Do you know a single Trump supporter who has been swayed?

I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

So I guess that losing Congress to the Democrats in a landslide - the biggest mid-Terms loss in American history, happened because Trump voters are still thrilled with Trump?

I can't imagine that seeing the numbers of sick and dying that anyone would think that Trump is doing a good job on the virus. 40,000 dead, more than 2000 people dying every day. 36% of the people who have test positive in the USA, are dying. There are 650,000 active cases in the US. At the current rate of death, the USA could be looking at an addition 230,000 dead, just from the active cases you have now, without a single addition case. Each day in the USA, tens of thousands more Americans are getting sick.

Last week, you had 525,000 active cases. That number has gone up by 25% since just last week.
Lying so early, don't you know how to use google?
1. Obama lost 63 House seats in 2010. He called it a "shellacking"

2. The GOP had 40 House members retire in 2018, and the MSM's constant touting of the Mueller Investigation confused some voters. So Trump House losses in 2018 were average, in spite of the deep state's efforts.

3. Watch 2020, the 31 House seats that were Trump districts in 2016 swing back to the GOP. Can't wait to see Nancy hand the gavel back to the GOP.

4. Your virus numbers are total bullshit. Try doing some math instead of lying. Where did you get 36% from?
41,000/760,000 = ?

Where did you get 230,000 US dead from, your ass? The CDC and Fauci predict 60,000, LIAR.

The fact is that most of the Democrat gains came from the defeat of sitting House Republicans. The reason why the losses were average was because of Republican redistricting.

Many of these 31 seats have a strong suburban component to them. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP and will abandon them in 2020. Democrats will pick up 2 seats in NC. In Texas, Democrats saw strong turnout numbers in 6 House districts held by Republicans. One is already gone.
1. Most of the democrat gains came from retiring GOP incumbents (40), and the MSM's "Mueller fairy-tales" about Trump's Russia Collusion. In 2020 we will have the Barr/Durham indictments to bring voters back to the GOP, as well as the (31) House seats in Trump 2016 districts. The GOP gets the House back in 2020.
2. No one who voted for Trump in 2016 would not vote for him again. Trust me on that, we deplorables know a winner.
3. The democrats have no popular policies, and Joe Biden is senile, so good luck. Maybe Little Mikey can save the day with a few $billion?
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

So I guess that losing Congress to the Democrats in a landslide - the biggest mid-Terms loss in American history, happened because Trump voters are still thrilled with Trump?

I can't imagine that seeing the numbers of sick and dying that anyone would think that Trump is doing a good job on the virus. 40,000 dead, more than 2000 people dying every day. 36% of the people who have test positive in the USA, are dying. There are 650,000 active cases in the US. At the current rate of death, the USA could be looking at an addition 230,000 dead, just from the active cases you have now, without a single addition case. Each day in the USA, tens of thousands more Americans are getting sick.

Last week, you had 525,000 active cases. That number has gone up by 25% since just last week.
Lying so early, don't you know how to use google?
1. Obama lost 63 House seats in 2010. He called it a "shellacking"

2. The GOP had 40 House members retire in 2018, and the MSM's constant touting of the Mueller Investigation confused some voters. So Trump House losses in 2018 were average, in spite of the deep state's efforts.

3. Watch 2020, the 31 House seats that were Trump districts in 2016 swing back to the GOP. Can't wait to see Nancy hand the gavel back to the GOP.

4. Your virus numbers are total bullshit. Try doing some math instead of lying. Where did you get 36% from?
41,000/760,000 = ?

Where did you get 230,000 US dead from, your ass? The CDC and Fauci predict 60,000, LIAR.

The fact is that most of the Democrat gains came from the defeat of sitting House Republicans. The reason why the losses were average was because of Republican redistricting.

Many of these 31 seats have a strong suburban component to them. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP and will abandon them in 2020. Democrats will pick up 2 seats in NC. In Texas, Democrats saw strong turnout numbers in 6 House districts held by Republicans. One is already gone.
1. Most of the democrat gains came from retiring GOP incumbents (40), and the MSM's "Mueller fairy-tales" about Trump's Russia Collusion. In 2020 we will have the Barr/Durham indictments to bring voters back to the GOP, as well as the (31) House seats in Trump 2016 districts. The GOP gets the House back in 2020.
2. No one who voted for Trump in 2016 would not vote for him again. Trust me on that, we deplorables know a winner.
3. The democrats have no popular policies, and Joe Biden is senile, so good luck. Maybe Little Mikey can save the day with a few $billion?

1. "In the U.S. House, 202 Republican incumbents ran for re-election. Two were defeated in primary elections and 30 were defeated in the general election. In total, 15.8 percent of U.S. House Republicans seeking re-election were defeated."

The reason they were defeated is because the party has moved too far to the right. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP. In 2016, they reluctantly supported Trump. Now they are supporting moderate Democrats. Suburban voters are responsible for Biden winning the nomination along with black voters. neither Barr or Durham will have any say in it.

2. Suburban voters will not vote for Trump. They were part of the 25% that were voting against the other candidate. Now they will be voting against Trump.

3. Voters do not support Trump's border policies, immigration policies, his foreign policy among other things. Voters trust Democrats more than they do Republicans' healthcare policies. Trump is stupid so Biden is the better alternative to Trump.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
Not ONE. I believe this would be harder to find than an intelligent liberal......
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

So I guess that losing Congress to the Democrats in a landslide - the biggest mid-Terms loss in American history, happened because Trump voters are still thrilled with Trump?

I can't imagine that seeing the numbers of sick and dying that anyone would think that Trump is doing a good job on the virus. 40,000 dead, more than 2000 people dying every day. 36% of the people who have test positive in the USA, are dying. There are 650,000 active cases in the US. At the current rate of death, the USA could be looking at an addition 230,000 dead, just from the active cases you have now, without a single addition case. Each day in the USA, tens of thousands more Americans are getting sick.

Last week, you had 525,000 active cases. That number has gone up by 25% since just last week.
Lying so early, don't you know how to use google?
1. Obama lost 63 House seats in 2010. He called it a "shellacking"

2. The GOP had 40 House members retire in 2018, and the MSM's constant touting of the Mueller Investigation confused some voters. So Trump House losses in 2018 were average, in spite of the deep state's efforts.

3. Watch 2020, the 31 House seats that were Trump districts in 2016 swing back to the GOP. Can't wait to see Nancy hand the gavel back to the GOP.

4. Your virus numbers are total bullshit. Try doing some math instead of lying. Where did you get 36% from?
41,000/760,000 = ?

Where did you get 230,000 US dead from, your ass? The CDC and Fauci predict 60,000, LIAR.

The fact is that most of the Democrat gains came from the defeat of sitting House Republicans. The reason why the losses were average was because of Republican redistricting.

