Do You Support Federal Funding For California's High-Speed Rail?

Do You Support Federal Tax Dollars Being Spent On California's High-Speed Rail?

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You're not getting it here Derps.. The commuter link from Gilroy (in the middle of garlic central) is about 1.5 hours on a good day. Same delay at the LA side. IT'S GONNA BE A LOT MORE TIME... NO business person is gonna commute on this thing.

And there is NO WAY --- that those high speed rails are coming thru the San Fran peninsula. 12 cities are already suing over the increased traffic on SURFACE GRADE rails that CalTrain uses.. You'd have to elevate the ENTIRE THING -- in freaking EARTHQUAKE COUNTRY over EXISTING rail and Bart Tracks. Same thing for the LA flatlands.

Those sound like obstacles, sure. But I guess I still believe in an America that sees obstacles as temporary impediments, but not insurmountable road-blocks.


Guess I trust American ingenuity, innovation, and work ethic more than you do.

You should save all that good stuff for something more dramatic than a $50Bill train to nowhere.. Like maybe an Giant Space Ark to save humanity from the great Methane Outgassing that occurs in 2014. :badgrin:

You mean a mission to populate MARS? :badgrin:
Bullshit idea.

If Cali wants a bullet train then let the taxpayers in Cali pony up for it.

When nobody rides the damned thing they can also pony up to support it.
Personally, i could less what the nutters in California do. Just as long as they don't demand all Taxpayers pay for their Boondoggles. They want more Debt & Taxes? That's on them. The entire Nation shouldn't have to suffer.

they can TAX the illegals in thier midsts to either pay for it monetarily...or by LABOR...just like the early days of railroading of the Transcontinental routes across the country.
Those sound like obstacles, sure. But I guess I still believe in an America that sees obstacles as temporary impediments, but not insurmountable road-blocks.


Guess I trust American ingenuity, innovation, and work ethic more than you do.

You should save all that good stuff for something more dramatic than a $50Bill train to nowhere.. Like maybe an Giant Space Ark to save humanity from the great Methane Outgassing that occurs in 2014. :badgrin:

You mean a mission to populate MARS? :badgrin:

No.. I think in Derp's case it would be an "Ark to Nowhere".. Just get the sucker built no attention to the flight plan...
How is it theft when its in the constitution that its up to the feds for upkeep?
Seriously fucking Russia has a high speed rail and we don't. You people are just pathetic.

Roads and bridges bitches,road and bridges

I don't give a fuck if Russia has faster trains.........

You seem to be under the delusion the federal government can do whatever the fuck it wants....

Congress has the right fund this project - not Obama or anyone else.

There is no way California will ever get federal funding for this project.

It's another example of the FED picking winners and losers...California's fiscal house in in a shambles...WHEN they can pay it back and ensure such a project would be profitable? THEY have alot of work to do...MY answer is NO.

If they want high speed rail why don't they look for private investors? Let it be a private sector project instead of a government project.....
I don't give a fuck if Russia has faster trains.........

You seem to be under the delusion the federal government can do whatever the fuck it wants....

Congress has the right fund this project - not Obama or anyone else.

There is no way California will ever get federal funding for this project.

It's another example of the FED picking winners and losers...California's fiscal house in in a shambles...WHEN they can pay it back and ensure such a project would be profitable? THEY have alot of work to do...MY answer is NO.

If they want high speed rail why don't they look for private investors? Let it be a private sector project instead of a government project.....

I stated that early on. If private investors saw an oppritunity? They'd be all over it...Good point.
You're not getting it here Derps.. The commuter link from Gilroy (in the middle of garlic central) is about 1.5 hours on a good day. Same delay at the LA side. IT'S GONNA BE A LOT MORE TIME... NO business person is gonna commute on this thing.

And there is NO WAY --- that those high speed rails are coming thru the San Fran peninsula. 12 cities are already suing over the increased traffic on SURFACE GRADE rails that CalTrain uses.. You'd have to elevate the ENTIRE THING -- in freaking EARTHQUAKE COUNTRY over EXISTING rail and Bart Tracks. Same thing for the LA flatlands.

Those sound like obstacles, sure. But I guess I still believe in an America that sees obstacles as temporary impediments, but not insurmountable road-blocks.


