Do You Support Federal Funding For California's High-Speed Rail?

Do You Support Federal Tax Dollars Being Spent On California's High-Speed Rail?

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I totally support this project. It's the kind of thing we should be doing on a national level. We're looking at least 4000 new jobs being created. I thought Republicans loved jobs being created? No?

Except that it would loose money and just become another money pit. If there was a profit to be made with high speed rail, a private customer would be building the system right now. In stead, you want to tax 300 million people to subsidize high speed transportation for the 10 or 12 people who would benefit from another government boondoggle.

Hmm. Sounds like a lot of unsubstantiated speculation. Which is also known more commonly as "Bullshit." So why don't you rustle up a few links that support, with actual data now, not Right Wing heeby-jeeby feelings about shit, how it would lose money and become another money pit.

Otherwise, I'll call it California being once again ahead of the curve on cool shit.

'Nuff said.
They ought to be building it from L.A. to Las Vegas...

They OUGHT to be building it half way to Hawaii and offering reduced fare to illegals.

You're a disgusting, racist piece of shit. Teabagger.

Yeah overpaid union jobs..

If California wants a high speed rail then they can fund it themselves....

How does any of this shit benefit taxpayers in other states, yet they're footing the bill.

Furthermore your argument is stupid considering California could ask for federal taxpayer money to buy everyone in California a Chevy Volt then say "well it will create jobs."

Sure it will create jobs but at what expense????

You wouldn't pay 10 dollars for a loaf of bread would you?? so why the fuck should we as a nation fund a 70 billion dollar program that only helps one state???

I love the way you threw the union thing in. You guys just won't be fucking satisfied until every working person in America is dirt poor and living in shacks....more money in the pockets of the "job creators"....because NO ONE deserves a decent life if you work for someone else. Only businessmen should be allowed that privilege.
Millions upon millions of non-union workers make great livings. Without gouging taxpayers and sending entire municipalities into bankruptcy.:clap2:
Out of a population of 400 million, a few million means little. How about those poor sonofabitches who are strong of back but aren't all that bright? Guess they are expendable serfs to folks like you. Unfortunately, those types of people make up a huge chunk of the workforce...your everyday Joe's, who bust their asses every day for shitty wages...and if their companies decide that $1/ hr is more to their liking? Fuck 'em....move the operation to a slave labor country.....

That's what happens when Capitalism runs amok. Don't get me wrong....I am a Capitalist....but I also understand the insatiable greed of overly ambitious people. That
greed makes for a lot of "ethically challenged" people with tons of money and power...enough to....oh....I don't know.....start a massive marketing campaign against the only thing that stands in their way of the domination that they desire....government.

I have no particular love for government like you guys seem to think progressives do. But. I certainly don't hats it like you guys do. I do think they waste money...but the solution to that is not to cripple government, the solution is to hold them accountable.

Yes, there is enough blame to go around for our economic woes...I have the courage to admit that government is part of the problem. Do you have the courage to admit that the private sector and that whole"greed is good" thing shares the blame too?

How about the whole union busting movement? The complaints of unions supporting political candidates? Why should Wall Street and the alleged "job creators" only have the ear of government? I guess you don't see that as a power grab and a quest to dominate the landscape? Like I campaign.
But, I see that 80% of those who answered the poll would rather be beholden to foreign oil than be independent of them.

Um, actually asshole, we'd prefer to be completely independent from them by harvesting our own energy resources. Sadly, the anti-american, anti-people (yeah abortion!) liberal idiots have banned drilling for oil in favor of fallacy "green" energy. You guys protect a bald eagle at all cost while supporting abortion. The lack of logic there is earth shattering.

We have nearly unlimited natural gas we could be tapping, we have tons and tons of oil we could be drilling for, we have coal which Obama is trying to shut down (which, by the way, has turned all of the liberal/union coal workers against Obama :lol:), and nothing provides more energy for the money than nuclear.

All of which would solve all of America's problems. It would create millions of jobs, make us energy independent, plummet energy bills for hurting American's, and grow the economy. But the Communist/Marxist/Socialist liberals wouldn't control these sectors, so they are against it. They'd rather see America collapse than see capitalism flourish.

But here, read and educate yourself, stupid:

Even in this demoralizing regulatory landscape, Americans are still innovating in energy production. Residents of Tioga, North Dakota, are showing the rest of the country how profitable domestic energy could be--if the federal government doesn't halt the town's economic boom.

Thanks to fracking--a process where rock is fractured to tap oil-rich underground resources--the Tioga area is flourishing. So many people are moving to the area that it hasn't been able to build enough houses to keep up with demand.

North Dakota is proving that the U.S. can develop its resources efficiently and in an environmentally sensible manner. Oil production has quadrupled since 2005--North Dakota is now the second-largest oil producer in the U.S. behind Texas--and state regulators have effectively balanced economic growth and environmental protection.

