Do you like diverse areas?

I love when there are foreigners around. I remember I lived in a dormitory in Linz when I visited the University there. And there have been lots of chinese from china. And some disliked them, they said things like "Well I have nothing against asians in general just against chinese, they only stick together and cook only for themselfes etc." and I said "they are not familiar with this culture and dont speak the language etc." I defended them and I liked them around. I always like foreigners around. In Linz in Straßenbahn there are blacks, muslims, asians and all types of people. Once I saw a black female preaching the bible on the Straßenbahn and they asked her where she is from and she said USA and they said "this is not america she shouldnt preach the bible so loud". But I liked it since Im a christian myself.

The only problem with diverse areas is that they are often run down and crime infested. If they are not I would prefer it.

Biiitch! I saw over 150+ today. I think you need to spend a week in Southern American Section 8 housing. In Georgia.

You'll probably meet a few good women.

What is Section 8?
I passed the USA citizenship test without preparing one second for it. It was a multiple choice test, and it was really easy. Is that really the real test?

View attachment 255778

I think I would also pass the interview where I need to speak english. What do I sound to you?

Good so GTFO to America then. In America you HAVE to WORK, they do NOT allow you to stay on Welfare for 20 years, if you do NOT work you do not eat. So you do not want to go to America now?

Im content in Austria. I dont plan on living in america really. I just said that the test was easy. But I would like to visit one day.

You are content until we take your Welfare off you which is in the planning, we are going to force EVERYONE to work this plan to be completed in approx 18 months, no work no food.

Linz population = 204,846


Bosnia = 5,353
Romania = 4,961
Turkey = 3,587
Germany = 3,421
Croatia = 2,847
Kosovo = 2,382
Hungary = 2,225
Serbia = 2,211
Afghanistan = 2,068
Syria = 2,024
Russia = 1,404
Macedonia = 1,290
Slovakia = 1,014
Poland = 956
Bulgaria = 860

^^^^ ALL these Blacks you say are in Linz are coming from were in the above then? No African nation listed. Also for our American friends to note the lower level of numbers now from Afghanistan and Syria and THIS is because the Patriotic Government has been since the second month in 2018 DEPORTING them in records numbers. My brother two years in age younger who has worked in the Interior Ministry for 11 months now in Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c both are the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry and they on record from the 71,268 that the Traitor crowd allow to walk in in 2016 that from that 71,268 there have been from Feb. 22 2018 60,867 FORCED Deportations they occur in the middle of the night we use Special Trains and also Military Flights that return them to Kabul or for the Syrians they are taken to Ankara and we now only 10,401 to Deport that will INCLUDE the ones in Linz we are NOT to going to allow our beautiful nation to be reduced to a Third World Shit Hole. Period.

If you take my welfare and force me to work. Im going to Arbeitsmarktservice and going to work. There are many jobs in austria, it has low unemployment and I still would have some protection because Im disabled and if you are 51% disabled you have a protected job. I have Matura and some college courses. I saw many blacks, well many is relative, there are still mnostly whites and austrians, but there are some blacks. I dont know where they are from but I saw them. One even drove me in a taxi and we talked. I saw also a pakistani and talked to him.

How are you disabled? What work can you do?

I dont want to go into details. But Im disabled and have it black on white and shit tons of diagnosis and I was at a commission and they declared me disabled and thats why I received a pension or disabled benefits how they say in USA/UK.I dont know what work I can do. But If Im forced I would do it. There is no other way, and I used to work and study in the past before I got disabled. I would do it again. Maybe it would even be better if I have some Job I would have A) more Money and B) be important. Well depends on the type of Job but I could get some desk Job where Im "important". I know a neighbour who works in a facility with assylym seekers, she got a course from AMS and now she councels assylym seekers. She is important and has money. She is not smarter then me I could do the same. And I also have a Immigration Background like her and could do crosscultural things. I could translate things or work with immigrants. I speak more then one language.
I love when there are foreigners around. I remember I lived in a dormitory in Linz when I visited the University there. And there have been lots of chinese from china. And some disliked them, they said things like "Well I have nothing against asians in general just against chinese, they only stick together and cook only for themselfes etc." and I said "they are not familiar with this culture and dont speak the language etc." I defended them and I liked them around. I always like foreigners around. In Linz in Straßenbahn there are blacks, muslims, asians and all types of people. Once I saw a black female preaching the bible on the Straßenbahn and they asked her where she is from and she said USA and they said "this is not america she shouldnt preach the bible so loud". But I liked it since Im a christian myself.

The only problem with diverse areas is that they are often run down and crime infested. If they are not I would prefer it.

Biiitch! I saw over 150+ today. I think you need to spend a week in Southern American Section 8 housing. In Georgia.

You'll probably meet a few good women.

What is Section 8?

Where the government pays for housing.
Good so GTFO to America then. In America you HAVE to WORK, they do NOT allow you to stay on Welfare for 20 years, if you do NOT work you do not eat. So you do not want to go to America now?

Im content in Austria. I dont plan on living in america really. I just said that the test was easy. But I would like to visit one day.

You are content until we take your Welfare off you which is in the planning, we are going to force EVERYONE to work this plan to be completed in approx 18 months, no work no food.

Linz population = 204,846


Bosnia = 5,353
Romania = 4,961
Turkey = 3,587
Germany = 3,421
Croatia = 2,847
Kosovo = 2,382
Hungary = 2,225
Serbia = 2,211
Afghanistan = 2,068
Syria = 2,024
Russia = 1,404
Macedonia = 1,290
Slovakia = 1,014
Poland = 956
Bulgaria = 860

^^^^ ALL these Blacks you say are in Linz are coming from were in the above then? No African nation listed. Also for our American friends to note the lower level of numbers now from Afghanistan and Syria and THIS is because the Patriotic Government has been since the second month in 2018 DEPORTING them in records numbers. My brother two years in age younger who has worked in the Interior Ministry for 11 months now in Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c both are the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry and they on record from the 71,268 that the Traitor crowd allow to walk in in 2016 that from that 71,268 there have been from Feb. 22 2018 60,867 FORCED Deportations they occur in the middle of the night we use Special Trains and also Military Flights that return them to Kabul or for the Syrians they are taken to Ankara and we now only 10,401 to Deport that will INCLUDE the ones in Linz we are NOT to going to allow our beautiful nation to be reduced to a Third World Shit Hole. Period.

If you take my welfare and force me to work. Im going to Arbeitsmarktservice and going to work. There are many jobs in austria, it has low unemployment and I still would have some protection because Im disabled and if you are 51% disabled you have a protected job. I have Matura and some college courses. I saw many blacks, well many is relative, there are still mnostly whites and austrians, but there are some blacks. I dont know where they are from but I saw them. One even drove me in a taxi and we talked. I saw also a pakistani and talked to him.

How are you disabled? What work can you do?

I dont want to go into details. But Im disabled and have it black on white and shit tons of diagnosis and I was at a commission and they declared me disabled and thats why I received a pension or disabled benefits how they say in USA/UK.I dont know what work I can do. But If Im forced I would do it. There is no other way, and I used to work and study in the past before I got disabled. I would do it again. Maybe it would even be better if I have some Job I would have A) more Money and B) be important. Well depends on the type of Job but I could get some desk Job where Im "important". I know a neighbour who works in a facility with assylym seekers, she got a course from AMS and now she councels assylym seekers. She is important and has money. She is not smarter then me I could do the same. And I also have a Immigration Background like her and could do crosscultural things. I could translate things or work with immigrants. I speak more then one language.