Many of these 31 seats have a strong suburban component to them. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP and will abandon them in 2020. Democrats will pick up 2 seats in NC. In Texas, Democrats saw strong turnout numbers in 6 House districts held by Republicans. One is already gone.
1. Most of the democrat gains came from retiring GOP incumbents (40), and the MSM's "Mueller fairy-tales" about Trump's Russia Collusion. In 2020 we will have the Barr/Durham indictments to bring voters back to the GOP, as well as the (31) House seats in Trump 2016 districts. The GOP gets the House back in 2020.
2. No one who voted for Trump in 2016 would not vote for him again. Trust me on that, we deplorables know a winner.
3. The democrats have no popular policies, and Joe Biden is senile, so good luck. Maybe Little Mikey can save the day with a few $billion?

1. "In the U.S. House, 202 Republican incumbents ran for re-election. Two were defeated in primary elections and 30 were defeated in the general election. In total, 15.8 percent of U.S. House Republicans seeking re-election were defeated."

The reason they were defeated is because the party has moved too far to the right. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP. In 2016, they reluctantly supported Trump. Now they are supporting moderate Democrats. Suburban voters are responsible for Biden winning the nomination along with black voters. neither Barr or Durham will have any say in it.

2. Suburban voters will not vote for Trump. They were part of the 25% that were voting against the other candidate. Now they will be voting against Trump.

3. Voters do not support Trump's border policies, immigration policies, his foreign policy among other things. Voters trust Democrats more than they do Republicans' healthcare policies. Trump is stupid so Biden is the better alternative to Trump.

The suburban voter thing is the latest Dim lie. It will be told repeatedly this election cycle. It is bullshit. Do not believe the bullshit.

The last election cycle the two lies were white women would vote heavily for Hillary because she happened to be a white woman. They did not. The majority voted for Trump.

The second lie was the Obama coalition of minorities would turn out for Hillary like they did Obama. They did not.

They also said the Blue Wall was inpregnable. It crumbled like a cheap suit.

Don't believe the lies.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
Midterms Arizona voted blue Mr racist. Be very afraid, racism will be crushed.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.

Total bullshit.
You dont know any Republicans and no self respecting Republican would want anything to do with you.

You are bullshit
I don't know any Trump Republicans and I am grateful for that. I know Reagan Republicans who like myself have left the party. Republicans are conceding they will have to fight to win Texas. Clearly Trump has lost support. Suburban voters will vote against Trump.

I'm calling bullshit on your post.
1. If you were a Reagan Republican tell me which of Trump's "promises kept" you don't like.
2. Tell me that you want liberal judges appointed
3. Tell me you want gun control, open borders, sanctuary cities, Medicare for all, Paris Climate Change Treaty, The Green New Deal, No Electoral College, and The New Way Forward Act
4. The Texans I know all love Trump

You are the bullshit artist.
1. Ronald Reagan was not anti-immigrant nor was Ronald Reagan a racist. He never supported a wall and said that people from other countries should be able to come to this country and work and then go home. DACA is a program that Ronald Reagan would have supported. Trump has tried to get rid of Obamacare when he has no replacement. He has put extremist judges who are totally unqualified on the courts. He is destroying environmental regulations.

2. I want judges who do not legislate from the bench. We have so-called conservative judges who are legislating from the bench and liberal judges who are upholding the Constitution.

3. We want reasonable gun control. No one is for open borders. There is no requirement in the Constitution that requires cities or states to cooperate with immigration authorities and given how this administration conducts immigration policy, I don't blame them.
While I do not agree with Medicare for All, I do agree that Obamacare should be built on as Biden has suggested. We should be as clean as possible by doing such things as moving towards more natural gas. We should also use more solar energy.

1. Reagan was 40-years ago. The world was a different place. The Chinese used to ride to work on bikes, and in the US we drove to work, now we ride bikes or subways and the Chinese drive SUVs to work. The drug cartels were not as sophisticated either. We used to lose 70,000 a year to opioids. Trump is lowering that after many years of going up.
View attachment 326423
2019 & 2020 should keep the trend going down, saving lives. Thank You president Trump.
2. How about a few example of conservative judges legislating from the bench, and liberal ones upholding the Constitution. IMHO, you have that assbackwards.
3. Keep your hands off our guns, fucking period. If you want to stop gun violence go after the fucking gangs.
solar energy = Solyndra (big scam) Solyndra misled the feds out of over $500 million. Why you should care
Obamacare, promised $2,500 a year saving, and cost us about $10,000 a year in new deductibles. Kill it and start over, the way it was. Agree on natural gas.

1. Ronald Reagan was a great President and still would be today. Much better than Trump.

2. The Constitution is very clear on Congress' power of the purse. It is written in plain English and there are no if, and or but in it. You don't even need to be a lawyer. It states unequivocally that Congress has the power of the purse. Liberal judges are right in issuing injunctions against Trump taking money appropriated by Congress for one purpose and using it for something Congress has directly disapproved of. So-called conservative judges block those orders. Clearly they are conspiring with Trump- to ignore the Constitution.

3. We should have stronger background checks and should ban weapons like the AK-47. (If you don't like that then leave.

4. Solyndra has nothing to do with solar energy. Solar energy should be looked at as a source of energy.

5. Obamacare succeeded in its goal of getting health insurance to more people. A majority of voters say fix it, don't end it. I agree with that sentiment.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

So I guess that losing Congress to the Democrats in a landslide - the biggest mid-Terms loss in American history, happened because Trump voters are still thrilled with Trump?

I can't imagine that seeing the numbers of sick and dying that anyone would think that Trump is doing a good job on the virus. 40,000 dead, more than 2000 people dying every day. 36% of the people who have test positive in the USA, are dying. There are 650,000 active cases in the US. At the current rate of death, the USA could be looking at an addition 230,000 dead, just from the active cases you have now, without a single addition case. Each day in the USA, tens of thousands more Americans are getting sick.

Last week, you had 525,000 active cases. That number has gone up by 25% since just last week.
Lying so early, don't you know how to use google?
1. Obama lost 63 House seats in 2010. He called it a "shellacking"

2. The GOP had 40 House members retire in 2018, and the MSM's constant touting of the Mueller Investigation confused some voters. So Trump House losses in 2018 were average, in spite of the deep state's efforts.

3. Watch 2020, the 31 House seats that were Trump districts in 2016 swing back to the GOP. Can't wait to see Nancy hand the gavel back to the GOP.

4. Your virus numbers are total bullshit. Try doing some math instead of lying. Where did you get 36% from?
41,000/760,000 = ?

Where did you get 230,000 US dead from, your ass? The CDC and Fauci predict 60,000, LIAR.