North Dakota is only one of many states that are beginning to reap the economic benefits of fracking and other advances in drilling technology to harvest previously inaccessible oil deposits. But these leaps forward are only possible because regulations haven't crushed these efforts--yet.

Morning Bell: Obama's War on Domestic Energy Production
But, I see that 80% of those who answered the poll would rather be beholden to foreign oil than be independent of them.

Um, actually asshole, we'd prefer to be completely independent from them by harvesting our own energy resources. Sadly, the anti-american, anti-people (yeah abortion!) liberal idiots have banned drilling for oil in favor of fallacy "green" energy. You guys protect a bald eagle at all cost while supporting abortion. The lack of logic there is earth shattering.

We have nearly unlimited natural gas we could be tapping, we have tons and tons of oil we could be drilling for, we have coal which Obama is trying to shut down (which, by the way, has turned all of the liberal/union coal workers against Obama :lol:), and nothing provides more energy for the money than nuclear.

All of which would solve all of America's problems. It would create millions of jobs, make us energy independent, plummet energy bills for hurting American's, and grow the economy. But the Communist/Marxist/Socialist liberals wouldn't control these sectors, so they are against it. They'd rather see America collapse than see capitalism flourish.

But here, read and educate yourself, stupid:

Even in this demoralizing regulatory landscape, Americans are still innovating in energy production. Residents of Tioga, North Dakota, are showing the rest of the country how profitable domestic energy could be--if the federal government doesn't halt the town's economic boom.

Thanks to fracking--a process where rock is fractured to tap oil-rich underground resources--the Tioga area is flourishing. So many people are moving to the area that it hasn't been able to build enough houses to keep up with demand.

North Dakota is proving that the U.S. can develop its resources efficiently and in an environmentally sensible manner. Oil production has quadrupled since 2005--North Dakota is now the second-largest oil producer in the U.S. behind Texas--and state regulators have effectively balanced economic growth and environmental protection.

North Dakota is only one of many states that are beginning to reap the economic benefits of fracking and other advances in drilling technology to harvest previously inaccessible oil deposits. But these leaps forward are only possible because regulations haven't crushed these efforts--yet.

Morning Bell: Obama's War on Domestic Energy Production

How about those poor sonofabitches who are strong of back but aren't all that bright? Guess they are expendable serfs to folks like you. Unfortunately, those types of people make up a huge chunk of the workforce...your everyday Joe's, who bust their asses every day for shitty wages...

If their wages are "shitty", they can quit any time they want and go find a new job. Better yet, they can start their own company and make all kinds of money. Gasp! Imagine that - change their job and take personal responsibility for the career? It's almost to hard to imagine. Better to sit back and bitch and demand that others "owe" you, uh?

....but I also understand the insatiable greed of overly ambitious people. That
greed makes for a lot of "ethically challenged" people with tons of money and power...enough to....oh....I don't know.....start a massive marketing campaign against the only thing that stands in their way of the domination that they desire....government.

And here is where the liberals argument completely falls apart. You see, regardless of how you villify the private sector, it is not the responsibiity of the government to (and I quote) "stand in their way". But knowing that would require the liberal to read history, read the US Constitution, and understand both - and we all know that's not going to happen.

I do think they waste money...but the solution to that is not to cripple government, the solution is to hold them accountable.

I like you're thinking here (I do), but it's typical liberal utopia. We've tried to "hold them accountable" but all they've done is grown government outside the restraints of the US Constitution and spent us $16 trillion into debt. As Obamacare clearly illustrates, they are going to piss all over the Constitution, not respect it's authority over them, and do what ever the hell they want. Which means our only option is to cripple government to the best of our ability. If the day ever comes where they are willing to abide by the oath they took, and adhere to a constitutional government, then I'll be on your side with this. Until then, I don't want to hear it because it's a utopia pipe dream from a typical ideological liberal.

Yes, there is enough blame to go around for our economic woes...I have the courage to admit that government is part of the problem.

I salute you on having exponentially more courage than the average liberal and admitting that government is the problem. Unfortunately, you don't have enough courage to acknowledge that government is the entire problem. Corporations have ZERO power over you. McDonald's can't force you to buy a happy meal. Nike can't mandate that you buy a new pair of shoes every six months. Microsoft can't reach into your pay check each week, take money, and then waste it until they are in debt and have to take MORE of your money.

In fact, the complete opposite is true. You have power over the corporations. They are desperate for your business. And in this day and age of technology, where Facebook, Twitter, and texting can make information go viral (ie world wide in minutes), the last thing any corporation wants is an unsastisfied customer. You have unlimited power these days over corporations. Sadly, the US government has unlimited power over you now that they have officially thrown out the US Constitution and all of our rights that went with it.
But, I see that 80% of those who answered the poll would rather be beholden to foreign oil than be independent of them.