I do not want you to go into details, this is the Internet and not a good thing to go into details about these situations.

That neighbour you have, as we now are developing ALL Asylum Reception Centres into Deportation Centres she could not be having that job in six months. We are accepting ZERO now and this IS an Official Policy now of this Government. The thing of importance now is Deportation and NOT Accepting, there is going to be ZERO Accepting OR Integration now only Deportation. This Government Policy has been activated since March 1 2019 and we have in operation in four locations a Mandatory Curfew. My brother two years younger in age is involved with this new Government Policy it is being performed by Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry.

This from Breitbart with link also to original article:

Austria to Change All Migrant Reception Centres to Departure Centres
Im content in Austria. I dont plan on living in america really. I just said that the test was easy. But I would like to visit one day.

You are content until we take your Welfare off you which is in the planning, we are going to force EVERYONE to work this plan to be completed in approx 18 months, no work no food.

Linz population = 204,846


Bosnia = 5,353
Romania = 4,961
Turkey = 3,587
Germany = 3,421
Croatia = 2,847
Kosovo = 2,382
Hungary = 2,225
Serbia = 2,211
Afghanistan = 2,068
Syria = 2,024
Russia = 1,404
Macedonia = 1,290
Slovakia = 1,014
Poland = 956
Bulgaria = 860

^^^^ ALL these Blacks you say are in Linz are coming from were in the above then? No African nation listed. Also for our American friends to note the lower level of numbers now from Afghanistan and Syria and THIS is because the Patriotic Government has been since the second month in 2018 DEPORTING them in records numbers. My brother two years in age younger who has worked in the Interior Ministry for 11 months now in Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c both are the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry and they on record from the 71,268 that the Traitor crowd allow to walk in in 2016 that from that 71,268 there have been from Feb. 22 2018 60,867 FORCED Deportations they occur in the middle of the night we use Special Trains and also Military Flights that return them to Kabul or for the Syrians they are taken to Ankara and we now only 10,401 to Deport that will INCLUDE the ones in Linz we are NOT to going to allow our beautiful nation to be reduced to a Third World Shit Hole. Period.

If you take my welfare and force me to work. Im going to Arbeitsmarktservice and going to work. There are many jobs in austria, it has low unemployment and I still would have some protection because Im disabled and if you are 51% disabled you have a protected job. I have Matura and some college courses. I saw many blacks, well many is relative, there are still mnostly whites and austrians, but there are some blacks. I dont know where they are from but I saw them. One even drove me in a taxi and we talked. I saw also a pakistani and talked to him.

How are you disabled? What work can you do?

I dont want to go into details. But Im disabled and have it black on white and shit tons of diagnosis and I was at a commission and they declared me disabled and thats why I received a pension or disabled benefits how they say in USA/UK.I dont know what work I can do. But If Im forced I would do it. There is no other way, and I used to work and study in the past before I got disabled. I would do it again. Maybe it would even be better if I have some Job I would have A) more Money and B) be important. Well depends on the type of Job but I could get some desk Job where Im "important". I know a neighbour who works in a facility with assylym seekers, she got a course from AMS and now she councels assylym seekers. She is important and has money. She is not smarter then me I could do the same. And I also have a Immigration Background like her and could do crosscultural things. I could translate things or work with immigrants. I speak more then one language.

I do not want you to go into details, this is the Internet and not a good thing to go into details about these situations.

That neighbour you have, as we now are developing ALL Asylum Reception Centres into Deportation Centres she could not be having that job in six months. We are accepting ZERO now and this IS an Official Policy now of this Government. The thing of importance now is Deportation and NOT Accepting, there is going to be ZERO Accepting OR Integration now only Deportation. This Government Policy has been activated since March 1 2019 and we have in operation in four locations a Mandatory Curfew. My brother two years younger in age is involved with this new Government Policy it is being performed by Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry.

This from Breitbart with link also to original article:

Austria to Change All Migrant Reception Centres to Departure Centres

Possible. The new government is quiete right wing.
I love when there are foreigners around. I remember I lived in a dormitory in Linz when I visited the University there. And there have been lots of chinese from china. And some disliked them, they said things like "Well I have nothing against asians in general just against chinese, they only stick together and cook only for themselfes etc." and I said "they are not familiar with this culture and dont speak the language etc." I defended them and I liked them around. I always like foreigners around. In Linz in Straßenbahn there are blacks, muslims, asians and all types of people. Once I saw a black female preaching the bible on the Straßenbahn and they asked her where she is from and she said USA and they said "this is not america she shouldnt preach the bible so loud". But I liked it since Im a christian myself.

The only problem with diverse areas is that they are often run down and crime infested. If they are not I would prefer it.
Nope. Diversity is one thing. Chaos not so much. Diversity meaning out of staters dominating and pushing for non English speaking people from Somalia driving RTD buses and out of staters creating sanctuary cities we (natives) never wanted voting for a out of stater Jewish gay man to become governor, (Cough cough Colorado).There you go. The will of the people? Hardly.

Are the Sanctuary Cities UnConstitutional or are they not? If they are why cannot The Donald have them shut down? Are Democrats in violation of United States Constitutional and/or Federal Law having the Sanctuary Cities?
You are content until we take your Welfare off you which is in the planning, we are going to force EVERYONE to work this plan to be completed in approx 18 months, no work no food.

Linz population = 204,846


Bosnia = 5,353
Romania = 4,961
Turkey = 3,587
Germany = 3,421
Croatia = 2,847
Kosovo = 2,382
Hungary = 2,225
Serbia = 2,211
Afghanistan = 2,068
Syria = 2,024
Russia = 1,404
Macedonia = 1,290
Slovakia = 1,014
Poland = 956
Bulgaria = 860

^^^^ ALL these Blacks you say are in Linz are coming from were in the above then? No African nation listed. Also for our American friends to note the lower level of numbers now from Afghanistan and Syria and THIS is because the Patriotic Government has been since the second month in 2018 DEPORTING them in records numbers. My brother two years in age younger who has worked in the Interior Ministry for 11 months now in Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c both are the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry and they on record from the 71,268 that the Traitor crowd allow to walk in in 2016 that from that 71,268 there have been from Feb. 22 2018 60,867 FORCED Deportations they occur in the middle of the night we use Special Trains and also Military Flights that return them to Kabul or for the Syrians they are taken to Ankara and we now only 10,401 to Deport that will INCLUDE the ones in Linz we are NOT to going to allow our beautiful nation to be reduced to a Third World Shit Hole. Period.

If you take my welfare and force me to work. Im going to Arbeitsmarktservice and going to work. There are many jobs in austria, it has low unemployment and I still would have some protection because Im disabled and if you are 51% disabled you have a protected job. I have Matura and some college courses. I saw many blacks, well many is relative, there are still mnostly whites and austrians, but there are some blacks. I dont know where they are from but I saw them. One even drove me in a taxi and we talked. I saw also a pakistani and talked to him.

How are you disabled? What work can you do?

