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Do You Know Who Your Czar Is?

Do you know who your Czar is

Did you know who you Czar was under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton or Bush II?

For the Record, I don't approve of any of them.
Yeah.....give us more o' those 2010 Teabaggin'-rookies, in Congress, to get the job done!!

They've been soooooooooooooooooooo productive over the last year-and-a-half!

"Czar" is a media term, not a title.

It actually is both. Unless you would like to argue that a Cop is not a title for a Police Man? Is a Teacher a Teacher or an Educator.

It is a Name associated with a Position. Are we playing word games? The Term has been used enough by both sides to earn it's Rank.

You coin a Term, you end up getting stuck with it, not only when it serves your interest, but when it works against it as well, so beware. I know it doesn't fit in with Demo-Speak so well, but that's life. Personally We may be in agreement that the Term Sucks. Let's Shit Can the whole Idea. ;) :lol:
Did you know who you Czar was under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton or Bush II?

For the Record, I don't approve of any of them.
Yeah.....give us more o' those 2010 Teabaggin'-rookies, in Congress, to get the job done!!

They've been soooooooooooooooooooo productive over the last year-and-a-half!


I want to personally thank you for that insightful perspective Shaman. You have never been more Right. We need to Restore Constitutional Government, Government by the Consent of the Governed. Remarkable coming from a Totalitarian Lap Dog. Keep up the good work. :clap: :razz:
Wait. I've been sleeping for 4 years. Are these positions really called Czars?
Bush Czars:

The following is FactCheck.org’s count of Bush administration positions whose holders were
dubbed “czars” in one or more news articles. We include only one name per position, though
many positions were held by multiple people during the administration. In some cases, the same
“czar” nickname (e.g. “cybersecurity czar”) was applied to more than one job title. In these
cases we have counted the two separate positions as two “czars.” Senate-confirmed positions
are marked with a star. Non-president-appointed positions are marked with a dagger.
1. *Abstinence Czar (Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development) – Randall
2. AIDS Czar (Director, Office of National AIDS Policy) – Scott Evertz et al.
3. *AIDS Czar/Global AIDS Czar (Coordinator of U.S. government activities to combat
HI V/AI DS globally) – Randall Tobias et al.
4. *Bailout Czar/TARP Czar (Assistant secretary for financial stability, United States
Treasury) – Neel Kashkari
5. Bioethics Czar (Chairman, President’s Council on Bioethics) – Leon Kass
6. Bird Flu Czar (Assistant secretary for public health emergency preparedness, Department
of Health and Human Services) – Stewart Simonson
7. Birth Control Czar (Deputy assistant secretary of population affairs, Department of
Health and Human Services) – Eric Keroack
8. *Budget Czar (Director, Office of Management and Budget) – Mitchell Daniels et al.
9. *Cleanup Czar (Assistant secretary for environmental management, Department of
Energy) – Jessie Roberson et al.
10. Communications Czar (Counselor to the president) – Dan Bartlett et al.
11. Counterterrorism Czar (National director for combating terrorism) – Gen. Wayne
12. Counterterrorism Czar (White House counterterrorism coordinator) – Richard Clarke
13. Cybersecurity Czar (Special advisor to the president on cybersecurity, Office of
Management and Budget) – Richard Clarke
14. Cybersecurity Czar (Director, National Cyber Security Center) – Rod Beckström
15. Democracy Czar (Deputy national security advisor for global democr a c y strategy) –
Elliott Abrams
16. Domestic Policy Czar, also called Abstinence Czar (Assistant to the president for
domestic policy) – Claude Allen
17. Domestic Policy Czar (Chief domestic policy coordinator) – Karl Rove
18. *Drug Czar (Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy) – John Walters
19. Faith Czar (Director, White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives) –
John DiIulio et al.
20. Food Safety Czar (Assistant commissioner for food protection, Food and Drug
Administration) – David Acheson21. Gulf Coast Reconstruction Czar (Federal coordinator of Hurricane Katrina recovery
efforts) – Donald Powell
22. †Health IT Czar (National coordinator for health information technology, Department of
Health and Human Services) – David Brailer
23. *Homeland Security Czar (Assistant to the president for homeland security and
counterterrorism) – Tom Ridge
24. *Homeland Security Czar (Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security) – Michael
25. Homelessness Czar (Executive director, United States Interagency Council on
Homelessness) – Philip Mangano
26. *Intelligence Czar (Director of National Intelligence) – John Negroponte et al.
27. *Manufacturing Czar (Assistant secretary for manufacturing and services, Commerce
Department) – Albert Frink et al.
28. Mine Safety Czar (Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health Administration,
Department of Labor) – Richard Stickler
29. Policy Czar (Assistant to the president for policy and strategic planning) – Michael
30. *Public Diplomacy Czar (Undersecretary for public diplomacy and public affairs,
Department of State) – Karen Hughes et al.
31. Reading Czar (Advisor to the president on child development and education research and
policies) – G. Reid Lyon
32. *Regulatory Czar (Director, White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs)
– John Graham et al.
33. *Science Czar (Director, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy) – John
34. *War Czar (Deputy national security adviser for Iraq and Afghanistan policy and
implementation) – Gen. Douglas Lute
35. World Trade Center Health Czar (WTC programs coordinator, Department of Health and
Human Services) – John Howar