Guess I trust American ingenuity, innovation, and work ethic more than you do.

You should save all that good stuff for something more dramatic than a $50Bill train to nowhere.. Like maybe an Giant Space Ark to save humanity from the great Methane Outgassing that occurs in 2014. :badgrin:

HA HA! Being afraid of the future is funny!
You should save all that good stuff for something more dramatic than a $50Bill train to nowhere.. Like maybe an Giant Space Ark to save humanity from the great Methane Outgassing that occurs in 2014. :badgrin:

You mean a mission to populate MARS? :badgrin:

No.. I think in Derp's case it would be an "Ark to Nowhere".. Just get the sucker built no attention to the flight plan...

Like Highways to nowhere?
Conservaderrps has watched field of dreams too many times. She thinks that if you just build it (regardless of the cost and who is footing the bill) they will come (in large enough numbers to pay for the construction and upkeep). What a dope.

Can you point to ONE time in history that spending on infrastructure hasn't paid MASSIVE dividends in the long run?

There are plenty of public transportation schemes that have utterly failed to pay for themselves. Of course, the term "massive dividends in the long run" probably does not mean "is not funded by the taxpayer for its entire existence". For progressives, if he government does it, it's worth the cost....
Conservaderrps has watched field of dreams too many times. She thinks that if you just build it (regardless of the cost and who is footing the bill) they will come (in large enough numbers to pay for the construction and upkeep). What a dope.

Can you point to ONE time in history that spending on infrastructure hasn't paid MASSIVE dividends in the long run?

There are plenty of public transportation schemes that have utterly failed to pay for themselves. Of course, the term "massive dividends in the long run" probably does not mean "is not funded by the taxpayer for its entire existence". For progressives, if he government does it, it's worth the cost....

Oh...I see, so you don't think we have an obligation to keep our infrastructure solid, in good repair and functioning? I see.

So who's going to pay for the roads? The ports? The data networks backbones? The private sector right? The same people who don't want to pay for it in their taxes will magically want to pay for it out of their own pockets?

What's that you say? Private enterprise can do it? Oh that's a great idea, make interstate commerce's success tied to the whims of a corporate conglomeration that could decide that regular maintenance is just too expensive.

This, once again, shows the utter shortsightedness of you people.
Conservaderrps has watched field of dreams too many times. She thinks that if you just build it (regardless of the cost and who is footing the bill) they will come (in large enough numbers to pay for the construction and upkeep). What a dope.

Can you point to ONE time in history that spending on infrastructure hasn't paid MASSIVE dividends in the long run?

There are plenty of public transportation schemes that have utterly failed to pay for themselves. Of course, the term "massive dividends in the long run" probably does not mean "is not funded by the taxpayer for its entire existence". For progressives, if he government does it, it's worth the cost....
Imagine what this money could do for the many problems this nation is facing right now or has been facing, hmmmmm or is it that the feds have been lying to us all along, and we don't have the extent of the problems in this country we have been led to believe we have ? This just flies in the face of all we have been led to believe when one thinks about it, so who is telling the truth anymore in this nation, anyone?
Public investment in railroad infrastructure is not unprecedented and can be a good thing it the infrastructure being created responds to a real need and can be exploited by private railroad corporations in an economically viable way. I don't believe the government should be involved in running the railroad, once the infrastructure has been created.

As for the question whether the Federal government should support this financially, I believe the Federal government does have a role to support interstate commerce. So, to the extent that a high-speed-tailwayline is part of an interstate network, Federal funding would be appropriate. If it's just meant for the localized needs of one state, then that state should support this on its own.

Why don't you take some time to explain how a 130 mile stretch of rail in the central California that doesn't stop in a major city at any point is part of the interstate transportation system.

Try reading my post. I'm not definitively choosing one way or another. It depends on the project.

I did read your post, which is why I asked specifically about the project in question. Even if we use federal funds for rail projects, something I agree is permissible, it shouldn't be federal transportation funds that come from the gasoline tax.
Democratic Lawmakers just gave the green light to start building an estimated $68 Billion high-speed rail line in California. This, despite California being very deep in Debt. They have also requested partial Federal Funding for the project. Should Non-Californians be forced to give their Tax Dollars to this project? What do you think? How do you feel about that?

