Do you have a problem with Tennessee's "curbs [for] trans treatment and drag for children"?

Sure they can. And do. They can assert their professional credentials as more important than the parental relationship. They can hide information about children from their parents.
Keeping the confidence of students also isn't the same as having the ability to administer medication. Parents do not have a right to know everything about their children. That isn't a right that exists anywhere in the Constitution or law. Children have rights themselves and a right to privacy themselves and a right to confidentiality.
They can report parents to CPS for medical neglect if they don't seek treatment for gender dysphoria that the teacher makes an amateur diagnosis of.
That last bit is just sad editoralizing. Teachers can report neglect period. Once they report it it is up to the investigators to determine whether neglect actually occurred, not you, obviously biased internet guy.
Never said that they were. Again you struggle with standard english.
You keep implying they are. Glad you can finally admit teachers teach and doctors prescribe medication.
No need to fantasize. It was you who posted the video of that child discussing her sexuality.
Nowhere in that video did she ever discuss her sexuality. What she discussed was being bullied and finding compassionate people who inspired her and helped her to live her best life. You literally fantasized about her discussing her sexuality. You did. That's a fact. Go ahead and try and deny it.
Both have gone off the rails.
So what do we do to correct this problem?

If we try to elect outsiders to the D.C. Swamp they will get the Trump treatment by the FBI and DOJ which have been weaponized to protect the system.

The D.C. Swamp is a cesspool of corruption.
So what do we do to correct this problem?

If we try to elect outsiders to the D.C. Swamp they will get the Trump treatment by the FBI and DOJ which have been weaponized to protect the system.

The D.C. Swamp is a cesspool of corruption.

Proportional Representation.

Because it gives people more choice.

Right now people go to the polls and they have two choices. Vote for Republicans or vote for the Democrats.
In a "real world" scenario, people would be voting for AT LEAST 6 different political viewpoints.
In Germany, they have traditional left, traditional right who gain the most votes. Then you have further right and further left. They're a bit wacky, like Tea Party. Then you have center right and environmental left.

Denmark has 10 political parties because their cut off is 2% of the vote rather than the high 5% for Germany. There's a chance for regional parties to get seats too without needing 5% of the whole country, but just of their local area.

What does this do? Why is it better?
Because political parties, especially the top two parties, have so much to lose. In 2015 in the UK with FPTP (like the US) UKIP (further right party) got 12.6% of the vote and gained one seat. In Germany the AfD (further right party) gained 12.6% of the vote and gained 90 seats.
The CDU/CSU lost 9% of the vote in 2017. They still "won" the election with more than 12% more than the SPD, however they realized things could go wrong. They're no long the governing party. They simply couldn't change things quick enough, so they got kicked out.

With FPTP the large parties don't really need to change much, people will still vote for them, because a vote for UKIP is a vote for Labour, essentially.

There's more choice, more ability to hit the largest two parties where it hurts. In the US it doesn't work like that, the two main parties will ALWAYS WIN.

You want politicians who are in tune with what's going on, you need PR. You want policies that are sensible, you need PR.
Keeping the confidence of students also isn't the same as having the ability to administer medication.
If all the adults in a school are calling a student by a name other than the one selected by parents and using pronouns of the opposite gender, that isn't confidential, the whole school knows it. The only ones being kept in the dark would be the parents.

Who is this poster who claimed that teachers administer medicine?
Parents do not have a right to know everything about their children. That isn't a right that exists anywhere in the Constitution or law. Children have rights themselves and a right to privacy themselves and a right to confidentiality.
I thought you didn't believe in rights unless they were codified in law. Show me this children's right to privacy and confidentiality from parents law that you speak of.
That last bit is just sad editoralizing. Teachers can report neglect period.
Not turning one's child over to the transgender industry is in no way neglect.
Once they report it it is up to the investigators to determine whether neglect actually occurred, not you, obviously biased internet guy.
Yes, a teacher can report that they, the teacher, have determined that a child needs to see a transgender specialist, but the parent is refusing to take the child to that "medical provider." How the investigation goes won't depend on the facts, because the facts won't be in dispute.

The teacher thinks the child needs "transgender care" and the parent doesn't, those are the facts. What happens next is according to nothing more than the subjective feelings of the investigator. If the investigator is woke enough, that child and that child's parents will have their lives turned upside down.
You keep implying they are. Glad you can finally admit teachers teach and doctors prescribe medication.
I've never implied that. Does Rosetta Stone have an English course? You should really look into it.
Nowhere in that video did she ever discuss her sexuality. What she discussed was being bullied and finding compassionate people who inspired her and helped her to live her best life. You literally fantasized about her discussing her sexuality. You did. That's a fact. Go ahead and try and deny it.
She describes taking hormones whose only purpose is to alter her secondary sex characterisics, to prevent her from developing the appearance of the male sex. Obviously, that is very appealing to some people - many people in fact. That's why a video of a 14 year old talking about being a girl with a penis goes viral.