Yep, sort of creates Roles doing what should already be handled through the Chain of Command. We agree on this point, if, you can apply the same principle regardless of what Party is in Charge, or Who the President is.
Wait. I've been sleeping for 4 years. Are these positions really called Czars?

List of U.S. executive branch czars
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This is a list. For the background of "czar" as a political term, see Czar (political term).

In the United States, the informal political term "czar" or "tsar" is employed in media and popular usage to refer to high-level officials who oversee a particular policy. There have never been any U.S. government offices with the title "czar", but various governmental officials have sometimes been referred to by the nickname "czar" rather than their actual title.

The earliest known use of the term for a U.S. government official was in the administration of Franklin Roosevelt (1933–1945), during which eleven unique positions (or twelve if one were to count "Economic Czar" and "Economic Czar of World War II" as separate) were so described. The term was revived, mostly by the press, to describe officials in the Nixon and Ford administrations and continues today.

1 By administration
2 List of executive branch czars
3 See also
4 References

[edit] By administration

The list is subjective and imprecise, since frequently individuals or offices might be referred to by the nickname "czar" by some publication or a political opponent, yet the actual governmental official, a majority of publications and others do not use the term. For example, some[who?] consider czars to be only those officials who are appointed by the president without Senate confirmation.

List of U.S. executive branch czars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Do You Know Who Your Czar Is?

I was gonna go with Nicholas II but...No...

The Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolayevna will be my choice...

Yes..That will be my Czar.

Not the Homelessness Czar? Or the Science Czar? Maybe the Miami Vice Czar? :lol:
Do You Know Who Your Czar Is?

I was gonna go with Nicholas II but...No...

The Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolayevna will be my choice...

Yes..That will be my Czar.

Not the Homelessness Czar? Or the Science Czar? Maybe the Miami Vice Czar? :lol:

This guy?


No way... Look at his complexion. Seriously? There are more craters on his and Namouths face than on the moon.
The media labeled most of these positions czars, which is rather ridiculous when you look at the actual positions. Czar refers to a person exercising great authority or power. Most of these positions are advisers, assistants, and deputies who have relatively little power or authority.

When a new president takes office he will fill many these positions immediately, some will be filled later in his term, and some may never be filled. The media always treats these as new positions that the president has created when in actuality, they have been around for many years.

Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs
Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers
Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy
Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Deputy Secretary of the Interior
Assistant to the President for Manufacturing Policy
White House adviser on Middle East policy
White House Adviser on Violence Against Women
Chief of the Office of National Drug Control Policy
Chief of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board
Director of the Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy
Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Senior Advisor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator
Last edited:
The media labeled most of these positions czars, which is rather ridiculous when you look at the actual positions. Czar refers to a person exercising great authority or power. Most of these positions are advisers, assistants, and deputies who have relatively little power or authority.

