Do you REALLY want the Clintons in the White House again?

The country has more in debt/unfunded liabilities than it can ever pay...

Embrace the suck
Do you REALLY want the Clintons in the White House again?

Absolutely YES!! I will be voting for Hillary both in the NH primary and the General Election!
Never mind her mistakes. What were her achievements?
You don’t have to like Hillary Clinton or her ideas. I get it. She’s a Democrat, a progressive (in most eyes), and conservatives don’t like that. However, you cannot say she does not have any accomplishments. Here are just a few:

These are not all of her accomplishments. Her activism on behalf of women and children across the world is renowned. Her activism for raising the minimum wage and combating climate change is stellar. You do not have to support what she does or stands for. But do not say she doesn’t have any accomplishments. The conservatives who say this are the ones who are pushing for Ted Cruz – who brought on a $24 billion shut down. That, to them, is an accomplishment?

Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any
Not a single achievement. "Took a leading role", "Major proponent of" These arent achievements. These are resume padders. Like "most travelled." Travelling is an acitivty, not an accomplishment.
Try comparing Clinton to the two top Republican hopefuls.
  • Trump - a real estate developer that's bankrupted 4 businesses, screwing both creditors and investors, a young man with an education in real estate that dodged the draft multi-times that now seeks to be become the commander and chief of our military, a man that hasn't been any closer to elected office or any public service than lobbying and bribing legislatures, and a man that has made personal enemies of most of the people in congress that he would be dependent on to pass any legislation.
  • Carson - a neurosurgeon with no applicable education and no background in government or public service and no proven leadership ability who is most known for surgical separation of conjoined twins, a doctor with absolutely no proven leadership ability, and when asked about his leadership skills and organization skills, he described organizing the OR and leading a surgical team.
Look where the candy a$$ed professional progressive politicians have gotten us to... A broken country that can't be fixed.

Embrace the suck
So we should elect someone that doesn't have any idea of how government functions, doesn't understand foreign policy, and no background in political science or law. If you believe that then give me a call the next you need a plumber. I know how to turn on the shower and flush toilets.
It hasn't worked for over a century, where do you think doing the same over and over again is sane??
Hillary Clinton is completely unstoppable! She is going to fricking DOMINATE this election!!! :D

Mapping the Money: How Granite Staters Are Giving to the 2016 Candidates

Nearly two thirds of the contributions from New Hampshire residents to presidential candidates since January went to Democrats, with Hillary Clinton collecting more from Granite Staters than all the Republicans combined.

Clinton, who has visited New Hampshire a half-dozen times since officially announcing her candidacy April 12, led all contenders with $139,606 in contributions through June 30. Her campaign reported a total of more than $47 million in nationwide contributions.

Meanwhile, a dozen Republicans collected $105,746, according to reports filed by the candidates with the Federal Elections Commission last week.
Hillary Clinton is completely unstoppable! She is going to fricking DOMINATE this election!!! :D

Mapping the Money: How Granite Staters Are Giving to the 2016 Candidates

Nearly two thirds of the contributions from New Hampshire residents to presidential candidates since January went to Democrats, with Hillary Clinton collecting more from Granite Staters than all the Republicans combined.

Clinton, who has visited New Hampshire a half-dozen times since officially announcing her candidacy April 12, led all contenders with $139,606 in contributions through June 30. Her campaign reported a total of more than $47 million in nationwide contributions.

Meanwhile, a dozen Republicans collected $105,746, according to reports filed by the candidates with the Federal Elections Commission last week.
Ya, she's is a loopy bitch who's husband is nothing than a child molester... They don't call him slick willy for noth'n.

Hashtag more White House interns
You don’t have to like Hillary Clinton or her ideas. I get it. She’s a Democrat, a progressive (in most eyes), and conservatives don’t like that. However, you cannot say she does not have any accomplishments. Here are just a few:

These are not all of her accomplishments. Her activism on behalf of women and children across the world is renowned. Her activism for raising the minimum wage and combating climate change is stellar. You do not have to support what she does or stands for. But do not say she doesn’t have any accomplishments. The conservatives who say this are the ones who are pushing for Ted Cruz – who brought on a $24 billion shut down. That, to them, is an accomplishment?

Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any
Not a single achievement. "Took a leading role", "Major proponent of" These arent achievements. These are resume padders. Like "most travelled." Travelling is an acitivty, not an accomplishment.
Try comparing Clinton to the two top Republican hopefuls.
  • Trump - a real estate developer that's bankrupted 4 businesses, screwing both creditors and investors, a young man with an education in real estate that dodged the draft multi-times that now seeks to be become the commander and chief of our military, a man that hasn't been any closer to elected office or any public service than lobbying and bribing legislatures, and a man that has made personal enemies of most of the people in congress that he would be dependent on to pass any legislation.
  • Carson - a neurosurgeon with no applicable education and no background in government or public service and no proven leadership ability who is most known for surgical separation of conjoined twins, a doctor with absolutely no proven leadership ability, and when asked about his leadership skills and organization skills, he described organizing the OR and leading a surgical team.
Look where the candy a$$ed professional progressive politicians have gotten us to... A broken country that can't be fixed.

Embrace the suck
So we should elect someone that doesn't have any idea of how government functions, doesn't understand foreign policy, and no background in political science or law. If you believe that then give me a call the next you need a plumber. I know how to turn on the shower and flush toilets.
It hasn't worked for over a century, where do you think doing the same over and over again is sane??
Those that have the experience and knowledge have not been able to meet your expectations, so we should elect people with no applicable knowledge or experience and expect better results. That just doesn't make sense. Would Ben Carson hire an accountant to assist him in surgery? Would Trump hire a surgical nurse to mange his business?

I think there are three major problems.
  • First, the ideological divide is so strong between the two parties that it leaves no room for compromise.
  • Second, most people don't appreciate just how hard it is to accomplish anything in Washington nor the skill levels required and assume that any intelligent successful person can succeed in public office if they are honest and have the best interest of country at heart.
  • Lastly, a two party system in which each party is diametrically opposed to any proposal from the other party needs a third party to break the log jam otherwise nothing will be accomplished.
Not a single achievement. "Took a leading role", "Major proponent of" These arent achievements. These are resume padders. Like "most travelled." Travelling is an acitivty, not an accomplishment.
Try comparing Clinton to the two top Republican hopefuls.
  • Trump - a real estate developer that's bankrupted 4 businesses, screwing both creditors and investors, a young man with an education in real estate that dodged the draft multi-times that now seeks to be become the commander and chief of our military, a man that hasn't been any closer to elected office or any public service than lobbying and bribing legislatures, and a man that has made personal enemies of most of the people in congress that he would be dependent on to pass any legislation.
  • Carson - a neurosurgeon with no applicable education and no background in government or public service and no proven leadership ability who is most known for surgical separation of conjoined twins, a doctor with absolutely no proven leadership ability, and when asked about his leadership skills and organization skills, he described organizing the OR and leading a surgical team.
Look where the candy a$$ed professional progressive politicians have gotten us to... A broken country that can't be fixed.

Embrace the suck
So we should elect someone that doesn't have any idea of how government functions, doesn't understand foreign policy, and no background in political science or law. If you believe that then give me a call the next you need a plumber. I know how to turn on the shower and flush toilets.
It hasn't worked for over a century, where do you think doing the same over and over again is sane??
Those that have the experience and knowledge have not been able to meet your expectations, so we should elect people with no applicable knowledge or experience and expect better results. That just doesn't make sense. Would Ben Carson hire an accountant to assist him in surgery? Would Trump hire a surgical nurse to mange his business?

I think there are three major problems.
  • First, the ideological divide is so strong between the two parties that it leaves no room for compromise.
  • Second, most people don't appreciate just how hard it is to accomplish anything in Washington nor the skill levels required and assume that any intelligent successful person can succeed in public office.
  • Lastly, a two party system in which each party is diametrically opposed to any proposal from the other party needs a third party to break the log jam otherwise nothing will be accomplished.
progressive professional politicians are not the answer though... That has been tried who knows how many times.
Try comparing Clinton to the two top Republican hopefuls.
  • Trump - a real estate developer that's bankrupted 4 businesses, screwing both creditors and investors, a young man with an education in real estate that dodged the draft multi-times that now seeks to be become the commander and chief of our military, a man that hasn't been any closer to elected office or any public service than lobbying and bribing legislatures, and a man that has made personal enemies of most of the people in congress that he would be dependent on to pass any legislation.
  • Carson - a neurosurgeon with no applicable education and no background in government or public service and no proven leadership ability who is most known for surgical separation of conjoined twins, a doctor with absolutely no proven leadership ability, and when asked about his leadership skills and organization skills, he described organizing the OR and leading a surgical team.
Look where the candy a$$ed professional progressive politicians have gotten us to... A broken country that can't be fixed.

