Do You Support Federal Funding For California's High-Speed Rail?

Do You Support Federal Tax Dollars Being Spent On California's High-Speed Rail?

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I love the way you threw the union thing in. You guys just won't be fucking satisfied until every working person in America is dirt poor and living in shacks....more money in the pockets of the "job creators"....because NO ONE deserves a decent life if you work for someone else. Only businessmen should be allowed that privilege.
Millions upon millions of non-union workers make great livings. Without gouging taxpayers and sending entire municipalities into bankruptcy.:clap2:
Out of a population of 400 million, a few million means little. How about those poor sonofabitches who are strong of back but aren't all that bright? Guess they are expendable serfs to folks like you. Unfortunately, those types of people make up a huge chunk of the workforce...your everyday Joe's, who bust their asses every day for shitty wages...and if their companies decide that $1/ hr is more to their liking? Fuck 'em....move the operation to a slave labor country.....

That's what happens when Capitalism runs amok. Don't get me wrong....I am a Capitalist....but I also understand the insatiable greed of overly ambitious people. That
greed makes for a lot of "ethically challenged" people with tons of money and power...enough to....oh....I don't know.....start a massive marketing campaign against the only thing that stands in their way of the domination that they desire....government.

I have no particular love for government like you guys seem to think progressives do. But. I certainly don't hats it like you guys do. I do think they waste money...but the solution to that is not to cripple government, the solution is to hold them accountable.

Yes, there is enough blame to go around for our economic woes...I have the courage to admit that government is part of the problem. Do you have the courage to admit that the private sector and that whole"greed is good" thing shares the blame too?

How about the whole union busting movement? The complaints of unions supporting political candidates? Why should Wall Street and the alleged "job creators" only have the ear of government? I guess you don't see that as a power grab and a quest to dominate the landscape? Like I campaign.

Ahh, the old liberal mantra.... People need (liberal) government to rescue them from their own stupidity....
In all fairness, my original math was wrong. I used 68 million in stead of 68 BILLION. That would work out to 17 million per job.
When you consider the cost of property for the right of way will be in the billions, rolling stock, more billions, material for the rail bed more billions, California will be very lucky to have 68 million left to pay 4000 workers 17 grand a year.

And in what universe does a typical union employee make 17,000 a year? :lol:

More like 50-70k a year....

When progressives pull their heads out their asses and do the math they'll start discussing eminent domain - either that or beg for more federal funding...

Seriously, you're a fucking douchebag. You have not a fucking clue what a typical union employee makes. Do they pay better than the private sector? Perhaps...but when you are talking the 50-70k range, you are talking about wife is an RN with 25 years of experience....and she right smack dab in the middle of that range.

And don't give me the "average" of public employees....that whole thing pisses me off too. They take the salaries from the governor on down to the janitor making $10/hr and come up with some ridiculous number and make it seem that all public SERVANTS make that artificially inflated wage.

That would be lik adding all the executive pay of wal-mart and lumping it in with "Carrie Cashier" and saying that walmart employees are making 50k+.


They're mopping up -- and cleaning us out.

Twenty public-school janitors rake in more than $140,000 a year -- far more than the teachers whose classrooms get tidied up, records show.
As The Post reported yesterday, suspected crooked custodian Trifon Radef counts himself among the rich elite, making more than $170,000 a year. Radef is under investigation for allegedly using city workers to renovate nine of the 10 properties he owns in Queens, officials say.

But Radef wasn't even the highest-earning "custodial engineer."
That honor went to Queens janitor Kevin Fitzgerald, who pulled in a whopping $181,643 at PS 229 in Woodside -- thanks to the supplementary work he performed at two other Queens schools, records show.

Radef and Fitzgerald were among six custodians who took home more than $150,000 last year -- and among the 20 who hauled in more than $140,000, the records show.
The janitors' base salary maxes out at $106,329, according to their latest contract -- about $6,000 more than the maximum salary for teachers

Read more: New York City school janitors cleaning up with extra work, earning higher pay than teachers -
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I love the way you threw the union thing in. You guys just won't be fucking satisfied until every working person in America is dirt poor and living in shacks....more money in the pockets of the "job creators"....because NO ONE deserves a decent life if you work for someone else. Only businessmen should be allowed that privilege.
Millions upon millions of non-union workers make great livings. Without gouging taxpayers and sending entire municipalities into bankruptcy.:clap2:
Out of a population of 400 million, a few million means little. How about those poor sonofabitches who are strong of back but aren't all that bright? Guess they are expendable serfs to folks like you. Unfortunately, those types of people make up a huge chunk of the workforce...your everyday Joe's, who bust their asses every day for shitty wages...and if their companies decide that $1/ hr is more to their liking? Fuck 'em....move the operation to a slave labor country.....

