Do You Like/respect The Posters Whos Views Differ Sharply From Yours?

Or do you take politics too serious to be friendly with those you oppose?

Despite my vulgur in your face approach I like most of the posters on here. There are a few exceptions of course but some I even respect.

I like most of the posters here. I tend to friend/follow those who make me laugh, I have a thing in common with, or who have shown that they can admit a faux pas or retract a harsh statement (that shows they are interested in discussion rather than parrot drivel).

I think the mix is about half and half, and then pop23 (think he's just drunk lol).
That went well. :eusa_shifty:

Totally depends on the poster's approach. If they make their case with respect and perhaps more important, a willingness to listen to the other POV, there are posters I respect more than even some who reflect my own POV. Aside from any opinion on this topic or that, simply knowing how fair exchange works is vital. Seeing those posters show up is always refreshing as it means you get to put the rational part of the brain to work rather than the emotional. Dishonesty sends them straight to the dumper.

There are both kinds. All you can do is pick your battles and ignore the trolls.
Up yours ya liberal scumbag!!!!!!


That went well. :eusa_shifty:

Totally depends on the poster's approach. If they make their case with respect and perhaps more important, a willingness to listen to the other POV, there are posters I respect more than even some who reflect my own POV. Aside from any opinion on this topic or that, simply knowing how fair exchange works is vital. Seeing those posters show up is always refreshing as it means you get to put the rational part of the brain to work rather than the emotional. Dishonesty sends them straight to the dumper.

There are both kinds. All you can do is pick your battles and ignore the trolls.
Up yours ya liberal scumbag!!!!!!



All right for you poopy pants!!!! :tomato::party::flameth:
Or do you take politics too serious to be friendly with those you oppose?

Despite my vulgur in your face approach I like most of the posters on here. There are a few exceptions of course but some I even respect.

I like most of the posters here. I tend to friend/follow those who make me laugh, I have a thing in common with, or who have shown that they can admit a faux pas or retract a harsh statement (that shows they are interested in discussion rather than parrot drivel).

I think the mix is about half and half, and then pop23 (think he's just drunk lol).

Pop is USMB's answer to Dean Martin.
That went well. :eusa_shifty:

Totally depends on the poster's approach. If they make their case with respect and perhaps more important, a willingness to listen to the other POV, there are posters I respect more than even some who reflect my own POV. Aside from any opinion on this topic or that, simply knowing how fair exchange works is vital. Seeing those posters show up is always refreshing as it means you get to put the rational part of the brain to work rather than the emotional. Dishonesty sends them straight to the dumper.

There are both kinds. All you can do is pick your battles and ignore the trolls.
I point this out all the time. Some people (we all know who) will make a thread. But then they throw in some race hating etc on the back end derail their own thread. Whereas I could start the very same topic and it would be a constructive conversation.
Or do you take politics too serious to be friendly with those you oppose?

Despite my vulgur in your face approach I like most of the posters on here. There are a few exceptions of course but some I even respect.
Yes. If they treat me like a human being during that division on opinions.
It's possible to like and respect someone that you believe is completely wrong.
Yes. Unless you are a neanderthal...then maybe not.
I like and respect quite a few folks here...although we do bump heads now and then.
I respect/disrespect based on how you act, not your political position

If you act like an asshole, you are an asshole

Regardless of your political position
Some times I explain my views. Like this one:

The Threat Of Isis Don t Let facts Get In The Way. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But most of the time, I just link to Republican views and say, "Really?" Could you imagine that Americans would block the investigation of BP?

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans - National Political Spin

Did you ever think Republicans would blackmail the president using the middle class who, through no fault of their own, lost their jobs?

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Or blocking health care for millions of Americans?

Republicans Block Health Care Coverage for Millions of Americans

Republicans would rather cut food stamps and school lunches than working on getting jobs.

Republicans push bill to cut food stamps school lunches - Austin Economy

So where is the opinion? Just stating facts isn't opinion. The reason Republicans see opinion everywhere is because they can't take the horrendous policies of their own party. They feel those policies have just got to be lies. They have to be........only.......they aren't.
Just reminded me of one thing that can screw my opinion of a poster. That's the "hit and run" crowd. The ones who never had any intention of defending their posts and OPs. Basically it's Arson and bomb-throwing compared to someone who has thought out an issue and is ready to discuss with an open mind..

There ARE truths, and there is a right and wrong, but learning how to USE those truths and morals to concoct public policy IS discussable. Because POLICY always has pluses and minuses.

Folks that I admire can make great arguments for the pluses and minuses.. And UNDERSTAND that the design of laws or computers is based on TRUTHS and FACTS -- but the product is always a compromise.
BTW -- my statement above doesn't mean that SOME policies aren't DOA just based on the facts and truths and should never be considered as political policy. One good example would be an energy policy that IGNORES the efficacy and availability of "alternatives".. But please, let's not do that one here.. :D
I haven't slept with anyone from here, so I have no idea if I respect you. Might have to settle for akward admiration?

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