Do You Like/respect The Posters Whos Views Differ Sharply From Yours?

It's possible to like and respect someone that you believe is completely wrong.
Yes. Unless you are a neanderthal...then maybe not.
I like and respect quite a few folks here...although we do bump heads now and then.

Define "Neanderthal".
Or do you take politics too serious to be friendly with those you oppose?

Despite my vulgur in your face approach I like most of the posters on here. There are a few exceptions of course but some I even respect.

Yep, and they know who they are.;)
Differing viewpoints are always welcome, respect in expressing those viewpoints is always required.
Or do you take politics too serious to be friendly with those you oppose?

Despite my vulgur in your face approach I like most of the posters on here. There are a few exceptions of course but some I even respect.

Depends on the poster. One of the first problems that I ran into was weeding out people that I was opposed to politically and people who were going to do nothing but follow me around on whatever thread and say off the beam stuff that was more trolling than political opposition . I started putting them on ignore. Now it's easier to hear what someone else is actually saying or to find something in the comments that you actually agree with.

I won't lie. I have some allegedly liberal posters on ignore too.
I only dislike the openly racist posters and the ones who make insulting gay people a priority in their lives.

That's pretty much me as well.

I respect their right to spew their hate and would fight for that right but I still despise them.

Live and let live. If it harms no one and is between consenting adults, MYOB.
Just reminded me of one thing that can screw my opinion of a poster. That's the "hit and run" crowd. The ones who never had any intention of defending their posts and OPs. Basically it's Arson and bomb-throwing compared to someone who has thought out an issue and is ready to discuss with an open mind..

There ARE truths, and there is a right and wrong, but learning how to USE those truths and morals to concoct public policy IS discussable. Because POLICY always has pluses and minuses.

Folks that I admire can make great arguments for the pluses and minuses.. And UNDERSTAND that the design of laws or computers is based on TRUTHS and FACTS -- but the product is always a compromise.

I've been accused of that but really, I just don't see any reason for the long threads of insults. by the time a thread has gone to a second page (depending on your setting), its nothing but "so's your old lady". Why bother.

I'm glad for graphics because its really painful for me to type a lot. I can state my opinion with a minimum of typing and once I do that, and depending on my mood and how bad my hands are - that's it, I'm done.
If I had to agree to like someone, then I wouldn't even like my spouse or kids or even myself on some days. No, I can completely disagree with someone on all manner of things and still like/love that person.
However, there seem to be an increasing number of people who become incredibly hostile if you don't share their same political views. There are people who don't seem to be able to like people unless they are on the same side politically. The tyranny of the so called Tolerant. Who simply cannot Tolerate those who disagree with them.
Respect is key in anything. If someone always resorts to using insults or degrading someone for believing something that goes against the flow of the crowd, then they shouldn't even speak. Same with those who make claims and don't provide links to go along with their statements.
You don't have to like someone or agree with them, but please be respectful of them and their beliefs.
Links for what? I don't have to provide links every time I want to give my opinion on something. This is an anonymous message board, not my doctoral thesis, lol.
If I had to agree to like someone, then I wouldn't even like my spouse or kids or even myself on some days. No, I can completely disagree with someone on all manner of things and still like/love that person.
However, there seem to be an increasing number of people who become incredibly hostile if you don't share their same political views. There are people who don't seem to be able to like people unless they are on the same side politically. The tyranny of the so called Tolerant. Who simply cannot Tolerate those who disagree with them.

Sure, when it's my family or good friends, I can agree to disagree. I usually can do that here too, but it depends on the subject we disagree upon (which might be one of those subjects that gets you heated), and it also depends upon HOW we disagreed. Lol!

For example, when someone tries to convince me that Muslim extremists are "just fighting the good fight," and/or "are really the good guys" I want to jam my fist down their throat and rip out their esophagus. :lol:
This board would be pretty boring if everyone agreed with you
Or do you take politics too serious to be friendly with those you oppose?

Despite my vulgur in your face approach I like most of the posters on here. There are a few exceptions of course but some I even respect.

There are many liberals I have an affinity for and because of that, I avoid reading any posts by them that includes politics or religion. It is the way that works for me, as I wish to keep the good feeling towards them. :lol:

To all our questions we are the answer. To all our problems we are the solution.
Or do you take politics too serious to be friendly with those you oppose?

Despite my vulgur in your face approach I like most of the posters on here. There are a few exceptions of course but some I even respect.

There are some I like:

Dot Com
Rice Chickie

There might be others, but I can't think of them right now...
I like to tease Dottie, does that count?
Dottie is a hypocrite....i have pointed that out to him more than once....instead of telling me why i might be wrong....she puts me on that makes her a pussy too....and also verifies what i said about her....

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