That's what happens when Capitalism runs amok. Don't get me wrong....I am a Capitalist....but I also understand the insatiable greed of overly ambitious people. That
greed makes for a lot of "ethically challenged" people with tons of money and power...enough to....oh....I don't know.....start a massive marketing campaign against the only thing that stands in their way of the domination that they desire....government.

I have no particular love for government like you guys seem to think progressives do. But. I certainly don't hats it like you guys do. I do think they waste money...but the solution to that is not to cripple government, the solution is to hold them accountable.

Yes, there is enough blame to go around for our economic woes...I have the courage to admit that government is part of the problem. Do you have the courage to admit that the private sector and that whole"greed is good" thing shares the blame too?

How about the whole union busting movement? The complaints of unions supporting political candidates? Why should Wall Street and the alleged "job creators" only have the ear of government? I guess you don't see that as a power grab and a quest to dominate the landscape? Like I campaign.

I have the courage to admit that government is part of the problem. Do you have the courage to admit that the private sector and that whole"greed is good" thing shares the blame too?

i will agree to that......the Government gets too involved, things dont work as well......and of course we have seen what happens when "greed" rears its ugly head....
....and therefore don't deserve a decent wage that they can raise a family on...

Bingo! What you entitled little children don't comprehend is that nobody "deserves" anything.

The fact is, you create your own demand and your own salary by the worth you bring to an organization. Because liberals are stupid and don't understand economics or business, you believe a person should be paid $80,000 per year for doing $8,000 worth of work. That would collapse the business and then everybody would be out of a job. But we can't expect liberals to understand something soooo "complex" or think that far ahead.

Hint: Steve Jobs didn't extort Apple or have some friends set him up fat. He was a billionaire because his ideas/innovation brought trillions into his various organizations over the years.
Let those Cali dimwits build it.. no doubt by the time they're done, a ticket form San Fran to Mountainview will probably cost $800 but they'll subsidize it and say "see? You can ride from San Fran to Mountainview for $5! What a success!"
Um no I don't support any federal spending projects we can't afford them. Didn't this Barry soerento Barack Obama whatever his name is already steal billions for infrastructure then laugh about the shovel ready jobs lie? Yeah that was him smdh what a guy
Since Californians also pay federal taxes, should they not get some of them back by funding projects such as this one? And BTW, California gets back a lot less back from the federal government than they pay in.

So the real question is whether Californians should feel as if they are being taken advantage of since they get back much less than most states, especially red states, yet they pay in much more than those same red states. Man, they are getting fucked; it's no wonder they are so far in debt. There really ought to be an investigation.

Uh, we all pay federal taxes. It's not some anomaly to Californians. And the point of it is not to get as much back as you send it. See, by that mind numbing logic, the federal government would shut down in an hour. Your federal taxes are intended to go to federal responsibilities - you know, congressional salaries, white house salaries, defense, FBI, etc. You're not supposed to get back ANY of your taxes from the federal government (unless you over paid of course, but that's a different subject). Taxes are not an investment my confused friend. Their intended to fund the entity that is taxing you. You're not supposed to get it back :cuckoo:

Good grief, is it any wonder this nation is $16 trillion in debt and collapsing with Americans like this out there...? :lol:
Oh yeah....and the Conservative extremism that the right portrays makes you guys look like real Einsteins.

Liberals have become so radical that you now consider constitutional government to be "extremism". They consider personal responsibility to be "extremism". They consider fiscal responsibility to be "extremism". In fact, they consider anything other than printing money and handing it over to them "extremism".

You know what's actually "extreme"? $16 trillion in debt, stupid....
The People don't want this. This is a State issue. Most Citizens outside of California don't feel they should be forced to pay for this. It's just wrong. Lets hope our Representatives stand up and deny Federal Taxpayer Funding for this.
With out federal funding this project does not exist. In the event Californians proceed, it will hasten the need for emergency federal funding to bail out the state. The issue that escapes many is how under the current and projected funding deficits this state faces can they consider such a project.
Since Californians also pay federal taxes, should they not get some of them back by funding projects such as this one? And BTW, California gets back a lot less back from the federal government than they pay in.

So the real question is whether Californians should feel as if they are being taken advantage of since they get back much less than most states, especially red states, yet they pay in much more than those same red states. Man, they are getting fucked; it's no wonder they are so far in debt. There really ought to be an investigation.