I dont want to go into details. But Im disabled and have it black on white and shit tons of diagnosis and I was at a commission and they declared me disabled and thats why I received a pension or disabled benefits how they say in USA/UK.I dont know what work I can do. But If Im forced I would do it. There is no other way, and I used to work and study in the past before I got disabled. I would do it again. Maybe it would even be better if I have some Job I would have A) more Money and B) be important. Well depends on the type of Job but I could get some desk Job where Im "important". I know a neighbour who works in a facility with assylym seekers, she got a course from AMS and now she councels assylym seekers. She is important and has money. She is not smarter then me I could do the same. And I also have a Immigration Background like her and could do crosscultural things. I could translate things or work with immigrants. I speak more then one language.

I do not want you to go into details, this is the Internet and not a good thing to go into details about these situations.

That neighbour you have, as we now are developing ALL Asylum Reception Centres into Deportation Centres she could not be having that job in six months. We are accepting ZERO now and this IS an Official Policy now of this Government. The thing of importance now is Deportation and NOT Accepting, there is going to be ZERO Accepting OR Integration now only Deportation. This Government Policy has been activated since March 1 2019 and we have in operation in four locations a Mandatory Curfew. My brother two years younger in age is involved with this new Government Policy it is being performed by Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry.

This from Breitbart with link also to original article:

Austria to Change All Migrant Reception Centres to Departure Centres

Possible. The new government is quiete right wing.

We are Right-Wing and 59% voted for this Government Coalition and as the Socialists have put in a SJW (Social Justice Warrior) woman we will be re-elected in 2022, Sebastian is the most popular politician the MAJORITY love him. The SJW thing is the latest thing that Western Leftist partys have adopted from the American Left and that could be okay in eg. Britain with Jeremy Corbyn but in this nation the SJW thing is NOT going to go anywhere except to disaster.
I love when there are foreigners around. I remember I lived in a dormitory in Linz when I visited the University there. And there have been lots of chinese from china. And some disliked them, they said things like "Well I have nothing against asians in general just against chinese, they only stick together and cook only for themselfes etc." and I said "they are not familiar with this culture and dont speak the language etc." I defended them and I liked them around. I always like foreigners around. In Linz in Straßenbahn there are blacks, muslims, asians and all types of people. Once I saw a black female preaching the bible on the Straßenbahn and they asked her where she is from and she said USA and they said "this is not america she shouldnt preach the bible so loud". But I liked it since Im a christian myself.

The only problem with diverse areas is that they are often run down and crime infested. If they are not I would prefer it.
Nope. Diversity is one thing. Chaos not so much. Diversity meaning out of staters dominating and pushing for non English speaking people from Somalia driving RTD buses and out of staters creating sanctuary cities we (natives) never wanted voting for a out of stater Jewish gay man to become governor, (Cough cough Colorado).There you go. The will of the people? Hardly.

Are the Sanctuary Cities UnConstitutional or are they not? If they are why cannot The Donald have them shut down? Are Democrats in violation of United States Constitutional and/or Federal Law having the Sanctuary Cities?

They are highly unConstitutional. In the old days, violators would have been hanged for treason. Now, the only penalty is removal from office and/or a fine, and/or 366 days in a Federal penitentiary.

I say hang the traitor fuckers! :blowup:

Unfortunately the law disagrees with me. :(

I don't think it should. Either you want to be an American, or you're a fucking asshole, in my book.

(If you live here)
If you take my welfare and force me to work. Im going to Arbeitsmarktservice and going to work. There are many jobs in austria, it has low unemployment and I still would have some protection because Im disabled and if you are 51% disabled you have a protected job. I have Matura and some college courses. I saw many blacks, well many is relative, there are still mnostly whites and austrians, but there are some blacks. I dont know where they are from but I saw them. One even drove me in a taxi and we talked. I saw also a pakistani and talked to him.

How are you disabled? What work can you do?

I dont want to go into details. But Im disabled and have it black on white and shit tons of diagnosis and I was at a commission and they declared me disabled and thats why I received a pension or disabled benefits how they say in USA/UK.I dont know what work I can do. But If Im forced I would do it. There is no other way, and I used to work and study in the past before I got disabled. I would do it again. Maybe it would even be better if I have some Job I would have A) more Money and B) be important. Well depends on the type of Job but I could get some desk Job where Im "important". I know a neighbour who works in a facility with assylym seekers, she got a course from AMS and now she councels assylym seekers. She is important and has money. She is not smarter then me I could do the same. And I also have a Immigration Background like her and could do crosscultural things. I could translate things or work with immigrants. I speak more then one language.

I do not want you to go into details, this is the Internet and not a good thing to go into details about these situations.

That neighbour you have, as we now are developing ALL Asylum Reception Centres into Deportation Centres she could not be having that job in six months. We are accepting ZERO now and this IS an Official Policy now of this Government. The thing of importance now is Deportation and NOT Accepting, there is going to be ZERO Accepting OR Integration now only Deportation. This Government Policy has been activated since March 1 2019 and we have in operation in four locations a Mandatory Curfew. My brother two years younger in age is involved with this new Government Policy it is being performed by Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry.

This from Breitbart with link also to original article:

Austria to Change All Migrant Reception Centres to Departure Centres

Possible. The new government is quiete right wing.

We are Right-Wing and 59% voted for this Government Coalition and as the Socialists have put in a SJW (Social Justice Warrior) woman we will be re-elected in 2022, Sebastian is the most popular politician the MAJORITY love him. The SJW thing is the latest thing that Western Leftist partys have adopted from the American Left and that could be okay in eg. Britain with Jeremy Corbyn but in this nation the SJW thing is NOT going to go anywhere except to disaster.

Are you really austrian though who lives in austria and was born and raised in austria? You could be american or austrian-american and you could possibly not be from austria. Well there is no way to know for sure it is the internet. How did you found this forum? It is american, what made you interested in a american forum? I found it with google. I was interested in america and their culture and people so I wanted to hang around here. I searched for "american forum" and found this here.
I passed the USA citizenship test without preparing one second for it. It was a multiple choice test, and it was really easy. Is that really the real test?

View attachment 255778

I think I would also pass the interview where I need to speak english. What do I sound to you?

Good so GTFO to America then. In America you HAVE to WORK, they do NOT allow you to stay on Welfare for 20 years, if you do NOT work you do not eat. So you do not want to go to America now?

Im content in Austria. I dont plan on living in america really. I just said that the test was easy. But I would like to visit one day.

You are content until we take your Welfare off you which is in the planning, we are going to force EVERYONE to work this plan to be completed in approx 18 months, no work no food.

Linz population = 204,846


Bosnia = 5,353
Romania = 4,961
Turkey = 3,587
Germany = 3,421
Croatia = 2,847
Kosovo = 2,382
Hungary = 2,225
Serbia = 2,211
Afghanistan = 2,068
Syria = 2,024
Russia = 1,404
Macedonia = 1,290
Slovakia = 1,014
Poland = 956
Bulgaria = 860

^^^^ ALL these Blacks you say are in Linz are coming from were in the above then? No African nation listed. Also for our American friends to note the lower level of numbers now from Afghanistan and Syria and THIS is because the Patriotic Government has been since the second month in 2018 DEPORTING them in records numbers. My brother two years in age younger who has worked in the Interior Ministry for 11 months now in Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c both are the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry and they on record from the 71,268 that the Traitor crowd allow to walk in in 2016 that from that 71,268 there have been from Feb. 22 2018 60,867 FORCED Deportations they occur in the middle of the night we use Special Trains and also Military Flights that return them to Kabul or for the Syrians they are taken to Ankara and we now only 10,401 to Deport that will INCLUDE the ones in Linz we are NOT to going to allow our beautiful nation to be reduced to a Third World Shit Hole. Period.

