Do you know a single Trump supporter who has been swayed?

I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I guess you missed this morning's poll which says that senior citizens don't think much of being thrown under the bus of the corona pandemic. Trump's staunchest base supporters don't think Dumb Donald is doing a good job on the pandemic. They're watching the body bags coming out of local nursing homes on the nightly news, while Trump tweets in favour of protestors wanting to re-open the country.

It's very chilling when you're in your 70's to hear politicians talk about an "acceptable rate of death" to re-open the country, and people are making cracks that it's only only people and poor people who are dying, so who cares. You're talking about us like we're not even here, or think we don't understand what you're saying.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

So I guess that losing Congress to the Democrats in a landslide - the biggest mid-Terms loss in American history, happened because Trump voters are still thrilled with Trump?

I can't imagine that seeing the numbers of sick and dying that anyone would think that Trump is doing a good job on the virus. 40,000 dead, more than 2000 people dying every day. 36% of the people who have test positive in the USA, are dying. There are 650,000 active cases in the US. At the current rate of death, the USA could be looking at an addition 230,000 dead, just from the active cases you have now, without a single addition case. Each day in the USA, tens of thousands more Americans are getting sick.

Last week, you had 525,000 active cases. That number has gone up by 25% since just last week.
Lying so early, don't you know how to use google?
1. Obama lost 63 House seats in 2010. He called it a "shellacking"

2. The GOP had 40 House members retire in 2018, and the MSM's constant touting of the Mueller Investigation confused some voters. So Trump House losses in 2018 were average, in spite of the deep state's efforts.

3. Watch 2020, the 31 House seats that were Trump districts in 2016 swing back to the GOP. Can't wait to see Nancy hand the gavel back to the GOP.

4. Your virus numbers are total bullshit. Try doing some math instead of lying. Where did you get 36% from?
41,000/760,000 = ?

Where did you get 230,000 US dead from, your ass? The CDC and Fauci predict 60,000, LIAR.

The fact is that most of the Democrat gains came from the defeat of sitting House Republicans. The reason why the losses were average was because of Republican redistricting.

Many of these 31 seats have a strong suburban component to them. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP and will abandon them in 2020. Democrats will pick up 2 seats in NC. In Texas, Democrats saw strong turnout numbers in 6 House districts held by Republicans. One is already gone.
1. Most of the democrat gains came from retiring GOP incumbents (40), and the MSM's "Mueller fairy-tales" about Trump's Russia Collusion. In 2020 we will have the Barr/Durham indictments to bring voters back to the GOP, as well as the (31) House seats in Trump 2016 districts. The GOP gets the House back in 2020.
2. No one who voted for Trump in 2016 would not vote for him again. Trust me on that, we deplorables know a winner.
3. The democrats have no popular policies, and Joe Biden is senile, so good luck. Maybe Little Mikey can save the day with a few $billion?

1. "In the U.S. House, 202 Republican incumbents ran for re-election. Two were defeated in primary elections and 30 were defeated in the general election. In total, 15.8 percent of U.S. House Republicans seeking re-election were defeated."

The reason they were defeated is because the party has moved too far to the right. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP. In 2016, they reluctantly supported Trump. Now they are supporting moderate Democrats. Suburban voters are responsible for Biden winning the nomination along with black voters. neither Barr or Durham will have any say in it.

2. Suburban voters will not vote for Trump. They were part of the 25% that were voting against the other candidate. Now they will be voting against Trump.

3. Voters do not support Trump's border policies, immigration policies, his foreign policy among other things. Voters trust Democrats more than they do Republicans' healthcare policies. Trump is stupid so Biden is the better alternative to Trump.
1. In 2020 there are no moderate democrats, only the AOC and her "squad" wing of Leftists. In 2018 the democrats ran Republican candidates and won. Many were young veterans with conservative values, that's why Nancy had such a hard time "herding cats" to support her agenda.
2. You may be right that the MSM's constant painting of Trump as unacceptable wins, but if you think that Biden is the answer you are wrong. Suburban voters are not that stupid.
3. If you think Trump is stupid, watch the presidential debates.

1. Republican fairy tales. There were lots of moderate Democrats. More moderate Democrats than moderate Republicans. AOC is the outlier. 232 Democrats in Congress, and you have 4 in the Squad. This is the lie Trump voters tell themselves daily, but any scrutiny of this idiocy and it breaks down quickly.

Donald Trump is so toxic to the Republican Party that quality candidates aren't running down ticket. Look at who the Republican Party elected to Congress. All of the sane rational conservatives in the Republican Congress were either primaried because they dared speak ill of Trump's policies, or they couldn't stomach his policies and retired.

2. The job of the "minority President" (someone who lost the popular vote) is to win over those voters who were reluctant in their support and those who will vote on his record, so that he wins the election outright in the next election. Trump has done nothing to retain the votes of moderate conservatives, and everything to alienate moderate Christians as well. There are people who object to separating families at the border or moral and Constitutional grounds, and that's just one example.

