Do you miss W like I do?

What's to miss, Obama has all the same policies and expanded some of Bush's worst. RW, CC Rtard and so many others love all Bush's policies under Obama but hate Bush... Then people like you hate Obama but loved the same policies under Bush.

It's like both sides are fucking mentally retarded or something, yet they both claim to be more intelligent.
The last good president was Ford, the last decent man as president was Bush the Elder.

He was a total failure at being a "fighter pilot" but later, we could always tell where he kept his spare socks.
You're worried about socks when this is your hero in action,


  • little obie learns to ride a bike.jpg
    little obie learns to ride a bike.jpg
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Yet, we the party of Lincoln and Ford and Reagan could not beat him. Twice.

I think the party failed the people, not the people failed the Republic.

We will change the GOP, without a doubt, for the better, the much better, when we in the mainstream crush the far right and the social cons.
So, how come no one can name even one thing they miss about George Bush?

How come all they can do is lie about President Obama?
I miss Reagan more. :(

Yep, he was really terrific - that is, IF you love corruption AND stupidity.


I don't know why they deify the Gipper. :dunno: Maybe because its just long enough ago so prospective voters aren't old enough to remember his reign of terror in central America & on the America blue collar worker & selling arms to terrorists

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