Do you leftest cretins realize what just happened?

You're a fucking retard. I never said I didn't understand what you said about 24 hours. I said you are full of shit. That was one massive stroke you had, wasn't it?

Whoa, a blast of anger. Geez, calm down. This is just an internet discussion, why is that worth losing it like that? Just hold a paper bag in front of you and breathe. In ... out ... in ... out ...

I don't get why that's fun to you morons

Gator: I've got nothing, so I'm just going to repeat what you said back to you.

I accept your concession of defeat

Whatever makes you happy my friend.

If a “win” is what you need then yes you defeated me...well done

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Repeating back to me my own lines was your choice, not mine

That is because you won and I lost. :bowdown:

Yes. You admitted that when you started talking about how I felt. That was your admission you had nothing
Trump...56.5% margin of victory.

Obama...64.75% average margin of victory

Bush II...51.76% average margin of victory

Clinton...69.61% average margin of victory

Bush I...79.18% margin of victory

Reagan...94.23% average margin of victory

Carter...55.2% margin of victory

So, you can feel all good that Trump beat Bush II and Carter. I am sure that will help you sleep at night'

Margin of victory in regard to what? The EC?

Yes, the EC...that is why I said "the EC margin of victory was the 9th smallest in the history of the country"

So how is 304 to 227 a 56.5 % margin of victory cupcake?

My bad, the 56.5 % was the percent of EC votes won, not the margin of victory. I apologize for misspeaking.

304 was NOT the final tally. Mich and Wisc were tied up for days. MAYBE some other state.

Apology accepted.

And how is 304 56.5 %?

Are you self taught at statistics?

304 was NOT the final tally. 306 was. So out of 538 electoral votes total ---- 306/538 is 56.877%.. Now you come up to the board and do Hillary's % for the class. :19:

NO pts off for GolfingGallopingGator slight error. Estimation is perfectly fine. Even on deep space missions..
Trump solidified the rust belt and the union vote. The blue wall just became a RED REPUBLICAN WALL.

/----/ And the market is recovering nicely after the initial news.

Yeah, it is only down 65 points for the day...what a fucking great recovery! and still down more than 500 since the announcement!
/----- No one looks at the DOW except newscasters and people who don't invest. Check out the S&P 500, Nasdaq and Russell 2000
Yahoo Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News


For the past year Trump and you zealots were talking non-stop about the DJI, and now suddenly it is not important.

Fuck dude, could you be any more transparent?
/-----/ Actually it was the S&P 500 that is the Bell weather. The DOW is only 30 stocks.
Dow Components

You mean "bellwether".

Bell weather is when you look at your bell.

If it is wet, it's raining.

If is frozen, it's snowing.

If is really bright, it's sunny.

If it is ringing, it's windy.

If it is gone, it's a tornado or hurricane.

Admiral Rockwell Tory

...and if you see Snowflakes marching in protest
that means more Global Warming....
Margin of victory in regard to what? The EC?

Yes, the EC...that is why I said "the EC margin of victory was the 9th smallest in the history of the country"

So how is 304 to 227 a 56.5 % margin of victory cupcake?

My bad, the 56.5 % was the percent of EC votes won, not the margin of victory. I apologize for misspeaking.

304 was NOT the final tally. Mich and Wisc were tied up for days. MAYBE some other state.

Apology accepted.

And how is 304 56.5 %?

Are you self taught at statistics?

304 was NOT the final tally. 306 was. So out of 538 electoral votes total ---- 306/538 is 56.877%.. Now you come up to the board and do Hillary's % for the class. :19:

NO pts off for GolfingGallopingGator slight error. Estimation is perfectly fine. Even on deep space missions..

Nope, 304 is the official total.
Trump solidified the rust belt and the union vote. The blue wall just became a RED REPUBLICAN WALL.

/——/ Trump outsmarts libtards again. Looks like the tariffs are a bargaining chip to get NAFTA revised in our favor.
Trump says tariffs 'will only come off' if new and fair NAFTA agreement is signed
John Melloy
Published 3 Mins Ago
President Donald Trump appeared to signal the tariffs on steel and aluminum which he hastily announced last week may not be implemented, at least for Canada and Mexico, if a new NAFTA agreement is negotiated that he likes.
Whoa, a blast of anger. Geez, calm down. This is just an internet discussion, why is that worth losing it like that? Just hold a paper bag in front of you and breathe. In ... out ... in ... out ...

I don't get why that's fun to you morons

Gator: I've got nothing, so I'm just going to repeat what you said back to you.

