Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
Wanna hear about over inflated labor rates. The Shop Rite chain in the NY Metro area, was 100% union. In 1986 my friend's sister was a part time cashier at out town store. Sitting down?.....She was getting SEVENTEEN dollars per hour. That is absurd.
I don't know if the unions were run out but I do know that many of the chains up there that were union are union no more.

Unions drove 30 million jobs off shore and probably Shop Rite to install customer scanners a lot faster. Why not just make unions illegal again?
"Do you shop at Walmart?"

Yes, I do, about twice a month, for groceries. I am proud to support those contented employees. They are happy with management and grateful to have employment. They laugh a lot....:D
"Do you shop at Walmart?"

Yes, I do, about twice a month, for groceries. I am proud to support those contented employees. They are happy with management and grateful to have employment. They laugh a lot....:D
They have a lot to laugh at.
Nope. I don't believe in supporting Commie Walmart nor supporting them to give my dollars to Commie China.
They have a few or several things that Bloomingdales or Nordstrom has, half the price.

Nothing wrong with that.
Nope. I don't believe in supporting Commie Walmart nor supporting them to give my dollars to Commie China.

Oh please. Do you really believe Walmart is the ONLY retailer who's shelves are stocked with good made in China?

Nope, but Walmart Lobbyists have meddled in my Government to make sure they come out on top. That is not Free Market Capitalism where the Nanny Government creates policies to help out your industry / company. As a consumer, I look for American made products as much as I can. Also, as a consumer and capitalist, I can choose not to shop there or anywhere Chinese products are sold.
Nope. I don't believe in supporting Commie Walmart nor supporting them to give my dollars to Commie China.

Oh please. Do you really believe Walmart is the ONLY retailer who's shelves are stocked with good made in China?

Nope, but Walmart Lobbyists have meddled in my Government to make sure they come out on top. That is not Free Market Capitalism where the Nanny Government creates policies to help out your industry / company. As a consumer, I look for American made products as much as I can. Also, as a consumer and capitalist, I can choose not to shop there or anywhere Chinese products are sold.

Yeah, ok.
It's all a grand conspiracy. Walmart buys favors from the US government. I got ya.
Hey genius, our federal government has created crony capitalism by picking winners and losers for it's own self serving purposes.
Yeah, ok.
It's all a grand conspiracy. Walmart buys favors from the US government. I got ya.
Hey genius, our federal government has created crony capitalism by picking winners and losers for it's own self serving purposes.

Is it a conspiracy needed to explain it all when there is a profit motive involved?

Who makes up the government? The common American like Joe Six Pack, or the heads of Corporations and Banks that go into politics to write policies favorable to their respective industries that they then return to in some high level cushy job.

It is not called the revolving door between Big Wall Street Banks and Multi-National Corporations for nothing. Scrub my back and I'll scrub yours.

Do you think most politicians are going into politics to serve a greater good or to pad they are their cronies wallets? If so, then why are so many politicians coming out millionaires when they were not before?
Also, as a consumer and capitalist, I can choose not to shop there or anywhere Chinese products are sold.

:lol: You don't even know what you are saying.

Then let me elaborate:
If enough people chose to not shop at Walmart because of their policies and they went out of business, it would be the Free Market at work. Business's can fail for poor products, poor service, poor management or poor policies. It can be any reason to the consumer if they choose not to support that business.
Also, as a consumer and capitalist, I can choose not to shop there or anywhere Chinese products are sold.

:lol: You don't even know what you are saying.

Then let me elaborate:
If enough people chose to not shop at Walmart because of their policies and they went out of business, it would be the Free Market at work. Business's can fail for poor products, poor service, poor management or poor policies. It can be any reason to the consumer if they choose not to support that business.

Even you should be old enough by now to know that's not going to happen. And that is also...
You know the right to petition the government is enshrined in our Constitution, right kid?
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Almost never, and on the rare occasion I'm forced to I feel like I'm walking into a porn shop and I get the hell out of there as fast as possible. Then I go home and shower and try to forget what I just did.

Down where my parents live the Mal-Wart has driven many local businesses out, and when they moved from the old store to the new supercenter they just abandoned the old one (rather than building it up) and it sits there to this day, seventeen years on, empty, dominating a moribund parking lot. Plus they strongarmed the town into putting up new lanes and traffic lights. Now the town is dying everywhere but that supercenter. Mal-Wart sucks the blood of community.

I ain't supporting that.
Almost never, and on the rare occasion I'm forced to I feel like I'm walking into a porn shop and I get the hell out of there as fast as possible. Then I go home and shower and try to forget what I just did.

Down where my parents live the Mal-Wart has driven many local businesses out, and when they moved from the old store to the new supercenter they just abandoned the old one (rather than building it up) and it sits there to this day, seventeen years on, empty, dominating a moribund parking lot. Plus they strongarmed the town into putting up new lanes and traffic lights. Now the town is dying everywhere but that supercenter. Mal-Wart sucks the blood of community.

I ain't supporting that.

What bullshit. Every walmart around is surrounded by small shops that were not there before walmart. So if you honestly believe that drive away business then you are a fucking retard.
Nope. I don't believe in supporting Commie Walmart nor supporting them to give my dollars to Commie China.

1) China is not communist since most companies are now privately owned

2) Every dollar that goes to China must then be spend in the USA. It comes back!!! Econ 101

3) China has saved Ameicans $trillions with their low prices. We can be thankful. That means American have had trillions extra to stimulatively spend here in the USA, in a sustainable way, thanks to China

4) Any problems in our economy are due to liberal interference, not due to China. Sorry

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