Do you support release of "original" transcript of Trump/Ukraine call?

Do you support release of "original" transcript of Trump/Ukraine call?

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But what about Joe Biden and his dope addict son that fucked his dead brother’s wife?
You can read all about it at
You can watch the sonofabitch brag about it right here.
FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor
Dude. the blubbering trump cult crybaby Biden threads are that way ->

If this topic is too much for you, find another thread.
But what about Joe Biden and his dope addict son that fucked his dead brother’s wife?
You can read all about it at
You can watch the sonofabitch brag about it right here.
FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor
Dude. the blubbering trump cult crybaby Biden threads are that way ->

If this topic is too much for you, find another thread.
So you’re going to dispute Biden’s own words at a public forum? What a joke you are. :auiqs.jpg:FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor
...What precedents have been established for this kind of stuff being made public?
Probable cause... for Extortion and Collusion and Abuse of Power... and the need to garner related evidence.

The more legal barriers you TRY to impose, the more the American People will know you're hiding something.

There's a very good reason why an increasing number of TrumpRats are deserting the sinking ship... :21:
...Executive privilege and we can’t let Putin see our hand.
Then the un-redacted transcript can go directly to the House Intelligence Committee for such evaluation.

The more legal barriers you TRY to impose, the more the American People will know you're hiding something.
You insufferable crybaby... you have literally been spoonfed and coddled... Yet you still whine. We get it: You don't think the quote is a smoking gun. Yes, asshole, you said that already.

I read the entire transcript of the call in search of the smoking gun and couldn't find it. I even started a thread on this forum inviting lefties to quote it for me, but nobody has been able to do so. The lack of a smoking gun in the call transcript is the reason why this very thread that we are talking on was started was started. Lefties need some dirt on Trump, and they failed to find it in the Ukraine call. Now they need more stuff to search through in search of dirt on Trump.

You insufferable crybaby... you have literally been spoonfed and coddled... Yet you still whine. We get it: You don't think the quote is a smoking gun. Yes, asshole, you said that already.

I read the entire transcript of the call in search of the smoking gun and couldn't find it. I even started a thread on this forum inviting lefties to quote it for me, but nobody has been able to do so. The lack of a smoking gun in the call transcript is the reason why this very thread that we are talking on was started was started. Lefties need some dirt on Trump, and they failed to find it in the Ukraine call. Now they need more stuff to search through in search of dirt on Trump. read the SUMMARY of the transcript.e The actual transcript is locked away in a secure place so prying eyes cannot see what a Mafia Boss that trump is.

It has been proven that the summary left out many words that pointed to a direct investigation if Biden....

Please try the truth for a change....we all wish trump would...
When it comes to this Impeachment business...

The Republicans seem to be caught in some kind of Chinese finger-puzzle trap...


Twist and turn and squirm from sun-up to sundown, but they're caught by their demigod's own idiocy...

And they know it...

It's becoming genuinely comical to watch... :21:
...What precedents have been established for this kind of stuff being made public?


There's a very good reason why an increasing number of TrumpRats are deserting the sinking ship... :21:

Deserting the sinking ship? what ship

surely you must be talking about the DemonRats ship

or are you living under a stone ?
The Trumpian ballet is devolving into the realm of the ridiculous. Read this thread. It's now Tuesday evening and only last Friday the Trumpians were dismissing the call summary as exculpatory at best, irrelevant at least. Then, just this weekend, Trumpians in Kentucky were given t-shorts reading "Read the Transcript" as if the call summary is a transcript.

It's hard to hit a moving target. And the way the Trumpians are pirouetting and sidestepping something like the confession that is the call summary, their feeble defense of this man throws bright shiny things before us like jingling keys before an infant. Transcript gone dark in a super secret server. Continuing conspiracy theories about Vice President Biden and his family. All in defense of what? Trump?

It reminds me of Saint Thomas More. "All this for what? Wales?"

Trump will be gone one day. Will the Trumpians remember where they mislaid their ethics?
Oh, I see you couldn't find any smoking gun in the now public transcript. Now you need the next witch hunt item to search for dirt in.
I'd like you to do us a favor though.
The Trumpian ballet is devolving into the realm of the ridiculous. Read this thread. It's now Tuesday evening and only last Friday the Trumpians were dismissing the call summary as exculpatory at best, irrelevant at least. Then, just this weekend, Trumpians in Kentucky were given t-shorts reading "Read the Transcript" as if the call summary is a transcript.

It's hard to hit a moving target. And the way the Trumpians are pirouetting and sidestepping something like the confession that is the call summary, their feeble defense of this man throws bright shiny things before us like jingling keys before an infant. Transcript gone dark in a super secret server. Continuing conspiracy theories about Vice President Biden and his family. All in defense of what? Trump?

It reminds me of Saint Thomas More. "All this for what? Wales?"