3. I don't think Trump is stupid. I think he is very cunning and manipulative. His utter lack of empathy, and his public behavior in this pandemic has been openly offensive, and is indicative of some very deep psychosis that I'm not knowledgeable enough to pinpoint, but shit man! Insulting reporters who dare to ask you questions about your decisions while tens of thousands of people dying showing no concern of the families of the dead and dying. Playing campaign videos, refusing to take responsibility, snarling at those who question the rates of illness and death, and demanding people thank him and show appreciation for the job he's doing.

I've had to turn off the TV, his behavior was so offensive, and everyone I know is posting similar thoughts on FaceBook. This is not how a leader acts.
1. Look at the Warren and Bernie wings of democrats. You think that they would support a moderate agenda? That's why Biden is moving left with his agenda. That's where the money is. I'm still waiting to see how much Bloomberg is going to put up to help Biden. Here are the democrat policies, let me know which ones you consider "moderate":
1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, "Lois Lerner" in charge of your access to healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Decriminalize all drug use and possession, Opioid deaths increase across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines and no offshore drilling
16. Medicare for all means rural hospitals will close
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Increase domestic surveillance, especially on "white supremacist" organizations
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants
37. Eliminate Hallmark channel for being racist, sexist and anti-LGBTQ
38. Eliminate the "cash bail system" whereby all criminals walk out after committing a crime.
39. Nationalize all of the electric utilities making them green by 2030
40. Pass "The New Way Forward Act", bringing back 480,000 deported illegals, giving them free everything

2. Don't try to figure out GOP/Trump voters. Your logic is convoluted. Its the economy, China, and jobs, jobs, jobs. The Biden's are globalists who take Chinese cash.

3. November will decide the next 4-years. You can't vote for Biden because you're not a citizen. So enjoy the drama. Remember 2016 when Hillary had a 95% probability of winning?

Your list of Democratic policies is bullshit, misrepresentation, half-truths and outright lies. The same half-truths and bullshit that Rush, and the Billionaire Media have been feeding you since the 1980's when the Fairness Doctrine expired.

LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, that's all democrats have are lies. I have documented links for every one of my list of democrat policies
Don't even think about denying the democrat policies, Use google and see what they are for:
40. New Way Forward Act

39. The "Accountable Capitalism Act" Elizabeth Warren’s Batty Plan to Nationalize . . . Everything | National Review

38. 'Unintended consequences': Days after ending cash bail, New York has second thoughts

37. Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda

36. California Is 1st State To Offer Health Benefits To Adult Undocumented Immigrants

35. Democrats Refuse to Include Gang Members in "Red Flag" Laws


33. Civil liberties groups sound alarm over online extremism bill

32. A transgender military is a weaker, compromised military

31. Opinion | Bernie Sanders wants incarcerated people to vote. Here's why he's right.

30. Why Democrats Want to Abolish the Electoral College—And Republicans Don't

29. On the issue of late-term abortion, Trump seeks to corner Democrats

28. A voter’s guide to Reparations: Compare where all the 2020 candidates stand



























Your list of Democratic policies is bullshit, misrepresentation, half-truths and outright lies. The same half-truths and bullshit that Rush, and the Billionaire Media have been feeding you since the 1980's when the Fairness Doctrine expired.

Ah yes, the Fairness Doctrine. You do realize that the Fairness Doctrine if applied today would destroy media as the Democrats' primary weapon.

Granted, it would affect talk radio as well, but that audience is less subject to buying Democrat product.

Perhaps we should consider it.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
They exist. You see stories about them. True there’s few of them, but that is because of just how incredibly stupid and emotionally immature Trumptards are.
You ignored this post on another thread.....can't handle the truth?
Lets start a brief list of where we're better off with Trump than with Obama/Biden:
1. Syria, it didn't take Trump long to defeat ISIS, which only expanded under Obama/Biden
2. Iran, Trump has nasty sanctions on Iran, Obama/Biden gave them $1.7b in cash via plane and $150b in sanctions relief to develop nukes, ICBMs, and to fund their terror networks
3. Russia, Trump stopped Germany and the EU from funding Putin's military by selling gas to the EU, and imposed harsh sanctions on Russia
4. China, Trump is fighting for fair trade, and is pushing back on China's effort to replace the US as the "Big Dog"
5. NATO, Trump is requiring that NATO countries live up to their military funding obligations instead of getting free rides
6. Mexico, Trump got Mexico to stop the flow of illegals, and he is building a wall to help enforce US immigration Laws
7. Canada, Trump got a new fairer trade deal from the Canucks
8. Japan, SK, Taiwan, Trump is doing just fine thank you
9. North Korea, Obama said NK is a major unresolved problem, he was right, lets hope Trump can show Un the light, money talks, nukes are a dead end.
10. Iraq, AFG, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and the puss cases known as the "ME", Trump will get us out of AFG, and keep a lid on Iran's nuclear ambitions.
11. India, loves Trump
12. The US economy, jobs, stock market, and standard of living, Trump improved them all, we love that he is trying to bring good jobs back to the US instead of outsourcing them

That's an even dozen positive reasons to vote for Trump in November.
Don't make me put the list of democrat policies, and Joe Biden's gaffes and bimbo problems. I can do oppo research that Biden will not like at all.
Then we have the Sword of Damacles, aka Barr and Durham's indictments for Obama/Biden admin "deep state criminals" Gestapo-like Operation Crossfire Hurricane.

