Do you really think Trump will get removed before his term is over?


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2016
I don't.

The Senate will probably stall and not even bring it up.

On the other hand, I think if there is some takeover of govt. buildings in any of the states or D.C., or some violence, the chances of Trump getting removed, either by impeachment or the 25th, will increase by a lot.

I don't.

The Senate will probably stall and not even bring it up.

On the other hand, I think if there is some takeover of govt. buildings in any of the states or D.C., or some violence, the chances of Trump getting removed, either by impeachment or the 25th, will increase by a lot.

They will do the Senate later on.
I don't.

The Senate will probably stall and not even bring it up.

On the other hand, I think if there is some takeover of govt. buildings in any of the states or D.C., or some violence, the chances of Trump getting removed, either by impeachment or the 25th, will increase by a lot.

Mitch has said he will not call for emergency session to bring Senate back before the 19th. No chance it will change. It would take a joint agreement between Mitch and Chuck to change it. No way it would be voted in less than a day and a half, and unlikely it would pass within 24 ours of inauguration.
I don't.

The Senate will probably stall and not even bring it up.

On the other hand, I think if there is some takeover of govt. buildings in any of the states or D.C., or some violence, the chances of Trump getting removed, either by impeachment or the 25th, will increase by a lot.


It takes two-thirds of Senate in order to remove Trump from office. Doesn't look likely to me. It does though, take a simple majority to prevent him from seeking office a second time, so Trump would be ineligible to run again.

Given the idiot Democrat's ineptness and incompetence they will show over the next four years, the next Republican candidate could possibly lean farther to the right than Trump did.
This impeachment is the petty, vindictive act of juvenile brats. Yesterday was the worst day of Covid deaths and congress focus is this nonsense. :cuckoo:
Relax. Dump said the Covid was a dem hoax.

It's going to be interesting to watch the mainstream media and DemoKKKrats never mention another covid death again after next week.
I don't.

The Senate will probably stall and not even bring it up.

On the other hand, I think if there is some takeover of govt. buildings in any of the states or D.C., or some violence, the chances of Trump getting removed, either by impeachment or the 25th, will increase by a lot.


McConnell has already said no and to take it up after the 20th. He was just impeached and 10 republicans voted with the dems.
This impeachment is the petty, vindictive act of juvenile brats. Yesterday was the worst day of Covid deaths and congress focus is this nonsense. :cuckoo:
Relax. Dump said the Covid was a dem hoax.

It's going to be interesting to watch the mainstream media and DemoKKKrats never mention another covid death again after next week.
You guys keep moving the date. Didn't you claim that would happen on 4Nov20?
This impeachment is the petty, vindictive act of juvenile brats. Yesterday was the worst day of Covid deaths and congress focus is this nonsense. :cuckoo:
Relax. Dump said the Covid was a dem hoax.

It's going to be interesting to watch the mainstream media and DemoKKKrats never mention another covid death again after next week.

Like it was suppose to be a hoax and over and done with the day after election?
This impeachment is the petty, vindictive act of juvenile brats. Yesterday was the worst day of Covid deaths and congress focus is this nonsense. :cuckoo:
Relax. Dump said the Covid was a dem hoax.

It's going to be interesting to watch the mainstream media and DemoKKKrats never mention another covid death again after next week.
You guys keep moving the date. Didn't you claim that would happen on 4Nov20?

No, that was the day the vaccine was announced. Remember?
Nope. But it doesn't matter. Stick a fork in him. He's done. Legally, financially, politically. He and his entire family's name is shortly going to be radioactive.
Someone will find a way to make money off this. Probably Dump himself.
I can actually see him becoming the new Del Webb and developing Trac Housing for White Seniors with lots of cheesy bingo and blackjack, along with the obligatory golfing
I don't.

The Senate will probably stall and not even bring it up.

On the other hand, I think if there is some takeover of govt. buildings in any of the states or D.C., or some violence, the chances of Trump getting removed, either by impeachment or the 25th, will increase by a lot.

Mitch is probably getting his bank accounts filled by the CCP.

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