Do You SUPPORT Finding a Cure for Cancer?

Do You SUPPORT Finding a Cure for Cancer?

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Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2021
Do you support funding research to find a cure to Cancer once and for all? Do you feel this is fair to folks in the past who had Cancer but had to suffer with no cure? What about the folks who have successfully beaten Cancer and lived to tell about it, would it be fair to them if we find a cure after they went through hell and all that hard work to beat it?

Thank you :)
Do you support funding research to find a cure to Cancer once and for all? Do you feel this is fair to folks in the past who had Cancer but had to suffer with no cure? What about the folks who have successfully beaten Cancer and lived to tell about it, would it be fair to them if we find a cure after they went through hell and all that hard work to beat it?

Thank you :)
started drinking early today I see,,,
Do you support funding research to find a cure to Cancer once and for all? Do you feel this is fair to folks in the past who had Cancer but had to suffer with no cure? What about the folks who have successfully beaten Cancer and lived to tell about it, would it be fair to them if we find a cure after they went through hell and all that hard work to beat it?

Thank you :)

However......It does not mean I find you any less retarded than before.
Do you support funding research to find a cure to Cancer once and for all? Do you feel this is fair to folks in the past who had Cancer but had to suffer with no cure? What about the folks who have successfully beaten Cancer and lived to tell about it, would it be fair to them if we find a cure after they went through hell and all that hard work to beat it?

Thank you :)
People in the past had to suffer for things there are cures for now. So many lives would be saved if we find cures for cancer.
There's not a single reason we shouldn't do everything we can to find a cure for cancer.

Cancer's an insidious bitch. It doesn't care how old you are, what color your skin is, how much money is in your bank account or whether you're gay or straight. I literally know no one who hasn't lost someone they cared about to cancer. I lost my Step-Dad to cancer in 2004. I lost my Dad to cancer in 2014. I lost my aunt, my Dad's sister, to cancer in 2017. I lost a dear friend, when she was 48 years old, to brain cancer.

I'd like to see the reason behind the votes cast by Bootney Lee Farnsworth and Gabe Lackmann. I just don't see how anyone could cast such a vote honestly.

Actually, what I think should be done is not the forgiveness of college debt, but the forgiveness of the debt people have incurred due to their cancer treatments. Education is a choice. Cancer isn't...
Do you support funding research to find a cure to Cancer once and for all? Do you feel this is fair to folks in the past who had Cancer but had to suffer with no cure? What about the folks who have successfully beaten Cancer and lived to tell about it, would it be fair to them if we find a cure after they went through hell and all that hard work to beat it?

Thank you :)


How many billions does the Biden administration want to launder this time?

Didn't the health care industry get a big enough fix over the last couple years?




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Do you support funding research to find a cure to Cancer once and for all? Do you feel this is fair to folks in the past who had Cancer but had to suffer with no cure? What about the folks who have successfully beaten Cancer and lived to tell about it, would it be fair to them if we find a cure after they went through hell and all that hard work to beat it?
Put the bong down and go outside to get some fresh air. ... :cuckoo:
I do believe that america has a cancer problem. Way too high of rate. We have poisoned ourselves in the name of a buck. Shameful.
There will never be a cure for cancer.......that is available to us....there is probably a cure for cancer but we'll not see it because...treatment is too much of a big money maker for hospitals, doctors, big pharma. There will be no cancer cure from entities such as ...the American cancer society or any other big name cancer research firm. is said that ivermectin looks promising and you see what they did to that this past two years didn't you.

IF any cure for cancer is found and the researchers responsible aren't killed or bought off, that cure will come from a small unknown lab.
I do believe that america has a cancer problem. Way too high of rate. We have poisoned ourselves in the name of a buck. Shameful.

There's the problem, we know what causes cancer, and are looking for the cure instead of prevention.

Why not prevent cancer from occuring by eliminating what causes cancer.

You can find this warning on many of the things we buy and use each day.


The Zoom Ultra Vibe Speed Worm was designed to trigger bass' predatory instinct. It features the realistic look and action of a worm, combined with the Ultra Vibe Tail for maximum water disturbance. Very versatile, you can buzz it on top, swim it below the surface or rig it Texas or Carolina style - the tail will elicit strikes when others don't. Like all Zoom baits, each UV Speed Worm is made with soft, life-like plastic that is salt-impregnated for extra bite-holding power.
Do you support funding research to find a cure to Cancer once and for all? Do you feel this is fair to folks in the past who had Cancer but had to suffer with no cure? What about the folks who have successfully beaten Cancer and lived to tell about it, would it be fair to them if we find a cure after they went through hell and all that hard work to beat it?