1. Syria - trump sold out the Kurds in Syria and gave Russia say over our policy in region.
2. Iran - President Obama end the case over a bad arms deal with Iran by settling the World Court ruling. Gwb's awful Middle East policy gave rise to Iranian influence in the area and trump is pushing them to enrich uranium by pussying out on President Obama's nuclear deal.
3. Russia - trump's constant bootlicking of putin has become a campaign liability and national embarrassment.
4. China - trump isn't pushing for better deals for the nation, his pushing for better deals for his family. trump still doesn't know who's paying his stupid tariffs.
5. NATO - trump shows up late, makes up shit and talks loud...when his back is turned the entire organization laughs at him.
6. Mexico - Still hasn't paid for no fucking wall and when his back is turned laugh at him.
7. Canada - Trump's deal is just a reshuffle of the NAFTA deal and when his back is turned country laughs at him.
8. Japan, SK and Taiwan - trump probability still thinks that we're at war with Japan and only went to South Korea for a photo shoot on the border.
9. North Korea - President tried to warn trump about country and all trump did was give the little dictator a great photo shoot.
10. Iraq, AFG, Yemen, Saudi Arabia - Iraq is still a mess and again with the licking of sandals of a murderer dictator in Saudi Arabia.
11. India - trump likes to divide and so does the Indian leader. Damn, trump licks dictators a lot.
12. Just run on that economy and the lost 45-60 days to the virus.
Thanks for having the stones to at least reply to my post, 2-others dodged replying:

1. Syria - trump sold out the Kurds in Syria and gave Russia say over our policy in region.
The Kurds now have an oil field and US tanks protecting them, you would have wanted your kid in front of the Turkish invasion? Trump beat the generals on that one, the Kurds were not "slaughtered, it was a win-win. Let Russia and Turkey have it. BTW, what US policy in the region?
2. Iran - President Obama end the case over a bad arms deal with Iran by settling the World Court ruling. Gwb's awful Middle East policy gave rise to Iranian influence in the area and trump is pushing them to enrich uranium by pussying out on President Obama's nuclear deal.
Fuck the world court ruling, Obama gave IRAN $1.7b in cash and lifted $159b in sanctions so that Iran could fund nukes and ICBMs. Trump said he will not allow them to develop nukes. We'll see whose policy lasts. Hint Obama's 10-year pause is over 2025 anyway, so they would be free to develop nukes.
3. Russia - trump's constant bootlicking of putin has become a campaign liability and national embarrassment.
Trump has more sanctions on Russia than "flexible" Obama, strop believing your own lies.
4. China - trump isn't pushing for better deals for the nation, his pushing for better deals for his family. trump still doesn't know who's paying his stupid tariffs.
More lies about the Trump family. Navarro and Lightheizer are doing a great job of levelling the trade balance. The only people paying the tariffs are the ones not "Buying American"
5. NATO - trump shows up late, makes up shit and talks loud...when his back is turned the entire organization laughs at him.
I don't care if they laugh at him as long as they pay their way.
6. Mexico - Still hasn't paid for no fucking wall and when his back is turned laugh at him.
IMHO congress needs to pass a "Remittance Tax" on money sent out of the US. That would pay for the wall AND ICE.
7. Canada - Trump's deal is just a reshuffle of the NAFTA deal and when his back is turned country laughs at him.
After the oil collapse, Trudeau won't be laughing very much.
8. Japan, SK and Taiwan - trump probability still thinks that we're at war with Japan and only went to South Korea for a photo shoot on the border.
I'll take that answer as a "no problem there"
9. North Korea - President tried to warn trump about country and all trump did was give the little dictator a great photo shoot.
The little dictator is in danger of dying after heart surgery?! Hope his sister in on deck.
10. Iraq, AFG, Yemen, Saudi Arabia - Iraq is still a mess and again with the licking of sandals of a murderer dictator in Saudi Arabia.
Do we really care how much of a mess the ME is as long as it stays over there? There was no sandal licking, you really want Putin to replace the US in Saudi Arabia??
View attachment 326084
11. India - trump likes to divide and so does the Indian leader. Damn, trump licks dictators a lot.
You can't stand that foreign leaders genuinely like "deal maker" Trump.
12. Just run on that economy and the lost 45-60 days to the virus.
Keep hoping that COVID ruins the US economy for a generation. I'm hoping we get back to normal soon.

