Do you have a problem with Tennessee's "curbs [for] trans treatment and drag for children"?

It is? I'm not on the right, and I fear kids having an operation that won't solve their problems.

They need mental health treatment, not surgery.
They need the help that their brain is screaming for. It is extremely painful and no amount of bitching at them about how wrong it is is going to solve it. THis is why every medical society in this country supports transition for this small population of children and people.

It doesn't matter what you were taught growing up because science doesn't care about conseravtive brainwashing. It is true no matter what.
They need the help that their brain is screaming for. It is extremely painful and no amount of bitching at them about how wrong it is is going to solve it. THis is why every medical society in this country supports transition for this small population of children and people.

It doesn't matter what you were taught growing up because science doesn't care about conseravtive brainwashing. It is true no matter what.

I doubt "every medical society" supports transition at all.
I mean, it makes no sense.
They need the help that their brain is screaming for. It is extremely painful and no amount of bitching at them about how wrong it is is going to solve it. THis is why every medical society in this country supports transition for this small population of children and people.

It doesn't matter what you were taught growing up because science doesn't care about conseravtive brainwashing. It is true no matter what.

"Every medical society in this country" supports their wallets.

Sexually mutilating children pays for summer homes and mooring for their boats and European gap tours for their children.

They need the help that their brain is screaming for. It is extremely painful and no amount of bitching at them about how wrong it is is going to solve it. THis is why every medical society in this country supports transition for this small population of children and people.

In the past few years, European health authorities conducted systematic reviews of evidence for the benefits and risks of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. The findings from these reviews—that the certainty of benefits is very low—guided the hand of policymakers there to restrict access to hormones. Currently, minors in these countries can access puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones only if they meet strict eligibility requirements as set out in the Dutch protocol and only in the context of a tightly controlled research setting.

The National Academy of Medicine in France has issued a press release in which it cautions medical practitioners that the growing cases of transgender identity in young people are often socially-mediated and that great caution in treatment is needed. The Academy draws attention to the fact that hormonal and surgical treatments carry health risks and have permanent effects, and that it is not possible to distinguish a durable trans identity from a passing phase of an adolescent's development.

  • In twenty Member States, access to transgender hormone therapy is provided for children under the same conditions applied to access any other medical treatment, such as access to reproductive or sexual health services. In this context, the age requirement for access to medical treatment without the consent of a public authority and/or parents is 18 years in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, France, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, 16 years in Poland and Spain; 15 years in Denmark and Slovenia; 14 years in Latvia. In the United Kingdom the age requirement ranges from 16 in Scotland to 17 in England and 18 in Wales. In seven Member States, Belgium, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Luxembourg and Sweden, access depends on the maturity of the child.
  • In Austria, Croatia, Italy, Lithuania and Portugal, the minimum age requirement for access to transgender hormone therapy is explicitly set at the age of 18 which is stricter than age at which children can access reproductive or sexual health services without parental consent. However, Croatia also allows children to have access to transgender hormone therapy before the age of 18 if they have parental consent, without laying down any specific age requirement.
  • In twelve Member States, both the regulations for general surgery and express thresholds for transgender hormone therapy dictate the age of 18.
  • In Ireland, Malta and the Netherlands, the age requirement for access to transgender hormone therapy is 16 years. In the Netherlands, children can access such therapy from the age of 12 years with parental consent.

The closure followed an external review of the Tavistock clinic in London, which has served thousands of transgender patients since the 1990s. The review, which is ongoing, has raised several concerns, including about long wait times, insufficient mental health support and the surging number of young people seeking gender treatments.

The overhaul of services for transgender young people in England is part of a notable shift in medical practice across some European countries with nationalized health care systems. Some doctors there are concerned about the increase in numbers as well as the dearth of data on long-term safety and outcomes of medical transitions.
A lot of this would be solved if Democrats could be offered government sponsored trips to Thailand.

5: Demand for encounters with ladyboys are still high.

Prostitution is tolerated in Thailand and it is an open secret that many foreigners travel to Thailand just to have sexual encounters with the locals, especially the famous ladyboys. The demand for such encounters has no signs of letting up, so many ladyboys make a career as prostitutes. Being a prostitute is mostly seen to be a job worthy of being pitied instead of something to be frowned upon so locals are tolerant of them and this is one of the main reasons why the trade continues to flourish in Thailand.

Asian girls are often depicted in childish costumes, and they are often able to look like teenagers well into their early twenties. Asian boys could satisfy Democrats lust for young pre-op transgirls, without children having to be drawn into it.
A lot of this would be solved if Democrats could be offered government sponsored trips to Thailand.

5: Demand for encounters with ladyboys are still high.

Prostitution is tolerated in Thailand and it is an open secret that many foreigners travel to Thailand just to have sexual encounters with the locals, especially the famous ladyboys. The demand for such encounters has no signs of letting up, so many ladyboys make a career as prostitutes. Being a prostitute is mostly seen to be a job worthy of being pitied instead of something to be frowned upon so locals are tolerant of them and this is one of the main reasons why the trade continues to flourish in Thailand.

Asian girls are often depicted in childish costumes, and they are often able to look like teenagers well into their early twenties. Asian boys could satisfy Democrats lust for young pre-op transgirls, without children having to be drawn into it.

Republicans have to make do with child beauty pageants I guess.
Altering my post while quoting it is a violation of the rules, dumbass. Apparently my post was significant enough for you to try to discredit it.

Tennessee is putting in a place a law, Tennessee, right wing, religious, not very friendly towards LGBT.

The law bans "drag performances in front of children and restricting medical treatment for transgender youth."

Does anyone have a problem with this?
Drag performances are SEXUAL. Kids should not be going to strip clubs, they should not have anyone performing sexual or sex based dances. I even think that thinks twirking should be banned from videos that kids can get their hands on. The amount of obscene stuff that is allowed to be open to everyone seems like "free speech gone too far".

As for the treatment for transgender youths, no kid should be allowed to have such a LIFE ALTERING operation at such a young age. Most teenagers are FUCKED UP in the head going through hormone changes, they need time as an adult to make such decisions.

And most importantly they need (which they won't get in Tennessee, will they?) mental healthcare possibilities.

A lot of transgender people are dealing with mental health issues, and I believe many might think their problems will be solved by having this surgery. What is needed, and needed to start as soon as possible is a study on mental health and transgender people so that healthcare professionals can help such people as early as possible, so they don't end up destroying their lives for a mistaken hope.
Fascist utopian garbage thinking.
Children shouldn't be exposed to these abominations. I question the parents that allow their kids to have body parts chopped off and take them to these vile shows. Its abhorrent.
Are drag shows trans shows?

I don’t think you know why you’re talking about.
Children shouldn't be exposed to these abominations. I question the parents that allow their kids to have body parts chopped off and take them to these vile shows. Its abhorrent.
What parents do that? Be specific please.
Republicans have to make do with child beauty pageants I guess.
Those are almost as sick as the transgenderization of children. They have a LOT in common. Matter of fact, I will say that the adults involved in child beauty pageants are equally as sick as those involved in the transgenderization of children movement. If hormones and surgery would further the interests of the child pageanteers, they would not hesitate to put the kid under the knife any longer than child transgenderists do.

True, both child beauty pageant contestants and children being led to the transgender industry often are willing at first, both know how emotionally and financially invested their parent are, so are pressured not to quit.

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