Do You Support Federal Funding For California's High-Speed Rail?

Do You Support Federal Tax Dollars Being Spent On California's High-Speed Rail?

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I once thought they were laughable too, but they are way too dangerous to laugh at anymore.

They simply hate, very deeply, anyone who isnt white/protestant/hetero/male, they tolerate women and servants (though most of the conz on this board couldnt afford a ticket to the Spiderman movie let alone a servant)...

They are deeply disturbed and disgusting people, and if they are successful in preventing millions of Americans from voting in swing states, they will get, finally, what they really want, war.
Huh? Your post is jumbled & confusing, please re-read and explain yourself again...Thanks

nah, nothing confusing about what I said, if you are a con then you wont understand it, as conz are pretty dumb...i dont have time to educate today, maybe tomorrow (I am new here, ALL conz are traitorous, treasonous scum, once you realize that you will be halfway there)
I like your post.

But lets get back to the topic (sort of).

Why do you think we have the aversion? I think it is because of the time it takes to get from point A to point B. So I think the bullet train has some pluses in that department.

Public transit is very much an "all or nothing" proposition. It requires sustained commitment which the government isn't good at providing.

Honestly, and I'm not trying to be a partisan dick here, but I genuinely think Conservatives hate mass transit SOLELY because Liberals like to push for it. There's seriously so many examples of mass transit working perfectly, all over the world, and even here. Imagine Chicago without the L, imagine New York and New Jersey without their epic-good subways and train systems.

So I can't think of a single reason why it wouldn't be something we'd all say is a good thing.

No -- we hate mass transit because it's poorly applied and managed. Private systems would run more like Fed Ex than the DMV.

You don't find us bitchin about Greyhound or Super Shuttle do you?
The government needs to get out of the mass emloyer business, and switch strictly over to being a regulatory office/commission for all matters pertaining strictly to regulations and law(s), then the adjudication of these two when the breaking of those laws or regulations enacted are present and proven to be broken. The government should not be running anything accept for what can be run from inside of an office building or buildings across this nation (except of course for our defense for which it struggles to do as well), having inspectors only that operate in the fields pertaining to the other two. People have learned how to ride government paychecks to the point of total dependency and slackness whether it be in proffession and/or so called professionalism. It has become a total slackness and a pimple upon the American people's backside in most if not all cases witnessed out in the field or field offices, in which government does attempt so badly to run, especially where many government emloyees are involved. It is to big, and it has become to big to fail in many peoples opinions now, and that is not good for America anylonger as the prooof is now in the pudding so to speak.
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I once thought they were laughable too, but they are way too dangerous to laugh at anymore.

They simply hate, very deeply, anyone who isnt white/protestant/hetero/male, they tolerate women and servants (though most of the conz on this board couldnt afford a ticket to the Spiderman movie let alone a servant)...

They are deeply disturbed and disgusting people, and if they are successful in preventing millions of Americans from voting in swing states, they will get, finally, what they really want, war.
Huh? Your post is jumbled & confusing, please re-read and explain yourself again...Thanks

nah, nothing confusing about what I said, if you are a con then you wont understand it, as conz are pretty dumb...i dont have time to educate today, maybe tomorrow (I am new here, ALL conz are traitorous, treasonous scum, once you realize that you will be halfway there)
That's just it then, you don't know what I am, but just assumed me as what you may have thought that I was... Get away from the labeling, and you will be ok..
Democratic Lawmakers just gave the green light to start building an estimated $68 Billion high-speed rail line in California. This, despite California being very deep in Debt. They have also requested partial Federal Funding for the project. Should Non-Californians be forced to give their Tax Dollars to this project? What do you think? How do you feel about that?

Since Californians also pay federal taxes, should they not get some of them back by funding projects such as this one? And BTW, California gets back a lot less back from the federal government than they pay in.

So the real question is whether Californians should feel as if they are being taken advantage of since they get back much less than most states, especially red states, yet they pay in much more than those same red states. Man, they are getting fucked; it's no wonder they are so far in debt. There really ought to be an investigation.

Federal Taxes paid/received for each State

How simple your life must be. The federal government wants to spend tax money on something all that matters is if the people that pay are getting the money pay taxes.

Money for a high seed train in central California that doesn't connect to anything else or come near a highway? Do they pay taxes?

Money for bike lanes? Do they pay taxes?

Money to keep the doors of a business that is going to flop open? Do they pay taxes.

You can rest assured that the government would never spend money on anything you don't think they should because there is nothing you don't think they should spend money on.
Huh? Your post is jumbled & confusing, please re-read and explain yourself again...Thanks

nah, nothing confusing about what I said, if you are a con then you wont understand it, as conz are pretty dumb...i dont have time to educate today, maybe tomorrow (I am new here, ALL conz are traitorous, treasonous scum, once you realize that you will be halfway there)
That's just it then, you don't know what I am, but just assumed me as what you may have thought that I was... Get away from the labeling, and you will be ok..

if you support any republican, then I know who you are

it is all i need to know anymore...if i had to explain that to you, it would mean you watch fox news and no explanation will work
nah, nothing confusing about what I said, if you are a con then you wont understand it, as conz are pretty dumb...i dont have time to educate today, maybe tomorrow (I am new here, ALL conz are traitorous, treasonous scum, once you realize that you will be halfway there)
That's just it then, you don't know what I am, but just assumed me as what you may have thought that I was... Get away from the labeling, and you will be ok..

if you support any republican, then I know who you are

it is all i need to know anymore...if i had to explain that to you, it would mean you watch fox news and no explanation will work

YOU know SQUAT son.
That's just it then, you don't know what I am, but just assumed me as what you may have thought that I was... Get away from the labeling, and you will be ok..

if you support any republican, then I know who you are

it is all i need to know anymore...if i had to explain that to you, it would mean you watch fox news and no explanation will work

YOU know SQUAT son.

