Do you love Satan and demons as scriptures say you should?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Do you love Satan and demons as scriptures say you should?

Does love the sinner and hate the sin means that Satan and demons are to be loved?

The reason being that sin is a happy fault and necessary to our growth. Listen to this hymn please.

[ame=]O Necessary Sin of Adam (Does Christian Theology Need Adam & Eve?) - YouTube[/ame]

Luke 19:10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

This statement has no qualifiers and since Christian tradition says that we are all sinners then it follows that all souls and sinners end in heaven. If God loves all sinners then this view must include Satan and demons and all of us as we are told that we as sinners have all been condemned and thus in need of salvation. It would also mean that non-believers, atheists and those of all the other faiths who are truly lost will also be saved by Jesus.

If that be the case then what this bishop says must be truth in that hell is a religious construct and a lie.

[ame=]'Hell' as an invention of the church - YouTube[/ame]

These logical inferences are quite clear and I would like to hear from any who can argue against our having to love Satan and demons and against the notion that hell does not exist.

Many say that God is love.

Scriptures also say that God hates sinners even in the womb as in the story of Jacob and Esau contradicting what was said above.

If God is love, how could he hate anyone including Satan and demons?

If sin cannot abide in God as tradition states and God hates, ---- and to hate is a sin, then does sin abide in God?

Unconditional love should mean that God loves all unconditionally including Satan and demons.

Is God’s love unconditional or does it come with conditions like us having to love, honor and obey him?

Is sin necessary for mental growth?

Pretty sure they were talking about your fellow humans, not demons.
Pretty sure they were talking about your fellow humans, not demons.

Perhaps but ----- John 8; 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.

Satan's children would be demons and here Jesus says that humans are demons.

Pretty sure they were talking about your fellow humans, not demons.

Perhaps but ----- John 8; 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.

Satan's children would be demons and here Jesus says that humans are demons.


I'm pretty sure anyone who has to consult and support ideas scribed by ignorant primitives thousands of years ago who believed in miracles, ghosts, witchcraft etc. needs a huge dose of reality.
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Pretty sure they were talking about your fellow humans, not demons.

Perhaps but ----- John 8; 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.

Satan's children would be demons and here Jesus says that humans are demons.


I'm pretty sure anyone who has to consult and support ideas scribed by ignorant primitives thousands of years ago who believed in miracles, ghosts, witchcraft etc. needs a huge dose of reality.

If the Bible was written by primitive men, then how did they know that the Earth is round?
That the Earth was divided and formed the contents (Scientists say that man was not around when this happened yet it is written in the Bible) and that certain types of food was unhealthy to eat?
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Perhaps but ----- John 8; 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.

Satan's children would be demons and here Jesus says that humans are demons.


I'm pretty sure anyone who has to consult and support ideas scribed by ignorant primitives thousands of years ago who believed in miracles, ghosts, witchcraft etc. needs a huge dose of reality.

If the Bible was written by primitive men, then how did they know that the Earth is round?
That the Earth was divided and formed the contents (Scientists say that man was not around when this happened yet it is written in the Bible) and that certain types of food was unhealthy to eat?

You just keep on chompin' on that ancient horse shit but you had better go back and read the bible again. Anyone in there who ever wrote anything about it obviously thought the earth was flat. Besides's when mankind first began to believe the earth might be round:

Flat Earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The paradigm of a spherical Earth was developed in Greek astronomy, beginning with Pythagoras (6th century BC)"
Most retained the flat Earth model until the end of the middle ages.

As far as the food....both my mother and one of her brothers ate pork meat twice a day nearly all their lives. My uncle farmed till he was 95 and my mother turned 100 the last day of July.

Do you realize how totally rediculous you appear to be to others....or do you even care?
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Pretty sure they were talking about your fellow humans, not demons.

Perhaps but ----- John 8; 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.

Satan's children would be demons and here Jesus says that humans are demons.


I'm pretty sure anyone who has to consult and support ideas scribed by ignorant primitives thousands of years ago who believed in miracles, ghosts, witchcraft etc. needs a huge dose of reality.

When discussing biblical notions it is handy to use the bible against those who use it to try to refute an illogical premise found in it. Fighting fire with fire is good even while knowing it is all imaginary mythical fire. It forces believers to call their own book a lie.

What you believe is your own business but Hollywood seems to believe in Satan and demons. At least they make a lot of money exploiting the concept.
What you believe is your own business but Hollywood seems to believe in Satan and demons. At least they make a lot of money exploiting the concept.

A fairy tale by any other name is just as rediculous. Adults are supposed to know better.
What you believe is your own business but Hollywood seems to believe in Satan and demons. At least they make a lot of money exploiting the concept.

Yes. Christianity has done the same.

Both are masters of lies and flim-flam.

I'm pretty sure anyone who has to consult and support ideas scribed by ignorant primitives thousands of years ago who believed in miracles, ghosts, witchcraft etc. needs a huge dose of reality.

If the Bible was written by primitive men, then how did they know that the Earth is round?
That the Earth was divided and formed the contents (Scientists say that man was not around when this happened yet it is written in the Bible) and that certain types of food was unhealthy to eat?

You just keep on chompin' on that ancient horse shit but you had better go back and read the bible again. Anyone in there who ever wrote anything about it obviously thought the earth was flat. Besides's when mankind first began to believe the earth might be round:

Flat Earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The paradigm of a spherical Earth was developed in Greek astronomy, beginning with Pythagoras (6th century BC)"
Most retained the flat Earth model until the end of the middle ages.