If you take my welfare and force me to work. Im going to Arbeitsmarktservice and going to work. There are many jobs in austria, it has low unemployment and I still would have some protection because Im disabled and if you are 51% disabled you have a protected job. I have Matura and some college courses. I saw many blacks, well many is relative, there are still mnostly whites and austrians, but there are some blacks. I dont know where they are from but I saw them. One even drove me in a taxi and we talked. I saw also a pakistani and talked to him.

How are you disabled? What work can you do? This is NOT a job interview, I do not work in the Government Department that would cover assisting in assisting in getting a job, I am in National Security Intelligence, Domestic Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence and that is ALL I can comment about that.

I’m guessing he is mentally disabled....
You are content until we take your Welfare off you which is in the planning, we are going to force EVERYONE to work this plan to be completed in approx 18 months, no work no food.

Linz population = 204,846


Bosnia = 5,353
Romania = 4,961
Turkey = 3,587
Germany = 3,421
Croatia = 2,847
Kosovo = 2,382
Hungary = 2,225
Serbia = 2,211
Afghanistan = 2,068
Syria = 2,024
Russia = 1,404
Macedonia = 1,290
Slovakia = 1,014
Poland = 956
Bulgaria = 860

^^^^ ALL these Blacks you say are in Linz are coming from were in the above then? No African nation listed. Also for our American friends to note the lower level of numbers now from Afghanistan and Syria and THIS is because the Patriotic Government has been since the second month in 2018 DEPORTING them in records numbers. My brother two years in age younger who has worked in the Interior Ministry for 11 months now in Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c both are the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry and they on record from the 71,268 that the Traitor crowd allow to walk in in 2016 that from that 71,268 there have been from Feb. 22 2018 60,867 FORCED Deportations they occur in the middle of the night we use Special Trains and also Military Flights that return them to Kabul or for the Syrians they are taken to Ankara and we now only 10,401 to Deport that will INCLUDE the ones in Linz we are NOT to going to allow our beautiful nation to be reduced to a Third World Shit Hole. Period.

If you take my welfare and force me to work. Im going to Arbeitsmarktservice and going to work. There are many jobs in austria, it has low unemployment and I still would have some protection because Im disabled and if you are 51% disabled you have a protected job. I have Matura and some college courses. I saw many blacks, well many is relative, there are still mnostly whites and austrians, but there are some blacks. I dont know where they are from but I saw them. One even drove me in a taxi and we talked. I saw also a pakistani and talked to him.

How are you disabled? What work can you do?

I dont want to go into details. But Im disabled and have it black on white and shit tons of diagnosis and I was at a commission and they declared me disabled and thats why I received a pension or disabled benefits how they say in USA/UK.I dont know what work I can do. But If Im forced I would do it. There is no other way, and I used to work and study in the past before I got disabled. I would do it again. Maybe it would even be better if I have some Job I would have A) more Money and B) be important. Well depends on the type of Job but I could get some desk Job where Im "important". I know a neighbour who works in a facility with assylym seekers, she got a course from AMS and now she councels assylym seekers. She is important and has money. She is not smarter then me I could do the same. And I also have a Immigration Background like her and could do crosscultural things. I could translate things or work with immigrants. I speak more then one language.

I do not want you to go into details, this is the Internet and not a good thing to go into details about these situations.

That neighbour you have, as we now are developing ALL Asylum Reception Centres into Deportation Centres she could not be having that job in six months. We are accepting ZERO now and this IS an Official Policy now of this Government. The thing of importance now is Deportation and NOT Accepting, there is going to be ZERO Accepting OR Integration now only Deportation. This Government Policy has been activated since March 1 2019 and we have in operation in four locations a Mandatory Curfew. My brother two years younger in age is involved with this new Government Policy it is being performed by Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry.

This from Breitbart with link also to original article:

Austria to Change All Migrant Reception Centres to Departure Centres

Possible. The new government is quiete right wing.

Do you know how many hours a day I work? 18 hours a day, I do NOT NEED to work because my family are Independently Wealthy, but this is my Patriotic Duty as the same with other members of my family. I have been working since Saturday 6PM-now also. Alot of this work is monitoring Targets of Interest, this either we have got to their Dark Web thing or we listen to what is called Chatter. This can be anything from like the ongoing monitoring of this International Paedophile Ring with the assistance of Europol and our Thai counterparts the NIA that I post about the other day or it could be the Chatter thing with Radical Terrorist groups from anywhere from the Grey Wolves from Turkey who are now in various European nations to Hezbollah who are allowed to operate with planning and fundraising in various European nations. Some of this we do in Teams and each Team has x amount of breaks and during those breaks like I have had an extensive break right now as the distraction from the things we have to either look at or read or listen to I do posting at this forum.

On Tuesday my team have to go away for four hours, we have to go to two North African nations that because of protocol I cannot name but this is two hours in one two hours in the other and this to have a meeting with our counterparts in the two North African nations and this about for them to illustrate to us how they are performing in the mission to stop Peoples Trafficking via NGOs and also Human Trafficking of young girls and boys that then are sold to International Paedophile Rings and they should we hope be performing to an high degree because WE are giving them moneys to assist them.

I would like to work not as long as 18 hours a day every day because I have five very young kidlets who now I do not see as often as I want to, but what I do is VERY important to me because this is my Patriotic Duty to protect my nation, to protect the borders and also my European Patriotic Duty to protect this Continents External Borders and I hope when my five very young kidlets get older they can respect that I have given SO much to this nation and do not think wrong that I could not be with them 24/7.
How are you disabled? What work can you do?

I dont want to go into details. But Im disabled and have it black on white and shit tons of diagnosis and I was at a commission and they declared me disabled and thats why I received a pension or disabled benefits how they say in USA/UK.I dont know what work I can do. But If Im forced I would do it. There is no other way, and I used to work and study in the past before I got disabled. I would do it again. Maybe it would even be better if I have some Job I would have A) more Money and B) be important. Well depends on the type of Job but I could get some desk Job where Im "important". I know a neighbour who works in a facility with assylym seekers, she got a course from AMS and now she councels assylym seekers. She is important and has money. She is not smarter then me I could do the same. And I also have a Immigration Background like her and could do crosscultural things. I could translate things or work with immigrants. I speak more then one language.

I do not want you to go into details, this is the Internet and not a good thing to go into details about these situations.

That neighbour you have, as we now are developing ALL Asylum Reception Centres into Deportation Centres she could not be having that job in six months. We are accepting ZERO now and this IS an Official Policy now of this Government. The thing of importance now is Deportation and NOT Accepting, there is going to be ZERO Accepting OR Integration now only Deportation. This Government Policy has been activated since March 1 2019 and we have in operation in four locations a Mandatory Curfew. My brother two years younger in age is involved with this new Government Policy it is being performed by Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry.

This from Breitbart with link also to original article:

Austria to Change All Migrant Reception Centres to Departure Centres

Possible. The new government is quiete right wing.

We are Right-Wing and 59% voted for this Government Coalition and as the Socialists have put in a SJW (Social Justice Warrior) woman we will be re-elected in 2022, Sebastian is the most popular politician the MAJORITY love him. The SJW thing is the latest thing that Western Leftist partys have adopted from the American Left and that could be okay in eg. Britain with Jeremy Corbyn but in this nation the SJW thing is NOT going to go anywhere except to disaster.