When a new president takes office he will fill many these positions immediately, some will be filled later in his term, and some may never be filled. The media always treats these as new positions that the president has created when in actuality, they have been around for many years.

Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs
Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers
Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy
Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Deputy Secretary of the Interior
Assistant to the President for Manufacturing Policy
White House adviser on Middle East policy
White House Adviser on Violence Against Women
Chief of the Office of National Drug Control Policy
Chief of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board
Director of the Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy
Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Senior Advisor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator

Your argument is true. Yet you still are not taking into account the Caliber or political persuasion of some very close to the President. The influence or ability to persuade against our National Interest. Though, in truth, Obama is already at War with our National Interest. Maybe you can make the case, being that his mind is already made up to bring us to our knees, that the Czar's are merely there for moral support. You might want to run with that.

My position remains still.... Why bring People in to Sidetrack functions already being covered? ;) For the Record, I don't like when either side does it.
Old News.

January 06, 2011
GOP Introduces Bill to Eliminate Czars

A group of House Republicans introduced a bill on Wednesday to rein in the various "czars" in the Obama administration.

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) and 28 other House Republicans introduced legislation to do away with the informal, paid advisers President Obama has employed over the past two years.

The legislation, which was introduced in the last Congress but was not allowed to advance under Democratic control, would do away with the 39 czars Obama has employed during his administration.

Read more: http://nation.foxnews.com/czars/2011/01/06/gop-introduces-bill-eliminate-czars#ixzz1qKa1osWD

Read more: GOP Introduces Bill to Eliminate Czars - Czars - Fox Nation
Do You Know Who Your Czar Is?

I was gonna go with Nicholas II but...No...

The Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolayevna will be my choice...

Yes..That will be my Czar.

Not the Homelessness Czar? Or the Science Czar? Maybe the Miami Vice Czar? :lol:

This guy?

View attachment 18023

No way... Look at his complexion. Seriously? There are more craters on his and Namouths face than on the moon.

I would not discriminate against the scars of Childhood Diseases Huggy. Think Character. I think He is a Great Actor.
Greenbeard seems about the only one in this thread with a lick of sense.

The "Czars" have oversight. first, they have to operate within existing Law. Second, they report to the President. Third, the President is checked by Congress and SCOTUS.

Let us know on what Universe "Czars" are somehow Dictatorial positions, and then we can all get back to our fear-mongering worthlessness.
Greenbeard seems about the only one in this thread with a lick of sense.

The "Czars" have oversight. first, they have to operate within existing Law. Second, they report to the President. Third, the President is checked by Congress and SCOTUS.

Let us know on what Universe "Czars" are somehow Dictatorial positions, and then we can all get back to our fear-mongering worthlessness.

Too bad none of that is true any more.
Greenbeard seems about the only one in this thread with a lick of sense.

The "Czars" have oversight. first, they have to operate within existing Law. Second, they report to the President. Third, the President is checked by Congress and SCOTUS.

Let us know on what Universe "Czars" are somehow Dictatorial positions, and then we can all get back to our fear-mongering worthlessness.

Too bad none of that is true any more.

Wrong, it's all true.

In fact, it's working in SCOTUS - TODAY.
Greenbeard seems about the only one in this thread with a lick of sense.

The "Czars" have oversight. first, they have to operate within existing Law. Second, they report to the President. Third, the President is checked by Congress and SCOTUS.

Let us know on what Universe "Czars" are somehow Dictatorial positions, and then we can all get back to our fear-mongering worthlessness.

Too bad none of that is true any more.

Wrong, it's all true.

In fact, it's working in SCOTUS - TODAY.

You are kidding, Right??? The Balance of Liberty , Prosperity, Providence hangs on a 5/4 Split in the Supreme Court? Really??? Why have Legislation at all. We could just Officially live off of Court Rulings, however arbitrary they may be, that and Executive Orders.

Let's Practice some.......

Kneel.... Good Bot,
Lie Down...... Good Bot,
Roll Over..... Good Bot,
Heel...... Good Bot,
Now, go vote for Obama. ;)

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