Um, actually asshole, we'd prefer to be completely independent from them by harvesting our own energy resources. Sadly, the anti-american, anti-people (yeah abortion!) liberal idiots have banned drilling for oil in favor of fallacy "green" energy. You guys protect a bald eagle at all cost while supporting abortion. The lack of logic there is earth shattering.

We have nearly unlimited natural gas we could be tapping, we have tons and tons of oil we could be drilling for, we have coal which Obama is trying to shut down (which, by the way, has turned all of the liberal/union coal workers against Obama :lol:), and nothing provides more energy for the money than nuclear.

All of which would solve all of America's problems. It would create millions of jobs, make us energy independent, plummet energy bills for hurting American's, and grow the economy. But the Communist/Marxist/Socialist liberals wouldn't control these sectors, so they are against it. They'd rather see America collapse than see capitalism flourish.

But here, read and educate yourself, stupid:

Even in this demoralizing regulatory landscape, Americans are still innovating in energy production. Residents of Tioga, North Dakota, are showing the rest of the country how profitable domestic energy could be--if the federal government doesn't halt the town's economic boom.

Thanks to fracking--a process where rock is fractured to tap oil-rich underground resources--the Tioga area is flourishing. So many people are moving to the area that it hasn't been able to build enough houses to keep up with demand.

North Dakota is proving that the U.S. can develop its resources efficiently and in an environmentally sensible manner. Oil production has quadrupled since 2005--North Dakota is now the second-largest oil producer in the U.S. behind Texas--and state regulators have effectively balanced economic growth and environmental protection.

North Dakota is only one of many states that are beginning to reap the economic benefits of fracking and other advances in drilling technology to harvest previously inaccessible oil deposits. But these leaps forward are only possible because regulations haven't crushed these efforts--yet.

Morning Bell: Obama's War on Domestic Energy Production


How cute, you uploaded a video of yourself when you were a boy! Though maybe this does explain why you are so profoundly slow and contradict yourself during discussions.

Funny, North Dakota is flourishing now because they are harvesting energy resources. They have more jobs available than they can fill. Since you can't argue that, you just post video's of yourself. Why do you guys want the US to fail? Why is your Communist/Marxist/Socialist ideology so important to you? If Capitalism were a proven failure like your Communism, and Communism were a proven solution like Capitalism, I would be a die-hard Communist.'

You'd think that people would just want whatever makes our standard of living flourish. But I guess that's why you're called the idiot liberals...
Poor short-sighted Conservatives. Always standing in the way of Progress. Always making it so easy for history to look back and laugh and point.

Look, derp, digging a shithouse hole deeper is progress, but when you're up to your neck in shit, it would be wise to stop digging.
California has progressed well past their necks at this point.

You're right. We should continue our stupid addiction to fossil fuels, because you know, they'll be here forever. Look, I know when you get up to be in your sixties and seventies your time here is short. I get that. So for YOU, you may not care if we ever break our dependency on a limited energy source. But those of us who still have a few years more left on this planet, and more importantly, who understand the importance of a paradigm shift in energy production and consumption as a whole, projects like this are VITAL.

Like I said, stand in the way of Progress all you want. It's your own legacy that people are going to laugh their balls off about a hundred years from now, Gramps.

What do you think trains run on, hamsters? The majority of trains are diesel electric. A diesel engine powers an electric motor. I'll give two guesses where diesel fuel comes from.
Um, actually asshole, we'd prefer to be completely independent from them by harvesting our own energy resources. Sadly, the anti-american, anti-people (yeah abortion!) liberal idiots have banned drilling for oil in favor of fallacy "green" energy. You guys protect a bald eagle at all cost while supporting abortion. The lack of logic there is earth shattering.

We have nearly unlimited natural gas we could be tapping, we have tons and tons of oil we could be drilling for, we have coal which Obama is trying to shut down (which, by the way, has turned all of the liberal/union coal workers against Obama :lol:), and nothing provides more energy for the money than nuclear.

All of which would solve all of America's problems. It would create millions of jobs, make us energy independent, plummet energy bills for hurting American's, and grow the economy. But the Communist/Marxist/Socialist liberals wouldn't control these sectors, so they are against it. They'd rather see America collapse than see capitalism flourish.

But here, read and educate yourself, stupid:

Even in this demoralizing regulatory landscape, Americans are still innovating in energy production. Residents of Tioga, North Dakota, are showing the rest of the country how profitable domestic energy could be--if the federal government doesn't halt the town's economic boom.

Thanks to fracking--a process where rock is fractured to tap oil-rich underground resources--the Tioga area is flourishing. So many people are moving to the area that it hasn't been able to build enough houses to keep up with demand.

