Do you really know?

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    Votes: 4 40.0%
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    Votes: 6 60.0%

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Yes. To a certainty of 99%.
That's pretty bold to think you:

Know how we got here
What our purpose is
What happens after we die

I'm sure you can see why we are skeptical, right?
As well you should be since I can't offer any proof. Can you honestly say you don't have an answer to each of these questions?
I don't have an answer to any of those questions.
Really? You don't believe in either evolution or creationism?
Out of all the billions upon billions of people who have died since the beginning of time, I would think that at least one of them would have found a way to get back and tell us what goes on after we're gone.
There are many published accounts of life after death. Some are false, but that doesn't make all of them false. When my nephew was very young (about four) they moved next door to a twelve-year-old who was in the final stages of dying from leukemia. But for about the last year of Luke's life, my nephew went next door to visit and play with the bed-ridden boy.

The expected happened and Luke died. My nephew had a hard time grasping the concept of death--not living, no longer alive, was gone. He grasped onto "gone" because he did understand that. People left, they were gone...but then they came back. He kept insisting on knowing when Luke would be coming back. This went on even until the gathering at my brother's house after the funeral. Finally, my nephew was getting so out of hand about insisting on knowing when Luke was coming back that he was sent to his room to calm down.

More than an hour passed, all had become quiet, and my brother thought he would peek in on his son, whom he expected to find asleep. He was astounded, upon opening the door, to find his son's room (usually a disaster) in the final stages of being picked up. There was still two small piles on the floor my nephew was working on putting neatly away. My brother blurted out, "What are you doing?"

My nephew replied, "Luke was here. He said my room was a mess and I should clean it up."

My brother, naturally worried that his son still wasn't handling the death well said, "Son, Luke is dead."

My nephew replied, "Yes, Luke told me he is dead. He said being dead means he doesn't have a body and so he can't live here anymore. But he said I should clean up my room. He told me to make piles of things that are alike, and then work on putting the things in each pile back where they belong."

Neither my brother nor his wife cleaned that way, and nor had they shown their son this method. My brother asked, "When did you learn this?"

My nephew (somewhat impatiently) said, "Just a bit ago when Luke told me. He couldn't stay long because he doesn't have a body. But before he left, he told me I should clean my room and how to do it. So I'm doing it."

My brother went back to the main gathering and told his wife and Luke's parents what my nephew was doing. Luke's parents were shocked because years before, when Luke was still healthy, that was how he always cleaned his own room--something he couldn't do in the time he and my small nephew had been friends.
Out of all the billions upon billions of people who have died since the beginning of time, I would think that at least one of them would have found a way to get back and tell us what goes on after we're gone.
Would you believe them? The problem is when someone dies for a few minutes, their mind races. They may see their life flash before their eyes. Ever dream a bunch of weird shit? You can dream an entire nights event in 10 seconds. So if you are dead for a few minutes you may see a lot of shit. You may even see god. But it's not god. It's your mind fucking with you. LOL
Yes. To a certainty of 99%.
That's pretty bold to think you:

Know how we got here
What our purpose is
What happens after we die

I'm sure you can see why we are skeptical, right?
As well you should be since I can't offer any proof. Can you honestly say you don't have an answer to each of these questions?
I don't have an answer to any of those questions.
Really? You don't believe in either evolution or creationism?

Evolution doesn't explain how we got here. It explains how once simple life started it diversified, but evolution doesn't say how life got started here. Some think life came from mars. Look it up. Some (Me) think comets and meteors carry protein or amino acids and they brought life.

But that doesn't explain everything. We know we come from inside stars. Stars that burned out billions of years before our star formed. But what puts life inside stars? What started the universe? We don't know. And even then we won't know if there is a god behind it. Luckily he visited a couple times.
Yes. To a certainty of 99%.
That's pretty bold to think you:

Know how we got here
What our purpose is
What happens after we die

I'm sure you can see why we are skeptical, right?
As well you should be since I can't offer any proof. Can you honestly say you don't have an answer to each of these questions?
I don't have an answer to any of those questions.
Really? You don't believe in either evolution or creationism?

Evolution doesn't explain how we got here. It explains how once simple life started it diversified, but evolution doesn't say how life got started here. Some think life came from mars. Look it up. Some (Me) think comets and meteors carry protein or amino acids and they brought life.

But that doesn't explain everything. We know we come from inside stars. Stars that burned out billions of years before our star formed. But what puts life inside stars? What started the universe? We don't know. And even then we won't know if there is a god behind it. Luckily he visited a couple times.
Oh, I see now. You want answers to ALL the questions. Sorry, nobody gets those.
That's pretty bold to think you:

Know how we got here
What our purpose is
What happens after we die

I'm sure you can see why we are skeptical, right?
As well you should be since I can't offer any proof. Can you honestly say you don't have an answer to each of these questions?
I don't have an answer to any of those questions.
Really? You don't believe in either evolution or creationism?