The fact is that most of the Democrat gains came from the defeat of sitting House Republicans. The reason why the losses were average was because of Republican redistricting.

Many of these 31 seats have a strong suburban component to them. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP and will abandon them in 2020. Democrats will pick up 2 seats in NC. In Texas, Democrats saw strong turnout numbers in 6 House districts held by Republicans. One is already gone.
1. Most of the democrat gains came from retiring GOP incumbents (40), and the MSM's "Mueller fairy-tales" about Trump's Russia Collusion. In 2020 we will have the Barr/Durham indictments to bring voters back to the GOP, as well as the (31) House seats in Trump 2016 districts. The GOP gets the House back in 2020.
2. No one who voted for Trump in 2016 would not vote for him again. Trust me on that, we deplorables know a winner.
3. The democrats have no popular policies, and Joe Biden is senile, so good luck. Maybe Little Mikey can save the day with a few $billion?

1. "In the U.S. House, 202 Republican incumbents ran for re-election. Two were defeated in primary elections and 30 were defeated in the general election. In total, 15.8 percent of U.S. House Republicans seeking re-election were defeated."

The reason they were defeated is because the party has moved too far to the right. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP. In 2016, they reluctantly supported Trump. Now they are supporting moderate Democrats. Suburban voters are responsible for Biden winning the nomination along with black voters. neither Barr or Durham will have any say in it.

2. Suburban voters will not vote for Trump. They were part of the 25% that were voting against the other candidate. Now they will be voting against Trump.

3. Voters do not support Trump's border policies, immigration policies, his foreign policy among other things. Voters trust Democrats more than they do Republicans' healthcare policies. Trump is stupid so Biden is the better alternative to Trump.

The suburban voter thing is the latest Dim lie. It will be told repeatedly this election cycle. It is bullshit. Do not believe the bullshit.

The last election cycle the two lies were white women would vote heavily for Hillary because she happened to be a white woman. They did not. The majority voted for Trump.

The second lie was the Obama coalition of minorities would turn out for Hillary like they did Obama. They did not.

They also said the Blue Wall was inpregnable. It crumbled like a cheap suit.

Don't believe the lies.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

So I guess that losing Congress to the Democrats in a landslide - the biggest mid-Terms loss in American history, happened because Trump voters are still thrilled with Trump?

I can't imagine that seeing the numbers of sick and dying that anyone would think that Trump is doing a good job on the virus. 40,000 dead, more than 2000 people dying every day. 36% of the people who have test positive in the USA, are dying. There are 650,000 active cases in the US. At the current rate of death, the USA could be looking at an addition 230,000 dead, just from the active cases you have now, without a single addition case. Each day in the USA, tens of thousands more Americans are getting sick.

Last week, you had 525,000 active cases. That number has gone up by 25% since just last week.
Lying so early, don't you know how to use google?
1. Obama lost 63 House seats in 2010. He called it a "shellacking"

2. The GOP had 40 House members retire in 2018, and the MSM's constant touting of the Mueller Investigation confused some voters. So Trump House losses in 2018 were average, in spite of the deep state's efforts.

3. Watch 2020, the 31 House seats that were Trump districts in 2016 swing back to the GOP. Can't wait to see Nancy hand the gavel back to the GOP.

4. Your virus numbers are total bullshit. Try doing some math instead of lying. Where did you get 36% from?
41,000/760,000 = ?

Where did you get 230,000 US dead from, your ass? The CDC and Fauci predict 60,000, LIAR.

The fact is that most of the Democrat gains came from the defeat of sitting House Republicans. The reason why the losses were average was because of Republican redistricting.

Many of these 31 seats have a strong suburban component to them. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP and will abandon them in 2020. Democrats will pick up 2 seats in NC. In Texas, Democrats saw strong turnout numbers in 6 House districts held by Republicans. One is already gone.
1. Most of the democrat gains came from retiring GOP incumbents (40), and the MSM's "Mueller fairy-tales" about Trump's Russia Collusion. In 2020 we will have the Barr/Durham indictments to bring voters back to the GOP, as well as the (31) House seats in Trump 2016 districts. The GOP gets the House back in 2020.
2. No one who voted for Trump in 2016 would not vote for him again. Trust me on that, we deplorables know a winner.
3. The democrats have no popular policies, and Joe Biden is senile, so good luck. Maybe Little Mikey can save the day with a few $billion?

1. "In the U.S. House, 202 Republican incumbents ran for re-election. Two were defeated in primary elections and 30 were defeated in the general election. In total, 15.8 percent of U.S. House Republicans seeking re-election were defeated."

The reason they were defeated is because the party has moved too far to the right. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP. In 2016, they reluctantly supported Trump. Now they are supporting moderate Democrats. Suburban voters are responsible for Biden winning the nomination along with black voters. neither Barr or Durham will have any say in it.

2. Suburban voters will not vote for Trump. They were part of the 25% that were voting against the other candidate. Now they will be voting against Trump.

3. Voters do not support Trump's border policies, immigration policies, his foreign policy among other things. Voters trust Democrats more than they do Republicans' healthcare policies. Trump is stupid so Biden is the better alternative to Trump.

The suburban voter thing is the latest Dim lie. It will be told repeatedly this election cycle. It is bullshit. Do not believe the bullshit.

The last election cycle the two lies were white women would vote heavily for Hillary because she happened to be a white woman. They did not. The majority voted for Trump.

The second lie was the Obama coalition of minorities would turn out for Hillary like they did Obama. They did not.

They also said the Blue Wall was inpregnable. It crumbled like a cheap suit.

Don't believe the lies.

Apparently you can't accept reality. Suburban voters were the reason for the Democrats taking over the House. In 2019, Democrats kept the Louisiana governorship with a strong black turnout and suburban support. Democrats took over the Kentucky governorship with suburban voters.

Women voted for Clinton by a 12 point margin. Since 2016, female voters have voted Democrat by larger margins than they did for Clinton. In 2018, women voted Democrat by a 59-40 margin and among white women, it was 49-49.

A lot of it was weakness with Clinton. It is now clear that a lot of the Sanders vote in 2016 was anti-Clinton. Then you add the low turnout.

In 2020, that has all changed. Black voters have turned out in larger numbers to vote for Biden. Turnout has also been up among suburban voters.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.

The GOP took the House in 2010 and Obama still won in 2012. That means nothing.

Trump was the reason that Republicans lost the House. Voters wanted a check on Trump and Republicans who said they would were largely defeated. Now those voters can take aim at Trump himself.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
Frankly I get sick of the Demotards running threads here trying to tell me how many "lies" Trump told yesterday. None of Trump's lies have hurt me close to Obama and Nancy's. None have been as audacious as Hillary wiping 30,000 emails from her newly discovered secret server in a closet because they were all old recipes.