North Dakota is proving that the U.S. can develop its resources efficiently and in an environmentally sensible manner. Oil production has quadrupled since 2005--North Dakota is now the second-largest oil producer in the U.S. behind Texas--and state regulators have effectively balanced economic growth and environmental protection.

North Dakota is only one of many states that are beginning to reap the economic benefits of fracking and other advances in drilling technology to harvest previously inaccessible oil deposits. But these leaps forward are only possible because regulations haven't crushed these efforts--yet.

Morning Bell: Obama's War on Domestic Energy Production


How cute, you uploaded a video of yourself when you were a boy! Though maybe this does explain why you are so profoundly slow and contradict yourself during discussions.

Funny, North Dakota is flourishing now because they are harvesting energy resources. They have more jobs available than they can fill. Since you can't argue that, you just post video's of yourself. Why do you guys want the US to fail? Why is your Communist/Marxist/Socialist ideology so important to you? If Capitalism were a proven failure like your Communism, and Communism were a proven solution like Capitalism, I would be a die-hard Communist.'

You'd think that people would just want whatever makes our standard of living flourish. But I guess that's why you're called the idiot liberals...

Hush now child. Shhh. You're trying way too hard.
I think they'll use it, if the travel time isn't that much more. And you just make a good argument for expanding the project sooner than later to include more high-speed links.

I've traveled high-speed rails in Europe. The ride under the chunnel was fucking EPIC cool and super fast. There's no reason this country can't do the same. I mean, other than Conservatives being short-sighted pricks and pretending that infrastructure spending is ever a bad thing, I mean.

You "think" they'll use it? There's no way in hell I'll agree to gamble 68+ billion on something you "think" will happen. Show me some data from cities that have commuter rail systems that proves people "will" use it. Otherwise, it's not worth the long term burden that it would take to keep it afloat.
Bullshit. They have power over everyone that works for them. I love the "don't like your pay? Get another job" stuff...and you call a more progressive viewpoint a "utopian" one? I think your "everyone should be a businessman" one as asinine as it gets.

You see, you guys are under this strange delusion that people who are poor aren't working hard enough....and therefore don't deserve a decent wage that they can raise a family on, and that businessmen deserve to pay as little as possible to their employees, pay the bare minimum in taxes, and charge as much as they can for their goods and serviced...and, of course, hire scores of lobbyists to petition the government to have a never ending line of favorable legislation to keep the gravy train rolling....but if labor tries to have their voices heard, it's "thuggery".

Who buys all the goods and services that businessmen provide? Would it not behoove them to have as many people as possible to be able to afford those goods and services? Let's face it...those heady days of sending 20-30 credit card apps to people without stellar credit are pretty much over. People are tapped out. The only way to keep this economy moving in a positive direction is for businesses to stop focusing on short term gains via "take it or leave it" wages and benefits and think long term of the glut of sales that a strong working and middle class will bring.

It seems to me that the business world is being very short sighted....but hey, I guess when the big boys see their personal incomes explode while their employees' stagnate and no one says much about it...does nothing about it, and has the government in their back pockets? Long term thinking isn't necessary....neither is patriotism, I guess.

Sorry I took this off topic...this is about a train. Yes, I support the project. I do have my doubts about it's success though. Not because of the technology or the cost, but because of the idiotic aversion that we have in this country towards mass transit.
Yes, dupes, we should just let our infrastructure fall apart for ANOTHER 30 years- AND let the Chinese and others run the alternative energy industries of the future. As long as the rich are OK!

Well, fuck head, if that is what your card carrying buds have left us with then so be it. How does it feel to be a supporter of those that have broken the financial back and spirit that made this country great? What a fool, and to top it off you don't have the guts to admit such. So how's that hope and change treating your sorry pathetic ass now?
I totally support this project. It's the kind of thing we should be doing on a national level. We're looking at least 4000 new jobs being created. I thought Republicans loved jobs being created? No?

Replace rail with pipeline, 4,000 with 20,000, then go sit in a corner and reflect on how partisan you are.

Oh, but you forgot about the California Dreaming part, in fact, all they do is dream and attempt to find new ways to extort from everyone else, and we all no that 4,000 Californians are far more important than 20,000 other tax paying citizens.
Democratic Lawmakers just gave the green light to start building an estimated $68 Billion high-speed rail line in California. This, despite California being very deep in Debt. They have also requested partial Federal Funding for the project. Should Non-Californians be forced to give their Tax Dollars to this project? What do you think? How do you feel about that?

Since Californians also pay federal taxes, should they not get some of them back by funding projects such as this one? And BTW, California gets back a lot less back from the federal government than they pay in.

So the real question is whether Californians should feel as if they are being taken advantage of since they get back much less than most states, especially red states, yet they pay in much more than those same red states. Man, they are getting fucked; it's no wonder they are so far in debt. There really ought to be an investigation.

Federal Taxes paid/received for each State

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