Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

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Anyone who feels the need to carry a concealed weapon at all times should consider that they may have mental health issues.

My uncle is alive because he carries a pistol. Without it, he would be dead. Anyone as terrified of inanimate objects as you are should consider that he or she belongs in a mental ward.
So why don't you walk around with a life vest on? There's also a miniscule chance that you might drown? :dunno:

Villa Park is 15 minutes from my home.

You Obamunists keep telling us that the police will protect us, lay down our arms and take Obama as our personal lord and savior, and we need never worry, because the loving police will keep us from any harm..

So why did the police not protect these people?

Quick question.............................................

Why wasn't there a good man with a gun to take down the bad man with a gun?

Because it's Kalifornia, where getting a carry permit requires connections!
And if you were one of those people saved??

BTW, I only posted stories from one month, and not even all of those. Didn't want to take up all the space.

IIRC, it has been estimated that a personally owned weapon is used to prevent a crime or save a life at leat 10k times a year.

That is a lot of lives. And a lot of criminals taken off the streets.

I'll repeat again: I'm all for having a weapon at home to protect your own. No problem.

Carrying one around is a bit paranoid. I mean, if your job is to carry a suitcase with diamonds in it...

And when you are attacked at a Red Light, at 2 pm, on your way to work? Your window busted out and someone tries to drag you through that window?

Do you want to have a gun with you to protect yourself?

It's only because of my size that they didn't get me through that window. It was one of the few times I didn't have my gun with me. As a man I know would say, I was a bad caveman that day. I got caught without my club.

As far as the police go... They took it as a joke. I had to remind them that it could have easily been my wife, who is half my size and a foot shorter instead of me.

They still haven't gotten him, not that they looked very hard. Next time, they will have no problem finding him. His body will be on the road waiting for the Coroner.

Where do you live...Baghdad???

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The term "gunshow loophole" is a bit misleading when you are discussing the need for universal background checks.

Not all private sales that are not subject to background checks occur at gun shows. Most of them probably do not.

There was a lot of debate earlier in the thread when I quoted a source that estimated 40% of gun sales are accomplished without background checks. Someone countered that no way 40% of gunshow sales are conducted by private sales.

Apples and oranges.

Whatever the percentage of sales not subject to background check is at gunshows, that's not the total percentage of sales that are not subject to background checks.

Second point - straw buyers at gun shows.

If you've ever been to gun show, I think you've probably seen someone purchase a gun and take five steps and sell it to someone else. I've watched a gun change hands three times within an area of 20 feet. The first sale was subject to a background check - the later sales were not. I've seen these straw sales take place so many times that I have a hard time believeing that they are rare occurances. And that's just on the show floor. I can't begin to estimate how often this happens in the parking lot. (and I won't even try).

The point is that real purchasers get people to buy the gun for them. Why? Because the real purchaser cannot pass a background check. (If you can think of another reason this takes place - I'm listening)

ALL gun sales should require a background check.

92% of all U.S. voters (and 91% of gun owners) agree.

No excuse not to get this done.
The term "gunshow loophole" is a bit misleading when you are discussing the need for universal background checks.

Not all private sales that are not subject to background checks occur at gun shows. Most of them probably do not.

There was a lot of debate earlier in the thread when I quoted a source that estimated 40% of gun sales are accomplished without background checks. Someone countered that no way 40% of gunshow sales are conducted by private sales.

Apples and oranges.

Whatever the percentage of sales not subject to background check is at gunshows, that's not the total percentage of sales that are not subject to background checks.

Second point - straw buyers at gun shows.

If you've ever been to gun show, I think you've probably seen someone purchase a gun and take five steps and sell it to someone else. I've watched a gun change hands three times within an area of 20 feet. The first sale was subject to a background check - the later sales were not. I've seen these straw sales take place so many times that I have a hard time believeing that they are rare occurances. And that's just on the show floor. I can't begin to estimate how often this happens in the parking lot. (and I won't even try).

The point is that real purchasers get people to buy the gun for them. Why? Because the real purchaser cannot pass a background check. (If you can think of another reason this takes place - I'm listening)

ALL gun sales should require a background check.

