Do you support release of "original" transcript of Trump/Ukraine call?

Do you support release of "original" transcript of Trump/Ukraine call?

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Probably the only reason he's currently backing Trump is because he's afraid Trump would cut off his military aid again.
Well of course. And he doesnt want to be embroiled in our political scandal. He is looking out for the interests of his country, unlike our criminal president.
Nope, dope, it's locked up in a classified server.
It is the same one you have now.

What, did you think there was one hard copy and the Whitehouse made copies and sent them all out?

There is not another transcript. It is the same one they released.


We want to hear and see the "undoctored" original transcript. In other words - we want to hear and see the exact words as stated in the phone call - not just a partial summary.
Again, you have the undoctored copy. If you believe otherwise, there is no help for you.

Really? How do you know that? How could you know that? Are you suggesting the Lt. Col. Vindman and others are lying?
and how would you know that it isnt exactly what was said !! and yes we are saying that some people are lying !! remember there are others that have stated that their was no wrong doing !! and lets be real you dont give a damn if there was anything done wrong or not ...... you hate the president ,you hate capitalism and you hate this country ...and you dont care how you get rid of Trump as long as you get rid of him man and admit it !! or are you to much of a coward ..[and i think you are ] to say it ... just say it we all know it ... we all know the democrats will do anything to throw out Trump just say it coward .........
Yea, the left wants to "overthrow" Trump because Pence is such a prize. Boy what a tool you are.
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not from a partial summary. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the ORIGINAL transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?
I want original transcripts of the secret closed door witness testimony ..Not Adam Shiff's version
It is the same one you have now.

What, did you think there was one hard copy and the Whitehouse made copies and sent them all out?

There is not another transcript. It is the same one they released.


We want to hear and see the "undoctored" original transcript. In other words - we want to hear and see the exact words as stated in the phone call - not just a partial summary.
Again, you have the undoctored copy. If you believe otherwise, there is no help for you.

Really? How do you know that? How could you know that? Are you suggesting the Lt. Col. Vindman and others are lying?
and how would you know that it isnt exactly what was said !! and yes we are saying that some people are lying !! remember there are others that have stated that their was no wrong doing !! and lets be real you dont give a damn if there was anything done wrong or not ...... you hate the president ,you hate capitalism and you hate this country ...and you dont care how you get rid of Trump as long as you get rid of him man and admit it !! or are you to much of a coward ..[and i think you are ] to say it ... just say it we all know it ... we all know the democrats will do anything to throw out Trump just say it coward .........
Yea, the left wants to "overthrow" Trump because Pence is such a prize. Boy what a tool you are.
fuck you you stupid commy bastard !!! after the coup on Trump you and your treasonous pals will go after Pence !! maybe your faggot [top knot] man bun is sucking nutrients from your tiny little homo mind .
Hearing the call is sufficient.

Exactly. there were all kinds of people standing around listening to Trump talking live to Zelenzky, YET.....
YET..... YET !!!!! Not one of them felt the phone call was so important as one of those people should be a first hand whistle blower.

It had to be handed off to a second party who apparently is a CIA operative, to give his opinion on what someone else supposedly told him. Sound like a crock of stir fry shit anyone? yes indeed. Grab the soy sauce Libs, you look hungry.
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Didn’t he release the actual call?

No, he didn't. He released a summary, and it even says that it's a summary of the call at the bottom of the first page.

And, I wish people would quit calling it a "transcript". Transcripts are word for word accurate, whereas summaries aren't.

It was written as the conversation was taking place ( thats what it says in the descriptive paragraph at the bottom of the first page) . Plus its not written in summary form, its written in back and forth dialogue, so I would think its very accurate, though it says a number of factors may effect the accuracy..... it WAS written as the conversation was taking place.
That fireside chat ought to be something else. Will Trump put on a Russian accent as he reads Zelensky's dialogue? Make it truly entertaining?
No, of course he is not going to read the "real" transcript. That includes him saying he's keeping the military aid until he gets dirt on Biden. We've had that "summary" available for weeks now. Why does he need to read it? Does he think his supporters can't read?

The "real transcript?" This means you are acknowledging that there is absolutely nothing that justifies impeachment in the nothing burger transcript. It's not good enough for you, so now you need the "real" transcript that contains the smoking gun that you can't find in the nothing burger copy. Lol...
I am most definitely not acknowledging that there is nothing that justifies impeachment in the transcript summary that was released. It seems pretty clear to me what he was up to. However, if the verbatim transcript has been hidden, you and I both know that it's got really damaging stuff in it. Or it wouldn't have been hidden.

So you believe that impeachment is justified by your assumption that Trump was speaking cloaked terms coupled with your personal interpretation of what he actually meant by those terms?

Overturn an election based on. . . mind reading?

This is a great example of why people who believe in due process are hashtag walking away from your authoritarian party.
I'm not a Democrat. But that aside, if you folks are too fucking stupid to understand that when the President has personally ordered the withholding of military aid until the country's president agrees to look into the President's political opponent, that is quid pro quo. The smoke from the gun is apparently clouding your vision, or something.

It's not a lack of understanding on my part, it's a lack of convincing evidence on your's. Glad I could clear that up :)
Why is Trump blocking release of the "original" transcript?

Why is Trump blocking key witnesses from testifying?

What is Trump hiding?
I'm not a Democrat. But that aside, if you folks are too fucking stupid to understand that when the President has personally ordered the withholding of military aid until the country's president agrees to look into the President's political opponent, that is quid pro quo. The smoke from the gun is apparently clouding your vision, or something.
Not quite. You Democrats are still confused by what Mulvaney said. He didn't say what you think he said.
What's the OP complaining about? A transcript was released.

On the very first page of the SUMMARY (not transcript, transcripts are verbatim recordings of the conversations), it clearly states that it is a summary and is NOT a word for word recording of the conversation.
We need to see and hear the "original" transcript - not Trump's whitewashed summary.
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not from a partial summary. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the ORIGINAL transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?
You think there is another copy?
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not from a partial summary. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the ORIGINAL transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?
You think there is another copy?

Well, witnesses who were also on the call have testified before Congress (under oath) that what Trump released is not fully accurate.
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not from a partial summary. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the ORIGINAL transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?

Because it has classified information on it.

That's like asking "Why does the pentagon have classified information the rest of the world, including enemies, can't see?"

Because the government engages in stuff, that is classified, and if released could damage relationships with the rest of the world. And especially the Ukraine, given they are still fighting with our enemies. What if the transcript includes supplies of weapons, or other covert support against the Russian back forces in Donesk?

This would inflame the support for Putin, and harm our allies ability to fend them off.

On top of that, in order for our leaders to be able to talk openly with foreign governments, those governments need to know that what they say to our president is not going to be splashed all over the news. If they see that their conversations have no tactful privacy, then you are going to simply not have any open conversations anymore.

No one has given any more evidence to suggest wrong doing by the president, and the transcript was enough for me.

If there is more wrong, then it will come out.

If nothing more comes out, then this is just the left-wing screaming desperately, and having at temper-tantrum that they can't dig up more mythical wrong doing.

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