Are you really austrian though who lives in austria and was born and raised in austria? You could be american or austrian-american and you could possibly not be from austria. Well there is no way to know for sure it is the internet. How did you found this forum? It is american, what made you interested in a american forum? I found it with google. I was interested in america and their culture and people so I wanted to hang around here. I searched for "american forum" and found this here.

Yes and yes, my entire family born and raised in Salzburg we have been here since Thiemo von Formbach and he was 1090 we have extensive family archive that each generation since has preserved. I think we were here pre-Thiemo von Formbach I would have to look at the archive but I am 98% on that we where. From the 16th Century we have performed our Patriotic Duty this in Diplomacy, Military or Government, my family have performed their Patriotic Duty in all wars we have got involved in, there has never been a Traitor in this family. I have in PMs elaborate to only four members at this forum about my family history about what we have been involve with and my history but that is private that I do not want in open forum.

Archbishop Thiemo von Formbach [Catholic-Hierarchy]

I was invited to join the forum by an American friend in Dallas, Texas because the American Election was to occur so I join in October 2015 and then I find I like many of the crowd here so I stay. I have developed a great interest in Conservative American Politics and Conservative American Issues and because of this my own political party now has links with many in the Right-Wing section of The Republican Party.
I love when there are foreigners around. I remember I lived in a dormitory in Linz when I visited the University there. And there have been lots of chinese from china. And some disliked them, they said things like "Well I have nothing against asians in general just against chinese, they only stick together and cook only for themselfes etc." and I said "they are not familiar with this culture and dont speak the language etc." I defended them and I liked them around. I always like foreigners around. In Linz in Straßenbahn there are blacks, muslims, asians and all types of people. Once I saw a black female preaching the bible on the Straßenbahn and they asked her where she is from and she said USA and they said "this is not america she shouldnt preach the bible so loud". But I liked it since Im a christian myself.

The only problem with diverse areas is that they are often run down and crime infested. If they are not I would prefer it.
Nope. Diversity is one thing. Chaos not so much. Diversity meaning out of staters dominating and pushing for non English speaking people from Somalia driving RTD buses and out of staters creating sanctuary cities we (natives) never wanted voting for a out of stater Jewish gay man to become governor, (Cough cough Colorado).There you go. The will of the people? Hardly.

Are the Sanctuary Cities UnConstitutional or are they not? If they are why cannot The Donald have them shut down? Are Democrats in violation of United States Constitutional and/or Federal Law having the Sanctuary Cities?

They are highly unConstitutional. In the old days, violators would have been hanged for treason. Now, the only penalty is removal from office and/or a fine, and/or 366 days in a Federal penitentiary.

I say hang the traitor fuckers! :blowup:

Unfortunately the law disagrees with me. :(

I don't think it should. Either you want to be an American, or you're a fucking asshole, in my book.

(If you live here)

If they are Unconstitutional why the law disagree? Is Constitutional law not also Federal law?
How are you disabled? What work can you do?

I dont want to go into details. But Im disabled and have it black on white and shit tons of diagnosis and I was at a commission and they declared me disabled and thats why I received a pension or disabled benefits how they say in USA/UK.I dont know what work I can do. But If Im forced I would do it. There is no other way, and I used to work and study in the past before I got disabled. I would do it again. Maybe it would even be better if I have some Job I would have A) more Money and B) be important. Well depends on the type of Job but I could get some desk Job where Im "important". I know a neighbour who works in a facility with assylym seekers, she got a course from AMS and now she councels assylym seekers. She is important and has money. She is not smarter then me I could do the same. And I also have a Immigration Background like her and could do crosscultural things. I could translate things or work with immigrants. I speak more then one language.

I do not want you to go into details, this is the Internet and not a good thing to go into details about these situations.

That neighbour you have, as we now are developing ALL Asylum Reception Centres into Deportation Centres she could not be having that job in six months. We are accepting ZERO now and this IS an Official Policy now of this Government. The thing of importance now is Deportation and NOT Accepting, there is going to be ZERO Accepting OR Integration now only Deportation. This Government Policy has been activated since March 1 2019 and we have in operation in four locations a Mandatory Curfew. My brother two years younger in age is involved with this new Government Policy it is being performed by Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry.

This from Breitbart with link also to original article:

Austria to Change All Migrant Reception Centres to Departure Centres

Possible. The new government is quiete right wing.

We are Right-Wing and 59% voted for this Government Coalition and as the Socialists have put in a SJW (Social Justice Warrior) woman we will be re-elected in 2022, Sebastian is the most popular politician the MAJORITY love him. The SJW thing is the latest thing that Western Leftist partys have adopted from the American Left and that could be okay in eg. Britain with Jeremy Corbyn but in this nation the SJW thing is NOT going to go anywhere except to disaster.

Are you really austrian though who lives in austria and was born and raised in austria? You could be american or austrian-american and you could possibly not be from austria. Well there is no way to know for sure it is the internet. How did you found this forum? It is american, what made you interested in a american forum? I found it with google. I was interested in america and their culture and people so I wanted to hang around here. I searched for "american forum" and found this here.

Did you not want to go for Theology, you where going to think about to study and be a priest, I know you are Orthodox Christian which I respect the Orthodox.
Good so GTFO to America then. In America you HAVE to WORK, they do NOT allow you to stay on Welfare for 20 years, if you do NOT work you do not eat. So you do not want to go to America now?

Im content in Austria. I dont plan on living in america really. I just said that the test was easy. But I would like to visit one day.

You are content until we take your Welfare off you which is in the planning, we are going to force EVERYONE to work this plan to be completed in approx 18 months, no work no food.

Linz population = 204,846


Bosnia = 5,353
Romania = 4,961
Turkey = 3,587
Germany = 3,421
Croatia = 2,847
Kosovo = 2,382
Hungary = 2,225
Serbia = 2,211
Afghanistan = 2,068
Syria = 2,024
Russia = 1,404
Macedonia = 1,290
Slovakia = 1,014
Poland = 956
Bulgaria = 860

^^^^ ALL these Blacks you say are in Linz are coming from were in the above then? No African nation listed. Also for our American friends to note the lower level of numbers now from Afghanistan and Syria and THIS is because the Patriotic Government has been since the second month in 2018 DEPORTING them in records numbers. My brother two years in age younger who has worked in the Interior Ministry for 11 months now in Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c both are the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry and they on record from the 71,268 that the Traitor crowd allow to walk in in 2016 that from that 71,268 there have been from Feb. 22 2018 60,867 FORCED Deportations they occur in the middle of the night we use Special Trains and also Military Flights that return them to Kabul or for the Syrians they are taken to Ankara and we now only 10,401 to Deport that will INCLUDE the ones in Linz we are NOT to going to allow our beautiful nation to be reduced to a Third World Shit Hole. Period.

If you take my welfare and force me to work. Im going to Arbeitsmarktservice and going to work. There are many jobs in austria, it has low unemployment and I still would have some protection because Im disabled and if you are 51% disabled you have a protected job. I have Matura and some college courses. I saw many blacks, well many is relative, there are still mnostly whites and austrians, but there are some blacks. I dont know where they are from but I saw them. One even drove me in a taxi and we talked. I saw also a pakistani and talked to him.

How are you disabled? What work can you do? This is NOT a job interview, I do not work in the Government Department that would cover assisting in assisting in getting a job, I am in National Security Intelligence, Domestic Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence and that is ALL I can comment about that.

I’m guessing he is mentally disabled....

