students that he/she might make an argument that such is based upon the concept of misogyny simply is not scriptural in nature. Its not msiognyist in the least when you refuse to pray to a false idol when God only is to be worshiped......praying to a person (Mary) is a form of worship.

No where in scripture is there an instruction to pray to the mother of Jesus as the Mother of God. Mary was simply the mother of Jesus the Son of Man and she had other siblings of Jesus through her marriage of Joseph. There is an instructed duality to the personality of Jesus Christ, He was both the Son of Man (a direct descentant of Adam the first man, and the Son of God through the Holy Spirit of God. Jesus had to fulfill both rolls in order to fulfill the LAW and PROPHECY.

While Jesus was on earth as the Son of God and the Son of Man......He empited Himself of His divine nature and lowered Himself to be as man, tempted in every way but sinning not, even to the point of death. (Phil. 2:7-11)
Women are to be silent in the churches. They are not permitted to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.
And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

1 Corinthians 14:34-35

{shrugs shoulders} ... that is what it says in the Bible ...
keeping a woman quiet is truly a miracle
It seems this is so. The Protestants overall seem more misogynistic than Catholics, although I normally don't like to overly-generalize. I am basing this view on my own experiences.

I've had issues with both Protestant and Catholic people, both "faith communities" so don't think for a moment that I am always in the Catholics' "camp" because I am not. If anyone has reason to leave the CC, it is yours truly. But I don't ditch the whole thing like tossing out the baby w/ the bathwater..

In any case, I read a book written by an exorcist and he says that while they are praying the rosary over thedemon possessed.. Mary eventually appears and that is when the demon goes back to Hell

so that's interesting. I have also found Mary to be helpful in .. lesser situations, shall we say.

she is our loving Mother (given to us through Jesus who gave her to St John right before He died on the Cross)
Mary is DEAD and BURIED.
She was a human being used by God. It is a SIN to worship her or pray to a dead woman.

Like all the DEAD, she awaits the return and the RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD.
Back to the athesitic charge that Christianity is misognist in nature. Reality: There is a divine order to God's plan.....that order is as such, "Chirst is subornante to the Father.........the male is subornate to the Christ......the female as being created as a helper and equal companion for the man is subornate to the man as the head of the household, both are responsible through the marriage contract to oversee the family (Children) to teach and instruct them of God's morality.

The Bible teachings of the Apostles and Christ Himself in no way implies a difference in worth, value or abilities between men and women. (Gal. 3:28-29), male and female are equal hiers to the promises made by God. Consider 1 Tim. 2:15 "She shall be saved........" and 1 Peter 3:7, ".....hiers together of the grace of life." All demonstrate that males and females are equals in person and in relation to salvation.

Women are no more inferior to men than Jesus the Christ is inferior to the Father, or citizens are inferior to the President of the United States because of the office held, nor is the Teacher superior to the students that he/she might make an argument that such is based upon the concept of misogyny simply is not scriptural in nature. Its not msiognyist in the least when you refuse to pray to a false idol when God only is to be worshiped......praying to a person (Mary) is a form of worship.

No where in scripture is there an instruction to pray to the mother of Jesus as the Mother of God. Mary was simply the mother of Jesus the Son of Man and she had other siblings of Jesus through her marriage of Joseph. There is an instructed duality to the personality of Jesus Christ, He was both the Son of Man (a direct descentant of Adam the first man, and the Son of God through the Holy Spirit of God. Jesus had to fulfill both rolls in order to fulfill the LAW and PROPHECY.

While Jesus was on earth as the Son of God and the Son of Man......He empited Himself of His divine nature and lowered Himself to be as man, tempted in every way but sinning not, even to the point of death. (Phil. 2:7-11)
you do not listen to me, why should I bother listening to you?

And besides that, I have done my own research and had my OWN experiences RE religion and spiritual matters (spanning decades). I am satisfied I have the Truth

So you may not want to waste any more of your precious time trying to convert me or whatever the heck u call yourself doing...
Mary is DEAD and BURIED.
She was a human being used by God. It is a SIN to worship her or pray to a dead woman.

Like all the DEAD, she awaits the return and the RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD.
who told you Catholics "worship" Mary?

straw man
you do not listen to me, why should I bother listening to you?

And besides that, I have done my own research and had my OWN experiences RE religion and spiritual matters (spanning decades). I am satisfied I have the Truth

So you may not want to waste any more of your precious time trying to convert me or whatever the heck u call yourself doing...
You have not found are engulfed in FALSE HOPE, I never waste time........I simply present the actual content of the Holy Scriptures by Book, Chapter and Verse. No dogmatic manmade tradition can stand up to such truth. As its the only truth that can be "calibrated" and its found within the content of the Holy Scriptures. What is truth? "Sanctify them through Thy truth........Your word is truth." -- John 17:17. Sanctify: to make "pure" free from error.

1 Tim. 3:15, 2 Tim. 3:16-17 tells us..........The Holy Bible is not a book based upon "human opinion". Its not a collection of truth's that man worked out for himself within his own mind. Scripture is a product of "divine revelation" (coming from the Godhead) it is revealed faith (faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God -- Romans 10:17). The only truthful doctrine of Christianity comes from the inspired record of the Holy Bible.

