Do you have a problem with Tennessee's "curbs [for] trans treatment and drag for children"?

Every study and medical journal in this country supports the need for these kids to get this help. It is pure evil to remove treatment.

Of course, I am talking to people that literally would abolish most surgeries and treatments regardless. Sick religious fucks. Some of them would even let their kids die then admit to it. Child abuse I'd say. Who are you to say that they don't suffer from this and need this treatment?

They suffer later after they've had these horrid procedures. Mentally and physically. Thats happening.
They suffer later after they've had these horrid procedures. Mentally and physically. Thats happening.
You're full of shit. The science shows teens who receive gender affirming care make significant mental health improvements and in study had better mental health than the general public.
Because you're a bitch but the study showed significant improvement.

Pubertal Suppression for Transgender Youth and Risk of Suicidal Ideation

Retreat retreat retreat. Teens who are denied gender affirming care are being put at risk. That's what the science says. You can either be on the side of science or you can be on the side of ignorant morons. Straddling the fence just makes you an assclown.
You are not on the side of science which says that 4 out of 5 who question their gender grow out of it. You are a science denier.
You’ll recall my response the last time you responded to a post of mine.
Still applies.

Altering my post while quoting it is a violation of the rules, dumbass. Apparently my post was significant enough for you to try to discredit it.
WTF is the left trying to say? A halloween photo justifies castrating kids without their parents permission?
You are not on the side of science which says that 4 out of 5 who question their gender grow out of it. You are a science denier.

That's not what science says at all. That's why the lying New York Post says. Science says the opposite.

That's not what science says at all. That's why the lying New York Post says. Science says the opposite.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm, yes. That is what one of the most experienced professional says from a liberal country no less. 4 out of 5 children questioning gender grow out of it.

Tennessee is putting in a place a law, Tennessee, right wing, religious, not very friendly towards LGBT.

The law bans "drag performances in front of children and restricting medical treatment for transgender youth."

Does anyone have a problem with this?
Drag performances are SEXUAL. Kids should not be going to strip clubs, they should not have anyone performing sexual or sex based dances. I even think that thinks twirking should be banned from videos that kids can get their hands on. The amount of obscene stuff that is allowed to be open to everyone seems like "free speech gone too far".

As for the treatment for transgender youths, no kid should be allowed to have such a LIFE ALTERING operation at such a young age. Most teenagers are FUCKED UP in the head going through hormone changes, they need time as an adult to make such decisions.

And most importantly they need (which they won't get in Tennessee, will they?) mental healthcare possibilities.

A lot of transgender people are dealing with mental health issues, and I believe many might think their problems will be solved by having this surgery. What is needed, and needed to start as soon as possible is a study on mental health and transgender people so that healthcare professionals can help such people as early as possible, so they don't end up destroying their lives for a mistaken hope.
Why do you say they won't get help in Tennessee? They don't have psychologists in Tennessee? Even if they don't, kids should not be allowed transgender surgeries and be forced to go to drag shows. If parents take them, it's child abuse. Same with the surgeries.
LOL. It's always funny how when you guys lose an argument, out comes the name calling.
Where did I lose dipshit? 😄 You keep repeating old shit. I've already agreed that the majority of children who go through gender dysphoria grow out of it. That fact does not discount the other facts, like for those who's gender dysphoria persists into puberty are helped significantly by gender affirming care. Both can be true you fucking moron. 😄
If she wanted to cut off her hand on a whim should we let her?

Sure, if that was her 'truth' I don't see why not.

In this brave new era of postmodern relativism there is no truth, so maybe she identifies as a pirate and wants to get a hook installed. If she really believes that, she is now delusional, so that is her truth, and since there no longer is a 'truth' in terms of how people identify themselves, she has every right to be a pirate if she thinks she is one.

That's the suicide rate by year from 1950 to current. Why has the suicide rate essentially stayed the same (though it was 33% lower in 2000 than now)? If the number of teens who currently identify as trans is the percentage that has always been trans and just couldn't come out, wouldn't we have seen a marked decrease in suicides now that it's not just ok to be trans but in many cases can be seen as better. Can we at least agree that some portion of the children who are "identifying as trans" are doing so for attention, as a part of social contagion, because it's the "cool thing to be" right now?

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