Nice foxie news try...But

1. Syria - trump sold out the Kurds in Syria and gave Russia say over our policy in region.
The Kurds now have an oil field and US tanks protecting them, you would have wanted your kid in front of the Turkish invasion? Trump beat the generals on that one, the Kurds were not "slaughtered, it was a win-win. Let Russia and Turkey have it. BTW, what US policy in the region?
You believe that the Kurd's have a single oil field? My, what country is that one oil field in, Kurdistan? Second, the only reason why Turkey invaded Syria was because we sold it off to Russia. And yeah, what is trump's policy in region...a Merica First so he's leaving a vacuum for other countries to fill...and that includes selling out those Kurds again.

2. Iran - President Obama end the case over a bad arms deal with Iran by settling the World Court ruling. Gwb's awful Middle East policy gave rise to Iranian influence in the area and trump is pushing them to enrich uranium by pussying out on President Obama's nuclear deal.
Fuck the world court ruling, Obama gave IRAN $1.7b in cash and lifted $159b in sanctions so that Iran could fund nukes and ICBMs. Trump said he will not allow them to develop nukes. We'll see whose policy lasts. Hint Obama's 10-year pause is over 2025 anyway, so they would be free to develop nukes.
President Obama's Nuclear Deal with Iran was verifiable. GWB's invasion of Iraq has led to increased Iranian influence in region. Dude, trump is pushing Iran to produce nuclear ability and doing so quickly. I'm glad that President Obama settled the Reagan era World Court ruling.

3. Russia - trump's constant bootlicking of putin has become a campaign liability and national embarrassment.
Trump has more sanctions on Russia than "flexible" Obama, strop believing your own lies.
Lick for lick does trump have policy in regard to Russia. Nothing more...

4. China - trump isn't pushing for better deals for the nation, his pushing for better deals for his family. trump still doesn't know who's paying his stupid tariffs.
More lies about the Trump family. Navarro and Lightheizer are doing a great job of levelling the trade balance. The only people paying the tariffs are the ones not "Buying American"
During trump's trade war with Ghina ivanka trump was signing exclusive trademark deals with them. How is that possible? Also, you really should look at the trade deficit history with Ghina before posting. The Ghina trade deficit was increasing under trump, not lowering as you assert.

5. NATO - trump shows up late, makes up shit and talks loud...when his back is turned the entire organization laughs at him.
I don't care if they laugh at him as long as they pay their way.
That's the point, they make some noise about and still view him as a laughingstock. They know that American past presidents have used NATO to exert influence against Russia and the region as a whole. Without NATO the invasion of Iraq would have been far more costly and dangerous. They know we have to pay for that influence, trump doesn't. He uses his very limited vocabulary and will be gone soon enough.

6. Mexico - Still hasn't paid for no fucking wall and when his back is turned laugh at him.
IMHO congress needs to pass a "Remittance Tax" on money sent out of the US. That would pay for the wall AND ICE.
They should do that for US corporations and no, Mexico will never pay for that fucking wall. A wall which will do nothing even if ever finished.

7. Canada - Trump's deal is just a reshuffle of the NAFTA deal and when his back is turned country laughs at him.
After the oil collapse, Trudeau won't be laughing very much.
After the oil collapse, has trump laughed very much? FYI Canada is one of our best trading partners and because they elect their leader instead of having a dictator...trump's tongue is just used to stupid talk.

8. Japan, SK and Taiwan - trump probability still thinks that we're at war with Japan and only went to South Korea for a photo shoot on the border.
I'll take that answer as a "no problem there"
What do you think South Korea and Japan think about trump's bromance with Kim? They laughing...and waiting for us to correct the problem.

9. North Korea - President tried to warn trump about country and all trump did was give the little dictator a great photo shoot.
The little dictator is in danger of dying after heart surgery?! Hope his sister in on deck.
For all we know Kim was trying to get a vasectomy for trump and had complications. trump is sad because he might not get those giant happy letters he so loves...

10. Iraq, AFG, Yemen, Saudi Arabia - Iraq is still a mess and again with the licking of sandals of a murderer dictator in Saudi Arabia.
Do we really care how much of a mess the ME is as long as it stays over there? There was no sandal licking, you really want Putin to replace the US in Saudi Arabia??
The Saudi prince had a man killed in cold blood and trump rolled over and kissed/licked his sandals after "speaking" to him. BTW weren't 16 of the 19 terrorists on 911 Saudi's?

11. India - trump likes to divide and so does the Indian leader. Damn, trump licks dictators a lot.
You can't stand that foreign leaders genuinely like "deal maker" Trump.
What deals can you point too? The reset of NAFTA is unsigned, the Ghina trade war is still on, but ivanka got some deals for the family.

