Do you know libs still think Michael Brown was murdered by a cop?

All the evidence shows that TRUMP colluded with fucking russia and helped them vastly in fucking up our last election. If you can't see this then you're blind to the evidence that has been mounting. How many people have to go down before you wake up?

As for Michael brown. Well, just to show you that I am not a partisan hick I will say that he shouldn't have grabbed the officers gun.
So Mueller is investigating whether Trump and or anyone in his campaign "colluded" with the Russians.
What criminal charge will Mueller recommend to his fisting buddy Rosenstein?
Please be specific.
The soon to be released IG report is going to make the blood spurt out of the LIB MSM's eyes.
Did you know that, despite all of the conclusive proof to the contrary?

What does that mean?

It is the same reason they ALL believe Trump colluded with Russia, they still think their kuuunt is just innocent of everything, and they believe the Iran nuclear deal was a great deal.

It means it does not matter what the "investigation" proves or disproves. The left are that pathetic, and whats worse is the democrats know it.

They must get a real kick out of how stupid they actually are, and why you should just ignore them. Won't matter what you say or proof you present.

That is what all of that means.

There is no such conclusive evidence for Brown. There is the DAs "evidence" in a department found to have all kinds of constitutional violations by the DOJ.

All the evidence points to him being a gentle giant.

How stupid are these people?

Michael Brown clearly not robbing a store.

That being said, he did nothing wrong because criminals are the interest group of these people.

The standard racist argument. He was such a violent and dangerous man, that he took a box of cheap cigars. A misdemeanor that does not carry the death sentence by statute.

It demonstrates his character.

It's pretty clear he resisted the arrest and got himself killed. All the evidence shows as much.

Holy fuck these people are dumb... They make flat earthers look good. I am sure you believe that Trayvon Martin should have been punished, despite the whole trial being online. What a brainwashed sheep.

This video alone:

Is enough proof to disagree with the police officers testimony... No one is saying guilty, it just needs to be investigated properly...

Did you know that, despite all of the conclusive proof to the contrary?

What does that mean?

It is the same reason they ALL believe Trump colluded with Russia, they still think their kuuunt is just innocent of everything, and they believe the Iran nuclear deal was a great deal.

It means it does not matter what the "investigation" proves or disproves. The left are that pathetic, and whats worse is the democrats know it.

They must get a real kick out of how stupid they actually are, and why you should just ignore them. Won't matter what you say or proof you present.

That is what all of that means.

There is no such conclusive evidence for Brown. There is the DAs "evidence" in a department found to have all kinds of constitutional violations by the DOJ.

All the evidence points to him being a gentle giant.

How stupid are these people?

Michael Brown clearly not robbing a store.

That being said, he did nothing wrong because criminals are the interest group of these people.

The standard racist argument. He was such a violent and dangerous man, that he took a box of cheap cigars. A misdemeanor that does not carry the death sentence by statute.

It demonstrates his character.

It's pretty clear he resisted the arrest and got himself killed. All the evidence shows as much.

Holy fuck these people are dumb... They make flat earthers look good. I am sure you believe that Trayvon Martin should have been punished, despite the whole trial being online. What a brainwashed sheep.

This video alone:

Is enough proof to disagree with the police officers testimony... No one is saying guilty, it just needs to be investigated properly...

CNN was trying to make it look like it was 'Big Mike' with the cop in the video. Funny that there was always police tape put up at the scene.
Did you know people who think the DoJ is a leftist conspiracy find it impossible to believe a jacked-up cop would tell a lie.
Something tells me you are either currently serving time or you have at some point served time or you are at some point going to be serving time.
Only people like you have such irrational hatred for LEOs.
Did you know that, despite all of the conclusive proof to the contrary?

What does that mean?

It is the same reason they ALL believe Trump colluded with Russia, they still think their kuuunt is just innocent of everything, and they believe the Iran nuclear deal was a great deal.

It means it does not matter what the "investigation" proves or disproves. The left are that pathetic, and whats worse is the democrats know it.

They must get a real kick out of how stupid they actually are, and why you should just ignore them. Won't matter what you say or proof you present.

That is what all of that means.
Yep, I don't know why cops are in a heightened state when they deal with killers and's almost like these criminals may be dangerous or something.
Did you know people who think the DoJ is a leftist conspiracy find it impossible to believe a jacked-up cop would tell a lie.
Yeah, and I am sure that all of witnesses (all with the skin color of a thick molasses) lied under oath. Including the friend of his, who had to come clean with what happened. The grand jury was all negro "people" the prosecutor was a dedicated left winger and after going over every bit of evidence, determined wilson acted correctly.

