Do You Have a Favorite Book of the Bible?

I like the one with the talking snake.

Whatever happened to them? Did they go extinct or did they miss Noah’s Ark?
I like the one with the talking snake.

Whatever happened to them? Did they go extinct or did they miss Noah’s Ark?
Here's one:

I'm not Catholic so no.
The Catholic Bible has both Wisdom and Proverbs. Wisdom is great, as are two other books you may not have read 1 Macabees and 2 Macabees, particularly the story of a mother and her seven sons who were martyred for their beliefs and insistence on keeping to the Law.
I have him on ignore. Much improved forum experience since I returned this summer.

Yes, you don't know how badly I'm humiliating you.

You're an atheist, so I don't know why you care one way or the other

Mostly because you people who think Zombie Jesus Did Magic Tricks keep trying to impose yourselves on the rest of us.

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