Do You SUPPORT Finding a Cure for Cancer?

Do You SUPPORT Finding a Cure for Cancer?

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The reason cancer seems to be a problem is because we found cures for just about everything else. Years ago when you had clogged arteries, they would simply tell you how long they think you have before it stops your heart. Today you get cleaned out and out of the hospital in two days. My father is 91 and had about four or five angioplasties. After his first one (which was experimental) they told him it would extend his life three or four years. That took place when he was in his early 60's.

So if we find a cure for cancer, what the hell will kill us? We can't stay here forever. We need to move along to make room for other people, just like others moved on to make room for us.

I was told by my cousin (a retired research doctor) that we are pouring more money into cancer than ever. She said things they thought impossible ten years ago are now reality today. So help is on the way. Last September they gave me 6 months to a year. I'm trying to prolong it with chemo which my oncologist says is working very well, at least for now. They told me I could get anywhere from a year to five out of it at best. But as my cousin told me, I don't want to give you false hope, but I'm telling you don't give up hope. They are making great strides in cancer. By the time I'm on my way out, they just might have a cure for it. Who knows?

Well your cousin is right and if nothing else see if you can get in some drug trials I know someone who got turned down for one recently because they have blood clots. With the experimental treatment, they felt there was a 50/50 chance they could beat this same cancer a second time. Without the experimental drug, her odds drop to only an 18% chance she will be here in five years.
Well your cousin is right and if nothing else see if you can get in some drug trials I know someone who got turned down for one recently because they have blood clots. With the experimental treatment, they felt there was a 50/50 chance they could beat this same cancer a second time. Without the experimental drug, her odds drop to only an 18% chance she will be here in five years.

Yes, that's what my cuz said. Instead of me looking around and wondering if it's my better bet, she said she's keeping her eye out for experimental drugs and other treatment. She's the genius of the family. If she thinks something is worth a try. she'll be telling me about it the next day. If you can't trust family, who can you trust? She's worked for the government, met US Presidents years ago, and even worked with Dr. Fauci. She's pretty up there on the list.
Yes, that's what my cuz said. Instead of me looking around and wondering if it's my better bet, she said she's keeping her eye out for experimental drugs and other treatment. She's the genius of the family. If she thinks something is worth a try. she'll be telling me about it the next day. If you can't trust family, who can you trust? She's worked for the government, met US Presidents years ago, and even worked with Dr. Fauci. She's pretty up there on the list.

My area happens to be well positioned between UVA and Duke cancer centers so if one is willing, there is always something cutting edge accessible to local cancer patients. Anyway, good luck. Even if you can't beat it, hopefully they will be able to get you to something closer to your full life span.
My area happens to be well positioned between UVA and Duke cancer centers so if one is willing, there is always something cutting edge accessible to local cancer patients. Anyway, good luck. Even if you can't beat it, hopefully they will be able to get you to something closer to your full life span.

Thank you very much. My goal at least short term is to outlive my parents. No parent should have to bury a son or daughter. My parents did that once years ago when my brother passed away. It changed them for a lifetime and I don't want to see them go through that again.

Whatever time God gives me that he didn't want to give me in the first place I'll be thankful for. But there are 7.5 billion of us on this planet, and within a hundred years or so, every one of us will gone. It's part of life I guess.
We live within a 30 mile radius of a major big pharma plant. The employees have a high cancer and other ailment rate which means the area does. The employees are paid great... and the risk is significant.

If the origin of cancer is unknown, why are "prop 65" warnings on many of the products we use daily?

Sorry about your friend though, my father died of colon cancer 4 years ago.

Obviously, the originas of some cancers are known; lung cancer, for instance. My Dad was a lifelong smoker. Any bets on what killed him?

Some remain a mystery, though. Like brain cancer...
We won't ever truly cure cancer. Cancer isn't a single disease, it's the result of cellular mutation brought on by any number of things. It can be a genetic mutation, a programming issue, or it can be brought on by exposure. Cells that reproduce, or cellular reproduction sites when exposed to a new substance are altered, they can be exposed to 1 thing or 1000 things before it causes mutation to happen.

When that mutation occurs you can have say have cancerous tumors in the lungs that are made up of liver cells being produced at incredibly high rates.

Or a mutation such as mine where I had hairy cell leukemia my body was over producing wayyyyyy to many lymphocytes which is a type of white blood cell and it was crowding out red blood cells and causing me a lot of crazy problems. Because my bone marrow had mutated and started creating the wrong cells at accelerated rates.

