Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
The best service anyone can find would be through their own research and knowledge of the product they are looking for. I used to shop at Nordstrom all the time, had a person shopper named Alison and met the Nordstrom's when they opened up a store in my area a few years ago. Indeed, I would go specifically to Nordstrom to talk about clothes and shoes and all the good stuff.

Currently, I shop at Nordstrom only when the person I am shopping for wants something from there. The service used to be incomparable and was a leader in the industry. I still go to look at shoes, use their tailor when necessary and do not buy perfume or cologne there anymore.

They even put out a nifty book.....

Of course most of us, when we need expert advice on something, shop where we can get that kind of service. But I don't think anybody should be so naive as not to understand that they PAY for that expert advice. If it is worth it, it is money well spent. Most Walmart shoppers though know pretty much what they want and recognize it when they see it, and they don't need anybody to guide them. I am that kind of shopper and in most cases, unless I need counsel on somthing say for computer equipment, I enjoy shopping at my own pace and not having a sales clerk fidgiting at my shoulder.

When I need expert advice I do my research. A personal shopper is someone who gets me what I ask them to because I am too busy to retrieve to myself. In other words for me it is all baloney. That is one of the reasons I do not shop at Nordstrom much anymore. I have always enjoyed this type of thing, but, if I was hanging out in Nordstrom with the sales people talking fashion and clothes the least I could do was buy something. I would never buy a fedora from Nordstrom they have no idea what they are doing.

When it comes to fragrance I used to have something mixed for me on Wall Street and now I found a place where fragrances are made to order in another area of NYC that is more of what I am looking for.

Well happy to know somebody who can afford all that Connery. I think most of us can't though. I have to do my own fashion consulting and my fragrance comes from the Avon lady. :)
Of course most of us, when we need expert advice on something, shop where we can get that kind of service. But I don't think anybody should be so naive as not to understand that they PAY for that expert advice. If it is worth it, it is money well spent. Most Walmart shoppers though know pretty much what they want and recognize it when they see it, and they don't need anybody to guide them. I am that kind of shopper and in most cases, unless I need counsel on somthing say for computer equipment, I enjoy shopping at my own pace and not having a sales clerk fidgiting at my shoulder.

When I need expert advice I do my research. A personal shopper is someone who gets me what I ask them to because I am too busy to retrieve to myself. In other words for me it is all baloney. That is one of the reasons I do not shop at Nordstrom much anymore. I have always enjoyed this type of thing, but, if I was hanging out in Nordstrom with the sales people talking fashion and clothes the least I could do was buy something. I would never buy a fedora from Nordstrom they have no idea what they are doing.

When it comes to fragrance I used to have something mixed for me on Wall Street and now I found a place where fragrances are made to order in another area of NYC that is more of what I am looking for.

Well happy to know somebody who can afford all that Connery. I think most of us can't though. I have to do my own fashion consulting and my fragrance comes from the Avon lady. :)
It is not about affording it in as much a choosing a few things in life that I can appreciate. To me a fine fedora is a work of art, a fragrance is as unique as finger prints and a fabric is like the skein of life; some delicate, some rough-hewn.
When I need expert advice I do my research. A personal shopper is someone who gets me what I ask them to because I am too busy to retrieve to myself. In other words for me it is all baloney. That is one of the reasons I do not shop at Nordstrom much anymore. I have always enjoyed this type of thing, but, if I was hanging out in Nordstrom with the sales people talking fashion and clothes the least I could do was buy something. I would never buy a fedora from Nordstrom they have no idea what they are doing.

When it comes to fragrance I used to have something mixed for me on Wall Street and now I found a place where fragrances are made to order in another area of NYC that is more of what I am looking for.

Well happy to know somebody who can afford all that Connery. I think most of us can't though. I have to do my own fashion consulting and my fragrance comes from the Avon lady. :)
It is not about affording it in as much a choosing a few things in life that I can appreciate. To me a fine fedora is a work of art, a fragrance is as unique as finger prints and a fabric is like the skein of life; some delicate, some rough-hewn.

Oh no doubt. And I don't begrudge those who enjoy that kind of luxury. But when you have to choose between an expensive fragrance and a pot roast for Thursday night, the pot roast is probably going to win out. But then you are probably not the demographic most Walmarts shoot for either. :)
Well happy to know somebody who can afford all that Connery. I think most of us can't though. I have to do my own fashion consulting and my fragrance comes from the Avon lady. :)
It is not about affording it in as much a choosing a few things in life that I can appreciate. To me a fine fedora is a work of art, a fragrance is as unique as finger prints and a fabric is like the skein of life; some delicate, some rough-hewn.

Oh no doubt. And I don't begrudge those who enjoy that kind of luxury. But when you have to choose between an expensive fragrance and a pot roast for Thursday night, the pot roast is probably going to win out. But then you are probably not the demographic most Walmarts shoot for either. :)

I am FF that is why I chop my own wood for heat, clean my own house, sew my clothes and do not eat out much at all. I take a small portion of the what it would cost and place it in an envelope and save until I have enough for that luxury...:wink_2:
It is not about affording it in as much a choosing a few things in life that I can appreciate. To me a fine fedora is a work of art, a fragrance is as unique as finger prints and a fabric is like the skein of life; some delicate, some rough-hewn.