I actually wish I didnt know what I know, for instance, that every word spoken by every rightwinger alive is a lie...if I was ignorant, like rightwingers, I could be a bit happier
Democratic Lawmakers just gave the green light to start building an estimated $68 Billion high-speed rail line in California. This, despite California being very deep in Debt. They have also requested partial Federal Funding for the project. Should Non-Californians be forced to give their Tax Dollars to this project? What do you think? How do you feel about that?

Let them get the Chinese to build it for they did the new Oakland Bay bridge.

They need a high speed rail...let them pay for a high speed rail.
if you support any republican, then I know who you are

it is all i need to know anymore...if i had to explain that to you, it would mean you watch fox news and no explanation will work

YOU know SQUAT son.

I actually wish I didnt know what I know, for instance, that every word spoken by every rightwinger alive is a lie...if I was ignorant, like rightwingers, I could be a bit happier
Obama sounded like he was begging the country to support him again, as in (BEGGING) today, and this is what the nation needs to get away from badly somehow, all this crying whiney foolery in which it has gotten itself use to hearing that is now coming from these desperate demon-crats and/or repentigains and again and again and again. We need structured management again in this nation, and it needs to be decent compassionate structured management (not comedic acts or carsalesman approaches to our problems), and certainly not this whiney crying towel lying evil bull crap that we have been getting from both sides of the isle anymore these days. Your problem is that you are part of the problem, because you are a one sided puppet supporter in it all, instead of being an American who supports what is good for all in America, and not just what works for one side as you have demonstrated in your bias here.
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Not only no, hell no.

Of course you dont, you are a complete and total moron and you are motivated solely by hate, ignorance and racism.

I am pretty sure there is a limit to how much of you morons this nation can stand...:clap2:

And your an asshole Communist/Marxist/Socialist who just wants to redistribute wealth.

If you weren't so ignorant, maybe you would look at history and LEARN something for once. Like how the redistribution of wealth policies that you advocate collapsed the former U.S.S.R. and has kept Cuba in a perpetual state of poverty.

Then again, as stupid and lazy as you are, you have lived your entire life in a perpetual state of poverty as well, so why do you care, right? Misery loves company...
if you support any republican, then I know who you are

it is all i need to know anymore...if i had to explain that to you, it would mean you watch fox news and no explanation will work

YOU know SQUAT son.

I actually wish I didnt know what I know, for instance, that every word spoken by every rightwinger alive is a lie...if I was ignorant, like rightwingers, I could be a bit happier

Like the FOUNDERS? Really? The Constitution? Really? Bill Of Rights? Really? Declaration? Really?

Admit it SPORT?


Come clean son.:eusa_hand:
YOU know SQUAT son.

I actually wish I didnt know what I know, for instance, that every word spoken by every rightwinger alive is a lie...if I was ignorant, like rightwingers, I could be a bit happier

Like the FOUNDERS? Really? The Constitution? Really? Bill Of Rights? Really? Declaration? Really?

Admit it SPORT?


Come clean son.:eusa_hand:

*I* KNOW that you ARE...and YOU have a HUGE TARGET on your back...YOU better be looking over your shoulder son.

I once thought they were laughable too, but they are way too dangerous to laugh at anymore.

They simply hate, very deeply, anyone who isnt white/protestant/hetero/male, they tolerate women and servants (though most of the conz on this board couldnt afford a ticket to the Spiderman movie let alone a servant)...

They are deeply disturbed and disgusting people, and if they are successful in preventing millions of Americans from voting in swing states, they will get, finally, what they really want, war.
Retarded post is retarded.
I actually wish I didnt know what I know, for instance, that every word spoken by every rightwinger alive is a lie...if I was ignorant, like rightwingers, I could be a bit happier

You're unhappy because of your own wicked ways. Nothing else.
Not only no, hell no.

Of course you dont, you are a complete and total moron and you are motivated solely by hate, ignorance and racism.

I am pretty sure there is a limit to how much of you morons this nation can stand...:clap2:

And your an asshole Communist/Marxist/Socialist who just wants to redistribute wealth.

If you weren't so ignorant, maybe you would look at history and LEARN something for once. Like how the redistribution of wealth policies that you advocate collapsed the former U.S.S.R. and has kept Cuba in a perpetual state of poverty.

Then again, as stupid and lazy as you are, you have lived your entire life in a perpetual state of poverty as well, so why do you care, right? Misery loves company...

That would require him to accept the fact that he doesnt know everything. His pride wont let him.

Then he would have to open a book. Im skeptical that his pride wont let him do that either
if you support any republican, then I know who you are

it is all i need to know anymore...if i had to explain that to you, it would mean you watch fox news and no explanation will work

YOU know SQUAT son.

I actually wish I didnt know what I know, for instance, that every word spoken by every rightwinger alive is a lie...if I was ignorant, like rightwingers, I could be a bit happier
You're an intelligent, attractive, humorous person who respects his fellow Americans and supports our military. You're tolerant of those who hold differing views and appreciate the differences that make us all unique.

And you smell wonderful.
Not only no, hell no.

Of course you dont, you are a complete and total moron and you are motivated solely by hate, ignorance and racism.

I am pretty sure there is a limit to how much of you morons this nation can stand...:clap2: just joined and just by this one post you have this to say about someone you dont even know? about a person motivated solely by hate, ignorance and racism.....with the emphasis on IGNORANCE..... i can see why your in the red the weekend you will be history....

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