Do You SUPPORT Finding a Cure for Cancer?

Do You SUPPORT Finding a Cure for Cancer?

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So, if someone has the means, they shouldn't be allowed to get the cure if a cure were to be found? If someone's insurance were to cover a cancer cure, you would keep that person from receiving it?

Man, and I thought I was an asshole...
When it comes to things like a cure for Cancer it’s not about means. At least not to me. In my mind one of our most major failings in the last century plus has been our failure to ask “should we…” rather than “can we…”.

Obviously it’s not a competition but I’d bet I’m a much larger asshole than you are.
When it comes to things like a cure for Cancer it’s not about means. At least not to me. In my mind one of our most major failings in the last century plus has been our failure to ask “should we…” rather than “can we…”.

Obviously it’s not a competition but I’d bet I’m a much larger asshole than you are.

Yeah, I see that.

So, I quit smoking back in 2012, after 35 years of being a pack to a pack and a half a day smoker. It's totally within the realm of possibility that I might, one day develop lung cancer as a result, I get that. I've accepted that.

Now, I make a very good living and my health insurance is the best out there. Why shouldn't I be able to avail myself of a cancer cure if I can afford it?
So, I quit smoking back in 2012, after 35 years of being a pack to a pack and a half a day smoker. It's totally within the realm of possibility that I might, one day develop lung cancer as a result, I get that. I've accepted that.
Warning labels went on cigarette packages prior to 1977. You were more than sufficiently warned about the potential consequences, and you apparently admit it.
Now, I make a very good living and my health insurance is the best out there. Why shouldn't I be able to avail myself of a cancer cure if I can afford it?
If you paid for it yourself, sans insurance, I might be able to be convinced that you’re still accepting at least some of the consequences.
Leading up to the November elections, you'll be seeing a lot of Dims telling voters as long as they keep voting for Dimocrats, they'll be seeing their school loans forgiven.

Will it play with voters, or will it actually piss more voters off than it pleases?

I don't think it would play well with a lot of people. As in the OP, what about the people who spent years repaying their loan and finally became debt free within the last five years? If it took you 25 years to repay your mortgage, and your neighbor who only bought his house three years ago was forgiven for his debt to the bank, how would you feel?

What we are talking about here is putting the country in an additional 1.5 trillion of debt when we have the highest inflation in 40 years, increasing interest rates, and a predicted food shortage and recession all to buy votes from a constituency group slowly turning away from the Democrat party.

This is why I believe we need a consumption tax to repay our national debt. If we increase the debt, we increase the consumption tax. Perhaps then people will start to pay attention to all this expensive vote buying that will eventually be the collapse of this country by the Democrat party.
Warning labels went on cigarette packages prior to 1977. You were more than sufficiently warned about the potential consequences, and you apparently admit it.

I started smoking in '77. Regardless, yeah, I knew about the consequences. But I was young and bulletproof and, goddammit, it wasn't gonna' get me (and thus far it hasn't).

You know what else causes cancer? Red meat. Should someone not be given a cure because they liked burgers on the grill?

Welding gasses can also cause lung cancer; that's what killed my step-dad after serving as a welder in the Navy and then at Grumman (before he became a tie-wearin' mucky muck). Should he have been forced to suffer through with cancer simply because he knew of those risks? Certain chemicals cause cancer, too. How about folks who are employed in a line of work which can cause cancer?

Oh, what about filling your gas tank? Gasoline fumes can cause cancer. Congratulations, you've pretty much doomed everyone who drives to death if they get cancer, simply because the cancer warning is on every single gas pump in the country.

Would you allow only those who had no clue that what they were doing would likely cause cancer to have their cancer cure paid for with their insurance?

If you paid for it yourself, sans insurance, I might be able to be convinced that you’re still accepting at least some of the consequences.

Well, convincing you isn't something that's really on my agenda. I know if I develop lung cancer I can get treatment and that treatment will be paid for with the insurance I pay for. See, that's how insurance works...
Do you support funding research to find a cure to Cancer once and for all? Do you feel this is fair to folks in the past who had Cancer but had to suffer with no cure? What about the folks who have successfully beaten Cancer and lived to tell about it, would it be fair to them if we find a cure after they went through hell and all that hard work to beat it?

Thank you :)

Anybody can donate money to the cause of his choice. If you wish to support cancer research, knock yourself out.
Do you support funding research to find a cure to Cancer once and for all? Do you feel this is fair to folks in the past who had Cancer but had to suffer with no cure? What about the folks who have successfully beaten Cancer and lived to tell about it, would it be fair to them if we find a cure after they went through hell and all that hard work to beat it?

Thank you :)
Your false conflation is cute. The difference is people didn’t sign on the dotted line to garner cancer. In terms of college debt, people did.

Coyote this idiot is one of yours. I am truly embarrassed for you.
I know that if I ever get Cancer I have a 1911 and a .45ACP with my initials engraved on it, as a means to ensure I don’t suffer.

My late wife had an uncle who did that. He was already on the short list for checkin' out; he was just waiting to die. During a rare lucid moment he wrote a letter to each of his children and one to his wife. He then went down to the garage, opened his gun safe, put a 9mm to his head and pulled the trigger.