If I do not go and get sleep now I will join him as many of my brain cells will have :blowup:
I love when there are foreigners around. I remember I lived in a dormitory in Linz when I visited the University there. And there have been lots of chinese from china. And some disliked them, they said things like "Well I have nothing against asians in general just against chinese, they only stick together and cook only for themselfes etc." and I said "they are not familiar with this culture and dont speak the language etc." I defended them and I liked them around. I always like foreigners around. In Linz in Straßenbahn there are blacks, muslims, asians and all types of people. Once I saw a black female preaching the bible on the Straßenbahn and they asked her where she is from and she said USA and they said "this is not america she shouldnt preach the bible so loud". But I liked it since Im a christian myself.

The only problem with diverse areas is that they are often run down and crime infested. If they are not I would prefer it.
Nope. Diversity is one thing. Chaos not so much. Diversity meaning out of staters dominating and pushing for non English speaking people from Somalia driving RTD buses and out of staters creating sanctuary cities we (natives) never wanted voting for a out of stater Jewish gay man to become governor, (Cough cough Colorado).There you go. The will of the people? Hardly.

Are the Sanctuary Cities UnConstitutional or are they not? If they are why cannot The Donald have them shut down? Are Democrats in violation of United States Constitutional and/or Federal Law having the Sanctuary Cities?

They are highly unConstitutional. In the old days, violators would have been hanged for treason. Now, the only penalty is removal from office and/or a fine, and/or 366 days in a Federal penitentiary.

I say hang the traitor fuckers! :blowup:

Unfortunately the law disagrees with me. :(

I don't think it should. Either you want to be an American, or you're a fucking asshole, in my book.

(If you live here)

If they are Unconstitutional why the law disagree? Is Constitutional law not also Federal law?

Democrats ignore the law and Constitution.

Apparently they think they're immune to it.

If America is to continue with everyone free, that cannot be.
If you take my welfare and force me to work. Im going to Arbeitsmarktservice and going to work. There are many jobs in austria, it has low unemployment and I still would have some protection because Im disabled and if you are 51% disabled you have a protected job. I have Matura and some college courses. I saw many blacks, well many is relative, there are still mnostly whites and austrians, but there are some blacks. I dont know where they are from but I saw them. One even drove me in a taxi and we talked. I saw also a pakistani and talked to him.

How are you disabled? What work can you do?

I dont want to go into details. But Im disabled and have it black on white and shit tons of diagnosis and I was at a commission and they declared me disabled and thats why I received a pension or disabled benefits how they say in USA/UK.I dont know what work I can do. But If Im forced I would do it. There is no other way, and I used to work and study in the past before I got disabled. I would do it again. Maybe it would even be better if I have some Job I would have A) more Money and B) be important. Well depends on the type of Job but I could get some desk Job where Im "important". I know a neighbour who works in a facility with assylym seekers, she got a course from AMS and now she councels assylym seekers. She is important and has money. She is not smarter then me I could do the same. And I also have a Immigration Background like her and could do crosscultural things. I could translate things or work with immigrants. I speak more then one language.

I do not want you to go into details, this is the Internet and not a good thing to go into details about these situations.

That neighbour you have, as we now are developing ALL Asylum Reception Centres into Deportation Centres she could not be having that job in six months. We are accepting ZERO now and this IS an Official Policy now of this Government. The thing of importance now is Deportation and NOT Accepting, there is going to be ZERO Accepting OR Integration now only Deportation. This Government Policy has been activated since March 1 2019 and we have in operation in four locations a Mandatory Curfew. My brother two years younger in age is involved with this new Government Policy it is being performed by Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry.

This from Breitbart with link also to original article:

Austria to Change All Migrant Reception Centres to Departure Centres

Possible. The new government is quiete right wing.

Do you know how many hours a day I work? 18 hours a day, I do NOT NEED to work because my family are Independently Wealthy, but this is my Patriotic Duty as the same with other members of my family. I have been working since Saturday 6PM-now also. Alot of this work is monitoring Targets of Interest, this either we have got to their Dark Web thing or we listen to what is called Chatter. This can be anything from like the ongoing monitoring of this International Paedophile Ring with the assistance of Europol and our Thai counterparts the NIA that I post about the other day or it could be the Chatter thing with Radical Terrorist groups from anywhere from the Grey Wolves from Turkey who are now in various European nations to Hezbollah who are allowed to operate with planning and fundraising in various European nations. Some of this we do in Teams and each Team has x amount of breaks and during those breaks like I have had an extensive break right now as the distraction from the things we have to either look at or read or listen to I do posting at this forum.

On Tuesday my team have to go away for four hours, we have to go to two North African nations that because of protocol I cannot name but this is two hours in one two hours in the other and this to have a meeting with our counterparts in the two North African nations and this about for them to illustrate to us how they are performing in the mission to stop Peoples Trafficking via NGOs and also Human Trafficking of young girls and boys that then are sold to International Paedophile Rings and they should we hope be performing to an high degree because WE are giving them moneys to assist them.

I would like to work not as long as 18 hours a day every day because I have five very young kidlets who now I do not see as often as I want to, but what I do is VERY important to me because this is my Patriotic Duty to protect my nation, to protect the borders and also my European Patriotic Duty to protect this Continents External Borders and I hope when my five very young kidlets get older they can respect that I have given SO much to this nation and do not think wrong that I could not be with them 24/7.

I dont want to go into details. But Im disabled and have it black on white and shit tons of diagnosis and I was at a commission and they declared me disabled and thats why I received a pension or disabled benefits how they say in USA/UK.I dont know what work I can do. But If Im forced I would do it. There is no other way, and I used to work and study in the past before I got disabled. I would do it again. Maybe it would even be better if I have some Job I would have A) more Money and B) be important. Well depends on the type of Job but I could get some desk Job where Im "important". I know a neighbour who works in a facility with assylym seekers, she got a course from AMS and now she councels assylym seekers. She is important and has money. She is not smarter then me I could do the same. And I also have a Immigration Background like her and could do crosscultural things. I could translate things or work with immigrants. I speak more then one language.

I do not want you to go into details, this is the Internet and not a good thing to go into details about these situations.

That neighbour you have, as we now are developing ALL Asylum Reception Centres into Deportation Centres she could not be having that job in six months. We are accepting ZERO now and this IS an Official Policy now of this Government. The thing of importance now is Deportation and NOT Accepting, there is going to be ZERO Accepting OR Integration now only Deportation. This Government Policy has been activated since March 1 2019 and we have in operation in four locations a Mandatory Curfew. My brother two years younger in age is involved with this new Government Policy it is being performed by Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry.

This from Breitbart with link also to original article:

Austria to Change All Migrant Reception Centres to Departure Centres

Possible. The new government is quiete right wing.

We are Right-Wing and 59% voted for this Government Coalition and as the Socialists have put in a SJW (Social Justice Warrior) woman we will be re-elected in 2022, Sebastian is the most popular politician the MAJORITY love him. The SJW thing is the latest thing that Western Leftist partys have adopted from the American Left and that could be okay in eg. Britain with Jeremy Corbyn but in this nation the SJW thing is NOT going to go anywhere except to disaster.

Are you really austrian though who lives in austria and was born and raised in austria? You could be american or austrian-american and you could possibly not be from austria. Well there is no way to know for sure it is the internet. How did you found this forum? It is american, what made you interested in a american forum? I found it with google. I was interested in america and their culture and people so I wanted to hang around here. I searched for "american forum" and found this here.