Of course not, federal tax dollars should only be used to fund projects in YOUR state.

Republican governors had the opportunity to take federal funding for high speed rail but they turned it down, MORON.
Can you point to ONE time in history that spending on infrastructure hasn't paid MASSIVE dividends in the long run?

There are plenty of public transportation schemes that have utterly failed to pay for themselves. Of course, the term "massive dividends in the long run" probably does not mean "is not funded by the taxpayer for its entire existence". For progressives, if he government does it, it's worth the cost....

Oh...I see, so you don't think we have an obligation to keep our infrastructure solid, in good repair and functioning? I see.

So who's going to pay for the roads? The ports? The data networks backbones? The private sector right? The same people who don't want to pay for it in their taxes will magically want to pay for it out of their own pockets?

What's that you say? Private enterprise can do it? Oh that's a great idea, make interstate commerce's success tied to the whims of a corporate conglomeration that could decide that regular maintenance is just too expensive.

This, once again, shows the utter shortsightedness of you people.
A bullet train has nothing to do with our current infrastructure, and in fact it may just make some vital infrastructure repairs get put on hold, then what?
Democratic Lawmakers just gave the green light to start building an estimated $68 Billion high-speed rail line in California. This, despite California being very deep in Debt. They have also requested partial Federal Funding for the project. Should Non-Californians be forced to give their Tax Dollars to this project? What do you think? How do you feel about that?

Of course not, federal tax dollars should only be used to fund projects in YOUR state.

Republican governors had the opportunity to take federal funding for high speed rail but they turned it down, MORON.
They turned down the funding because they were responsible governers who knew better, and not idiots who want to be popular to the point of the nations destruction amongst the crowds.
Just a note for the 6 people that actually think this is a good idea, every single Democrat on the high speed rail oversight committee in the California Senate voted against this boondoggle. Does that mean they all hate jobs, or is it remotely possible you have no idea what you are talking about?

California approves high-speed rail project after years of debate - San Jose Mercury News

Oh I get it. Since you take your matching orders from the GOP establishment, I do too?

Not at all, you are free to get your stupid ideas from anyone you want. The thing that proves just how stupid your idea is is that the people who like backward technology still think this specific project is a waste of money. They got every single report you used to defend this monstrosity, had time to consult with the project developers and various experts in the field, and voted against it on the basis that it is a waste of money. Do you think it is possible you might be wrong?
Democratic Lawmakers just gave the green light to start building an estimated $68 Billion high-speed rail line in California. This, despite California being very deep in Debt. They have also requested partial Federal Funding for the project. Should Non-Californians be forced to give their Tax Dollars to this project? What do you think? How do you feel about that?

Of course not, federal tax dollars should only be used to fund projects in YOUR state.

Republican governors had the opportunity to take federal funding for high speed rail but they turned it down, MORON.
They turned down the funding because they were responsible governers who knew better, and not idiots who want to be popular to the point of the nations destruction amongst the crowds.

They turned down the funding because they're ideologues with no practical common sense clinging desperately to a decades old model of transportation.
Poor short-sighted Conservatives. Always standing in the way of Progress. Always making it so easy for history to look back and laugh and point.

All the Democrats in California who have been working for years to get high speed rail yet still voted against this are short sighted conservatives standing in the way of progress?

Personally, I think you have your head up your ass.
Hmm. Sounds like a lot of unsubstantiated speculation. Which is also known more commonly as "Bullshit." So why don't you rustle up a few links that support, with actual data now, not Right Wing heeby-jeeby feelings about shit, how it would lose money and become another money pit.

Otherwise, I'll call it California being once again ahead of the curve on cool shit.

Simple math tells me it's bullshit. $68 million and 4000 jobs? that works out to $17,000/job, barely minimum wage and you haven't bought land, steel or rolling stock. Conservaderrp is full of shit, as usual.

Yeah, fuck those 4000+ people getting a living wage!!
I'm here! I reported for work. Send me my living wage, please! I wanna go to the Bahamas this winter, too!!! Gimme, gimme!

/very sardonic humor, Plz ignore. Thx.

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