Do You Mind That The President Lied?

You don't live in a bubble? Honestly, I can't believe you went to a lecture with the amount of time you spent cutting and pasting hate Obama messages.

I love it when you guys can do no better than complain about how I present material, but have no counter to the material itself...

Don't you realize that posts like this come across as a three year old, squeezing his eyes shut, and balling up his little hands, and whining " I don't like you, I don't like you...."

Can't tell you how crushed I feel.
Keep up the good work.

Actually I don't like you. You're arrogant and self righteous, condescending, bellicose and bloviate ad nauseam. None of which supports your insipid uber-partisanship, for seeing one side of all issues and in responding the way you do makes you an archetype curmudgeon.

Well done Mauer...

PC is the textbook example of a drowning victim...she only sees other human beings as a piece of land she can step on. It is a panic induced effort to gasp for air.
So what you're saying...this really IS


Whatever you want to call it.

Democrats will always believe what they believe. They conspire with others to get what they want, be it the media, be it bloggers, be it unions.

Just because they're conspiring to get what they want it doesn't mean it's hogwash. They may not even have a master plan, or some of the negative effects from their actions may not even turn out exactly how they planned. If things go wrong they can always blame somebody else for it. After all, they control most of the media.

Thank you for admitting...

Hey, Lee Harvey...if the evil dems are conspiring to take over health care, WHY didn't they pass single payer or at least start with a public option?

They are coy those evil dems...the fuckers passed a carbon copy of the health care bill proposed by Republicans in 1993, including the Heritage Foundation's individual mandate to boot. Talk about stealth...WOW!!!

How can you say "Carbon-copy"??

Did the Republicans produce a 2000 plus page document with $105 billion worth of funding hidden in it?

But to answer your first question as to single-payer, it's clear we aren't ready for it. It's clear that the government is a massive disorganized grabasstic mess, so turning health care completely over to them is completely mental.
You don't live in a bubble? Honestly, I can't believe you went to a lecture with the amount of time you spent cutting and pasting hate Obama messages.

I love it when you guys can do no better than complain about how I present material, but have no counter to the material itself...

Don't you realize that posts like this come across as a three year old, squeezing his eyes shut, and balling up his little hands, and whining " I don't like you, I don't like you...."

Can't tell you how crushed I feel.
Keep up the good work.

Actually I don't like you. You're arrogant and self righteous, condescending, bellicose and bloviate ad nauseam. None of which supports your insipid uber-partisanship, for seeing one side of all issues and in responding the way you do makes you an archetype curmudgeon.

You just have a problem with someone who exhibits intellect who doesn't fall for your phony ideology. Only the smart ones are members of an exclusive club of the highly moral and compassionate. The rest of us are just too dense to comprehend.

Besides, PC is the cat's meow. What's not to like, other then the simple fact she uses a larger portion of her gray-matter then most people do. I guess that doesn't work well for you. It's easier when you can trick the uninformed into buying the Obamanation's false doctrine.
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I love it when you guys can do no better than complain about how I present material, but have no counter to the material itself...

Don't you realize that posts like this come across as a three year old, squeezing his eyes shut, and balling up his little hands, and whining " I don't like you, I don't like you...."

Can't tell you how crushed I feel.
Keep up the good work.

Actually I don't like you. You're arrogant and self righteous, condescending, bellicose and bloviate ad nauseam. None of which supports your insipid uber-partisanship, for seeing one side of all issues and in responding the way you do makes you an archetype curmudgeon.

Well done Mauer...

PC is the textbook example of a drowning victim...she only sees other human beings as a piece of land she can step on. It is a panic induced effort to gasp for air.

As opposed to Obama. Mr. Throw Them All Under The Bus.

Btw, your post makes no sense at all, other then it's a desperate swipe at someone you can't argue with.
Did polichick own up to cutting 'n pasting a Breitbart, or whatever echo chamber she signed-up to get emails from, chain email?
When one accepts the truth that ALL politicians lie there is never disappointment.
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Did polichick own up to cutting 'n pasting a Breitbart, or whatever echo chamber she signed-up to get emails from, chain email?

I can't say that's the case one way or another.

However, judging from her history, many of her posts are her own words.....out side of links and reference material.....which are clearly indicated.

Oh, btw, did you even look at any of the links?
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When one accepts the truth that ALL politicians lie there is never disappointment.

But they don't all necessarily lie, they just maneuver their wording around the allowable truths. They jump and dive through hurtles and obstacles that are invisible to us, the audience, and we throw tantrums and fits because they don't follow the 'lighted' paths revealed to us and labeled as the 'obvious'. Really... who is the smarter one? :(
Are you in denial, or do you think I cannot provide proof of your prior record?
Go for it. I have no knowledge of what you are talking about, thus my question about your insanity - either chemically induced or natural.