Uh, we all pay federal taxes. It's not some anomaly to Californians. And the point of it is not to get as much back as you send it. See, by that mind numbing logic, the federal government would shut down in an hour. Your federal taxes are intended to go to federal responsibilities - you know, congressional salaries, white house salaries, defense, FBI, etc. You're not supposed to get back ANY of your taxes from the federal government (unless you over paid of course, but that's a different subject). Taxes are not an investment my confused friend. Their intended to fund the entity that is taxing you. You're not supposed to get it back :cuckoo:

Good grief, is it any wonder this nation is $16 trillion in debt and collapsing with Americans like this out there...? :lol:

But of course you have no problem with red states getting back much more than they pay. You cons are so laughable. And you constantly try to convince us that only the private market can create jobs, yet you don't understand that many big private businesses owe their existence to government contracts. Simpleton minds always come through with simpleton answers; the problem is that they rarely work.
Bullshit. They have power over everyone that works for them. I love the "don't like your pay? Get another job" stuff...and you call a more progressive viewpoint a "utopian" one? I think your "everyone should be a businessman" one as asinine as it gets.

You see, you guys are under this strange delusion that people who are poor aren't working hard enough....and therefore don't deserve a decent wage that they can raise a family on, and that businessmen deserve to pay as little as possible to their employees, pay the bare minimum in taxes, and charge as much as they can for their goods and serviced...and, of course, hire scores of lobbyists to petition the government to have a never ending line of favorable legislation to keep the gravy train rolling....but if labor tries to have their voices heard, it's "thuggery".

Who buys all the goods and services that businessmen provide? Would it not behoove them to have as many people as possible to be able to afford those goods and services? Let's face it...those heady days of sending 20-30 credit card apps to people without stellar credit are pretty much over. People are tapped out. The only way to keep this economy moving in a positive direction is for businesses to stop focusing on short term gains via "take it or leave it" wages and benefits and think long term of the glut of sales that a strong working and middle class will bring.

It seems to me that the business world is being very short sighted....but hey, I guess when the big boys see their personal incomes explode while their employees' stagnate and no one says much about it...does nothing about it, and has the government in their back pockets? Long term thinking isn't necessary....neither is patriotism, I guess.

Sorry I took this off topic...this is about a train. Yes, I support the project. I do have my doubts about it's success though. Not because of the technology or the cost, but because of the idiotic aversion that we have in this country towards mass transit.

I like your post.

But lets get back to the topic (sort of).

Why do you think we have the aversion? I think it is because of the time it takes to get from point A to point B. So I think the bullet train has some pluses in that department.

Public transit is very much an "all or nothing" proposition. It requires sustained commitment which the government isn't good at providing.
Bullshit. They have power over everyone that works for them. I love the "don't like your pay? Get another job" stuff...and you call a more progressive viewpoint a "utopian" one? I think your "everyone should be a businessman" one as asinine as it gets.

You see, you guys are under this strange delusion that people who are poor aren't working hard enough....and therefore don't deserve a decent wage that they can raise a family on, and that businessmen deserve to pay as little as possible to their employees, pay the bare minimum in taxes, and charge as much as they can for their goods and serviced...and, of course, hire scores of lobbyists to petition the government to have a never ending line of favorable legislation to keep the gravy train rolling....but if labor tries to have their voices heard, it's "thuggery".

Who buys all the goods and services that businessmen provide? Would it not behoove them to have as many people as possible to be able to afford those goods and services? Let's face it...those heady days of sending 20-30 credit card apps to people without stellar credit are pretty much over. People are tapped out. The only way to keep this economy moving in a positive direction is for businesses to stop focusing on short term gains via "take it or leave it" wages and benefits and think long term of the glut of sales that a strong working and middle class will bring.

It seems to me that the business world is being very short sighted....but hey, I guess when the big boys see their personal incomes explode while their employees' stagnate and no one says much about it...does nothing about it, and has the government in their back pockets? Long term thinking isn't necessary....neither is patriotism, I guess.

Sorry I took this off topic...this is about a train. Yes, I support the project. I do have my doubts about it's success though. Not because of the technology or the cost, but because of the idiotic aversion that we have in this country towards mass transit.

I like your post.

But lets get back to the topic (sort of).

Why do you think we have the aversion? I think it is because of the time it takes to get from point A to point B. So I think the bullet train has some pluses in that department.

Public transit is very much an "all or nothing" proposition. It requires sustained commitment which the government isn't good at providing.

Honestly, and I'm not trying to be a partisan dick here, but I genuinely think Conservatives hate mass transit SOLELY because Liberals like to push for it. There's seriously so many examples of mass transit working perfectly, all over the world, and even here. Imagine Chicago without the L, imagine New York and New Jersey without their epic-good subways and train systems.