92% of all U.S. voters (and 91% of gun owners) agree.

No excuse not to get this done.

I say I go too a gun show more than you will ever dream of doing
I call you a lying sack of shit.
I'll repeat again: I'm all for having a weapon at home to protect your own. No problem.

Carrying one around is a bit paranoid. I mean, if your job is to carry a suitcase with diamonds in it...

And when you are attacked at a Red Light, at 2 pm, on your way to work? Your window busted out and someone tries to drag you through that window?

Do you want to have a gun with you to protect yourself?

It's only because of my size that they didn't get me through that window. It was one of the few times I didn't have my gun with me. As a man I know would say, I was a bad caveman that day. I got caught without my club.

As far as the police go... They took it as a joke. I had to remind them that it could have easily been my wife, who is half my size and a foot shorter instead of me.

They still haven't gotten him, not that they looked very hard. Next time, they will have no problem finding him. His body will be on the road waiting for the Coroner.

Where do you live...Baghdad???


No L.A.

The term "gunshow loophole" is a bit misleading when you are discussing the need for universal background checks.

Not all private sales that are not subject to background checks occur at gun shows. Most of them probably do not.

There was a lot of debate earlier in the thread when I quoted a source that estimated 40% of gun sales are accomplished without background checks. Someone countered that no way 40% of gunshow sales are conducted by private sales.

Apples and oranges.

Whatever the percentage of sales not subject to background check is at gunshows, that's not the total percentage of sales that are not subject to background checks.

Second point - straw buyers at gun shows.

If you've ever been to gun show, I think you've probably seen someone purchase a gun and take five steps and sell it to someone else. I've watched a gun change hands three times within an area of 20 feet. The first sale was subject to a background check - the later sales were not. I've seen these straw sales take place so many times that I have a hard time believeing that they are rare occurances. And that's just on the show floor. I can't begin to estimate how often this happens in the parking lot. (and I won't even try).

The point is that real purchasers get people to buy the gun for them. Why? Because the real purchaser cannot pass a background check. (If you can think of another reason this takes place - I'm listening)

ALL gun sales should require a background check.

92% of all U.S. voters (and 91% of gun owners) agree.

No excuse not to get this done.

I'm sorry son, your Grandpa has passed away. But he left you his shotgun in his will. Now if you'll just start filling out these 28 forms, pony up $250 in processing fees, we can get you fingerprinted and start the background check. Unless it's found that you voted Republican in the past, you'll have your inheritance within 6 months.

Yeah, you have a peachy proposal there, sparky.
The term "gunshow loophole" is a bit misleading when you are discussing the need for universal background checks.

Not all private sales that are not subject to background checks occur at gun shows. Most of them probably do not.

There was a lot of debate earlier in the thread when I quoted a source that estimated 40% of gun sales are accomplished without background checks. Someone countered that no way 40% of gunshow sales are conducted by private sales.

Apples and oranges.

Whatever the percentage of sales not subject to background check is at gunshows, that's not the total percentage of sales that are not subject to background checks.

Second point - straw buyers at gun shows.

If you've ever been to gun show, I think you've probably seen someone purchase a gun and take five steps and sell it to someone else. I've watched a gun change hands three times within an area of 20 feet. The first sale was subject to a background check - the later sales were not. I've seen these straw sales take place so many times that I have a hard time believeing that they are rare occurances. And that's just on the show floor. I can't begin to estimate how often this happens in the parking lot. (and I won't even try).

The point is that real purchasers get people to buy the gun for them. Why? Because the real purchaser cannot pass a background check. (If you can think of another reason this takes place - I'm listening)

ALL gun sales should require a background check.

92% of all U.S. voters (and 91% of gun owners) agree.

No excuse not to get this done.

I'm sorry son, your Grandpa has passed away. But he left you his shotgun in his will. Now if you'll just start filling out these 28 forms, pony up $250 in processing fees, we can get you fingerprinted and start the background check. Unless it's found that you voted Republican in the past, you'll have your inheritance within 6 months.

Yeah, you have a peachy proposal there, sparky.