Just like we thought.

"The grand jury consists (consisted) of six white men, three white women, two black women and one black man. Nine votes are needed to indict." The prosecutor could have brought charges without going to the grand jury - that's how much of a "dedicated left winger" he was. People are fond of saying, "you can indict a ham sandwich". But if you're determined not to indict a cop who killed an unarmed man, then he isn't indicted.
I thought you would correct me with the jury pool. The fact is they heard testimony UNDER OATH from witnesses. The notion of HANDS UP and GENTLE GIANT was false.
Gentle Giant = the guy on the video shoving the store clerk while his shoplifting charge just escalated to robbery and assault/battery....

Michael Brown - the best the bigoted black left can do to find a "victim"
Did you know people who think the DoJ is a leftist conspiracy find it impossible to believe a jacked-up cop would tell a lie.
Something tells me you are either currently serving time or you have at some point served time or you are at some point going to be serving time.
Only people like you have such irrational hatred for LEOs.

Something tells me you're just saying stupid stuff.
Yeah, and I am sure that all of witnesses (all with the skin color of a thick molasses) lied under oath. Including the friend of his, who had to come clean with what happened. The grand jury was all negro "people" the prosecutor was a dedicated left winger and after going over every bit of evidence, determined wilson acted correctly.

Just like we thought.

"The grand jury consists (consisted) of six white men, three white women, two black women and one black man. Nine votes are needed to indict." The prosecutor could have brought charges without going to the grand jury - that's how much of a "dedicated left winger" he was. People are fond of saying, "you can indict a ham sandwich". But if you're determined not to indict a cop who killed an unarmed man, then he isn't indicted.
just to show how genuine you are, I'll expose you. did Brown have his hands up and shouting don't shoot?

Just to show how genuine you are, was Theowl correct when he posted "The grand jury was all negro "people" the prosecutor was a dedicated left winger"?
you didn't answer. there is my answer. ricochet rabbit thank you. I knew you wouldn't stand behind your post.

You didn't answer, either. You wanted to ignore me correcting Theowl, and go to your supposed "gotcha" question. The answer is I don't know. I do know that cops lie, they lie routinely, and they lie under oath - sometimes with a wink and a nod from the Judge.

You didn't know a fucking thing, dummy.
no, they had witnesses, actual witnesses all testified. you either believe the witness or not. You cannot just make up since someone said he said it, therefore it must have happened bullshit. No. Actual citizens who witnessed the event stated under oath, he had no hands up and was actually charging the cop. Now you can surely live in fantasy land and I don't give a shit about you then.
He wasn't killed by a cop, he was killed by his own stupidity, the cop was just the mechanism whereby nature removed defective DNA from the gene pool.

The bright side is, Michael Brown provided an abject lesson on what not to do when you're unarmed and confronted by an armed police officer.
Go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit!
I hope you are just trolling and not really this ignorant
He wasn't killed by a cop, he was killed by his own stupidity, the cop was just the mechanism whereby nature removed defective DNA from the gene pool.

The bright side is, Michael Brown provided an abject lesson on what not to do when you're unarmed and confronted by an armed police officer.
Go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit!
Karma kicked that thugs ass, now he’s taking a dirt nap.
Rightly so... You silly little fucker
Good riddance

All the evidence shows that TRUMP colluded with fucking russia and helped them vastly in fucking up our last election. If you can't see this then you're blind to the evidence that has been mounting. How many people have to go down before you wake up?

As for Michael brown. Well, just to show you that I am not a partisan hick I will say that he shouldn't have grabbed the officers gun.
I think you are related to this dumb ass....:abgg2q.jpg:116796be854099f07d63e44209a220f1.jpg
When are you going to prove Michael Brown was nothing more than a thug?
The dude was just walking home and a racist, asshole cop came up and shot him to death.
You are a fucking typical piece of white left wing racist shit, you pathetic fucking loser. That is all you are you sack of patronizing racist shit.

LOL at the fucking racist. Billo_Really is a FUCKING RACIST everyone. A pathetic, stupid ass, typical, ignorant fucking racist!
Karma kicked that thugs ass, now he’s taking a dirt nap.
Rightly so... You silly little fucker
All you fuckin' racists can go to hell. This country doesn't want you. You're better off living in the Weimar Republic where they honor racist pricks like yourself.

It’s ok, We realize you love punk ass thugs.
Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin are gone and the world is better for it...

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