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Okay, pick a large city in the US that doesn’t have any illegals; I bet I can find litter on the streets.

I can’t believe you guys are doubling down on the litter angle but, here we are. Your xenophobia is reaching new heights.

Once again, which part of "not sure about the littering thing" is too difficult for you to understand? As far a picking a large city in the US that doesn't have any illegals, that's a tough one, they're like fricken cockroaches.

You guys are the ones drawing a line between litter and nationality. Is that too difficult for you to understand?

Did I not state "I'm not sure about the littering thing"? 2-3 times even. WTF, do all liberals have a knee jerk reaction before reading anything completely?

The entire answer reeks of bullshit which is not surprising coming from a Trumpian whose messiah is the greatest bullshitter in recent memory.

So you state that when it comes to litter being tied to someone's are "not sure" if there is a connection. It not even the insanity of such a stance that is's the sheer sadness of my fellow countrymen even entertaining such a bizarre, idiotic point of view.'re just a dumbass.

Well, I'm not dumbass enough to "not be sure" about litter being tied to nationality.

That, dumb ass, is your mental defect.
Once again, which part of "not sure about the littering thing" is too difficult for you to understand? As far a picking a large city in the US that doesn't have any illegals, that's a tough one, they're like fricken cockroaches.

You guys are the ones drawing a line between litter and nationality. Is that too difficult for you to understand?

Did I not state "I'm not sure about the littering thing"? 2-3 times even. WTF, do all liberals have a knee jerk reaction before reading anything completely?

The entire answer reeks of bullshit which is not surprising coming from a Trumpian whose messiah is the greatest bullshitter in recent memory.

So you state that when it comes to litter being tied to someone's are "not sure" if there is a connection. It not even the insanity of such a stance that is's the sheer sadness of my fellow countrymen even entertaining such a bizarre, idiotic point of view.'re just a dumbass.

Well, I'm not dumbass enough to "not be sure" about litter being tied to nationality.

That, dumb ass, is your mental defect.

Here ya go we both know, now piss off.
Litter Choking Streets Throughout Mexico
You guys are the ones drawing a line between litter and nationality. Is that too difficult for you to understand?

Did I not state "I'm not sure about the littering thing"? 2-3 times even. WTF, do all liberals have a knee jerk reaction before reading anything completely?

The entire answer reeks of bullshit which is not surprising coming from a Trumpian whose messiah is the greatest bullshitter in recent memory.

So you state that when it comes to litter being tied to someone's are "not sure" if there is a connection. It not even the insanity of such a stance that is's the sheer sadness of my fellow countrymen even entertaining such a bizarre, idiotic point of view.'re just a dumbass.

Well, I'm not dumbass enough to "not be sure" about litter being tied to nationality.

That, dumb ass, is your mental defect.

Here ya go we both know, now piss off.
Litter Choking Streets Throughout Mexico
Nobody cares....

Gee, here is a video from the 1970's about pollution in America and an entire ad campaign based on the litter problem in THIS nation...

Nobody is making the claim that there is no pollution south of the border. Making the claim that it is strictly something that one race is doing is frankly stupid and nobody is surprised it's a trump ass kisser that makes such claims.
(I’d pretend I didn’t see this post if I were you)
too late...

6 Illegal Interview Questions to Avoid

exhibit #1 of 'effed up laws'


It's inhumane treatment and notice employers of illegals still aren't being punished.

You keep parroting that. You might want to enlighten yourself a bit. You’re kinda making an ass out of yourself bud.
Here in Mexifornia employers are forbidden to ask for proof of citizenship. Tell me, how do you propose to punish an employer for hiring an illegal wetback when he/she isn’t privy to the cockroaches place of origin?
(I’d pretend I didn’t see this post if I were you)
California’s New E-Verify Law - Get It Right or Pay the Price | Hunton Employment & Labor Perspectives

Exactly fellas.
I love it when filthy Liberals start with the “make employers pay” bunch of bullshit in a feeble attempt to deflect blame.
JoeB131 and jasonnfree are a couple illegal wetback lovers that parrot that shit daily. They act like they have no idea that Mexicrats have designated wetbacks as a protected class.
Of course...employers who employ illegals don't want to be held accountable.
Maybe the trumpanzees can suggest that these children be put to work....maybe in munitions factories where their small hands are advantageous.
Purveyors of bad decision making and irresponsiblw actions always cry out that They are the party being harmed. It’s a ploy.
Changing bad behavior often involves some form of pain to the bad behaver in order to motivate the necessary changes
(I’d pretend I didn’t see this post if I were you)
too late...

6 Illegal Interview Questions to Avoid

exhibit #1 of 'effed up laws'


It's inhumane treatment and notice employers of illegals still aren't being punished.

You keep parroting that. You might want to enlighten yourself a bit. You’re kinda making an ass out of yourself bud.
Here in Mexifornia employers are forbidden to ask for proof of citizenship. Tell me, how do you propose to punish an employer for hiring an illegal wetback when he/she isn’t privy to the cockroaches place of origin?
(I’d pretend I didn’t see this post if I were you)
California’s New E-Verify Law - Get It Right or Pay the Price | Hunton Employment & Labor Perspectives

Exactly fellas.
I love it when filthy Liberals start with the “make employers pay” bunch of bullshit in a feeble attempt to deflect blame.
JoeB131 and jasonnfree are a couple illegal wetback lovers that parrot that shit daily. They act like they have no idea that Mexicrats have designated wetbacks as a protected class.
Of course...employers who employ illegals don't want to be held accountable.

Yup, and States that allow illegals to come in don't want to be held accountable either.
Look at the poll results in this thread. Now compare them to public sentiment.

It's a pretty Stark reminder that this message board is a dumping ground for angry, ignorant white wing fucknuts.
Yep, they are. Those are the ones we’re looking for.

Nope, they are doing it the right way, presenting themselves to border patrol. Why can't you people at least live in reality? Just say you don't want any immigration (from our southern border), some of you are honest about that.

Ok, great, we don't want any ILLEGAL immigration (from our southern border) or northern border...dumbass.

These refugees are entering legally. If you can't bother to read my post and reply to what I actually say then don't bother.
So you're saying they have papers or a green card when entering? That would be legal, but YOU make no mention of that. Just by
entering and giving themselves up does not make them the REAL WORLD.

Green card? Since when do you need a green card to enter the country as a refugee? Papers? Those attempting to become refugees don't need paperwork, that'll come through the process of establishing them as refugees or not.

Walking up to border patrol and declaring oneself as a refugee is legal. Doesn't mean they get in, however it kicks off a legal process and no crime has been committed.
You are wrong, they just can't cross the border and find a border patrol, that IS still illegal. They have to go through a port of entry and claim asylum

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