12. Just run on that economy and the lost 45-60 days to the virus.
Keep hoping that COVID ruins the US economy for a generation. I'm hoping we get back to normal soon.
I was hoping that a real US President would leader up and tell the nation the straight shit. What we get is trump blaming someone else, media bashing and happy talk not based on science. It's as if FDR after Pearl Harbor stood up and told the 50 states to act and the Federal government would be right behind them while not sharing military assets because they're Federal.

I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
They exist. You see stories about them. True there’s few of them, but that is because of just how incredibly stupid and emotionally immature Trumptards are.
You ignored this post on another thread.....can't handle the truth?
Lets start a brief list of where we're better off with Trump than with Obama/Biden:
1. Syria, it didn't take Trump long to defeat ISIS, which only expanded under Obama/Biden
2. Iran, Trump has nasty sanctions on Iran, Obama/Biden gave them $1.7b in cash via plane and $150b in sanctions relief to develop nukes, ICBMs, and to fund their terror networks
3. Russia, Trump stopped Germany and the EU from funding Putin's military by selling gas to the EU, and imposed harsh sanctions on Russia
4. China, Trump is fighting for fair trade, and is pushing back on China's effort to replace the US as the "Big Dog"
5. NATO, Trump is requiring that NATO countries live up to their military funding obligations instead of getting free rides
6. Mexico, Trump got Mexico to stop the flow of illegals, and he is building a wall to help enforce US immigration Laws
7. Canada, Trump got a new fairer trade deal from the Canucks
8. Japan, SK, Taiwan, Trump is doing just fine thank you
9. North Korea, Obama said NK is a major unresolved problem, he was right, lets hope Trump can show Un the light, money talks, nukes are a dead end.
10. Iraq, AFG, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and the puss cases known as the "ME", Trump will get us out of AFG, and keep a lid on Iran's nuclear ambitions.
11. India, loves Trump
12. The US economy, jobs, stock market, and standard of living, Trump improved them all, we love that he is trying to bring good jobs back to the US instead of outsourcing them

That's an even dozen positive reasons to vote for Trump in November.
Don't make me put the list of democrat policies, and Joe Biden's gaffes and bimbo problems. I can do oppo research that Biden will not like at all.
Then we have the Sword of Damacles, aka Barr and Durham's indictments for Obama/Biden admin "deep state criminals" Gestapo-like Operation Crossfire Hurricane.

1. Syria - trump sold out the Kurds in Syria and gave Russia say over our policy in region.
2. Iran - President Obama end the case over a bad arms deal with Iran by settling the World Court ruling. Gwb's awful Middle East policy gave rise to Iranian influence in the area and trump is pushing them to enrich uranium by pussying out on President Obama's nuclear deal.
3. Russia - trump's constant bootlicking of putin has become a campaign liability and national embarrassment.
4. China - trump isn't pushing for better deals for the nation, his pushing for better deals for his family. trump still doesn't know who's paying his stupid tariffs.
5. NATO - trump shows up late, makes up shit and talks loud...when his back is turned the entire organization laughs at him.
6. Mexico - Still hasn't paid for no fucking wall and when his back is turned laugh at him.
7. Canada - Trump's deal is just a reshuffle of the NAFTA deal and when his back is turned country laughs at him.
8. Japan, SK and Taiwan - trump probability still thinks that we're at war with Japan and only went to South Korea for a photo shoot on the border.
9. North Korea - President tried to warn trump about country and all trump did was give the little dictator a great photo shoot.
10. Iraq, AFG, Yemen, Saudi Arabia - Iraq is still a mess and again with the licking of sandals of a murderer dictator in Saudi Arabia.
11. India - trump likes to divide and so does the Indian leader. Damn, trump licks dictators a lot.
12. Just run on that economy and the lost 45-60 days to the virus.
Thanks for having the stones to at least reply to my post, 2-others dodged replying:

1. Syria - trump sold out the Kurds in Syria and gave Russia say over our policy in region.
The Kurds now have an oil field and US tanks protecting them, you would have wanted your kid in front of the Turkish invasion? Trump beat the generals on that one, the Kurds were not "slaughtered, it was a win-win. Let Russia and Turkey have it. BTW, what US policy in the region?
2. Iran - President Obama end the case over a bad arms deal with Iran by settling the World Court ruling. Gwb's awful Middle East policy gave rise to Iranian influence in the area and trump is pushing them to enrich uranium by pussying out on President Obama's nuclear deal.
Fuck the world court ruling, Obama gave IRAN $1.7b in cash and lifted $159b in sanctions so that Iran could fund nukes and ICBMs. Trump said he will not allow them to develop nukes. We'll see whose policy lasts. Hint Obama's 10-year pause is over 2025 anyway, so they would be free to develop nukes.
3. Russia - trump's constant bootlicking of putin has become a campaign liability and national embarrassment.
Trump has more sanctions on Russia than "flexible" Obama, strop believing your own lies.
4. China - trump isn't pushing for better deals for the nation, his pushing for better deals for his family. trump still doesn't know who's paying his stupid tariffs.
More lies about the Trump family. Navarro and Lightheizer are doing a great job of levelling the trade balance. The only people paying the tariffs are the ones not "Buying American"
5. NATO - trump shows up late, makes up shit and talks loud...when his back is turned the entire organization laughs at him.
I don't care if they laugh at him as long as they pay their way.
6. Mexico - Still hasn't paid for no fucking wall and when his back is turned laugh at him.
IMHO congress needs to pass a "Remittance Tax" on money sent out of the US. That would pay for the wall AND ICE.
7. Canada - Trump's deal is just a reshuffle of the NAFTA deal and when his back is turned country laughs at him.
After the oil collapse, Trudeau won't be laughing very much.
8. Japan, SK and Taiwan - trump probability still thinks that we're at war with Japan and only went to South Korea for a photo shoot on the border.
I'll take that answer as a "no problem there"
9. North Korea - President tried to warn trump about country and all trump did was give the little dictator a great photo shoot.
The little dictator is in danger of dying after heart surgery?! Hope his sister in on deck.
10. Iraq, AFG, Yemen, Saudi Arabia - Iraq is still a mess and again with the licking of sandals of a murderer dictator in Saudi Arabia.
Do we really care how much of a mess the ME is as long as it stays over there? There was no sandal licking, you really want Putin to replace the US in Saudi Arabia??
View attachment 326084
11. India - trump likes to divide and so does the Indian leader. Damn, trump licks dictators a lot.
You can't stand that foreign leaders genuinely like "deal maker" Trump.
12. Just run on that economy and the lost 45-60 days to the virus.
Keep hoping that COVID ruins the US economy for a generation. I'm hoping we get back to normal soon.

Nice foxie news try...But

1. Syria - trump sold out the Kurds in Syria and gave Russia say over our policy in region.
The Kurds now have an oil field and US tanks protecting them, you would have wanted your kid in front of the Turkish invasion? Trump beat the generals on that one, the Kurds were not "slaughtered, it was a win-win. Let Russia and Turkey have it. BTW, what US policy in the region?
You believe that the Kurd's have a single oil field? My, what country is that one oil field in, Kurdistan? Second, the only reason why Turkey invaded Syria was because we sold it off to Russia. And yeah, what is trump's policy in region...a Merica First so he's leaving a vacuum for other countries to fill...and that includes selling out those Kurds again.
I don't see any linked proof of your "fairy-tale" statements. Here is a real news article that proves my point.
2. Iran - President Obama end the case over a bad arms deal with Iran by settling the World Court ruling. Gwb's awful Middle East policy gave rise to Iranian influence in the area and trump is pushing them to enrich uranium by pussying out on President Obama's nuclear deal.
Fuck the world court ruling, Obama gave IRAN $1.7b in cash and lifted $159b in sanctions so that Iran could fund nukes and ICBMs. Trump said he will not allow them to develop nukes. We'll see whose policy lasts. Hint Obama's 10-year pause is over 2025 anyway, so they would be free to develop nukes.
President Obama's Nuclear Deal with Iran was verifiable. GWB's invasion of Iraq has led to increased Iranian influence in region. Dude, trump is pushing Iran to produce nuclear ability and doing so quickly. I'm glad that President Obama settled the Reagan era World Court ruling.
Obama funded Iran's nuclear and ICBM development programs. That money should have been held until a good regime was in Iran.
3. Russia - trump's constant bootlicking of putin has become a campaign liability and national embarrassment.
Trump has more sanctions on Russia than "flexible" Obama, stop believing your own lies.
Lick for lick does trump have policy in regard to Russia. Nothing more...
Your talking points are bullshit.
4. China - trump isn't pushing for better deals for the nation, his pushing for better deals for his family. trump still doesn't know who's paying his stupid tariffs.
More lies about the Trump family. Navarro and Lightheizer are doing a great job of leveling the trade balance. The only people paying the tariffs are the ones not "Buying American"
During trump's trade war with Ghina ivanka trump was signing exclusive trademark deals with them. How is that possible? Also, you really should look at the trade deficit history with Ghina before posting. The Ghina trade deficit was increasing under trump, not lowering as you assert.
Who the fuck moved 12,000 US factories to China over the past 30-years? Hint: Globalists, not Trump. They are seeing when we need to make stuff that we can't, we have to suck up to China for almost everything. Need ventilators? Swabs? Masks? Gowns? Reagents? Pound sand.
5. NATO - trump shows up late, makes up shit and talks loud...when his back is turned the entire organization laughs at him.
I don't care if they laugh at him as long as they pay their way.
That's the point, they make some noise about and still view him as a laughingstock. They know that American past presidents have used NATO to exert influence against Russia and the region as a whole. Without NATO the invasion of Iraq would have been far more costly and dangerous. They know we have to pay for that influence, trump doesn't. He uses his very limited vocabulary and will be gone soon enough.
Influence against Russia? Bullshit. Buying gas from Russia to fund their military?
6. Mexico - Still hasn't paid for no fucking wall and when his back is turned laugh at him.
IMHO congress needs to pass a "Remittance Tax" on money sent out of the US. That would pay for the wall AND ICE.
They should do that for US corporations and no, Mexico will never pay for that fucking wall. A wall which will do nothing even if ever finished.
Look at that RED line. The wall and Mexico are doing a job on illegal crossings. Thank you President Trump.