Demtards aren't trying to convince me of anything, they are only trying to convince themselves to keep their own morale up while venting their hate at being powerless and voiceless.
Frankly I get sick of the Demotards running threads here trying to tell me how many "lies" Trump told yesterday. None of Trump's lies have hurt me close to Obama and Nancy's. None have been as audacious as Hillary wiping 30,000 emails from her newly discovered secret server in a closet because they were all old recipes.
Demtards aren't trying to convince me of anything, they are only trying to convince themselves to keep their own morale up while venting their hate at being powerless and voiceless.
Libtards cannot grasp that disagreeing with them does not equate to a lie.

I am all in for Trump now, especially after the fake impeachment that was based on nothing at all other than Democrat bile.

That increased my determination to vote for Trump tenfold.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

So I guess that losing Congress to the Democrats in a landslide - the biggest mid-Terms loss in American history, happened because Trump voters are still thrilled with Trump?

I can't imagine that seeing the numbers of sick and dying that anyone would think that Trump is doing a good job on the virus. 40,000 dead, more than 2000 people dying every day. 36% of the people who have test positive in the USA, are dying. There are 650,000 active cases in the US. At the current rate of death, the USA could be looking at an addition 230,000 dead, just from the active cases you have now, without a single addition case. Each day in the USA, tens of thousands more Americans are getting sick.

Last week, you had 525,000 active cases. That number has gone up by 25% since just last week.
Lying so early, don't you know how to use google?
1. Obama lost 63 House seats in 2010. He called it a "shellacking"

2. The GOP had 40 House members retire in 2018, and the MSM's constant touting of the Mueller Investigation confused some voters. So Trump House losses in 2018 were average, in spite of the deep state's efforts.

3. Watch 2020, the 31 House seats that were Trump districts in 2016 swing back to the GOP. Can't wait to see Nancy hand the gavel back to the GOP.

4. Your virus numbers are total bullshit. Try doing some math instead of lying. Where did you get 36% from?
41,000/760,000 = ?

Where did you get 230,000 US dead from, your ass? The CDC and Fauci predict 60,000, LIAR.

The fact is that most of the Democrat gains came from the defeat of sitting House Republicans. The reason why the losses were average was because of Republican redistricting.

Many of these 31 seats have a strong suburban component to them. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP and will abandon them in 2020. Democrats will pick up 2 seats in NC. In Texas, Democrats saw strong turnout numbers in 6 House districts held by Republicans. One is already gone.
1. Most of the democrat gains came from retiring GOP incumbents (40), and the MSM's "Mueller fairy-tales" about Trump's Russia Collusion. In 2020 we will have the Barr/Durham indictments to bring voters back to the GOP, as well as the (31) House seats in Trump 2016 districts. The GOP gets the House back in 2020.
2. No one who voted for Trump in 2016 would not vote for him again. Trust me on that, we deplorables know a winner.
3. The democrats have no popular policies, and Joe Biden is senile, so good luck. Maybe Little Mikey can save the day with a few $billion?

1. "In the U.S. House, 202 Republican incumbents ran for re-election. Two were defeated in primary elections and 30 were defeated in the general election. In total, 15.8 percent of U.S. House Republicans seeking re-election were defeated."

The reason they were defeated is because the party has moved too far to the right. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP. In 2016, they reluctantly supported Trump. Now they are supporting moderate Democrats. Suburban voters are responsible for Biden winning the nomination along with black voters. neither Barr or Durham will have any say in it.

2. Suburban voters will not vote for Trump. They were part of the 25% that were voting against the other candidate. Now they will be voting against Trump.

3. Voters do not support Trump's border policies, immigration policies, his foreign policy among other things. Voters trust Democrats more than they do Republicans' healthcare policies. Trump is stupid so Biden is the better alternative to Trump.
1. In 2020 there are no moderate democrats, only the AOC and her "squad" wing of Leftists. In 2018 the democrats ran Republican candidates and won. Many were young veterans with conservative values, that's why Nancy had such a hard time "herding cats" to support her agenda.
2. You may be right that the MSM's constant painting of Trump as unacceptable wins, but if you think that Biden is the answer you are wrong. Suburban voters are not that stupid.
3. If you think Trump is stupid, watch the presidential debates.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.

Total bullshit.
You dont know any Republicans and no self respecting Republican would want anything to do with you.

You are bullshit
I don't know any Trump Republicans and I am grateful for that. I know Reagan Republicans who like myself have left the party. Republicans are conceding they will have to fight to win Texas. Clearly Trump has lost support. Suburban voters will vote against Trump.

I'm calling bullshit on your post.
1. If you were a Reagan Republican tell me which of Trump's "promises kept" you don't like.
2. Tell me that you want liberal judges appointed
3. Tell me you want gun control, open borders, sanctuary cities, Medicare for all, Paris Climate Change Treaty, The Green New Deal, No Electoral College, and The New Way Forward Act
4. The Texans I know all love Trump

You are the bullshit artist.
1. Ronald Reagan was not anti-immigrant nor was Ronald Reagan a racist. He never supported a wall and said that people from other countries should be able to come to this country and work and then go home. DACA is a program that Ronald Reagan would have supported. Trump has tried to get rid of Obamacare when he has no replacement. He has put extremist judges who are totally unqualified on the courts. He is destroying environmental regulations.

2. I want judges who do not legislate from the bench. We have so-called conservative judges who are legislating from the bench and liberal judges who are upholding the Constitution.

3. We want reasonable gun control. No one is for open borders. There is no requirement in the Constitution that requires cities or states to cooperate with immigration authorities and given how this administration conducts immigration policy, I don't blame them.
While I do not agree with Medicare for All, I do agree that Obamacare should be built on as Biden has suggested. We should be as clean as possible by doing such things as moving towards more natural gas. We should also use more solar energy.

1. Reagan was 40-years ago. The world was a different place. The Chinese used to ride to work on bikes, and in the US we drove to work, now we ride bikes or subways and the Chinese drive SUVs to work. The drug cartels were not as sophisticated either. We used to lose 70,000 a year to opioids. Trump is lowering that after many years of going up.
View attachment 326423
2019 & 2020 should keep the trend going down, saving lives. Thank You president Trump.
2. How about a few example of conservative judges legislating from the bench, and liberal ones upholding the Constitution. IMHO, you have that assbackwards.
3. Keep your hands off our guns, fucking period. If you want to stop gun violence go after the fucking gangs.
solar energy = Solyndra (big scam) Solyndra misled the feds out of over $500 million. Why you should care
Obamacare, promised $2,500 a year saving, and cost us about $10,000 a year in new deductibles. Kill it and start over, the way it was. Agree on natural gas.