Even smoking doesn't cause cancer. If it did then every person who ever lit one would automatically get cancer. It just has a higher than average chance of being that trigger someone needs to develop cancer. But any chemical has a probability of being that trigger for someone, even ones found in nature.

There is no true cure for cancer because it isn't like a virus or a bacteria or anything specific, cancer is nature's wild card.

The best we can do is find better and better ways of treating it and detecting it early.

And as a wild theory but cancer may be ever beat beat and it's increasing in rates because that what nature does, it thins the herd when it needs it. When animals or plants grow too large in number and begin to overtake their environment a lot of times something happens that all but wipes them out naturally, some species don't make the cut and go extinct. We're living longer and longer and becoming stronger and fighting diseases off we never could have before and we coddle the weak and lame with technology, science and medicine is allowing us to do survive and improve in ways life never has before in 4 billion years. Maybe this is the counter balance to that.
Obviously, the originas of some cancers are known; lung cancer, for instance. My Dad was a lifelong smoker. Any bets on what killed him?

Some remain a mystery, though. Like brain cancer...
Lung cancer was not as prevalent before smoking. And diabetes was not so prevalent before refined sugar was used. These are not minor. But conveniences and comforts are hard to remove from living.
Yes, by the way, this topic is obviously about student loan debt relief. Those who could see that: Grats, you got the obvious point. Those who could not see that: Congrats, you do not realize what is being pointed out here.
Obviously, the originas of some cancers are known; lung cancer, for instance. My Dad was a lifelong smoker. Any bets on what killed him?

Some remain a mystery, though. Like brain cancer...

Here are just a few things with cancer causing agents......

List of Products Covered by California Proposition 65: An ...

  • PU leather skirts and pants
  • Vinyl shirts
  • Hats
  • Belts
  • Scarves
  • Gloves
  • Clasps
  • Bracelets
  • Necklaces
  • Anklets
  • Rings
  • Pearl products
  • Crystal and glass jewelry
  • Gem products
  • Plastic Watches
  • Stainless Steel Watches
  • Ceramic Watches
  • Wooden Watches
  • Watch straps
  • Plastic toys
  • Plush dolls
  • Wooden toys
  • Ceramic toys
  • Chemical fiber carpet
  • Upholstered Furniture
  • Wooden chairs
  • Desks
  • Eyeliners
  • Eyeshadows
  • Concealer
  • Blush
  • Lipsticks
  • Erasers
  • correction fluid
  • Pens
  • Highlighter
  • Oil pastels
  • Book protectors
  • Notebook
Yes, by the way, this topic is obviously about student loan debt relief. Those who could see that: Grats, you got the obvious point. Those who could not see that: Congrats, you do not realize what is being pointed out here.

It was generally ignored due to it's (as always) a flawed leftist analogy.

People are not going about their business as usual and find out they were hit with a 100,000 K student debt. You have to go out of your way to get that. You have to take assertive action to create that debt.

It's no different than a home or auto loan. You get something now and pay for it along the way. Now if you decide not to repay your auto or home loan, what happens to you? Does government pay off your mortgage or auto loan because you don't want to pay it back? The difference is we can't go back to take the education you took the loan out for because it's not tangible.

"When you promote irresponsibility, don't be too surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people."
Rush Limbaugh
If the origin of cancer is unknown, why are "prop 65" warnings on many of the products we use daily?

Sorry about your friend though, my father died of colon cancer 4 years ago.

We know that some things can increase your chance of getting cancer. We still don't know for sure what CAUSES cancer, though. For one thing, cancer is not just one disease. It's a catch-all name for hundreds of diseases that all have certain characteristics in common. Breast cancer is different from leukemia, and not all breast cancers are even alike.

We can tell that people who smoke are more likely to get lung cancer, but since not all smokers - or even most smokers - get lung cancer, smoking is clearly a contributor, not the direct cause.
It was generally ignored due to it's (as always) a flawed leftist analogy.

People are not going about their business as usual and find out they were hit with a 100,000 K student debt. You have to go out of your way to get that. You have to take assertive action to create that debt.

It's no different than a home or auto loan. You get something now and pay for it along the way. Now if you decide not to repay your auto or home loan, what happens to you? Does government pay off your mortgage or auto loan because you don't want to pay it back? The difference is we can't go back to take the education you took the loan out for because it's not tangible.

"When you promote irresponsibility, don't be too surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people."
Rush Limbaugh

As I explained it to my grandson, none of the people who get cancer actually went out and applied for it, signed a long form explaining the exact terms of the cancer, said, "Yes, gimme that shit!", and is now expecting someone else to suffer the effects of the disease for them.

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