Oh no doubt. And I don't begrudge those who enjoy that kind of luxury. But when you have to choose between an expensive fragrance and a pot roast for Thursday night, the pot roast is probably going to win out. But then you are probably not the demographic most Walmarts shoot for either. :)

I am FF that is why I chop my own wood for heat, clean my own house, sew my clothes and do not eat out much at all. I take a small portion of the what it would cost and place it in an envelope and save until I have enough for that luxury...:wink_2:

Ah okay. Well then you're just as wierd as me and the rest of my friends. I would rather pay somebody to chop my wood and do my own shopping. :)
Oh no doubt. And I don't begrudge those who enjoy that kind of luxury. But when you have to choose between an expensive fragrance and a pot roast for Thursday night, the pot roast is probably going to win out. But then you are probably not the demographic most Walmarts shoot for either. :)

I am FF that is why I chop my own wood for heat, clean my own house, sew my clothes and do not eat out much at all. I take a small portion of the what it would cost and place it in an envelope and save until I have enough for that luxury...:wink_2:

Ah okay. Well then you're just as wierd as me and the rest of my friends. I would rather pay somebody to chop my wood and do my own shopping. :)

Yep it is all about choice... I look at my wood pile and get a sense of pride that I can heat my place with my own sweat and hard work. Then I go shopping...:thup:
Why shouldn't I buy some nice make up and cosmetics at half the price the expensive Department stores?

Same thing half the price?

Why not?

One reason that comes to mind is service. The folks at Nordstrom, etc., can provide valuable end-user advice, which could lead to less consumption of the cosmetics and thus insure you do not look like a Walmart-shopper.

Just a thought.

Nordstrom's is a different planet for most of us.
Management is not uniform from store to store no matter what the brand. How many times have you been in a McDonalds in which the employees were surly and incompetent, service was slow, and you often get what you didn't order? And then the next McDonalds runs like a well oiled machine with competent employees and a precision product served quickly and correctly? The difference of course is in the management. Some are far better at it than others.

Same with Target and Walmart. Our nearest Walmart Super Center is sparkly clean, well organized, well kept, and enjoys a cheerful, knowledgeable, and helpful staff. Our nearest Target, not so much.

You beat me to it.
There are three Walmart stores within 20 minutes of where I am sitting.
The one closest to here is a clean and well run store.
The one 8 miles away leaves much to be desired. It is understaffed.
The one 20 mins from here is a disaster. I do not shop there anymore.
I went food shopping last night. I had very little money for it. I had to feed my family of four on under a 100 dollars for about 8 days. Got some things at save a lot but most of our meat and cheese and other goods like lunch meat for school had to come from Wal-Mart cause ALL the other stores are to expensive. So without Wal-Mart I would have found it impossible to feed my family this week. So I say to all you union supporters praying for Wal-Mart to fail. Fuck you go eat balls!
I went food shopping last night. I had very little money for it. I had to feed my family of four on under a 100 dollars for about 8 days. Got some things at save a lot but most of our meat and cheese and other goods like lunch meat for school had to come from Wal-Mart cause ALL the other stores are to expensive. So without Wal-Mart I would have found it impossible to feed my family this week. So I say to all you union supporters praying for Wal-Mart to fail. Fuck you go eat balls!

well, I have never said that I hoped WalMart would fail, so I assume I am exempt from your suggestion.

Still rather new here but this strikes me as inflammatory/offensive. Perhaps this is nothing compared to what others say/have said.

I have many financial challenges and understand the frustration of trying to provide for a family with next to nothing. I hope things improve for you, thanatos144.

This is a difficult time of year for many of us. We would like to do 'everything' for those we love and cannot do that.

Much is said about the 'evils' of big box stores but they serve a purpose in the great economic melting pot. As do stores such as Goodwill. I have purchased some very nice things from Goodwill and paid much less than I would have paid at WalMart. Better quality --designer clothing and household items. If pennies must be pinched then I can pinch with the best.

I worked in retail for many years and became somewhat disillusioned with paying the prices required to support department stores in the more expensive mall locations. The actual products, I learned, included the cost of the rent, utilities, employee salaries and benefits and transportation of goods as well as every other cost involved.

If WalMart or others can buy in volume, select less desirable locations, run the stores without frills--that is OK with me. At times, I wish SAM's could offer a bag for my purchases --most shoppers buy in such quantities that they don't need bags. Supplying small businesses I have been told. Their prices on produce are competitive with WalMarts--I assume they are in fact affiliated with WalMart. Another alternative.
Was my language to rough for you? How about if I said go fornicate yourself and set testicles in your mouth cavity? Would that be less offensive for your delicate eyes?

We don't buy groceries from Wal-mart anymore. DeMoulas/Market Basket stores are cheaper, better quality, better selection. Twenty years ago, Wal-mart was one stop shopping. Now some items are missing, with bunches of items from the neighboring shelf to fill the empty space. I still get stuff at Wal-mart, after checking to see if that item is in the store.
well, I have never said that I hoped WalMart would fail, so I assume I am exempt from your suggestion.