7. Canada - Trump's deal is just a reshuffle of the NAFTA deal and when his back is turned country laughs at him.
After the oil collapse, Trudeau won't be laughing very much.
After the oil collapse, has trump laughed very much? FYI Canada is one of our best trading partners and because they elect their leader instead of having a dictator...trump's tongue is just used to stupid talk.
November will tell the tale of who runs the US for the next 4-years, and put up a replacement for RBG.
8. Japan, SK and Taiwan - Trump probably still thinks that we're at war with Japan and only went to South Korea for a photo shoot on the border.
I'll take that answer as a "no problem there"
What do you think South Korea and Japan think about trump's bromance with Kim? They laughing...and waiting for us to correct the problem.
Trump is playing NK, what happens if Kim dies? Better or worse NK? p.s. Japan is not happy about NK missiles flying over Japan, not laughing.
9. North Korea - President tried to warn trump about country and all trump did was give the little dictator a great photo shoot.
The little dictator is in danger of dying after heart surgery?! Hope his sister in on deck.
For all we know Kim was trying to get a vasectomy for trump and had complications. trump is sad because he might not get those giant happy letters he so loves...
Obama did shit, and Trump is working NK, game not over.
10. Iraq, AFG, Yemen, Saudi Arabia - Iraq is still a mess and again with the licking of sandals of a murderer dictator in Saudi Arabia.
Do we really care how much of a mess the ME is as long as it stays over there? There was no sandal licking, you really want Putin to replace the US in Saudi Arabia??
The Saudi prince had a man killed in cold blood and trump rolled over and kissed/licked his sandals after "speaking" to him. BTW weren't 16 of the 19 terrorists on 911 Saudi's?

Obama would have done what? Biden would have done what? ANS: nothing
MBS got his peepee smacked for that nasty bit of murder. You didn't answer if you want MBS to hook up with Putin instead of the US.

11. India - trump likes to divide and so does the Indian leader. Damn, trump licks dictators a lot.
You can't stand that foreign leaders genuinely like "deal maker" Trump.
What deals can you point too? The reset of NAFTA is unsigned, the Ghina trade war is still on, but ivanka got some deals for the family.
12. Just run on that economy and the lost 45-60 days to the virus.
Keep hoping that COVID ruins the US economy for a generation. I'm hoping we get back to normal soon.
I was hoping that a real US President would leader up and tell the nation the straight shit. What we get is trump blaming someone else, media bashing and happy talk not based on science. It's as if FDR after Pearl Harbor stood up and told the 50 states to act and the Federal government would be right behind them while not sharing military assets because they're Federal.
Trump is trying to keep the markets calm, and keep the economy from tanking. The sooner we get back to work the better. Trump is betting on the medical researchers finding cures/therapies and mass tests that can keep the football season. Governors are stepping up and taking charge, get back to work!!