Soooo, you are not willing to back up any insinuations yourself and ask that others do that for you?

You are the quintessential example of the intellectual laziness that is such a problem for so many, especially Democrats.

Now, back to PC's topic.
Did polichick own up to cutting 'n pasting a Breitbart, or whatever echo chamber she signed-up to get emails from, chain email?

I can't say that's the case one way or another.

However, judging from her history, many of her posts are her own words.....out side of links and reference material.....which are clearly indicated.

Oh, btw, did you even look at any of the links?

blogs, the WSJ, and Heritage are the same one's who *cough* "scored" Ryan's budget LOL AND came up w/ the individual mandate which they now disclaim.
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Go for it. I have no knowledge of what you are talking about, thus my question about your insanity - either chemically induced or natural.

Soooo, you are not willing to back up any insinuations yourself and ask that others do that for you?

You are the quintessential example of the intellectual laziness that is such a problem for so many, especially Democrats.

Now, back to PC's topic.

How did you get banned from a board like that Si modo?
Soooo, you are not willing to back up any insinuations yourself and ask that others do that for you?

You are the quintessential example of the intellectual laziness that is such a problem for so many, especially Democrats.

Now, back to PC's topic.

How did you get banned from a board like that Si modo?
I don't discuss "other board drama" as (1) my understanding is it's against the rules here; and (2) it is irrelevant to the topic.

But, do as you wish.
Soooo, you are not willing to back up any insinuations yourself and ask that others do that for you?

You are the quintessential example of the intellectual laziness that is such a problem for so many, especially Democrats.

Now, back to PC's topic.

How did you get banned from a board like that Si modo?
I don't discuss "other board drama" as (1) my understanding is it's against the rules here; and (2) it is irrelevant to the topic.

But, do as you wish.

I forgot about that. Yeah. Board etiquitte. It is however more interesting than PoliChicks rightie, pasted, chain-email though LOLOL
I love it when you guys can do no better than complain about how I present material, but have no counter to the material itself...

Don't you realize that posts like this come across as a three year old, squeezing his eyes shut, and balling up his little hands, and whining " I don't like you, I don't like you...."

Can't tell you how crushed I feel.
Keep up the good work.

Actually I don't like you. You're arrogant and self righteous, condescending, bellicose and bloviate ad nauseam. None of which supports your insipid uber-partisanship, for seeing one side of all issues and in responding the way you do makes you an archetype curmudgeon.

You just have a problem with someone who exhibits intellect who doesn't fall for your phony ideology. Only the smart ones are members of an exclusive club of the highly moral and compassionate. The rest of us are just too dense to comprehend.

Besides, PC is the cat's meow. What's not to like, other then the simple fact she uses a larger portion of her gray-matter then most people do. I guess that doesn't work well for you. It's easier when you can trick the uninformed into buying the Obamanation's false doctrine.

Please explain in some detail my "phony ideology"?

As for "Obamanation's false doctrine" I suspect you like the sound of the phrase (and maybe copied it from someone else) but can't really define it.

As for PC being the cat's meow (that truly made me laugh), the reality most likely is her avitar is as credible as mine; I surf, but never anything like Mavericks - when Steamer Lane or Kelly's is overhead I watch from the beach.
Thinking positive doesn't make Obama's constant lies OK.

If we catch our representatives lying to us, we get rid of them. You want to coddle them because they're just trying to help the poor, they claim. This is a lie of course.

You're under the assumption we don't care about the rising costs of medical care, but you ignore the fact that it has been discovered that Obamacare doesn't address costs. Instead it makes health care more expensive. The goal isn't to help. The goal is place it under governmental control by squeezing out any competition. But because of the source of this information you refuse to believe it. I suggest you research it yourself rather then take


Your post is the same as the original, a bunch of useless assumptions that only mean you dislike this administration. When any progressive act moved any nation forward, you'd hear the same stuff, doesn't make you right and it doesn't make Obama wrong, it's just empty talk. Proof is in the accomplishments, not in the rhetoric of reactionaries. Time will tell but given the sorry state of our healthcare for so many millions of men, women, and children in America, it is time to move. Your negativity toward change is old, too old.

"He argues that a triplet of 'rhetorical' criticisms--perversity, futility, and jeopardy--'has been unfailingly leveled' by 'reactionaries' at each major progressive reform of the past 300 years--those T. H. Marshall identified with the advancement of civil, political and social rights of citizenship... "With engaging wit and subtle irony, Albert Hirschman maps the diffuse and treacherous world of reactionary rhetoric in which conservative public figures, thinkers, and polemicists have been arguing against progressive agendas and reforms..." The Rhetoric of Reaction - Albert O. Hirschman - Harvard University Press
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