1. Ronald Reagan was a great President and still would be today. Much better than Trump.
2. The Constitution is very clear on Congress' power of the purse. It is written in plain English and there are no if, and or but in it. You don't even need to be a lawyer. It states unequivocally that Congress has the power of the purse. Liberal judges are right in issuing injunctions against Trump taking money appropriated by Congress for one purpose and using it for something Congress has directly disapproved of. So-called conservative judges block those orders. Clearly they are conspiring with Trump- to ignore the Constitution.
3. We should have stronger background checks and should ban weapons like the AK-47. (If you don't like that then leave.
4. Solyndra has nothing to do with solar energy. Solar energy should be looked at as a source of energy.
5. Obamacare succeeded in its goal of getting health insurance to more people. A majority of voters say fix it, don't end it. I agree with that sentiment.
1. Reagan and Trump both upgraded the military after years of neglect by democrats.
2. WRONG. Trump's declaration of a national emergency to move money is entirely constitutional.
3. The Constitution says "...shall not be infringed". It means what it says.
4. WRONG. Solyndra was an Obama solar scam
5. WRONG. Obamacare took healthcare away from people by imposing new deductibles as high as $10,000 so there is no healthcare, just pay for service. Another Obama scam, we didn't all save $2,500 we lost $10,000.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

So I guess that losing Congress to the Democrats in a landslide - the biggest mid-Terms loss in American history, happened because Trump voters are still thrilled with Trump?

I can't imagine that seeing the numbers of sick and dying that anyone would think that Trump is doing a good job on the virus. 40,000 dead, more than 2000 people dying every day. 36% of the people who have test positive in the USA, are dying. There are 650,000 active cases in the US. At the current rate of death, the USA could be looking at an addition 230,000 dead, just from the active cases you have now, without a single addition case. Each day in the USA, tens of thousands more Americans are getting sick.

Last week, you had 525,000 active cases. That number has gone up by 25% since just last week.
Lying so early, don't you know how to use google?
1. Obama lost 63 House seats in 2010. He called it a "shellacking"

2. The GOP had 40 House members retire in 2018, and the MSM's constant touting of the Mueller Investigation confused some voters. So Trump House losses in 2018 were average, in spite of the deep state's efforts.

3. Watch 2020, the 31 House seats that were Trump districts in 2016 swing back to the GOP. Can't wait to see Nancy hand the gavel back to the GOP.

4. Your virus numbers are total bullshit. Try doing some math instead of lying. Where did you get 36% from?
41,000/760,000 = ?

Where did you get 230,000 US dead from, your ass? The CDC and Fauci predict 60,000, LIAR.

The fact is that most of the Democrat gains came from the defeat of sitting House Republicans. The reason why the losses were average was because of Republican redistricting.

Many of these 31 seats have a strong suburban component to them. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP and will abandon them in 2020. Democrats will pick up 2 seats in NC. In Texas, Democrats saw strong turnout numbers in 6 House districts held by Republicans. One is already gone.
1. Most of the democrat gains came from retiring GOP incumbents (40), and the MSM's "Mueller fairy-tales" about Trump's Russia Collusion. In 2020 we will have the Barr/Durham indictments to bring voters back to the GOP, as well as the (31) House seats in Trump 2016 districts. The GOP gets the House back in 2020.
2. No one who voted for Trump in 2016 would not vote for him again. Trust me on that, we deplorables know a winner.
3. The democrats have no popular policies, and Joe Biden is senile, so good luck. Maybe Little Mikey can save the day with a few $billion?

1. "In the U.S. House, 202 Republican incumbents ran for re-election. Two were defeated in primary elections and 30 were defeated in the general election. In total, 15.8 percent of U.S. House Republicans seeking re-election were defeated."

The reason they were defeated is because the party has moved too far to the right. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP. In 2016, they reluctantly supported Trump. Now they are supporting moderate Democrats. Suburban voters are responsible for Biden winning the nomination along with black voters. neither Barr or Durham will have any say in it.

2. Suburban voters will not vote for Trump. They were part of the 25% that were voting against the other candidate. Now they will be voting against Trump.

3. Voters do not support Trump's border policies, immigration policies, his foreign policy among other things. Voters trust Democrats more than they do Republicans' healthcare policies. Trump is stupid so Biden is the better alternative to Trump.
1. In 2020 there are no moderate democrats, only the AOC and her "squad" wing of Leftists. In 2018 the democrats ran Republican candidates and won. Many were young veterans with conservative values, that's why Nancy had such a hard time "herding cats" to support her agenda.
2. You may be right that the MSM's constant painting of Trump as unacceptable wins, but if you think that Biden is the answer you are wrong. Suburban voters are not that stupid.
3. If you think Trump is stupid, watch the presidential debates.

1. Republican fairy tales. There were lots of moderate Democrats. More moderate Democrats than moderate Republicans. AOC is the outlier. 232 Democrats in Congress, and you have 4 in the Squad. This is the lie Trump voters tell themselves daily, but any scrutiny of this idiocy and it breaks down quickly.

Donald Trump is so toxic to the Republican Party that quality candidates aren't running down ticket. Look at who the Republican Party elected to Congress. All of the sane rational conservatives in the Republican Congress were either primaried because they dared speak ill of Trump's policies, or they couldn't stomach his policies and retired.

2. The job of the "minority President" (someone who lost the popular vote) is to win over those voters who were relunctant in their support and those who will vote on his record, so that he wins the election outright in the next election. Trump has done nothing to retain the votes of moderate conservatives, and everything to alienate moderate Christians as well. There are people who object to separating families at the border or moral and Constitutional grounds, and that's just one example.

3. I don't think Trump is stupid. I think he is very cunning and manipulative. His utter lack of empathy, and his public behaviour in this pandemic has been opely offensive, and is indicative of some very deep psychosis that I'm not knowledgeable enough to pinpoint, but shit man! Insulting reporters who dare to ask you questions about your decisions while tens of thousands of people dying showing no concern of the families of the dead and dying. Playing campaign videos, refusing to take responsibility, snarling at those who question the rates of illness and death, and demanding people thank him and show appreciation for the job he's doing.

I've had to turn off the TV, his behaviour was so offensive, and everyone I know is posting similar thoughts on FaceBook. This is not how a leader acts.
Did anyone notice Trump talking about seniors yesterday?

That's because seniors in battleground states are having a "come to Jesus moment".

They are a key cohort in Trump's re-election strategy and are beginning to realize that they are at risk. Their families are realizing the same.

The virus has a way of injecting reality into the conversation. Ya just can't bullshit the Virus
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

So I guess that losing Congress to the Democrats in a landslide - the biggest mid-Terms loss in American history, happened because Trump voters are still thrilled with Trump?