Do you get that the reason she doesn't talk is that her voice would sound too masculine, and make the video more comic than "heartwarming," even to the woke?
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You're the one focused one me rather than scientific evidence because the scientific evidence doesn't agree with you.
The "scientific evidence" is so weak, it can't really be used to agree with anyone - see any medical org that has completed systematic reviews. Actually go through the studies, dont just read the headlines. If you still can't see problems with the studies, i could help out.
Keeping the confidence of students also isn't the same as having the ability to administer medication. Parents do not have a right to know everything about their children. That isn't a right that exists anywhere in the Constitution or law. Children have rights themselves and a right to privacy themselves and a right to confidentiality.
Enabling a social transition is a treatment and teachers are not capable or have the expertise to engage in that. Encouraging social transition without parental and psych involvement is problematic. Multiple doctors and even some that are trans themselves have stated the same (i.e. Dr Erica Anderson - former pres. of WPATH).
Proportional Representation.

Because it gives people more choice.

Right now people go to the polls and they have two choices. Vote for Republicans or vote for the Democrats.
In a "real world" scenario, people would be voting for AT LEAST 6 different political viewpoints.
In Germany, they have traditional left, traditional right who gain the most votes. Then you have further right and further left. They're a bit wacky, like Tea Party. Then you have center right and environmental left.

Denmark has 10 political parties because their cut off is 2% of the vote rather than the high 5% for Germany. There's a chance for regional parties to get seats too without needing 5% of the whole country, but just of their local area.

What does this do? Why is it better?
Because political parties, especially the top two parties, have so much to lose. In 2015 in the UK with FPTP (like the US) UKIP (further right party) got 12.6% of the vote and gained one seat. In Germany the AfD (further right party) gained 12.6% of the vote and gained 90 seats.
The CDU/CSU lost 9% of the vote in 2017. They still "won" the election with more than 12% more than the SPD, however they realized things could go wrong. They're no long the governing party. They simply couldn't change things quick enough, so they got kicked out.

With FPTP the large parties don't really need to change much, people will still vote for them, because a vote for UKIP is a vote for Labour, essentially.

There's more choice, more ability to hit the largest two parties where it hurts. In the US it doesn't work like that, the two main parties will ALWAYS WIN.

You want politicians who are in tune with what's going on, you need PR. You want policies that are sensible, you need PR.
It sounds like a grest idea but the two Parties we have now would definitely oppose that idea.

I like it because it just might help clean up the Swamp.
It sounds like a grest idea but the two Parties we have now would definitely oppose that idea.

I like it because it just might help clean up the Swamp.

Thing is, if the people get behind it, then they won't have much choice. Because for them to take from the pot, they need to be winning elections. If they see PR as an election winner, they'll be like lemmings off a cliff to get it.
Thing is, if the people get behind it, then they won't have much choice. Because for them to take from the pot, they need to be winning elections. If they see PR as an election winner, they'll be like lemmings off a cliff to get it.
Let’s hope the people get tired of the current system and set up a new a better system like you have described.
If all the adults in a school are calling a student by a name other than the one selected by parents and using pronouns of the opposite gender, that isn't confidential, the whole school knows it. The only ones being kept in the dark would be the parents.
In that case the people who know would be everyone the child wants to know.
Who is this poster who claimed that teachers administer medicine?
You were trying desperately to imply it here.
Teachers, counselors, and other school staff need to stop pushing children who express a gender difference into medicalizing that expression.

I thought you didn't believe in rights unless they were codified in law. Show me this children's right to privacy and confidentiality from parents law that you speak of.
That would be the 14th Amendment which says,

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Not turning one's child over to the transgender industry is in no way neglect.
That is for professionals to decide, not internet assclowns.
Yes, a teacher can report that they, the teacher, have determined that a child needs to see a transgender specialist, but the parent is refusing to take the child to that "medical provider." How the investigation goes won't depend on the facts, because the facts won't be in dispute.
According to bitch ass Snowflakes.
The teacher thinks the child needs "transgender care" and the parent doesn't, those are the facts.
And whether or not the child actually does will be determined by a medical health professional.
What happens next is according to nothing more than the subjective feelings of the investigator. If the investigator is woke enough, that child and that child's parents will have their lives turned upside down.
No, the investor will listen to medical professionals because they are professionals and adults and not little bitch Snowflakes.
She describes taking hormones whose only purpose is to alter her secondary sex characterisics, to prevent her from developing the appearance of the male sex. Obviously, that is very appealing to some people - many people in fact. That's why a video of a 14 year old talking about being a girl with a penis goes viral.
Biological sex is not altered by hormones and biological sex is not the same thing as sexuality you dumb mother fucker. 😄

