Do You Have Misophonia....Are You Triggered By Noisy Eaters?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Do people who are noisy eaters bother you or trigger you?


Misophonia is a disorder where you have a decreased tolerance to specific sounds and things you can sense related to them. While it doesn’t yet have official recognition as a distinct disorder, experts still recognize it. There’s now a formal consensus definition for research purposes, and for diagnosing and treating it.


they do bother me. Slurps, spoon banging a bowl, eating cereal, utensil sounds, salad sucking, and a host of other noises trigger me.
I demand total silence (no talking) as well.
they do bother me. Slurps, spoon banging a bowl, eating cereal, utensil sounds, salad sucking, and a host of other noises trigger me.
I demand total silence (no talking) as well.
Don't go to a cafeteria in a Korean middle school.
My mom never liked hearing a fork go across a fragile plate. She hated the screeching noise.

God bless you and my mom always!!!


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