I can't imagine that seeing the numbers of sick and dying that anyone would think that Trump is doing a good job on the virus. 40,000 dead, more than 2000 people dying every day. 36% of the people who have test positive in the USA, are dying. There are 650,000 active cases in the US. At the current rate of death, the USA could be looking at an addition 230,000 dead, just from the active cases you have now, without a single addition case. Each day in the USA, tens of thousands more Americans are getting sick.

Last week, you had 525,000 active cases. That number has gone up by 25% since just last week.
Lying so early, don't you know how to use google?
1. Obama lost 63 House seats in 2010. He called it a "shellacking"

2. The GOP had 40 House members retire in 2018, and the MSM's constant touting of the Mueller Investigation confused some voters. So Trump House losses in 2018 were average, in spite of the deep state's efforts.

3. Watch 2020, the 31 House seats that were Trump districts in 2016 swing back to the GOP. Can't wait to see Nancy hand the gavel back to the GOP.

4. Your virus numbers are total bullshit. Try doing some math instead of lying. Where did you get 36% from?
41,000/760,000 = ?

Where did you get 230,000 US dead from, your ass? The CDC and Fauci predict 60,000, LIAR.

The fact is that most of the Democrat gains came from the defeat of sitting House Republicans. The reason why the losses were average was because of Republican redistricting.

Many of these 31 seats have a strong suburban component to them. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP and will abandon them in 2020. Democrats will pick up 2 seats in NC. In Texas, Democrats saw strong turnout numbers in 6 House districts held by Republicans. One is already gone.
1. Most of the democrat gains came from retiring GOP incumbents (40), and the MSM's "Mueller fairy-tales" about Trump's Russia Collusion. In 2020 we will have the Barr/Durham indictments to bring voters back to the GOP, as well as the (31) House seats in Trump 2016 districts. The GOP gets the House back in 2020.
2. No one who voted for Trump in 2016 would not vote for him again. Trust me on that, we deplorables know a winner.
3. The democrats have no popular policies, and Joe Biden is senile, so good luck. Maybe Little Mikey can save the day with a few $billion?

1. "In the U.S. House, 202 Republican incumbents ran for re-election. Two were defeated in primary elections and 30 were defeated in the general election. In total, 15.8 percent of U.S. House Republicans seeking re-election were defeated."

The reason they were defeated is because the party has moved too far to the right. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP. In 2016, they reluctantly supported Trump. Now they are supporting moderate Democrats. Suburban voters are responsible for Biden winning the nomination along with black voters. neither Barr or Durham will have any say in it.

2. Suburban voters will not vote for Trump. They were part of the 25% that were voting against the other candidate. Now they will be voting against Trump.

3. Voters do not support Trump's border policies, immigration policies, his foreign policy among other things. Voters trust Democrats more than they do Republicans' healthcare policies. Trump is stupid so Biden is the better alternative to Trump.
1. In 2020 there are no moderate democrats, only the AOC and her "squad" wing of Leftists. In 2018 the democrats ran Republican candidates and won. Many were young veterans with conservative values, that's why Nancy had such a hard time "herding cats" to support her agenda.
2. You may be right that the MSM's constant painting of Trump as unacceptable wins, but if you think that Biden is the answer you are wrong. Suburban voters are not that stupid.
3. If you think Trump is stupid, watch the presidential debates.

1. Republican fairy tales. There were lots of moderate Democrats. More moderate Democrats than moderate Republicans. AOC is the outlier. 232 Democrats in Congress, and you have 4 in the Squad. This is the lie Trump voters tell themselves daily, but any scrutiny of this idiocy and it breaks down quickly.

Donald Trump is so toxic to the Republican Party that quality candidates aren't running down ticket. Look at who the Republican Party elected to Congress. All of the sane rational conservatives in the Republican Congress were either primaried because they dared speak ill of Trump's policies, or they couldn't stomach his policies and retired.

2. The job of the "minority President" (someone who lost the popular vote) is to win over those voters who were reluctant in their support and those who will vote on his record, so that he wins the election outright in the next election. Trump has done nothing to retain the votes of moderate conservatives, and everything to alienate moderate Christians as well. There are people who object to separating families at the border or moral and Constitutional grounds, and that's just one example.

3. I don't think Trump is stupid. I think he is very cunning and manipulative. His utter lack of empathy, and his public behavior in this pandemic has been openly offensive, and is indicative of some very deep psychosis that I'm not knowledgeable enough to pinpoint, but shit man! Insulting reporters who dare to ask you questions about your decisions while tens of thousands of people dying showing no concern of the families of the dead and dying. Playing campaign videos, refusing to take responsibility, snarling at those who question the rates of illness and death, and demanding people thank him and show appreciation for the job he's doing.

I've had to turn off the TV, his behavior was so offensive, and everyone I know is posting similar thoughts on FaceBook. This is not how a leader acts.
1. Look at the Warren and Bernie wings of democrats. You think that they would support a moderate agenda? That's why Biden is moving left with his agenda. That's where the money is. I'm still waiting to see how much Bloomberg is going to put up to help Biden. Here are the democrat policies, let me know which ones you consider "moderate":
1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, "Lois Lerner" in charge of your access to healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Decriminalize all drug use and possession, Opioid deaths increase across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines and no offshore drilling
16. Medicare for all means rural hospitals will close
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Increase domestic surveillance, especially on "white supremacist" organizations
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants
37. Eliminate Hallmark channel for being racist, sexist and anti-LGBTQ
38. Eliminate the "cash bail system" whereby all criminals walk out after committing a crime.
39. Nationalize all of the electric utilities making them green by 2030
40. Pass "The New Way Forward Act", bringing back 480,000 deported illegals, giving them free everything

2. Don't try to figure out GOP/Trump voters. Your logic is convoluted. Its the economy, China, and jobs, jobs, jobs. The Biden's are globalists who take Chinese cash.

3. November will decide the next 4-years. You can't vote for Biden because you're not a citizen. So enjoy the drama. Remember 2016 when Hillary had a 95% probability of winning?
Frankly I get sick of the Demotards running threads here trying to tell me how many "lies" Trump told yesterday. None of Trump's lies have hurt me close to Obama and Nancy's. None have been as audacious as Hillary wiping 30,000 emails from her newly discovered secret server in a closet because they were all old recipes.
Demtards aren't trying to convince me of anything, they are only trying to convince themselves to keep their own morale up while venting their hate at being powerless and voiceless.
Libtards cannot grasp that disagreeing with them does not equate to a lie.

I am all in for Trump now, especially after the fake impeachment that was based on nothing at all other than Democrat bile.

That increased my determination to vote for Trump tenfold.
I think that is true across much of his base. I'd be loathe to claim Trump were the model president, but then, few were. A study of history shows that Trump is far from the most colorful or individualistic president we have ever had! But many of the qualities Lefties like to bitch about are also the qualities that make Trump such a good leader and representative of America.