Did you not want to go for Theology, you where going to think about to study and be a priest, I know you are Orthodox Christian which I respect the Orthodox.

I always wanted that since I was a child. But I didnt realised it. Now I think I wont really realise it.Also Im orthodox but I also participate in catholic and protestant communities/churches or did. I identify with all christians and the Bible is the same, there are minor differences only.
How are you disabled? What work can you do?

I dont want to go into details. But Im disabled and have it black on white and shit tons of diagnosis and I was at a commission and they declared me disabled and thats why I received a pension or disabled benefits how they say in USA/UK.I dont know what work I can do. But If Im forced I would do it. There is no other way, and I used to work and study in the past before I got disabled. I would do it again. Maybe it would even be better if I have some Job I would have A) more Money and B) be important. Well depends on the type of Job but I could get some desk Job where Im "important". I know a neighbour who works in a facility with assylym seekers, she got a course from AMS and now she councels assylym seekers. She is important and has money. She is not smarter then me I could do the same. And I also have a Immigration Background like her and could do crosscultural things. I could translate things or work with immigrants. I speak more then one language.

I do not want you to go into details, this is the Internet and not a good thing to go into details about these situations.

That neighbour you have, as we now are developing ALL Asylum Reception Centres into Deportation Centres she could not be having that job in six months. We are accepting ZERO now and this IS an Official Policy now of this Government. The thing of importance now is Deportation and NOT Accepting, there is going to be ZERO Accepting OR Integration now only Deportation. This Government Policy has been activated since March 1 2019 and we have in operation in four locations a Mandatory Curfew. My brother two years younger in age is involved with this new Government Policy it is being performed by Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry.

This from Breitbart with link also to original article:

Austria to Change All Migrant Reception Centres to Departure Centres

Possible. The new government is quiete right wing.

Do you know how many hours a day I work? 18 hours a day, I do NOT NEED to work because my family are Independently Wealthy, but this is my Patriotic Duty as the same with other members of my family. I have been working since Saturday 6PM-now also. Alot of this work is monitoring Targets of Interest, this either we have got to their Dark Web thing or we listen to what is called Chatter. This can be anything from like the ongoing monitoring of this International Paedophile Ring with the assistance of Europol and our Thai counterparts the NIA that I post about the other day or it could be the Chatter thing with Radical Terrorist groups from anywhere from the Grey Wolves from Turkey who are now in various European nations to Hezbollah who are allowed to operate with planning and fundraising in various European nations. Some of this we do in Teams and each Team has x amount of breaks and during those breaks like I have had an extensive break right now as the distraction from the things we have to either look at or read or listen to I do posting at this forum.

On Tuesday my team have to go away for four hours, we have to go to two North African nations that because of protocol I cannot name but this is two hours in one two hours in the other and this to have a meeting with our counterparts in the two North African nations and this about for them to illustrate to us how they are performing in the mission to stop Peoples Trafficking via NGOs and also Human Trafficking of young girls and boys that then are sold to International Paedophile Rings and they should we hope be performing to an high degree because WE are giving them moneys to assist them.

I would like to work not as long as 18 hours a day every day because I have five very young kidlets who now I do not see as often as I want to, but what I do is VERY important to me because this is my Patriotic Duty to protect my nation, to protect the borders and also my European Patriotic Duty to protect this Continents External Borders and I hope when my five very young kidlets get older they can respect that I have given SO much to this nation and do not think wrong that I could not be with them 24/7.

I do not want you to go into details, this is the Internet and not a good thing to go into details about these situations.

That neighbour you have, as we now are developing ALL Asylum Reception Centres into Deportation Centres she could not be having that job in six months. We are accepting ZERO now and this IS an Official Policy now of this Government. The thing of importance now is Deportation and NOT Accepting, there is going to be ZERO Accepting OR Integration now only Deportation. This Government Policy has been activated since March 1 2019 and we have in operation in four locations a Mandatory Curfew. My brother two years younger in age is involved with this new Government Policy it is being performed by Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry.

This from Breitbart with link also to original article:

Austria to Change All Migrant Reception Centres to Departure Centres

Possible. The new government is quiete right wing.

We are Right-Wing and 59% voted for this Government Coalition and as the Socialists have put in a SJW (Social Justice Warrior) woman we will be re-elected in 2022, Sebastian is the most popular politician the MAJORITY love him. The SJW thing is the latest thing that Western Leftist partys have adopted from the American Left and that could be okay in eg. Britain with Jeremy Corbyn but in this nation the SJW thing is NOT going to go anywhere except to disaster.

Are you really austrian though who lives in austria and was born and raised in austria? You could be american or austrian-american and you could possibly not be from austria. Well there is no way to know for sure it is the internet. How did you found this forum? It is american, what made you interested in a american forum? I found it with google. I was interested in america and their culture and people so I wanted to hang around here. I searched for "american forum" and found this here.

Did you not want to go for Theology, you where going to think about to study and be a priest, I know you are Orthodox Christian which I respect the Orthodox.

I always wanted that since I was a child. But I didnt realised it. Now I think I wont really realise it.Also Im orthodox but I also participate in catholic and protestant communities/churches or did. I identify with all christians and the Bible is the same, there are minor differences only.

I wish you the best of luck. Where are you from?
I dont want to go into details. But Im disabled and have it black on white and shit tons of diagnosis and I was at a commission and they declared me disabled and thats why I received a pension or disabled benefits how they say in USA/UK.I dont know what work I can do. But If Im forced I would do it. There is no other way, and I used to work and study in the past before I got disabled. I would do it again. Maybe it would even be better if I have some Job I would have A) more Money and B) be important. Well depends on the type of Job but I could get some desk Job where Im "important". I know a neighbour who works in a facility with assylym seekers, she got a course from AMS and now she councels assylym seekers. She is important and has money. She is not smarter then me I could do the same. And I also have a Immigration Background like her and could do crosscultural things. I could translate things or work with immigrants. I speak more then one language.

I do not want you to go into details, this is the Internet and not a good thing to go into details about these situations.

That neighbour you have, as we now are developing ALL Asylum Reception Centres into Deportation Centres she could not be having that job in six months. We are accepting ZERO now and this IS an Official Policy now of this Government. The thing of importance now is Deportation and NOT Accepting, there is going to be ZERO Accepting OR Integration now only Deportation. This Government Policy has been activated since March 1 2019 and we have in operation in four locations a Mandatory Curfew. My brother two years younger in age is involved with this new Government Policy it is being performed by Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry.

This from Breitbart with link also to original article:

Austria to Change All Migrant Reception Centres to Departure Centres

Possible. The new government is quiete right wing.

Do you know how many hours a day I work? 18 hours a day, I do NOT NEED to work because my family are Independently Wealthy, but this is my Patriotic Duty as the same with other members of my family. I have been working since Saturday 6PM-now also. Alot of this work is monitoring Targets of Interest, this either we have got to their Dark Web thing or we listen to what is called Chatter. This can be anything from like the ongoing monitoring of this International Paedophile Ring with the assistance of Europol and our Thai counterparts the NIA that I post about the other day or it could be the Chatter thing with Radical Terrorist groups from anywhere from the Grey Wolves from Turkey who are now in various European nations to Hezbollah who are allowed to operate with planning and fundraising in various European nations. Some of this we do in Teams and each Team has x amount of breaks and during those breaks like I have had an extensive break right now as the distraction from the things we have to either look at or read or listen to I do posting at this forum.

