Do you have a problem with Tennessee's "curbs [for] trans treatment and drag for children"?

That's the suicide rate by year from 1950 to current. Why has the suicide rate essentially stayed the same (though it was 33% lower in 2000 than now)? If the number of teens who currently identify as trans is the percentage that has always been trans and just couldn't come out, wouldn't we have seen a marked decrease in suicides now that it's not just ok to be trans but in many cases can be seen as better.
I'm not sure what you're trying to ask here but the number of trans people in our population is pretty small, around 5%. You add to the fact that while access to care has been improving only a small minority of trans patients have access to trans care, that means a fraction of trans people who are already a tiny fraction of the over all population are receiving the care they need. Under that circumstance no, I don't find it at all significant to the suicide rate of the population at large.
Can we at least agree that some portion of the children who are "identifying as trans" are doing so for attention, as a part of social contagion, because it's the "cool thing to be" right now?
I'm not sure what you're trying to ask here but the number of trans people in our population is pretty small, around 5%. You add to the fact that while access to care has been improving only a small minority of trans patients have access to trans care, that means a fraction of trans people who are already a tiny fraction of the over all population are receiving the care they need. Under that circumstance no, I don't find it at all significant to the suicide rate of the population at large.

You're really trying deny that the situation for a trans teenager isnt exponentially better today than 1950? Really? We should see some sort of improvement just from that.

This is how I know you dont actually want to have a serious discussion about this issue. The idea that no percentage of the trans population isnt identifying that way for the reasons I listed is fantasy.
You're really trying deny that the situation for a trans teenager isnt exponentially better today than 1950? Really? We should see some sort of improvement just from that.
You don't seem to understand how to make sound comparisons. Why would we use the general population, which is much larger, as a gauge for improvement in trans teen health? That's why we have studies about trans teens specifically that show their improvement when given access to gender affirming care.
This is how I know you dont actually want to have a serious discussion about this issue. The idea that no percentage of the trans population isnt identifying that way for the reasons I listed is fantasy.

I don't take the word of randos on the internet. When you provide evidence from a scientific study then I will take your opinion seriously.
You don't seem to understand how to make sound comparisons. Why would we use the general population, which is much larger, as a gauge for improvement in trans teen health? That's why we have studies about trans teens specifically that show their improvement when given access to gender affirming care.


I don't take the word of randos on the internet. When you provide evidence from a scientific study then I will take your opinion seriously.
It doesnt logical sense that 100% of teenagers who "identify as trans" are doing so because they are transgender even if you believe such a thing exists.
How about you ignorant fucks leave that up to her, her parents and her doctor?
I don't believe it should be up to the profiteers of the transgender industry to decide to mutilate a child. No sir.

Look I get the fascination Democrats have for a girl like the one whose video you posted. She's passable as a girl because she is so young. A male heterosexual hebophile would be attracted to her, and I'm sure the idea that she has a "suprise" under her skirt is fascinating to hebophiles who are curious about boys.

It's a hyper-fixation on youth as a component of sexual attractiveness that creates the mindset of hebophiles and pedophiles.

I'm perfectly fine with her growing up and making whatever grown up decisions she wants. She can't consent to sex at her age, rightfully so, and she can't consent to life-altering body mutilation either. If that is done to her, she should be able to sue her doctors into the poorhouse when she grows up.

From your link:

Participants were recruited through community outreach in collaboration with >400 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender organizations and were provided with a Web address to complete the survey online.
Where did I lose dipshit? 😄 You keep repeating old shit. I've already agreed that the majority of children who go through gender dysphoria grow out of it. That fact does not discount the other facts, like for those who's gender dysphoria persists into puberty are helped significantly by gender affirming care. Both can be true you fucking moron. 😄
The moment your only argument is when you start calling people names is the moment you lose. If you had an argument you would use it instead of just hurling insults.
Sure, if that was her 'truth' I don't see why not.

In this brave new era of postmodern relativism there is no truth, so maybe she identifies as a pirate and wants to get a hook installed. If she really believes that, she is now delusional, so that is her truth, and since there no longer is a 'truth' in terms of how people identify themselves, she has every right to be a pirate if she thinks she is one.
Any lib who believes that is out of his mind
I honestly think that anyone under the age of consent should not be allowed to take any type of treatment. You know you never know if there is a legitimate issue and they are truly trans or if it's a phase and they would eventually decide that they are comfortable with their Spire loving the gender. I didn't I've personally known a couple people who Big head issues with their gender identity when they were young Big but eventually decided that they wanted to live with as their biological gender.

You should always wait until they're old enough and mature enough to make an informed decision.
I'm not sure what you're trying to ask here but the number of trans people in our population is pretty small, around 5%. You add to the fact that while access to care has been improving only a small minority of trans patients have access to trans care, that means a fraction of trans people who are already a tiny fraction of the over all population are receiving the care they need. Under that circumstance no, I don't find it at all significant to the suicide rate of the population at large.


The number of trans people is less than 1% of gay people. It's estimated there are about 100,000 trans people - in total, in the USA.