So I can't think of a single reason why it wouldn't be something we'd all say is a good thing.
Since Californians also pay federal taxes, should they not get some of them back by funding projects such as this one? And BTW, California gets back a lot less back from the federal government than they pay in.

So the real question is whether Californians should feel as if they are being taken advantage of since they get back much less than most states, especially red states, yet they pay in much more than those same red states. Man, they are getting fucked; it's no wonder they are so far in debt. There really ought to be an investigation.

Uh, we all pay federal taxes. It's not some anomaly to Californians. And the point of it is not to get as much back as you send it. See, by that mind numbing logic, the federal government would shut down in an hour. Your federal taxes are intended to go to federal responsibilities - you know, congressional salaries, white house salaries, defense, FBI, etc. You're not supposed to get back ANY of your taxes from the federal government (unless you over paid of course, but that's a different subject). Taxes are not an investment my confused friend. Their intended to fund the entity that is taxing you. You're not supposed to get it back :cuckoo:

Good grief, is it any wonder this nation is $16 trillion in debt and collapsing with Americans like this out there...? :lol:

But of course you have no problem with red states getting back much more than they pay. You cons are so laughable. And you constantly try to convince us that only the private market can create jobs, yet you don't understand that many big private businesses owe their existence to government contracts. Simpleton minds always come through with simpleton answers; the problem is that they rarely work.

Yes, and why is this, because it sure hasn't always been this way ? I know why, it is because government took our tax dollars for some years going back now, and it began using a good portion of them to become super uber powerful in a certain way, and for a specific reason, where sadly it was done without our permission or acceptance of mostly, and for which has since made it (the feds) an actual threat to private enterprize in the nation, and/or did create a huge conflict of interest in regards to said private free interprize, in which would now thrive within the nation if government would assume it's proper role once more in the nation

What better way to gain control over what the government feels has been an unfair situation in the nation, so it will now use it's power concentrated, to influence the situation only in that what it aproves of now, and this no matter what the free people of this nation think otherwise or anylonger. Welcome to a new dictatorship in the world, that is now on the rise against good freedom, good capitalism and free enterprize, who otherwise would be free from the complete dictates of the federal government if it weren't so.... Nothing wrong with the government playin the role as lawmaker and regulator if all within reason, and this if abuse is detected and laws are being broken, but what we are seeing now goes way beyond that type of government anymore. :eusa_silenced:

I once thought they were laughable too, but they are way too dangerous to laugh at anymore.

They simply hate, very deeply, anyone who isnt white/protestant/hetero/male, they tolerate women and servants (though most of the conz on this board couldnt afford a ticket to the Spiderman movie let alone a servant)...

They are deeply disturbed and disgusting people, and if they are successful in preventing millions of Americans from voting in swing states, they will get, finally, what they really want, war.
Bullshit. They have power over everyone that works for them. I love the "don't like your pay? Get another job" stuff...and you call a more progressive viewpoint a "utopian" one? I think your "everyone should be a businessman" one as asinine as it gets.

You see, you guys are under this strange delusion that people who are poor aren't working hard enough....and therefore don't deserve a decent wage that they can raise a family on, and that businessmen deserve to pay as little as possible to their employees, pay the bare minimum in taxes, and charge as much as they can for their goods and serviced...and, of course, hire scores of lobbyists to petition the government to have a never ending line of favorable legislation to keep the gravy train rolling....but if labor tries to have their voices heard, it's "thuggery".

Who buys all the goods and services that businessmen provide? Would it not behoove them to have as many people as possible to be able to afford those goods and services? Let's face it...those heady days of sending 20-30 credit card apps to people without stellar credit are pretty much over. People are tapped out. The only way to keep this economy moving in a positive direction is for businesses to stop focusing on short term gains via "take it or leave it" wages and benefits and think long term of the glut of sales that a strong working and middle class will bring.

It seems to me that the business world is being very short sighted....but hey, I guess when the big boys see their personal incomes explode while their employees' stagnate and no one says much about it...does nothing about it, and has the government in their back pockets? Long term thinking isn't necessary....neither is patriotism, I guess.

Sorry I took this off topic...this is about a train. Yes, I support the project. I do have my doubts about it's success though. Not because of the technology or the cost, but because of the idiotic aversion that we have in this country towards mass transit.

I like your post.

But lets get back to the topic (sort of).

Why do you think we have the aversion? I think it is because of the time it takes to get from point A to point B. So I think the bullet train has some pluses in that department.

Public transit is very much an "all or nothing" proposition. It requires sustained commitment which the government isn't good at providing.