She never talked about sexuality once or her sexual organs. You did both. Literally. Thats a fact. It seems this is a clear case of projection.
Do you get that the reason she doesn't talk is that her voice would sound too masculine, and make the video more comic than "heartwarming," even to the woke?
No. That actually never occurred to me at all. All you keep doing is revealing the depravity of your own imagination.
That's a lie. You have failed repeatedly to show any evidence of me supposedly disagreeing with scientific evidence despite me giving you opportunity after opportunity to present it.
That's because you ignore my facts and only accept your own facts, a common trait among lefties.
Facts require evidence. Do you have any evidence of me dismissing the science as you continually claim and lie about?
You manufacture your own evidence. I presented facts from liberal Finland where one of the most experienced people in the world on this subject states that 4 out of 5 children questioning their gender identity outgrow their questions. Then you provide "facts" which show slightly better mental health outcomes in adults with gender affirming care and re-translate that into a significant better outcome while your very own facts show that a large number of adults receiving gender affirming care continue having mental health problems. You gloss over what you want to gloss over and exaggerate whatever suits your agenda of whacking off the penises of innocent children before they outgrow their gender identity questions. Your side seems to think that if they get to children at a young age they can be brainwashed into wanting gender affirming care.
You manufacture your own evidence. I presented facts from liberal Finland where one of the most experienced people in the world on this subject states that 4 out of 5 children questioning their gender identity outgrow their questions.
You did provide that and I agreed with the study. Your lie is in pretending I didn't which is why you continually fail to provide any evidence of this agreement.
Then you provide "facts" which show slightly better mental health outcomes in adults with gender affirming care and re-translate that into a significant better outcome while your very own facts show that a large number of adults receiving gender affirming care continue having mental health problems.
Wrong again. The study I presented showed significant mental health improvement in patients who received gender affirming care as opposed to those who didn't.

The problem is that you don't seem to understand that both studies can be true. Young children usually grow out of their gender confusion before puberty and teens who continue to experience gender dysphoria in puberty are helped by gender affirming care.
You gloss over what you want to gloss over and exaggerate whatever suits your agenda of whacking off the penises of innocent children before they outgrow their gender identity questions.
What an ironic statement.
Your side seems to think that if they get to children at a young age they can be brainwashed into wanting gender affirming care.
Look who's name calling and throw accusations now. I'm happy to stick to the science if it makes you feel better.

Tennessee is putting in a place a law, Tennessee, right wing, religious, not very friendly towards LGBT.

The law bans "drag performances in front of children and restricting medical treatment for transgender youth."
Someone needs to alert Anthony George Kitara Ravache Devolder Santos not to travel to Tennessee!

I am against any medical procedure of any kind for minors without the consent of their parents.

Abortion, medication, etc.

I am opposed to any kind of surgical procedure involving a sex change for minors, with or without the parents' consent.

It is already a legal fact that a child cannot give informed consent. If you have sex with a minor, it is rape whether or not the kid went along with it.

Performing an irreversible sex change operation on someone who is incapable of informed consent is a crime. Any doctor who performs such a surgery should go immediately to jail, do not pass Go.
You did provide that and I agreed with the study. Your lie is in pretending I didn't which is why you continually fail to provide any evidence of this agreement.

Wrong again. The study I presented showed significant mental health improvement in patients who received gender affirming care as opposed to those who didn't.

The problem is that you don't seem to understand that both studies can be true. Young children usually grow out of their gender confusion before puberty and teens who continue to experience gender dysphoria in puberty are helped by gender affirming care.

What an ironic statement.

Look who's name calling and throw accusations now. I'm happy to stick to the science if it makes you feel better.
I didn't name call you personally and I didn't even name call the left as a whole. They do want to encourage young children to get their penises whacked off. I mean that's a fact that you can't even disagree with. And, your study did NOT show significant improvement in mental health. It showed a slight improvement in mental health and your very own facts showed that MANY adults getting gender affirming care were still fucked up in the head.
And whether or not the child actually does will be determined by a medical health professional.

No, the investor will listen to medical professionals because they are professionals and adults and not little bitch Snowflakes.
What medical professional would make that determination if the parent opts not to take their child to a transgender specialist or anyone else recommended by the teacher?

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