Evolution doesn't explain how we got here. It explains how once simple life started it diversified, but evolution doesn't say how life got started here. Some think life came from mars. Look it up. Some (Me) think comets and meteors carry protein or amino acids and they brought life.

But that doesn't explain everything. We know we come from inside stars. Stars that burned out billions of years before our star formed. But what puts life inside stars? What started the universe? We don't know. And even then we won't know if there is a god behind it. Luckily he visited a couple times.
Oh, I see now. You want answers to ALL the questions. Sorry, nobody gets those.
Two people believe they know. And one isn't even 100%. So one guy actually knows. Who is that guy? He's our new preacher
Out of all the billions upon billions of people who have died since the beginning of time, I would think that at least one of them would have found a way to get back and tell us what goes on after we're gone.
I would think that at least one of them would have found a way to get back and tell us what goes on after we're gone.

maybe out of all the billions not all made it ... maybe only a few and for that they might have better things to do than come back to Earth. or know better than to break the barrier. and if they did, knowing the truth should really not matter.


the Mayfly lives only 24 hours - not much time for them to be thinking of the future. doesn't seem to matter to their finely detailed physical presence or reflect negatively on their superior intellect.


Out of all the billions upon billions of people who have died since the beginning of time, I would think that at least one of them would have found a way to get back and tell us what goes on after we're gone.
Yes, there was such a man. You should know that.
There have been many thousands of miracles, and many thousands of witnesses to these miracles, and much of it has been recorded in the Bible and history books. I could provide cites until I was blue in the face, but you would reject this overwhelming evidence that there is a God, that he loves us, and that he is constantly intervening in human history.

I will name one example: the life of Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Joan of Arc - Facts & Summary -

Her life is probably one of the best documented in human history because she was put on trial three times, twice during her lifetime and a third time after her death by martyrdom, and there are transcripts of these trials.

Joan of Arc's story would not be possible were it not for the direct intervention of God.
There have been many thousands of miracles, and many thousands of witnesses to these miracles, and much of it has been recorded in the Bible and history books. I could provide cites until I was blue in the face, but you would reject this overwhelming evidence that there is a God, that he loves us, and that he is constantly intervening in human history.

I will name one example: the life of Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Joan of Arc - Facts & Summary -

Her life is probably one of the best documented in human history because she was put on trial three times, twice during her lifetime and a third time after her death by martyrdom, and there are transcripts of these trials.

Joan of Arc's story would not be possible were it not for the direct intervention of God.
Why is that?
Three votes for no so far.
When they were brainwashed as kids they were made to sing over and over " God loves me this I know because the bible tells me so.

But do any of them question the bible? And what is it that convinced them? Was it prophecies that turned out to be true?

Even Jews and Muslims hear the Jesus Christ stories and they don't believe. And Christians don't believe Mormons and Muslims, etc.
Three votes for no so far.
When they were brainwashed as kids they were made to sing over and over " God loves me this I know because the bible tells me so.

But do any of them question the bible? And what is it that convinced them? Was it prophecies that turned out to be true?

Even Jews and Muslims hear the Jesus Christ stories and they don't believe. And Christians don't believe Mormons and Muslims, etc.

Believers test the Bible more than non-believers. Non-believers go straight to issues that either cannot be proven, are often mistranslated, or are allegories. They believe "disproving" these disprove the Bible. On the other hand, believers to the teachings contained in the Bible and test those: Love your fellowman as yourself. Put God (Goodness/Love) first. The Beatitudes (or as Schuller called them 'The Be Happy Attiudes." And much more. For some atheists, the Bible is a mind game where the mind can decide. For believers, the Bible game can be best described as of the heart. We live it, not sit down and analyze it.
Three votes for no so far.
When they were brainwashed as kids they were made to sing over and over " God loves me this I know because the bible tells me so.

But do any of them question the bible? And what is it that convinced them? Was it prophecies that turned out to be true?

Even Jews and Muslims hear the Jesus Christ stories and they don't believe. And Christians don't believe Mormons and Muslims, etc.

Believers test the Bible more than non-believers. Non-believers go straight to issues that either cannot be proven, are often mistranslated, or are allegories. They believe "disproving" these disprove the Bible. On the other hand, believers to the teachings contained in the Bible and test those: Love your fellowman as yourself. Put God (Goodness/Love) first. The Beatitudes (or as Schuller called them 'The Be Happy Attiudes." And much more. For some atheists, the Bible is a mind game where the mind can decide. For believers, the Bible game can be best described as of the heart. We live it, not sit down and analyze it.
So you cherry pick the parts you like
So you cherry pick the parts you like

Absolutely. I put to use everything that pertains to my own life. For example, Noah's Ark and Jesus walking on water are very interesting, but they fit into my life about as much as building a great pyramid. Instead, I have to work with, "Happy are those who mourn....put God before my atheist husband (yet love my husband as I love myself)....lay down my life....give all I have...."

Sometimes I wish I had the job of building an ark or talking to a burning bush, but alas, it is what it is.

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