Of course, this was in Massapequa, New York, where mob affiliations were plentiful, so his house was a crime scene for four days. When his brother died two years earlier, the FBI showed up at the wake to make sure he was dead...
My late wife had an uncle who did that. He was already on the short list for checkin' out; he was just waiting to die. During a rare lucid moment he wrote a letter to each of his children and one to his wife. He then went down to the garage, opened his gun safe, put a 9mm to his head and pulled the trigger.
The preparations are already made. It’s ready for whenever I decide it’s no longer worth it to get up in the morning. Could be tomorrow. Might be ten years from now. Could be later this afternoon. Who knows.
Let’s see. There is a health problem. Everyone would like to avoid that health problem. Seeking a cure takes lots of money. We have a finite supply of threat money stuff. But the health problem isn’t the world’s ONLY problem. Other problems and other issues also require attention and also require that money stuff.

So, maybe (and I confess I’m kind of spit-balling here) the question isn’t whether we are “opposed” to curing cancer. Maybe the better question is how much can we afford at any one time given all our other needs which require money?
The preparations are already made. It’s ready for whenever I decide it’s no longer worth it to get up in the morning. Could be tomorrow. Might be ten years from now. Could be later this afternoon. Who knows.

Are you terminal?

I would only do that if what was ailing me was going to lead to an inescapably painful death. Hell, even if I had cancer I might just hang in their for the morphine...
Are you terminal?

I would only do that if what was ailing me was going to lead to an inescapably painful death. Hell, even if I had cancer I might just hang in their for the morphine...
I don’t have Cancer. I have something far worse… an undeniable, untreatable birth defect that has left me obviously blighted and marred since the day I was born almost 48 years ago.

The full facial birthmark would be bad enough on its own, but the fact that it’s only one of several unpleasant symptoms of the real defect, Sturge-Weber Syndrome, makes it even less pleasant.
Let’s see. There is a health problem. Everyone would like to avoid that health problem. Seeking a cure takes lots of money. We have a finite supply of threat money stuff. But the health problem isn’t the world’s ONLY problem. Other problems and other issues also require attention and also require that money stuff.

So, maybe (and I confess I’m kind of spit-balling here) the question isn’t whether we are “opposed” to curing cancer. Maybe the better question is how much can we afford at any one time given all our other needs which require money?

Biden wants to put us a trillion and a half further in the hole to payoff student loans, an obligation those who signed the papers agreed to. They want to spend billions installing charging stations all across the country to promote their green agenda of electric cars, as if they don't know how electricity is made. They just spent 70 million dollars on the leftist Kennedy Center.

I think they can afford to put tons of money into stopping the number one killer in the country. But then again.......we are talking about Democrats here.
Biden wants to put us a trillion and a half further in the hole to payoff student loans, an obligation those who signed the papers agreed to. They want to spend billions installing charging stations all across the country to promote their green agenda of electric cars, as if they don't know how electricity is made. They just spent 70 million dollars on the leftist Kennedy Center.

I think they can afford to put tons of money into stopping the number one killer in the country. But then again.......we are talking about Democrats here.
They can’t afford almost anything. If they couldn’t simply print money, they couldn’t keep the lights on. We would be bankrupt. In a slightly more sane world, at a minimum, we’d tighten the belt and stop using the national credit cards to pay for anything.

Prioritizing what we pay for is part of an adult budgeting process. Not buying more than we take in is a tough discipline. Our government officials demonstrate no discipline. And, sadly, that lack of discipline isn’t limited to just the Dumbocraps.
I don’t have Cancer. I have something far worse… an undeniable, untreatable birth defect that has left me obviously blighted and marred since the day I was born almost 48 years ago.

The full facial birthmark would be bad enough on its own, but the fact that it’s only one of several unpleasant symptoms of the real defect, Sturge-Weber Syndrome, makes it even less pleasant.

I've seen that before, but was unaware that it had a name.

Yeah, it looks like it has some other rather unpleasant symptoms...
They can’t afford almost anything. If they couldn’t simply print money, they couldn’t keep the lights on. We would be bankrupt. In a slightly more sane world, at a minimum, we’d tighten the belt and stop using the national credit cards to pay for anything.

Prioritizing what we pay for is part of an adult budgeting process. Not buying more than we take in is a tough discipline. Our government officials demonstrate no discipline. And, sadly, that lack of discipline isn’t limited to just the Dumbocraps.

True, but if we are going to overspend, at least let it benefit most of the country instead of selected constituency groups who's vote they are trying to buy. I support a balanced budget amendment and a consumption tax to bring down our debt. The problem is when over spending and wasteful spending takes place, it has no impact on the average citizens so most don't are. A consumption tax would make everybody care. We have a consumption tax here in Cuyahoga county. It's 8 cents on the dollar. The rich pay this tax, the poor pay this tax, and everybody in between who buys products here pays this tax. In all fairness it's a state/ county tax, but since everybody pays it, everybody needs to be concerned about the spending.
I've seen that before, but was unaware that it had a name.

Yeah, it looks like it has some other rather unpleasant symptoms
You must have the seizures, glaucoma, the cranial calcification and the birthmark for it to be diagnosed as SWS. I’m among probably the top 10% of SWS sufferers educationally and professionally. That still doesn’t make it any more pleasant.
You must have the seizures, glaucoma, the cranial calcification and the birthmark for it to be diagnosed as SWS. I’m among probably the top 10% of SWS sufferers educationally and professionally. That still doesn’t make it any more pleasant.

I wouldn't even pretend to be able to imagine.

Good thing it doesn't keep you from being an asshole, though. Then you'd just be boring...


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