Do you REALLY want the Clintons in the White House again?

From up here the Clinton presidency looks pretty peaceful and economically successful in retrospect compared to what followed. It might be nice to have him back in there even if only in the background, eh?
So you're content with having sleaze bag liars as your First Family. How very fucking liberal of you!

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

It's looking like a race to qualify a new disorder and you're winning by lengths.

You guys seem to lack a sense of proportion. What you seem to be saying here saying here is that a stupid war that cost so much in so many ways put America in a better situation than Bill's sexual peccadillos did. Because I was saying the opposite.

I was responding to "Liberalism is a mental disorder" when the poster sounds more like an escapee from a mental ward himself.
You are such a liar, he leased it for $15 grand a month, and it sold in 2013 for less than $5 million. Just as the Clinton's did, leasing a home from Terry McAuliffe who purchased it for them.
Indeed, the house is on the ''lower end'' of the scale for the area, said Mr. Hyland, the broker, who lives just up the street. A group of friends (Wall Management Services) bought the house for the Reagans in 1986 for $2.5 million and leased it to the former President with an option to buy or continue renting after three years.

From up here the Clinton presidency looks pretty peaceful and economically successful in retrospect compared to what followed. It might be nice to have him back in there even if only in the background, eh?
Let's not forget the lovely parting gifts the Reagan's got when they were handed the keys to 668 St. Cloud Rd Bel Air. A lovely 7,500 sq ft home on three acres of prime L.A. real estate worth $3,000,000 in 1989 probably worth $25,000,000 today.

The Clinton's are pikers in comparison to Reagan's presidency and the money they walked off with.
From up here the Clinton presidency looks pretty peaceful and economically successful in retrospect compared to what followed. It might be nice to have him back in there even if only in the background, eh?
So you're content with having sleaze bag liars as your First Family. How very fucking liberal of you!

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

It's looking like a race to qualify a new disorder and you're winning by lengths.

You guys seem to lack a sense of proportion. What you seem to be saying here saying here is that a stupid war that cost so much in so many ways put America in a better situation than Bill's sexual peccadillos did. Because I was saying the opposite.
The question was "Do you really want the Clintons in the White House again?" It has nothing to do with other people. I imagine that all Clinton worshipers will overlook the enumeration of her failures and total ineptitude and answer with a 'yes'. I would think that anyone who wants someone that actually RESPECTS the White House and their mission there would not agree.
You are such a liar, he leased it for $15 grand a month, and it sold in 2013 for less than $5 million. Just as the Clinton's did, leasing a home from Terry McAuliffe who purchased it for them.
Indeed, the house is on the ''lower end'' of the scale for the area, said Mr. Hyland, the broker, who lives just up the street. A group of friends (Wall Management Services) bought the house for the Reagans in 1986 for $2.5 million and leased it to the former President with an option to buy or continue renting after three y

Reagan's friends bought that house and leased it back to him for three months until the bottom line figure from his blind trust was known. That house is not on the lower end of the scale for that area. The famous "Beverly Hillbillies" house is next door and was remodeled by Jerry Perenchio who owns Univision. That house is worth $100 million today. Mrs. Reagan is still listed as owner of that property at 668 St Cloud Rd and the resale was probably for tax or trust purposes. Her taxes last year were $54,648.14. Zillow estimates the value at $13, 715,572 and that's for a knockdown.
Not really but I can see her winning over a number of Republican candidates in the race (Trump, Carson, Fiorina to name a few).
I believe there was a recent poll in which she lost to all Republican contenders. Biden beat most of them...Hillary lost to all of them. Nobody in their right mind....Democrat or Republican...wants Hillary. She opens her mouth...she lies! The public has tired of her lies, her foundation, her self-righteousness and her superiority complex.
If Hillary becomes the president that would mean the end of the democracy in America. Because it will be just a monarchy ruled by the house Clinton and the house Bush.
Not really but I can see her winning over a number of Republican candidates in the race (Trump, Carson, Fiorina to name a few).
I believe there was a recent poll in which she lost to all Republican contenders. Biden beat most of them...Hillary lost to all of them. Nobody in their right mind....Democrat or Republican...wants Hillary. She opens her mouth...she lies! The public has tired of her lies, her foundation, her self-righteousness and her superiority complex.

A poll on a potential candidate not in the race


The minute Joe entered his poll numbers would drop

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