I'm curious as to why Republicans didn't ban children from being sent to Catholic Churches or from serving as "alter boys" since that seems to be the ultimate "grooming experience". I've never heard of a drag queen molesting little boys but the number of priests and the billions of dollars the Church has paid out all over the world says that the entire enterprise exists to hide and protect "groomers" and pedophiles.
Do you watch the video? She said she always knew she was different and that from a very young age she preferred playing with dolls and painting her nails and despite being constantly bullied in school these feelings persisted.

Sure, kids and even adults struggle with their identity and self image, that doesn't mean they're malleable to the point where people are able to be easily condition them into believing they are something they're not. Take sexuality. At 14 could someone have easily convinced you to be gay or straight if you are gay? And with positive reinforcement? We've all seen conditioning ourselves. In the 80s and 90s it was common for gay men and women to pretend. To even get married and have kids. This was done through negative reinforcement. By society telling us over and over again that being gay was wrong and sinful. That's how real conditioning is done. By shaming and scaring people. Positive reinforcement doesn't work like that. When people are happy and feel supported they feel more confident in themselves.

Homosexuality and gender dysphoria are not the same thing. Why would homosexuals need surgery?

If you're talking about people suffering from gender dysphoria then yes, assholes who attack them are a very big problem, both verbal and physically but they also suffer from the incongruity between their bodies and their identity.

No, I didn't watch the video, and I don't need to watch the video.

The point isn't whether she feels she's different or not.

The issue here is such an operation would be the best way to solve all these problems. And the answer is, probably not.
I honestly think that anyone under the age of consent should not be allowed to take any type of treatment. You know you never know if there is a legitimate issue and they are truly trans or if it's a phase and they would eventually decide that they are comfortable with their Spire loving the gender. I didn't I've personally known a couple people who Big head issues with their gender identity when they were young Big but eventually decided that they wanted to live with as their biological gender.

You should always wait until they're old enough and mature enough to make an informed decision.
Exactly. What is the rush, other than to get the kids into the system, before they have time to realize it would be a mistake. The transgender industry is like car salesmen who know that most buyers purchase a vehicle shortly after their first visit to a dealership, so it is a race to make the sale. In the case of "transgender children," the race is not against competing providers, but against the ever-changing self-perception that is part of every child's life.
Tennesee: Education rankings: 36th out of 50; #3 in the nation in violent crime; 39th out of 50 in income.

What are they doing for their state? Attacking gays and trans people. Stupid is as stupid does. There should be laws against indoctrination into Republicanism. It's a danger to Americans.

Nothing you have said seems to discuss what I posted.
Why is considered "not very friendly?" I wish they would take it the distance that Kansas is pursuing to codify the definition of male and female. The endemic of mental illness and expectations to accept it are ridiculous.

Exactly. What is the rush, other than to get the kids into the system, before they have time to realize it would be a mistake. The transgender industry is like car salesmen who know that most buyers purchase a vehicle shortly after their first visit to a dealership, so it is a race to make the sale. In the case of "transgender children," the race is not against competing providers, but against the ever-changing self-perception that is part of every child's life.
teenagers are supposed to be screwed up in the head......notnews....masturbating often helps
I agree with everything you said here. The problem is among the "woke" crowd, transgenderism seems to be the new sacrament and the recent fad. Having your son, Stephen, become Stephanie is the new Gucci handbag.

I wouldn't have thought there are many who would do that. Yes, there are those on the left who are pushing things to crazy point, same as on the right.

What is needed is SENSIBLE DEBATE.
Though it's pretty obvious that most of the country is probably actually in agreement, this thread is probably one of the closest things you'll get to agreement from both sides.

But sensible debate won't come through the FPTP system. The US needs to change it's electoral system in order to get that.
The number of trans people is less than 1% of gay people. It's estimated there are about 100,000 trans people - in total, in the USA.

Where are you getting those figures?

"Although the total estimated number of transgender people was small — around 1.6 million people 13 and up, or about 0.6 percent of the population — "

I'm curious as to why Republicans didn't ban children from being sent to Catholic Churches or from serving as "alter boys" since that seems to be the ultimate "grooming experience". I've never heard of a drag queen molesting little boys but the number of priests and the billions of dollars the Church has paid out all over the world says that the entire enterprise exists to hide and protect "groomers" and pedophiles.

Was anyone for pedophile priests? I dont recall anyone advocating for them. Please correct me if Im wrong.
Any lib who believes that is out of his mind

Absolutely agree, but it's all over the place on a disease like level.

When there is no truth everyone decides for themselves what 'truth' is and they can do anything they please. When the group decides what the new truth is, that's their truth, and for some reason, people are supposed to accept that, even if it is completely ridiculous.

When a person, or group, replaces objective truth with the view that their subjective truth and self-invented concepts are reality they are immediately correct, and the rest are in the wrong, for whatever subjective reason that group selects. Political party, racism, this-or-that-aphobia, mysogyny, ableism and just about whatever else they can use to declare themselves the victors of their self-constructed argument.

Meanwhile, society has gotten so infested with spongy logic and fear of being cancelled by these groupthink-susceptible morons, that it is accepted. All a group has to do is keep pushing the limits, keep claiming their 'truth' is their right, keep screaming loud enough and declaring non-believers heretics until they get what they want. Delusion becomes reality.
It's another example of the right's fear, bigotry, and hate in addition to more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

It is? I'm not on the right, and I fear kids having an operation that won't solve their problems.

They need mental health treatment, not surgery.

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