It would be different if the Left were to actually present claims or complaints that had real teeth to them, but their bogus, shameful impeachment charges? Trying to build a false narative between him and Russia? That he openly said contest girls would let you "grab them" in a public video 15 years ago makes him a molester? That he has incestuous relations with his daughter? That he routinely slants things in his or America's favor as if America were his "business" now like any good CEO?

Jesus, c'mon. You can throw a stick blindfolded and hit things that their icons did that are 10,000 times worse than any of that even if it were true! I would be moved if any of their most audacious claims had any solid merit to them, or if their own candidates hadn't lived in such glass houses-- -- like you, all they have done is resolve Trump supporters to knuckle under and work that much harder at getting out the vote, supporting him, and pounding democrats into the mud.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

So I guess that losing Congress to the Democrats in a landslide - the biggest mid-Terms loss in American history, happened because Trump voters are still thrilled with Trump?

I can't imagine that seeing the numbers of sick and dying that anyone would think that Trump is doing a good job on the virus. 40,000 dead, more than 2000 people dying every day. 36% of the people who have test positive in the USA, are dying. There are 650,000 active cases in the US. At the current rate of death, the USA could be looking at an addition 230,000 dead, just from the active cases you have now, without a single addition case. Each day in the USA, tens of thousands more Americans are getting sick.

Last week, you had 525,000 active cases. That number has gone up by 25% since just last week.
Lying so early, don't you know how to use google?
1. Obama lost 63 House seats in 2010. He called it a "shellacking"

2. The GOP had 40 House members retire in 2018, and the MSM's constant touting of the Mueller Investigation confused some voters. So Trump House losses in 2018 were average, in spite of the deep state's efforts.

3. Watch 2020, the 31 House seats that were Trump districts in 2016 swing back to the GOP. Can't wait to see Nancy hand the gavel back to the GOP.

4. Your virus numbers are total bullshit. Try doing some math instead of lying. Where did you get 36% from?
41,000/760,000 = ?

Where did you get 230,000 US dead from, your ass? The CDC and Fauci predict 60,000, LIAR.

The fact is that most of the Democrat gains came from the defeat of sitting House Republicans. The reason why the losses were average was because of Republican redistricting.

Many of these 31 seats have a strong suburban component to them. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP and will abandon them in 2020. Democrats will pick up 2 seats in NC. In Texas, Democrats saw strong turnout numbers in 6 House districts held by Republicans. One is already gone.
1. Most of the democrat gains came from retiring GOP incumbents (40), and the MSM's "Mueller fairy-tales" about Trump's Russia Collusion. In 2020 we will have the Barr/Durham indictments to bring voters back to the GOP, as well as the (31) House seats in Trump 2016 districts. The GOP gets the House back in 2020.
2. No one who voted for Trump in 2016 would not vote for him again. Trust me on that, we deplorables know a winner.
3. The democrats have no popular policies, and Joe Biden is senile, so good luck. Maybe Little Mikey can save the day with a few $billion?

1. "In the U.S. House, 202 Republican incumbents ran for re-election. Two were defeated in primary elections and 30 were defeated in the general election. In total, 15.8 percent of U.S. House Republicans seeking re-election were defeated."

The reason they were defeated is because the party has moved too far to the right. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP. In 2016, they reluctantly supported Trump. Now they are supporting moderate Democrats. Suburban voters are responsible for Biden winning the nomination along with black voters. neither Barr or Durham will have any say in it.

2. Suburban voters will not vote for Trump. They were part of the 25% that were voting against the other candidate. Now they will be voting against Trump.

3. Voters do not support Trump's border policies, immigration policies, his foreign policy among other things. Voters trust Democrats more than they do Republicans' healthcare policies. Trump is stupid so Biden is the better alternative to Trump.
1. In 2020 there are no moderate democrats, only the AOC and her "squad" wing of Leftists. In 2018 the democrats ran Republican candidates and won. Many were young veterans with conservative values, that's why Nancy had such a hard time "herding cats" to support her agenda.
2. You may be right that the MSM's constant painting of Trump as unacceptable wins, but if you think that Biden is the answer you are wrong. Suburban voters are not that stupid.
3. If you think Trump is stupid, watch the presidential debates.

1. Republican fairy tales. There were lots of moderate Democrats. More moderate Democrats than moderate Republicans. AOC is the outlier. 232 Democrats in Congress, and you have 4 in the Squad. This is the lie Trump voters tell themselves daily, but any scrutiny of this idiocy and it breaks down quickly.

Donald Trump is so toxic to the Republican Party that quality candidates aren't running down ticket. Look at who the Republican Party elected to Congress. All of the sane rational conservatives in the Republican Congress were either primaried because they dared speak ill of Trump's policies, or they couldn't stomach his policies and retired.

2. The job of the "minority President" (someone who lost the popular vote) is to win over those voters who were reluctant in their support and those who will vote on his record, so that he wins the election outright in the next election. Trump has done nothing to retain the votes of moderate conservatives, and everything to alienate moderate Christians as well. There are people who object to separating families at the border or moral and Constitutional grounds, and that's just one example.

3. I don't think Trump is stupid. I think he is very cunning and manipulative. His utter lack of empathy, and his public behavior in this pandemic has been openly offensive, and is indicative of some very deep psychosis that I'm not knowledgeable enough to pinpoint, but shit man! Insulting reporters who dare to ask you questions about your decisions while tens of thousands of people dying showing no concern of the families of the dead and dying. Playing campaign videos, refusing to take responsibility, snarling at those who question the rates of illness and death, and demanding people thank him and show appreciation for the job he's doing.

I've had to turn off the TV, his behavior was so offensive, and everyone I know is posting similar thoughts on FaceBook. This is not how a leader acts.
1. Look at the Warren and Bernie wings of democrats. You think that they would support a moderate agenda? That's why Biden is moving left with his agenda. That's where the money is. I'm still waiting to see how much Bloomberg is going to put up to help Biden. Here are the democrat policies, let me know which ones you consider "moderate":
1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, "Lois Lerner" in charge of your access to healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Decriminalize all drug use and possession, Opioid deaths increase across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines and no offshore drilling
16. Medicare for all means rural hospitals will close
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Increase domestic surveillance, especially on "white supremacist" organizations
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants
37. Eliminate Hallmark channel for being racist, sexist and anti-LGBTQ
38. Eliminate the "cash bail system" whereby all criminals walk out after committing a crime.
39. Nationalize all of the electric utilities making them green by 2030
40. Pass "The New Way Forward Act", bringing back 480,000 deported illegals, giving them free everything

2. Don't try to figure out GOP/Trump voters. Your logic is convoluted. Its the economy, China, and jobs, jobs, jobs. The Biden's are globalists who take Chinese cash.