Still rather new here but this strikes me as inflammatory/offensive. Perhaps this is nothing compared to what others say/have said.

not offensive at all unions and lilberals are in reality threatening to starve people to death with the higher prices Wal Mart and others would charge.

100 years ago when people we really poor liberal unions really did starve people to death!! THey should be made illegal again!!

I have many financial challenges and understand the frustration of trying to provide for a family with next to nothing. I hope things improve for you, thanatos144.

This is a difficult time of year for many of us. We would like to do 'everything' for those we love and cannot do that.

Much is said about the 'evils' of big box stores but they serve a purpose in the great economic melting pot. As do stores such as Goodwill. I have purchased some very nice things from Goodwill and paid much less than I would have paid at WalMart. Better quality --designer clothing and household items. If pennies must be pinched then I can pinch with the best.

I worked in retail for many years and became somewhat disillusioned with paying the prices required to support department stores in the more expensive mall locations. The actual products, I learned, included the cost of the rent, utilities, employee salaries and benefits and transportation of goods as well as every other cost involved.

If WalMart or others can buy in volume, select less desirable locations, run the stores without frills--that is OK with me. At times, I wish SAM's could offer a bag for my purchases --most shoppers buy in such quantities that they don't need bags. Supplying small businesses I have been told. Their prices on produce are competitive with WalMarts--I assume they are in fact affiliated with WalMart. Another alternative.[/QUOTE]
well, I have never said that I hoped WalMart would fail, so I assume I am exempt from your suggestion.

Still rather new here but this strikes me as inflammatory/offensive. Perhaps this is nothing compared to what others say/have said.

not offensive at all unions and lilberals are in reality threatening to starve people to death with the higher prices Wal Mart and others would charge.

100 years ago when people we really poor liberal unions really did starve people to death!! THey should be made illegal again!!


I think I am 'in overmyhead'--WalMart and unions--is that what this is about?

There has been protesting at/against WalMart--I know that. Exactly why--I wasn't motivated to learn. 'Life got in the way'.

Unions--I have never joined a union. Somewhat fear them and what I know about pros and cons would fit on a head of a pin.

If Detroit is a good example of what life can become with powerful unions--I cannot support that.

carry on.
Well happy to know somebody who can afford all that Connery. I think most of us can't though. I have to do my own fashion consulting and my fragrance comes from the Avon lady. :)
It is not about affording it in as much a choosing a few things in life that I can appreciate. To me a fine fedora is a work of art, a fragrance is as unique as finger prints and a fabric is like the skein of life; some delicate, some rough-hewn.

Oh no doubt. And I don't begrudge those who enjoy that kind of luxury. But when you have to choose between an expensive fragrance and a pot roast for Thursday night, the pot roast is probably going to win out. But then you are probably not the demographic most Walmarts shoot for either. :)

I can't wear commercial perfumes because the scent fixatives make my nose hurt. So I make my own body spray and customize the scent to my personal tastes. The things you can learn from library books!
It is not about affording it in as much a choosing a few things in life that I can appreciate. To me a fine fedora is a work of art, a fragrance is as unique as finger prints and a fabric is like the skein of life; some delicate, some rough-hewn.

Oh no doubt. And I don't begrudge those who enjoy that kind of luxury. But when you have to choose between an expensive fragrance and a pot roast for Thursday night, the pot roast is probably going to win out. But then you are probably not the demographic most Walmarts shoot for either. :)

I can't wear commercial perfumes because the scent fixatives make my nose hurt. So I make my own body spray and customize the scent to my personal tastes. The things you can learn from library books!

peppermint oil is good. I must say--there are fragrances that I really enjoy.

None that are worth hundreds of dollars. Nor do I think I could ever pay hundreds of dollars for items of clothing--shoes, handbags, blouses, etc.

I have wasted 'millions' on lesser things. A habit that I endeavor to break daily.
We don't buy groceries from Wal-mart anymore. DeMoulas/Market Basket stores are cheaper, better quality, better selection. Twenty years ago, Wal-mart was one stop shopping. Now some items are missing, with bunches of items from the neighboring shelf to fill the empty space. I still get stuff at Wal-mart, after checking to see if that item is in the store.

Wow, Market Basket. They had those here in California 40 years ago, but I don't see them anymore.
I think I am 'in overmyhead'--WalMart and unions--is that what this is about?

There has been protesting at/against WalMart--I know that. Exactly why--I wasn't motivated to learn. 'Life got in the way'.

Unions--I have never joined a union. Somewhat fear them and what I know about pros and cons would fit on a head of a pin.

If Detroit is a good example of what life can become with powerful unions--I cannot support that.

carry on.

The unions want Walmart, and it is just greed. The unions want to take food out of the mouths of millions of American families so that they can line their own pockets and stuff their greedy snouts.

That's about as simple as it can be stated - and it is 100% fact.
Was my language to rough for you? How about if I said go fornicate yourself and set testicles in your mouth cavity? Would that be less offensive for your delicate eyes?

As I was reading your post, my son asked me to make franks and beans for dinner tonight.

I made salmon instead....:tongue:

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