Do you republicans genuinely think a repub will take office in 2016?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I'm curious. Who? What republican do you think possibly has a chance to actually win in 2016?
How many baiting threads are you going to create today, Billy?
While i dont think a republican will win the White house in 2016 some of the Republican contenders will be
Rand Paul
Marco Rubio
Jeb Bush
Ted Cruz
Sarah Bachmann
Chris Christie
Rick Perry.
GFY means Good For some select cases. In other cases it means something else.
Given the disaster that has been the Obama presidency on everything from economic to foreign policy... it is highly likely that the GOP will take the Whitehouse.

Clinton will not win it due to her involvement in the Obama foreign policy fiascos as well as her health and likeability problems.

Maybe 1/309th Indian Liz Warren?


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