1. Syria - trump sold out the Kurds in Syria and gave Russia say over our policy in region.
The Kurds now have an oil field and US tanks protecting them, you would have wanted your kid in front of the Turkish invasion? Trump beat the generals on that one, the Kurds were not "slaughtered, it was a win-win. Let Russia and Turkey have it. BTW, what US policy in the region?
You believe that the Kurd's have a single oil field? My, what country is that one oil field in, Kurdistan? Second, the only reason why Turkey invaded Syria was because we sold it off to Russia. And yeah, what is trump's policy in region...a Merica First so he's leaving a vacuum for other countries to fill...and that includes selling out those Kurds again.
I don't see any linked proof of your "fairy-tale" statements. Here is a real news article that proves my point.
2. Iran - President Obama end the case over a bad arms deal with Iran by settling the World Court ruling. Gwb's awful Middle East policy gave rise to Iranian influence in the area and trump is pushing them to enrich uranium by pussying out on President Obama's nuclear deal.
Fuck the world court ruling, Obama gave IRAN $1.7b in cash and lifted $159b in sanctions so that Iran could fund nukes and ICBMs. Trump said he will not allow them to develop nukes. We'll see whose policy lasts. Hint Obama's 10-year pause is over 2025 anyway, so they would be free to develop nukes.
President Obama's Nuclear Deal with Iran was verifiable. GWB's invasion of Iraq has led to increased Iranian influence in region. Dude, trump is pushing Iran to produce nuclear ability and doing so quickly. I'm glad that President Obama settled the Reagan era World Court ruling.
Obama funded Iran's nuclear and ICBM development programs. That money should have been held until a good regime was in Iran.
3. Russia - trump's constant bootlicking of putin has become a campaign liability and national embarrassment.
Trump has more sanctions on Russia than "flexible" Obama, stop believing your own lies.
Lick for lick does trump have policy in regard to Russia. Nothing more...
Your talking points are bullshit.
4. China - trump isn't pushing for better deals for the nation, his pushing for better deals for his family. trump still doesn't know who's paying his stupid tariffs.
More lies about the Trump family. Navarro and Lightheizer are doing a great job of leveling the trade balance. The only people paying the tariffs are the ones not "Buying American"
During trump's trade war with Ghina ivanka trump was signing exclusive trademark deals with them. How is that possible? Also, you really should look at the trade deficit history with Ghina before posting. The Ghina trade deficit was increasing under trump, not lowering as you assert.
Who the fuck moved 12,000 US factories to China over the past 30-years? Hint: Globalists, not Trump. They are seeing when we need to make stuff that we can't, we have to suck up to China for almost everything. Need ventilators? Swabs? Masks? Gowns? Reagents? Pound sand.
5. NATO - trump shows up late, makes up shit and talks loud...when his back is turned the entire organization laughs at him.
I don't care if they laugh at him as long as they pay their way.
That's the point, they make some noise about and still view him as a laughingstock. They know that American past presidents have used NATO to exert influence against Russia and the region as a whole. Without NATO the invasion of Iraq would have been far more costly and dangerous. They know we have to pay for that influence, trump doesn't. He uses his very limited vocabulary and will be gone soon enough.
Influence against Russia? Bullshit. Buying gas from Russia to fund their military?
6. Mexico - Still hasn't paid for no fucking wall and when his back is turned laugh at him.
IMHO congress needs to pass a "Remittance Tax" on money sent out of the US. That would pay for the wall AND ICE.
They should do that for US corporations and no, Mexico will never pay for that fucking wall. A wall which will do nothing even if ever finished.
Look at that RED line. The wall and Mexico are doing a job on illegal crossings. Thank you President Trump.

7. Canada - Trump's deal is just a reshuffle of the NAFTA deal and when his back is turned country laughs at him.
After the oil collapse, Trudeau won't be laughing very much.
After the oil collapse, has trump laughed very much? FYI Canada is one of our best trading partners and because they elect their leader instead of having a dictator...trump's tongue is just used to stupid talk.
November will tell the tale of who runs the US for the next 4-years, and put up a replacement for RBG. (Amy Coney Barrett)
8. Japan, SK and Taiwan - Trump probably still thinks that we're at war with Japan and only went to South Korea for a photo shoot on the border.
I'll take that answer as a "no problem there"
What do you think South Korea and Japan think about trump's bromance with Kim? They laughing...and waiting for us to correct the problem.
Trump is playing NK, what happens if Kim dies? Better or worse NK?
p.s. Japan is not happy about NK missiles flying over Japan, i.e. not laughing.

9. North Korea - President tried to warn trump about country and all trump did was give the little dictator a great photo shoot.
The little dictator is in danger of dying after heart surgery?! Hope his sister in on deck.
For all we know Kim was trying to get a vasectomy for trump and had complications. trump is sad because he might not get those giant happy letters he so loves...
Obama did shit, and Trump is working NK, game not over, ......1st inning.
10. Iraq, AFG, Yemen, Saudi Arabia - Iraq is still a mess and again with the licking of sandals of a murderer dictator in Saudi Arabia.
Do we really care how much of a mess the ME is as long as it stays over there? There was no sandal licking, you really want Putin to replace the US in Saudi Arabia??
The Saudi prince had a man killed in cold blood and trump rolled over and kissed/licked his sandals after "speaking" to him. BTW weren't 16 of the 19 terrorists on 911 Saudi's?

Obama would have done what? Biden would have done what? ANS: nothing
MBS got his peepee smacked hard for that nasty bit of murder.
You didn't answer if you want MBS to hook up with Putin instead of the US.

11. India - trump likes to divide and so does the Indian leader. Damn, trump licks dictators a lot.
You can't stand that foreign leaders genuinely like "deal maker" Trump.
What deals can you point too? The reset of NAFTA is unsigned, the Ghina trade war is still on, but ivanka got some deals for the family.
12. Just run on that economy and the lost 45-60 days to the virus.
Keep hoping that COVID ruins the US economy for a generation. I'm hoping we get back to normal soon.
I was hoping that a real US President would leader up and tell the nation the straight shit. What we get is trump blaming someone else, media bashing and happy talk not based on science. It's as if FDR after Pearl Harbor stood up and told the 50 states to act and the Federal government would be right behind them while not sharing military assets because they're Federal.
Trump is trying to keep the markets calm, and keep the economy from tanking. The sooner we get back to work the better. Trump is betting on the medical researchers finding cures/therapies and mass tests that can keep the 2020 football season. Governors are stepping up and taking charge, get back to work, pay taxes!!
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