Do You "Hope President Trump Succeeds"?

..... If you define words by their original usage, as opposed to their popular usage, then you leave no room for ambiguity, confusion, or change.
I agree with your fundamental gripe. However, here we are communicating on a discussion forum with participants of varying degrees of English comprehension. What good is it to use a word that only 3% of the contributing members understand? I mean, words that you intend to be understood in "their original usage" but 97% of the forum think it means something else?

But that's not the (my) main point. My gripe is that so many members of this forum use words and expression that they they themselves do not understand .... and use them as short-cuts (through their ignorance) and as 'defining statements'. "You're a far leftist' - what the fuck does that mean? I know what left-leaning political convictions are, but the people using these terms (on this forum), do not. Not a single one I've seen so far. If they did understand, none of them would ever have the possibility of using the expression to describe anyone on the forum ... or even to describe any real life American politician we've seen so far. Just within this past week I've been called a "Far-Leftist" for disagreeing with stereotyping international Islam - then called a "Far-Rightest" for criticizing Hillary Clinton's criminal behaviour. Even more perplexing is the fact that neither Trump nor Clinton are "Far"-Anything at all. It is difficult to carry on a dialogue with such people. Is there some other language they understand? If so, maybe it would be better to use that one instead.
Or maybe you don't understand FAR left thinking.

The Founders were THE standard by which we judge. They define "moderate."


Communism and Socialism are "far left" ideologies (idiotologies).

Hillary and Obama are both "far left."

Now you know.

You see the world in black and white. I see it down the middle. Government is necessary within the economy and it would be extremely stupid to remove it or have it totally take over.

What you believe doesn't work or is so extremely careless that it would likely lead to a world wide depression.
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You see the world in black and white. I see it down the middle. Government is necessary within the economy and it would be extremely stupid to remove it or have it totally take over.
Can you even read?

I said the Founders define "moderate" as far as government is concerned.

The fact that you want to define "moderate" as to the left of the government they gave us, puts you to the left of moderate.
A voter for Trump has won nothing. A Clinton supporter has lost nothing. Yet. Over time it will become apparent who are the winners and who are the losers of this election. The election was fairly even and if you really think half of the population have “lost” then you are all losers.

Also, almost half of the voters didn’t even care about the outcome so it can’t be that big an issue after all. And claiming that Trump won because he is the “lesser bad of two”? I refuse to believe you didn’t vote for the person you wanted most. Nothing was forced on to you, you are a free people.
The lefties all demanded, 8 years ago, that EVERYONE put aside their differences, and make the statement, "I hope he (obama) succeeds."

We all KNEW he would push his CPMMUNIST AGENDA.

Will you FAR left loons hold yourselves to the same standards you demanded of us? Or do you NOW get what El Rushbo was saying?

Good luck with your fascist agenda. I hope you succeed.

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