Honestly, and I'm not trying to be a partisan dick here, but I genuinely think Conservatives hate mass transit SOLELY because Liberals like to push for it. There's seriously so many examples of mass transit working perfectly, all over the world, and even here. Imagine Chicago without the L, imagine New York and New Jersey without their epic-good subways and train systems.

So I can't think of a single reason why it wouldn't be something we'd all say is a good thing.
Wow, a sympothy plea maybe ?

It still isn't worth these dollars wanted for it, in order to even begin such an idiotic plan, but the oil pipe line, now that was a different story.
Bullshit. They have power over everyone that works for them. I love the "don't like your pay? Get another job" stuff...and you call a more progressive viewpoint a "utopian" one? I think your "everyone should be a businessman" one as asinine as it gets.

You see, you guys are under this strange delusion that people who are poor aren't working hard enough....and therefore don't deserve a decent wage that they can raise a family on, and that businessmen deserve to pay as little as possible to their employees, pay the bare minimum in taxes, and charge as much as they can for their goods and serviced...and, of course, hire scores of lobbyists to petition the government to have a never ending line of favorable legislation to keep the gravy train rolling....but if labor tries to have their voices heard, it's "thuggery".

Who buys all the goods and services that businessmen provide? Would it not behoove them to have as many people as possible to be able to afford those goods and services? Let's face it...those heady days of sending 20-30 credit card apps to people without stellar credit are pretty much over. People are tapped out. The only way to keep this economy moving in a positive direction is for businesses to stop focusing on short term gains via "take it or leave it" wages and benefits and think long term of the glut of sales that a strong working and middle class will bring.

It seems to me that the business world is being very short sighted....but hey, I guess when the big boys see their personal incomes explode while their employees' stagnate and no one says much about it...does nothing about it, and has the government in their back pockets? Long term thinking isn't necessary....neither is patriotism, I guess.

Sorry I took this off topic...this is about a train. Yes, I support the project. I do have my doubts about it's success though. Not because of the technology or the cost, but because of the idiotic aversion that we have in this country towards mass transit.

I like your post.

But lets get back to the topic (sort of).

Why do you think we have the aversion? I think it is because of the time it takes to get from point A to point B. So I think the bullet train has some pluses in that department.

Public transit is very much an "all or nothing" proposition. It requires sustained commitment which the government isn't good at providing.

Honestly, and I'm not trying to be a partisan dick here, but I genuinely think Conservatives hate mass transit SOLELY because Liberals like to push for it. There's seriously so many examples of mass transit working perfectly, all over the world, and even here. Imagine Chicago without the L, imagine New York and New Jersey without their epic-good subways and train systems.

So I can't think of a single reason why it wouldn't be something we'd all say is a good thing.

No -- we hate mass transit because it's poorly applied and managed. Private systems would run more like Fed Ex than the DMV.

You don't find us bitchin about Greyhound or Super Shuttle do you?

I once thought they were laughable too, but they are way too dangerous to laugh at anymore.

They simply hate, very deeply, anyone who isnt white/protestant/hetero/male, they tolerate women and servants (though most of the conz on this board couldnt afford a ticket to the Spiderman movie let alone a servant)...

They are deeply disturbed and disgusting people, and if they are successful in preventing millions of Americans from voting in swing states, they will get, finally, what they really want, war.
Huh? Your post is jumbled & confusing, please re-read and explain yourself again...Thanks
I like your post.

But lets get back to the topic (sort of).

Why do you think we have the aversion? I think it is because of the time it takes to get from point A to point B. So I think the bullet train has some pluses in that department.

Public transit is very much an "all or nothing" proposition. It requires sustained commitment which the government isn't good at providing.

Honestly, and I'm not trying to be a partisan dick here, but I genuinely think Conservatives hate mass transit SOLELY because Liberals like to push for it. There's seriously so many examples of mass transit working perfectly, all over the world, and even here. Imagine Chicago without the L, imagine New York and New Jersey without their epic-good subways and train systems.

So I can't think of a single reason why it wouldn't be something we'd all say is a good thing.

No -- we hate mass transit because it's poorly applied and managed. Private systems would run more like Fed Ex than the DMV.

You don't find us bitchin about Greyhound or Super Shuttle do you?

Are the subways in New York privately held? Are the trains in Chicago? You have no argument in this that makes any sense other than typical Conservative fear/hatred of government spending. But again, point to one instance of infrastructure spending that hasn't paid dividends. Even the metro line in L.A. is starting to get some serious love.

Honestly, if Willard Mittens came out tomorrow and said part of his economic recovery plan is funding high-speed rail Conservatives would suddenly find a reason to get behind it.

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