Truth was revealed to the church/kingdom of God through inspiration of the Holy Spirit as promised by Christ Jesus.....its not truth that is subjective, but objective to those revelations. (John 16:13)

You nor NO other denomination/cult has the authority to personally translate or change any doctrine found with in the Holy Bible, its not for personal interpretation, such is forbidden (2 Peter 1:19-21)

If you want to know what Jesus Christ thought about man made tradition just read from Matthew 23. Anyone that attempts such are nothing but vipers....serperents when they use tradition to make the actual written word (LAW) non effective by their OPINIONS and TRADITIONS.
You have not found are engulfed in FALSE HOPE, I never waste time........I simply present the actual content of the Holy Scriptures by Book, Chapter and Verse. No dogmatic manmade tradition can stand up to such truth. As its the only truth that can be "calibrated" and its found within the content of the Holy Scriptures. What is truth? "Sanctify them through Thy truth........Your word is truth." -- John 17:17. Sanctify: to make "pure" free from error.

1 Tim. 3:15, 2 Tim. 3:16-17 tells us..........The Holy Bible is not a book based upon "human opinion". Its not a collection of truth's that man worked out for himself within his own mind. Scripture is a product of "divine revelation" (coming from the Godhead) it is revealed faith (faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God -- Romans 10:17). The only truthful doctrine of Christianity comes from the inspired record of the Holy Bible.

Truth was revealed to the church/kingdom of God through inspiration of the Holy Spirit as promised by Christ Jesus.....its not truth that is subjective, but objective to those revelations. (John 16:13)

You nor NO other denomination/cult has the authority to personally translate or change any doctrine found with in the Holy Bible, its not for personal interpretation, such is forbidden (2 Peter 1:19-21)

If you want to know what Jesus Christ thought about man made tradition just read from Matthew 23. Anyone that attempts such are nothing but vipers....serperents when they use tradition to make the actual written word (LAW) non effective by their OPINIONS and TRADITIONS.

who's kidding who -


4th century christianity has been doing that since its beginning. truth seldom prevails over evil, all three desert religions. her fate was pre ordained by the conclusion of the 1st century events.
Maybe it's because Catholicism shunned divorce at one time and much of that sentiment is still there within its teachings. The Protestant faiths are more liberal and permissive in general. It's probably just a coincidence the Mary thing. My wife is from Peru and his Catholic and through her I have gotten rather familiar with Peruvian society. Believe me misogyny exists there too and Mary is everywhere.
who's kidding who -

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4th century christianity has been doing that since its beginning. truth seldom prevails over evil, all three desert religions. her fate was pre ordained by the conclusion of the 1st century events.
Tis the problem.....dogma replacing Law. True religion is described in Matthew 23 while dogma is being rejected. Truth always prevails over evil as history documents. Christ's church has grown from 1 carpenters son and 12 friends to encompass 1/3 of the worlds total population. Truth is something you can't hide can try as you just did to deny it, to deflect away from it, to even lie in the attempt to change it, but you can't hide from it. Christian Truth can be calibrated at its source..........the Word of God.

I defy anyone to find the authority in the Word of God to replace "what is written" with man's opinion/traditions. There would be no murders, thefts, wars, rapes.....etc., "if" the simple truth found in the Word of God is followed.
You have not found are engulfed in FALSE HOPE,
OK, i got this far

You know me better than I know myself!!!!!! Wel, I will be consulting you from now on, not myself, not the God I pray to.. not Jesus but YOU

whew... I was wondering when I would stumble upon some really, really good advisor!

All will be a-ok in my life from now on!!!!!!
Maybe it's because Catholicism shunned divorce at one time and much of that sentiment is still there within its teachings. The Protestant faiths are more liberal and permissive in general. It's probably just a coincidence the Mary thing. My wife is from Peru and his Catholic and through her I have gotten rather familiar with Peruvian society. Believe me misogyny exists there too and Mary is everywhere.
doesn't surprise me

It seems men are always guilty of thinking their gender is superior.

But in any case.. it is always good to have b oth feminine and masculine aspects.. God seemed to think so.. He could have just brought Jesus into the world some unusual way but He is not a misogynist.
but when the Protestants claim such, no problem


Everyone has to find the True Church.. and has to do that pretty much by him or herself.. but apparently everyone will fail or most people anyhow since Jesus said that FEW find the Way to Heaven

I think it is because they don't really WANT to find that Way.. .too busy loving the things of this world (understandable but the things of this world obviously are not going to last for anyone)

The "true" Church consists of all believers in Jesus and have accepted His sacrifice on their behalf.
Mary is DEAD and BURIED.
She was a human being used by God. It is a SIN to worship her or pray to a dead woman.

Like all the DEAD, she awaits the return and the RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD.
shows what you know.

There are no relics of the Virgin Mary.

We have relics (pieces of bones and other such things) from all the saints or most of them but NONE from the one who can be called "most important person in Jesus's life from Day One"

She was assumed into Heaven body and soul.

Don't believe it?

Prove otherwise.

Just provide us with a relic. And relics were historically always kept from the saints because miracles happen through them.
The "true" Church consists of all believers in Jesus and have accepted His sacrifice on their behalf.
the Catholic Church teaches this, and yet not all who believe will be saved. Catholicism says that Protestants who are "invincibly ignorant" that the CC is the True Church are nonetheless still part of the Church if they follow Jesus-- or attempt to follow Him (Who does it perfectly?!)

In any case, being a part of the Church does not save.. does not save Catholics, does not in and of itself save anyone.

As someone once put it

Going into a Church does not make you a true Christian anymore than going into a garage makes you a car
Mary was created w/o original sin but most of all

She is in Heaven. To pray to someone in Heaven is to be connected with Heaven (which is a good thing bc hopefully someday we weill be there... although most people end up in Hell)

If we follow the teachings of Jesus, we will all end in hell.

We are to emulate Jesus and he said he came for the ill and not the well.

We can languish in heaven and do nothing for eternity, or we can seek hell, so as to give our afterlife purpose.

I will see all the good moral people in hell.

You will know them by their rejection of ridiculous supernatural beliefs.


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