As far as the food....both my mother and one of her brothers ate pork meat twice a day nearly all their lives. My uncle farmed till he was 95 and my mother turned 100 the last day of July.

Do you realize how totally rediculous you appear to be to others....or do you even care?

Sorry that you can't accept facts.
Pork itself is not unhealthy. The preparation of pork, however, can be. There's a very nasty parasite called Trichinella spiralis that likes to live in pork, and it can be dangerous and even deadly if it gets into humans. The only way to neutralize it (i.e. kill it) is to heat it to high temperature.

The Bible lists many foods that are bad and good. All of the foods listed as good food in the bible, have good cholesterol.
Health experts disagree with you Cammmpbell
Cholesterol Diet: Good Vs Bad Foods |
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Perhaps but ----- John 8; 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.

Satan's children would be demons and here Jesus says that humans are demons.


I'm pretty sure anyone who has to consult and support ideas scribed by ignorant primitives thousands of years ago who believed in miracles, ghosts, witchcraft etc. needs a huge dose of reality.

When discussing biblical notions it is handy to use the bible against those who use it to try to refute an illogical premise found in it. Fighting fire with fire is good even while knowing it is all imaginary mythical fire. It forces believers to call their own book a lie.


In discussing Biblical notions, it would help if you understood Biblical notions. Humans and demons are two separate entities. You pretending the Bible says they are the same, ends the discussion before it begins.
Discussing YOUR notions are equally as irrelevant. :eusa_angel:
Have you actually ever read the scriptures? I ask that because the "Hate the sin love the sinner" think is noticeably absent from the scriptures, yet you are indicating that this is a scripture.
Have you actually ever read the scriptures? I ask that because the "Hate the sin love the sinner" think is noticeably absent from the scriptures, yet you are indicating that this is a scripture.

It wouldn't make much difference. They slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent young women who somebody accused of being a witch. Poor homosexuals have been persecuted and despised by Christians ever since Jesus' time. They tolerated and often accomodated slavery for thousands of years. Sakes alive and heaven forbid if someone worshipped another god. The absolute fina de la via is the miserable Ku Klux Klan and it's "Christian White supremacy." The world would be so much better off if Christianity had never been heard of.
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You don't rant against the Muslims like you do Christians. How come?

You're beginning to see a world without Christ. Just what you wanted. Isn't it great? Children murdered in schools and theaters and malls. Hate at an all time high.
All nations against Israel. <oops sorry Cammmpbell, that pesky primitive prophecy again! ;)

You're primitive. Predict 2000 into the future for me. :)
You don't rant against the Muslims like you do Christians. How come?

You're beginning to see a world without Christ. Just what you wanted. Isn't it great? Children murdered in schools and theaters and malls. Hate at an all time high.
All nations against Israel. <oops sorry Cammmpbell, that pesky primitive prophecy again! ;)

You're primitive. Predict 2000 into the future for me. :)

That's the difference in me and religious numbnuts who think they know they will be floating on gossimer wings. I know that 100 years from now any recollection of me will be like the one I have of my great grandfathers.........none

Anybody who needs a crutch for their life so bad that they believe a load of horse shit about ghosts and witches and virgin birth and resurrection scribed by ignorant primitive mankind should at least try a therapist first.

If you think the world was better off when they were burning young women at the stake and beheading those accused of herasy or apostasy you obviously use the bible to study history. In other words you don't know a thing about it.

You would have loved the part about a bunch of Christian Spaniards riding 2000 miles horseback to murder Muslims by the, women and children for no reason other than religious difference. Actually kinda reminds me of god and George W. Bush driving 2 million Iraqis into Jordon and Syria while they were murdering 150,000-200,000 innocent people because Bush had a personal problem with Saddam Hussein. Man alive...old Saddam sure would have never tried to kill the old man Bush if he'd known about that Texas "Christian" justice.

All that kind of reminds me of the way White Christians waltzed in here by the tens of thousands and methodically tortured and murdered the "savages" who were the only original Americans. If you think the word "Christian" means anything good to me you've got your head where the sun don't shine.
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In discussing Biblical notions, it would help if you understood Biblical notions. Humans and demons are two separate entities. You pretending the Bible says they are the same, ends the discussion before it begins.
Discussing YOUR notions are equally as irrelevant. :eusa_angel:

I agree that mythically speaking they are different entities but that does not take away the fact that they are supposed to be sinners and that your traditions and scriptures say you are to love them.

Are ypou saying the bible is B S on this?

If so, I agree. If not your a fool.

Have you actually ever read the scriptures? I ask that because the "Hate the sin love the sinner" think is noticeably absent from the scriptures, yet you are indicating that this is a scripture.

Are we not told that we are all sinners?

Are we not also told we should all love each other?

I read the bible and understood it. Seems your understanding is lacking.

Have you actually ever read the scriptures? I ask that because the "Hate the sin love the sinner" think is noticeably absent from the scriptures, yet you are indicating that this is a scripture.

It wouldn't make much difference. They slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent young women who somebody accused of being a witch. Poor homosexuals have been persecuted and despised by Christians ever since Jesus' time. They tolerated and often accomodated slavery for thousands of years. Sakes alive and heaven forbid if someone worshipped another god. The absolute fina de la via is the miserable Ku Klux Klan and it's "Christian White supremacy." The world would be so much better off if Christianity had never been heard of.

You just say that because you have noticed how Christian morality has been corrupted.

[ame=]Christians are morally compromised. - YouTube[/ame]

Keep it up my friend. You do as God advises while Christians do not.
You show your love for humanity while Christians just show their hate for it.

Proverbs 3:12
For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.


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