On Tuesday my team have to go away for four hours, we have to go to two North African nations that because of protocol I cannot name but this is two hours in one two hours in the other and this to have a meeting with our counterparts in the two North African nations and this about for them to illustrate to us how they are performing in the mission to stop Peoples Trafficking via NGOs and also Human Trafficking of young girls and boys that then are sold to International Paedophile Rings and they should we hope be performing to an high degree because WE are giving them moneys to assist them.

I would like to work not as long as 18 hours a day every day because I have five very young kidlets who now I do not see as often as I want to, but what I do is VERY important to me because this is my Patriotic Duty to protect my nation, to protect the borders and also my European Patriotic Duty to protect this Continents External Borders and I hope when my five very young kidlets get older they can respect that I have given SO much to this nation and do not think wrong that I could not be with them 24/7.

Possible. The new government is quiete right wing.

We are Right-Wing and 59% voted for this Government Coalition and as the Socialists have put in a SJW (Social Justice Warrior) woman we will be re-elected in 2022, Sebastian is the most popular politician the MAJORITY love him. The SJW thing is the latest thing that Western Leftist partys have adopted from the American Left and that could be okay in eg. Britain with Jeremy Corbyn but in this nation the SJW thing is NOT going to go anywhere except to disaster.

Are you really austrian though who lives in austria and was born and raised in austria? You could be american or austrian-american and you could possibly not be from austria. Well there is no way to know for sure it is the internet. How did you found this forum? It is american, what made you interested in a american forum? I found it with google. I was interested in america and their culture and people so I wanted to hang around here. I searched for "american forum" and found this here.

Did you not want to go for Theology, you where going to think about to study and be a priest, I know you are Orthodox Christian which I respect the Orthodox.

I always wanted that since I was a child. But I didnt realised it. Now I think I wont really realise it.Also Im orthodox but I also participate in catholic and protestant communities/churches or did. I identify with all christians and the Bible is the same, there are minor differences only.

I wish you the best of luck. Where are you from?

Thanks. Introduce yourself shortly everyone
How are you disabled? What work can you do?

I dont want to go into details. But Im disabled and have it black on white and shit tons of diagnosis and I was at a commission and they declared me disabled and thats why I received a pension or disabled benefits how they say in USA/UK.I dont know what work I can do. But If Im forced I would do it. There is no other way, and I used to work and study in the past before I got disabled. I would do it again. Maybe it would even be better if I have some Job I would have A) more Money and B) be important. Well depends on the type of Job but I could get some desk Job where Im "important". I know a neighbour who works in a facility with assylym seekers, she got a course from AMS and now she councels assylym seekers. She is important and has money. She is not smarter then me I could do the same. And I also have a Immigration Background like her and could do crosscultural things. I could translate things or work with immigrants. I speak more then one language.

I do not want you to go into details, this is the Internet and not a good thing to go into details about these situations.

That neighbour you have, as we now are developing ALL Asylum Reception Centres into Deportation Centres she could not be having that job in six months. We are accepting ZERO now and this IS an Official Policy now of this Government. The thing of importance now is Deportation and NOT Accepting, there is going to be ZERO Accepting OR Integration now only Deportation. This Government Policy has been activated since March 1 2019 and we have in operation in four locations a Mandatory Curfew. My brother two years younger in age is involved with this new Government Policy it is being performed by Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry.

This from Breitbart with link also to original article:

Austria to Change All Migrant Reception Centres to Departure Centres

Possible. The new government is quiete right wing.

Do you know how many hours a day I work? 18 hours a day, I do NOT NEED to work because my family are Independently Wealthy, but this is my Patriotic Duty as the same with other members of my family. I have been working since Saturday 6PM-now also. Alot of this work is monitoring Targets of Interest, this either we have got to their Dark Web thing or we listen to what is called Chatter. This can be anything from like the ongoing monitoring of this International Paedophile Ring with the assistance of Europol and our Thai counterparts the NIA that I post about the other day or it could be the Chatter thing with Radical Terrorist groups from anywhere from the Grey Wolves from Turkey who are now in various European nations to Hezbollah who are allowed to operate with planning and fundraising in various European nations. Some of this we do in Teams and each Team has x amount of breaks and during those breaks like I have had an extensive break right now as the distraction from the things we have to either look at or read or listen to I do posting at this forum.

On Tuesday my team have to go away for four hours, we have to go to two North African nations that because of protocol I cannot name but this is two hours in one two hours in the other and this to have a meeting with our counterparts in the two North African nations and this about for them to illustrate to us how they are performing in the mission to stop Peoples Trafficking via NGOs and also Human Trafficking of young girls and boys that then are sold to International Paedophile Rings and they should we hope be performing to an high degree because WE are giving them moneys to assist them.

I would like to work not as long as 18 hours a day every day because I have five very young kidlets who now I do not see as often as I want to, but what I do is VERY important to me because this is my Patriotic Duty to protect my nation, to protect the borders and also my European Patriotic Duty to protect this Continents External Borders and I hope when my five very young kidlets get older they can respect that I have given SO much to this nation and do not think wrong that I could not be with them 24/7.

I do not want you to go into details, this is the Internet and not a good thing to go into details about these situations.

That neighbour you have, as we now are developing ALL Asylum Reception Centres into Deportation Centres she could not be having that job in six months. We are accepting ZERO now and this IS an Official Policy now of this Government. The thing of importance now is Deportation and NOT Accepting, there is going to be ZERO Accepting OR Integration now only Deportation. This Government Policy has been activated since March 1 2019 and we have in operation in four locations a Mandatory Curfew. My brother two years younger in age is involved with this new Government Policy it is being performed by Group III/B Dept. III.5 in both Sub-Dept. III.5/a and Sub-Dept. II.5/c the Deportation Sections of the Interior Ministry.

This from Breitbart with link also to original article:

Austria to Change All Migrant Reception Centres to Departure Centres

Possible. The new government is quiete right wing.

We are Right-Wing and 59% voted for this Government Coalition and as the Socialists have put in a SJW (Social Justice Warrior) woman we will be re-elected in 2022, Sebastian is the most popular politician the MAJORITY love him. The SJW thing is the latest thing that Western Leftist partys have adopted from the American Left and that could be okay in eg. Britain with Jeremy Corbyn but in this nation the SJW thing is NOT going to go anywhere except to disaster.

Are you really austrian though who lives in austria and was born and raised in austria? You could be american or austrian-american and you could possibly not be from austria. Well there is no way to know for sure it is the internet. How did you found this forum? It is american, what made you interested in a american forum? I found it with google. I was interested in america and their culture and people so I wanted to hang around here. I searched for "american forum" and found this here.

Did you not want to go for Theology, you where going to think about to study and be a priest, I know you are Orthodox Christian which I respect the Orthodox.

I always wanted that since I was a child. But I didnt realised it. Now I think I wont really realise it.Also Im orthodox but I also participate in catholic and protestant communities/churches or did. I identify with all christians and the Bible is the same, there are minor differences only.

You CAN do it Mortimer, be positive I think you have the talent to be an excellent Orthodox priest, yes ALL Christians the same only minor differences. There are so many on our Continent who are lost, who have not been reached to see Our Lord's Light, we need MORE to go out and help the lost souls before it is to late to help them and I feel YOU can participate in that if you follow the mission that I think is yours. You should study to become an Orthodox priest.

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