Thank you :)
It's obvious you are unaware that the world of medicine has progressed very far in curing cancer.
Do you support funding research to find a cure to Cancer once and for all? Do you feel this is fair to folks in the past who had Cancer but had to suffer with no cure? What about the folks who have successfully beaten Cancer and lived to tell about it, would it be fair to them if we find a cure after they went through hell and all that hard work to beat it?

Thank you :)

I get the impression that you think you're making some sort of clever point here, but since I don't have my head up my ass, it's hard to understand your point of view.

Try just coming out and saying whatever your "Aha!" moment is supposed to be.
I get the impression that you think you're making some sort of clever point here, but since I don't have my head up my ass, it's hard to understand your point of view.

Try just coming out and saying whatever your "Aha!" moment is supposed to be.
Maybe we can liken it to student loan forgiveness. If people paid down their own debts in the past, shouldn't they continue to pay down their own debts?
Maybe we can liken it to student loan forgiveness. If people paid down their own debts in the past, shouldn't they continue to pay down their own debts?

Well that is the subject of this thread which the OP is being coy about. There are a few aspects to this. One being that the terms of the loans included the 10 year payments then forgiveness if you worked in the qualified fields and thousands had done that for the required 10 years, were still being made to make payments, and have not gotten their discharge until now. The other aspect of this is that people who consolidated and were in an income contingent payment plan are going to have their loans discharged at some point whether they are paid or not--20 or 25 years in depending on which plan they were on. Not a thing Congress can do to stop it as those were the contract terms. Why it becomes relevant right now at this very moment is that cancelled student loan debt is not taxable until Jan 1, 2026 due to the CARES Act. Now if the conservatives wanted to be reasonable, they would say okay let's just make it not taxable when it is cancelled ever and you do your 20 or 25 years which you are contractually required to do anyway. All the GOP position ends up being right now is a massive tax increase on student loan borrowers.
There will never be a cure for cancer.......that is available to us....there is probably a cure for cancer but we'll not see it because...treatment is too much of a big money maker for hospitals, doctors, big pharma. There will be no cancer cure from entities such as ...the American cancer society or any other big name cancer research firm. is said that ivermectin looks promising and you see what they did to that this past two years didn't you.

IF any cure for cancer is found and the researchers responsible aren't killed or bought off, that cure will come from a small unknown lab.

That is a ridiculous conspiracy theory.
There's not a single reason we shouldn't do everything we can to find a cure for cancer.

Cancer's an insidious bitch. It doesn't care how old you are, what color your skin is, how much money is in your bank account or whether you're gay or straight. I literally know no one who hasn't lost someone they cared about to cancer. I lost my Step-Dad to cancer in 2004. I lost my Dad to cancer in 2014. I lost my aunt, my Dad's sister, to cancer in 2017. I lost a dear friend, when she was 48 years old, to brain cancer.

I'd like to see the reason behind the votes cast by Bootney Lee Farnsworth and Gabe Lackmann. I just don't see how anyone could cast such a vote honestly.

Actually, what I think should be done is not the forgiveness of college debt, but the forgiveness of the debt people have incurred due to their cancer treatments. Education is a choice. Cancer isn't...

The reason cancer seems to be a problem is because we found cures for just about everything else. Years ago when you had clogged arteries, they would simply tell you how long they think you have before it stops your heart. Today you get cleaned out and out of the hospital in two days. My father is 91 and had about four or five angioplasties. After his first one (which was experimental) they told him it would extend his life three or four years. That took place when he was in his early 60's.

So if we find a cure for cancer, what the hell will kill us? We can't stay here forever. We need to move along to make room for other people, just like others moved on to make room for us.

I was told by my cousin (a retired research doctor) that we are pouring more money into cancer than ever. She said things they thought impossible ten years ago are now reality today. So help is on the way. Last September they gave me 6 months to a year. I'm trying to prolong it with chemo which my oncologist says is working very well, at least for now. They told me I could get anywhere from a year to five out of it at best. But as my cousin told me, I don't want to give you false hope, but I'm telling you don't give up hope. They are making great strides in cancer. By the time I'm on my way out, they just might have a cure for it. Who knows?
Maybe we can liken it to student loan forgiveness. If people paid down their own debts in the past, shouldn't they continue to pay down their own debts?

I assumed it was a half-assed attempt at such an analogy by someone not bright enough to think before he talks.

Leftists spend a lot of time triumphantly cooking up insane comparisons that accomplish nothing but to demonstrate how utterly ignorant about the world they are.

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