Embrace the suck
So we should elect someone that doesn't have any idea of how government functions, doesn't understand foreign policy, and no background in political science or law. If you believe that then give me a call the next you need a plumber. I know how to turn on the shower and flush toilets.
It hasn't worked for over a century, where do you think doing the same over and over again is sane??
Those that have the experience and knowledge have not been able to meet your expectations, so we should elect people with no applicable knowledge or experience and expect better results. That just doesn't make sense. Would Ben Carson hire an accountant to assist him in surgery? Would Trump hire a surgical nurse to mange his business?

I think there are three major problems.
  • First, the ideological divide is so strong between the two parties that it leaves no room for compromise.
  • Second, most people don't appreciate just how hard it is to accomplish anything in Washington nor the skill levels required and assume that any intelligent successful person can succeed in public office.
  • Lastly, a two party system in which each party is diametrically opposed to any proposal from the other party needs a third party to break the log jam otherwise nothing will be accomplished.
progressive professional politicians are not the answer though... That has been tried who knows how many times.
Elected officials without experience or applicable knowledge would do exactly the same thing they do in the private sector. They become followers not leaders because they don't know what they're doing. Just look at freshman house members with no political background. My guess is if we are dumb enough to elected someone like Trump, the Chief of Staff would in effect be the acting president and Trump would play the Court Jester.
Look where the candy a$$ed professional progressive politicians have gotten us to... A broken country that can't be fixed.

Embrace the suck
So we should elect someone that doesn't have any idea of how government functions, doesn't understand foreign policy, and no background in political science or law. If you believe that then give me a call the next you need a plumber. I know how to turn on the shower and flush toilets.
It hasn't worked for over a century, where do you think doing the same over and over again is sane??
Those that have the experience and knowledge have not been able to meet your expectations, so we should elect people with no applicable knowledge or experience and expect better results. That just doesn't make sense. Would Ben Carson hire an accountant to assist him in surgery? Would Trump hire a surgical nurse to mange his business?

I think there are three major problems.
  • First, the ideological divide is so strong between the two parties that it leaves no room for compromise.
  • Second, most people don't appreciate just how hard it is to accomplish anything in Washington nor the skill levels required and assume that any intelligent successful person can succeed in public office.
  • Lastly, a two party system in which each party is diametrically opposed to any proposal from the other party needs a third party to break the log jam otherwise nothing will be accomplished.
progressive professional politicians are not the answer though... That has been tried who knows how many times.
Elected officials without experience or applicable knowledge would do exactly the same thing they do in the private sector. They become followers not leaders because they don't know what they're doing. Just look at freshman house members with no political background. My guess is if we are dumb enough to elected someone like Trump, the Chief of Staff would in effect be the acting president and Trump would play the Court Jester.
I am not a trump supporter, although it is refreshing to see non politicians say what they think.
We basically have had over a century of progressive professional politicians, and we are in a hole we can't dig ourselves out of... More progressive professional politicians are only making things worse.
So we should elect someone that doesn't have any idea of how government functions, doesn't understand foreign policy, and no background in political science or law. If you believe that then give me a call the next you need a plumber. I know how to turn on the shower and flush toilets.
It hasn't worked for over a century, where do you think doing the same over and over again is sane??
Those that have the experience and knowledge have not been able to meet your expectations, so we should elect people with no applicable knowledge or experience and expect better results. That just doesn't make sense. Would Ben Carson hire an accountant to assist him in surgery? Would Trump hire a surgical nurse to mange his business?

I think there are three major problems.
  • First, the ideological divide is so strong between the two parties that it leaves no room for compromise.
  • Second, most people don't appreciate just how hard it is to accomplish anything in Washington nor the skill levels required and assume that any intelligent successful person can succeed in public office.
  • Lastly, a two party system in which each party is diametrically opposed to any proposal from the other party needs a third party to break the log jam otherwise nothing will be accomplished.
progressive professional politicians are not the answer though... That has been tried who knows how many times.
Elected officials without experience or applicable knowledge would do exactly the same thing they do in the private sector. They become followers not leaders because they don't know what they're doing. Just look at freshman house members with no political background. My guess is if we are dumb enough to elected someone like Trump, the Chief of Staff would in effect be the acting president and Trump would play the Court Jester.
I am not a trump supporter, although it is refreshing to see non politicians say what they think.
We basically have had over a century of progressive professional politicians, and we are in a hole we can't dig ourselves out of... More progressive professional politicians are only making things worse.
I have yet to see the logic in electing people with no qualifications because those with qualifications failed.
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