I accept your concession of defeat

Whatever makes you happy my friend.

If a “win” is what you need then yes you defeated me...well done

Sent from my iPhone using

Repeating back to me my own lines was your choice, not mine

That is because you won and I lost. :bowdown:

Yes. You admitted that when you started talking about how I felt. That was your admission you had nothing

Usually when leftists try to assign feelings to someone that they don't even know, it is nothing but projection. ;)
Gator: I've got nothing, so I'm just going to repeat what you said back to you.

I accept your concession of defeat

Whatever makes you happy my friend.

If a “win” is what you need then yes you defeated me...well done

Sent from my iPhone using

Repeating back to me my own lines was your choice, not mine

That is because you won and I lost. :bowdown:

Yes. You admitted that when you started talking about how I felt. That was your admission you had nothing

Usually when leftists try to assign feelings to someone that they don't even know, it is nothing but projection. ;)

Thanks for letting us know how you operate.

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Whatever makes you happy my friend.

If a “win” is what you need then yes you defeated me...well done

Sent from my iPhone using

Repeating back to me my own lines was your choice, not mine

That is because you won and I lost. :bowdown:

Yes. You admitted that when you started talking about how I felt. That was your admission you had nothing

Usually when leftists try to assign feelings to someone that they don't even know, it is nothing but projection. ;)

Thanks for letting us know how you operate.

Sent from my iPhone using

I'm not a leftist.
Whatever makes you happy my friend.

If a “win” is what you need then yes you defeated me...well done

Sent from my iPhone using

Repeating back to me my own lines was your choice, not mine

That is because you won and I lost. :bowdown:

Yes. You admitted that when you started talking about how I felt. That was your admission you had nothing

Usually when leftists try to assign feelings to someone that they don't even know, it is nothing but projection. ;)

Thanks for letting us know how you operate.

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/----/ Leftists created political correctness to control people's expression of feelings.
/----/ Leftists created political correctness to control people's expression of feelings.

Repeating back to me my own lines was your choice, not mine

That is because you won and I lost. :bowdown:

Yes. You admitted that when you started talking about how I felt. That was your admission you had nothing

Usually when leftists try to assign feelings to someone that they don't even know, it is nothing but projection. ;)

Thanks for letting us know how you operate.

Sent from my iPhone using

I'm not a leftist.

are you sure?
/----/ Leftists created political correctness to control people's expression of feelings.

/----/ Are you implying PC is a conservative thing? Seriously?
Liberals and the Illiberal Left - The Atlantic
Jan 29, 2015 - Political correctness is a style of politics in which the more radical members of the left attempt to regulate political discourse by defining opposing views as bigoted and illegitimate … Today's political correctness flourishes most consequentially on social media, where it enjoys a frisson of cool and vast new ...
/----/ Leftists created political correctness to control people's expression of feelings.

/----/ Are you implying PC is a conservative thing? Seriously?
Liberals and the Illiberal Left - The Atlantic
Jan 29, 2015 - Political correctness is a style of politics in which the more radical members of the left attempt to regulate political discourse by defining opposing views as bigoted and illegitimate … Today's political correctness flourishes most consequentially on social media, where it enjoys a frisson of cool and vast new ...

Actually I am laughing at the notion that Political correctness was created.

As for controlling people, both the right and the left do that to the same extent, just in different areas.
/----/ Leftists created political correctness to control people's expression of feelings.

/----/ Are you implying PC is a conservative thing? Seriously?
Liberals and the Illiberal Left - The Atlantic
Jan 29, 2015 - Political correctness is a style of politics in which the more radical members of the left attempt to regulate political discourse by defining opposing views as bigoted and illegitimate … Today's political correctness flourishes most consequentially on social media, where it enjoys a frisson of cool and vast new ...

Actually I am laughing at the notion that Political correctness was created.

As for controlling people, both the right and the left do that to the same extent, just in different areas.

The Origins of Political Correctness

give me some examples of the right doing the same behaviors to the left. i don't see it to this degree and am curious.
Trump is for the working men and women...

Not the corrupt unions that support socialist.....
So, the unions WON’T be happy with this move. You should inform the op

The members will be happy.....
So, the unions are corrupt and socialist blah blah blah, so you’re against unions? But you support this move by Trump which — according to the op — will help unions and bring them to Trump’s side.

Jesus, are you dizzy from all of that spinning?
/----/ better they go to Trump tham democRATs

Trump is and always has been a Democrat...he just tricked you fools into voting for him.

Then you should be supporting him.

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