Trump will be gone one day. Will the Trumpians remember where they mislaid their ethics?
You still didn’t answer why it was alright for Biden to threaten to withhold Ukraine aid to protect his dope addict son that fucked his dead brother’s wife, but when Trump encourages them to stay the course with investigation...liberals go fucking full lunatic. Idiots.
Biden withheld the aid to remove a corrupt prosecutor who every western democracy wanted to go. Your invective about the Bidensmis part of the looney tunes far right wing conspiracy theories that you rely on in lieu of facts.
The Trumpian ballet is devolving into the realm of the ridiculous. Read this thread. It's now Tuesday evening and only last Friday the Trumpians were dismissing the call summary as exculpatory at best, irrelevant at least. Then, just this weekend, Trumpians in Kentucky were given t-shorts reading "Read the Transcript" as if the call summary is a transcript.

It's hard to hit a moving target. And the way the Trumpians are pirouetting and sidestepping something like the confession that is the call summary, their feeble defense of this man throws bright shiny things before us like jingling keys before an infant. Transcript gone dark in a super secret server. Continuing conspiracy theories about Vice President Biden and his family. All in defense of what? Trump?

It reminds me of Saint Thomas More. "All this for what? Wales?"

Trump will be gone one day. Will the Trumpians remember where they mislaid their ethics?
You still didn’t answer why it was alright for Biden to threaten to withhold Ukraine aid to protect his dope addict son that fucked his dead brother’s wife, but when Trump encourages them to stay the course with investigation...liberals go fucking full lunatic. Idiots.
Biden withheld the aid to remove a corrupt prosecutor who every western democracy wanted to go. Your invective about the Bidensmis part of the looney tunes far right wing conspiracy theories that you rely on in lieu of facts.
According to liberal media. “Every” Western democracy. Sure. Links to these comments by leaders of “every” Western democracy? Nope. Biden wanted him to go to protect his dope addict son that fucked his dead brother’s wife.
No he released a non-verbatim transcript that was said to be inn
Didn’t he release the actual call?
But what about Joe Biden and his dope addict son that fucked his dead brother’s wife?
You can read all about it at
You can watch the sonofabitch brag about it right here.
FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor
Dude. the blubbering trump cult crybaby Biden threads are that way ->

If this topic is too much for you, find another thread.
So you’re going to dispute Biden’s own words at a public forum? What a joke you are. :auiqs.jpg:FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor
That's taken out of context. The prosecutor was corrupt, Biden's son did nothing wrong, it was already investigated and given the history of the GOP you will cry like little pussy bitches to have it investigated 5 more times...

Trump is caught red handed in a Quid Pro Quo and the evidence against him is overwhelming.
When it comes to this Impeachment business...

The Republicans seem to be caught in some kind of Chinese finger-puzzle trap...


Twist and turn and squirm from sun-up to sundown, but they're caught by their demigod's own idiocy...

And they know it...

It's becoming genuinely comical to watch... :21:

The best part is that this just fell into everyones lap, outta nowhere! The GOP would sell their soul to have Obama caught in this!
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not the partial summary transcript.
It is a waste of your time to suggest that there is something in a different copy of the transcript. Whatever copy it is read from, it will still be a nothing burger. Give up on this, it's a waste of your time.
None of us know yet whether the transcript will prove to be a 'nothingburger'.

Time to let it loose into the wild and see what comes of it.
Just Google it and read it for yourself.
Hey fake news, that is not the actual transcript. There is a discrepancy between the actual transcript and what was released- that is why we need to release the actual one, which was conveniently hidden away in the NICE top secret server... Why would they do that? What are they trying to hide?
When it comes to this Impeachment business...

The Republicans seem to be caught in some kind of Chinese finger-puzzle trap...


Twist and turn and squirm from sun-up to sundown, but they're caught by their demigod's own idiocy...

And they know it...

It's becoming genuinely comical to watch... :21:
No worries here.
So I will take your response as a “yes...Biden put pressure on Ukraine to suspend investigation into his dope addict son that fucked his dead brother’s wife.”
Which you would do, no matter what I said, because you are a desperate crybaby, having an episode.
No he released a non-verbatim transcript that was said to be inn
Didn’t he release the actual call?
But what about Joe Biden and his dope addict son that fucked his dead brother’s wife?
You can read all about it at
You can watch the sonofabitch brag about it right here.
FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor
Dude. the blubbering trump cult crybaby Biden threads are that way ->

If this topic is too much for you, find another thread.
So you’re going to dispute Biden’s own words at a public forum? What a joke you are. :auiqs.jpg:FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor
That's taken out of context. The prosecutor was corrupt, Biden's son did nothing wrong, it was already investigated and given the history of the GOP you will cry like little pussy bitches to have it investigated 5 more times...

Trump is caught red handed in a Quid Pro Quo and the evidence against him is overwhelming.
It’s his own words in a public the hell is it taken out of context? Biden had a “quid pro quo” with protecting his dope addict son who fucked his dead brother’s wife.
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not from a partial summary. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the ORIGINAL transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?

Perhaps he should have moved it to a private server??

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