3. November will decide the next 4-years. You can't vote for Biden because you're not a citizen. So enjoy the drama. Remember 2016 when Hillary had a 95% probability of winning?

Your list of Democratic policies is bullshit, misrepresentation, half-truths and outright lies. The same half-truths and bullshit that Rush, and the Billionaire Media have been feeding you since the 1980's when the Fairness Doctrine expired.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

So I guess that losing Congress to the Democrats in a landslide - the biggest mid-Terms loss in American history, happened because Trump voters are still thrilled with Trump?

I can't imagine that seeing the numbers of sick and dying that anyone would think that Trump is doing a good job on the virus. 40,000 dead, more than 2000 people dying every day. 36% of the people who have test positive in the USA, are dying. There are 650,000 active cases in the US. At the current rate of death, the USA could be looking at an addition 230,000 dead, just from the active cases you have now, without a single addition case. Each day in the USA, tens of thousands more Americans are getting sick.

Last week, you had 525,000 active cases. That number has gone up by 25% since just last week.
Lying so early, don't you know how to use google?
1. Obama lost 63 House seats in 2010. He called it a "shellacking"

2. The GOP had 40 House members retire in 2018, and the MSM's constant touting of the Mueller Investigation confused some voters. So Trump House losses in 2018 were average, in spite of the deep state's efforts.

3. Watch 2020, the 31 House seats that were Trump districts in 2016 swing back to the GOP. Can't wait to see Nancy hand the gavel back to the GOP.

4. Your virus numbers are total bullshit. Try doing some math instead of lying. Where did you get 36% from?
41,000/760,000 = ?

Where did you get 230,000 US dead from, your ass? The CDC and Fauci predict 60,000, LIAR.

The fact is that most of the Democrat gains came from the defeat of sitting House Republicans. The reason why the losses were average was because of Republican redistricting.

Many of these 31 seats have a strong suburban component to them. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP and will abandon them in 2020. Democrats will pick up 2 seats in NC. In Texas, Democrats saw strong turnout numbers in 6 House districts held by Republicans. One is already gone.
1. Most of the democrat gains came from retiring GOP incumbents (40), and the MSM's "Mueller fairy-tales" about Trump's Russia Collusion. In 2020 we will have the Barr/Durham indictments to bring voters back to the GOP, as well as the (31) House seats in Trump 2016 districts. The GOP gets the House back in 2020.
2. No one who voted for Trump in 2016 would not vote for him again. Trust me on that, we deplorables know a winner.
3. The democrats have no popular policies, and Joe Biden is senile, so good luck. Maybe Little Mikey can save the day with a few $billion?

1. "In the U.S. House, 202 Republican incumbents ran for re-election. Two were defeated in primary elections and 30 were defeated in the general election. In total, 15.8 percent of U.S. House Republicans seeking re-election were defeated."

The reason they were defeated is because the party has moved too far to the right. Suburban voters have abandoned the GOP. In 2016, they reluctantly supported Trump. Now they are supporting moderate Democrats. Suburban voters are responsible for Biden winning the nomination along with black voters. neither Barr or Durham will have any say in it.

2. Suburban voters will not vote for Trump. They were part of the 25% that were voting against the other candidate. Now they will be voting against Trump.

3. Voters do not support Trump's border policies, immigration policies, his foreign policy among other things. Voters trust Democrats more than they do Republicans' healthcare policies. Trump is stupid so Biden is the better alternative to Trump.
1. In 2020 there are no moderate democrats, only the AOC and her "squad" wing of Leftists. In 2018 the democrats ran Republican candidates and won. Many were young veterans with conservative values, that's why Nancy had such a hard time "herding cats" to support her agenda.
2. You may be right that the MSM's constant painting of Trump as unacceptable wins, but if you think that Biden is the answer you are wrong. Suburban voters are not that stupid.
3. If you think Trump is stupid, watch the presidential debates.

1. Republican fairy tales. There were lots of moderate Democrats. More moderate Democrats than moderate Republicans. AOC is the outlier. 232 Democrats in Congress, and you have 4 in the Squad. This is the lie Trump voters tell themselves daily, but any scrutiny of this idiocy and it breaks down quickly.

Donald Trump is so toxic to the Republican Party that quality candidates aren't running down ticket. Look at who the Republican Party elected to Congress. All of the sane rational conservatives in the Republican Congress were either primaried because they dared speak ill of Trump's policies, or they couldn't stomach his policies and retired.

2. The job of the "minority President" (someone who lost the popular vote) is to win over those voters who were reluctant in their support and those who will vote on his record, so that he wins the election outright in the next election. Trump has done nothing to retain the votes of moderate conservatives, and everything to alienate moderate Christians as well. There are people who object to separating families at the border or moral and Constitutional grounds, and that's just one example.

3. I don't think Trump is stupid. I think he is very cunning and manipulative. His utter lack of empathy, and his public behavior in this pandemic has been openly offensive, and is indicative of some very deep psychosis that I'm not knowledgeable enough to pinpoint, but shit man! Insulting reporters who dare to ask you questions about your decisions while tens of thousands of people dying showing no concern of the families of the dead and dying. Playing campaign videos, refusing to take responsibility, snarling at those who question the rates of illness and death, and demanding people thank him and show appreciation for the job he's doing.

I've had to turn off the TV, his behavior was so offensive, and everyone I know is posting similar thoughts on FaceBook. This is not how a leader acts.
1. Look at the Warren and Bernie wings of democrats. You think that they would support a moderate agenda? That's why Biden is moving left with his agenda. That's where the money is. I'm still waiting to see how much Bloomberg is going to put up to help Biden. Here are the democrat policies, let me know which ones you consider "moderate":
1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, "Lois Lerner" in charge of your access to healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Decriminalize all drug use and possession, Opioid deaths increase across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines and no offshore drilling
16. Medicare for all means rural hospitals will close
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Increase domestic surveillance, especially on "white supremacist" organizations
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants
37. Eliminate Hallmark channel for being racist, sexist and anti-LGBTQ
38. Eliminate the "cash bail system" whereby all criminals walk out after committing a crime.
39. Nationalize all of the electric utilities making them green by 2030
40. Pass "The New Way Forward Act", bringing back 480,000 deported illegals, giving them free everything

2. Don't try to figure out GOP/Trump voters. Your logic is convoluted. Its the economy, China, and jobs, jobs, jobs. The Biden's are globalists who take Chinese cash.

3. November will decide the next 4-years. You can't vote for Biden because you're not a citizen. So enjoy the drama. Remember 2016 when Hillary had a 95% probability of winning?

Your list of Democratic policies is bullshit, misrepresentation, half-truths and outright lies.

Thanks for confirming they are all 100% TRUE. At least you had enough integrity to admit there was truth to SOME of them.

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