Do you have a problem with Tennessee's "curbs [for] trans treatment and drag for children"?

Your false equivalency fallacy is noted.

Let me know when they start mutilating children for insomnia.

That was lame AF, btw.

You are the one stuck on the notion that something being in the DSM-5 being a big deal.

I have already stated many times I am against anything being done like that to anyone not legally trusted to drink a beer.

You seem to be missing the word 'psychological distress' in your own example when referring to gender dysphoria.

Mental disorder. Say it nice and slow so that you can get it in there nice and solid.
You are the one stuck on the notion that something being in the DSM-5 being a big deal.

I have already stated many times I am against anything being done like that to anyone not legally trusted to drink a beer.

If it's in the DSM it is a mental disorder. Simple fact.
You seem to be missing the word 'psychological distress' in your own example when referring to gender dysphoria.

Mental disorder. Say it nice and slow so that you can get it in there nice and solid.
You seem to be missing the fact that the very people you are trying to cosplay being in league with don't classify gender dysphoria as a mental disorder. 😄
Who's ignoring her? I'm interested in how the law suit plays out because I'm interested in improving care for these teens.
Maybe they're not teens. Maybe they're goats dressed up as teens. That way they can walk into any teens locker room and watch them get dressed and undressed.
I always thought goats were kinda nasty. Especially the curried ones...
You seem to be missing the fact that the very people you are trying to cosplay being in league with don't classify gender dysphoria as a mental disorder. 😄
I'm citing the DSM V, not cosplaying anything, whatever that means, and I know many don't classify gender dysphoria as a mental disorder, but it is they who are scientifically incorrect, and clearly so.
The law prevents anyone under the age of 18 from receiving gender affirming care including puberty blockers hormones and surgery. Now you and I both know, and you've already conceded that science shows that teens who are suffering from gender dysphoria and receive puberty blockers and hormones show significant mental health improvements compared to their counterparts who were denied that care. This bill will literal cost the lives of trans teens.

Cherry picked data from fraudulent studies.
Every study and medical journal in this country supports the need for these kids to get this help. It is pure evil to remove treatment.

Of course, I am talking to people that literally would abolish most surgeries and treatments regardless. Sick religious fucks. Some of them would even let their kids die then admit to it. Child abuse I'd say. Who are you to say that they don't suffer from this and need this treatment?
Every study and medical journal in this country supports the need for these kids to get this help. It is pure evil to remove treatment.

Of course, I am talking to people that literally would abolish most surgeries and treatments regardless. Sick religious fucks. Some of them would even let their kids die then admit to it. Child abuse I'd say. Who are you to say that they don't suffer from this and need this treatment?

Not all, and only ones that cherry pick suspect data to push an agenda.

The only child abuse is pumping kids full of blockers and hormones and even THINKING about any surgery before they are 18.
The law prevents anyone under the age of 18 from receiving gender affirming care including puberty blockers hormones and surgery. Now you and I both know, and you've already conceded that science shows that teens who are suffering from gender dysphoria and receive puberty blockers and hormones show significant mental health improvements compared to their counterparts who were denied that care. This bill will literally cost the lives of trans teens.
I did not concede significant mental health improvements. I conceded a small amount. I don't really know the whole entire law word for word and I doubt you do either. I'm ok with care for 18 or older or maybe 14 and older with parent's permission. But I don't give it carte blanche as in forcing insurance companies to cover it.
I did not concede significant mental health improvements. I conceded a small amount.
Because you're a bitch but the study showed significant improvement.

Pubertal Suppression for Transgender Youth and Risk of Suicidal Ideation
I don't really know the whole entire law word for word and I doubt you do either. I'm ok with care for 18 or older or maybe 14 and older with parent's permission. But I don't give it carte blanche as in forcing insurance companies to cover it.
Retreat retreat retreat. Teens who are denied gender affirming care are being put at risk. That's what the science says. You can either be on the side of science or you can be on the side of ignorant morons. Straddling the fence just makes you an assclown.

Do you have a problem with Tennessee's "curbs [for] trans treatment and drag for children"?​

Nope. Let Tennessee govern Tennessee.
The taxpayer does not exist to validate the mental illness of others.

Apparently the taxpayer D0ES exist to validate the fear, paranoia and prejudices of the Republican voter. All of these things qualify as mental illness in my books. Especially when you ignore real pedophilia and child sexual abuse by straight males to vilify people who are N0T a danger to children.

Tennesee: #38 out of 50 states in education. #3 in violent crime; #12 highest rates of poverty in the nation. Their biggest concerns???? Drag Queen story hour.

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