Aww you ARE still made about catching you in your lie the other day. Unfortunately (for you) you just lied again in your lashing out.

Show me my quote on inheritance.
And does a background check cost $250 or require 28 forms?

Pretty pathetic.

Really - if that is ALL you got, why draw attention to it?

You need to put wheels on your goalposts. Make 'em easier to move as often as you like.
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I say I go too a gun show more than you will ever dream of doing
I call you a lying sack of shit.

I have no idea how many gun shows you go to. You have no idea how many guns shows I go to.
Senseless pissing contest.

But show me where I've lied.
I say I go too a gun show more than you will ever dream of doing
I call you a lying sack of shit.

I have no idea how many gun shows you go to. You have no idea how many guns shows I go to.
Senseless pissing contest.

But show me where I've lied.

I'm 51 years of age
I once said I've been too thousands of gun shows I say I've been to over 2500 in my lifetime.
Some times I'll go to two different shows on the same weekend because where I live they'll have two or three different gun show in the same weekend within driving distances of each other.

You said

I've seen these straw sales take place so many times that I have a hard time believeing that they are rare occurances. And that's just on the show floor. I can't begin to estimate how often this happens in the parking lot. (and I won't even try).

Yes it happens but not like the orgy you're trying to say it happens
I say I go too a gun show more than you will ever dream of doing
I call you a lying sack of shit.

I have no idea how many gun shows you go to. You have no idea how many guns shows I go to.
Senseless pissing contest.

But show me where I've lied.

I'm 51 years of age
I once said I've been too thousands of gun shows I say I've been to over 2500 in my lifetime.
Some times I'll go to two different shows on the same weekend because where I live they'll have two or three different gun show in the same weekend within driving distances of each other.

You said

I've seen these straw sales take place so many times that I have a hard time believeing that they are rare occurances. And that's just on the show floor. I can't begin to estimate how often this happens in the parking lot. (and I won't even try).

Yes it happens but not like the orgy you're trying to say it happens

I never said orgy - I said I've seen them happen so many times that I have a hard time believeing that they are that rare. It appears to me that you wanted to read "orgy" into that.

The fact that you have seen them too, confirms my post.

btw - you have been to more gun shows than I have. By at least a factor of 10 - probably more - if you have been to 2500. That doesn't make your opinion on universal background checks any more "authoritative" than mine.

btw - I'm 52 - what does that have to do with anything?
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If you have seen straw sales and didn't report it to the police who are at every gun show, then you have committed a crime.
I'll repeat again: I'm all for having a weapon at home to protect your own. No problem.

Carrying one around is a bit paranoid. I mean, if your job is to carry a suitcase with diamonds in it...

And when you are attacked at a Red Light, at 2 pm, on your way to work? Your window busted out and someone tries to drag you through that window?

Do you want to have a gun with you to protect yourself?

It's only because of my size that they didn't get me through that window. It was one of the few times I didn't have my gun with me. As a man I know would say, I was a bad caveman that day. I got caught without my club.

As far as the police go... They took it as a joke. I had to remind them that it could have easily been my wife, who is half my size and a foot shorter instead of me.

They still haven't gotten him, not that they looked very hard. Next time, they will have no problem finding him. His body will be on the road waiting for the Coroner.

Where do you live...Baghdad???

No, I live in a small to medium sized city.

Who knows what was in that tweaker's mind, or if he even had one at the time.
If you have seen straw sales and didn't report it to the police who are at every gun show, then you have committed a crime.

I saw one where the person who went through the background check literally turned on her heels and sold the gun to a guy who took two steps forward to get the dealer to show him how to unjam the clip that he was having trouble with. The dealer helped him, and the real buyer walked 10 feet before someone else offered to buy the gun from him.

I wouldn't call it "an orgy" as previously noted. And if anyone wants to prosecute me, knock yourself out.

I have to believe that virtually everyone who has been to a gun show more than once, has seen this type of thing.

Arrest us all if you like - maybe it's the right thing to do????

Doesn't change the fact that all gun sales should be subject to a background check. Whether that is at a gun show, a parking lot, or a living room doesn't make any difference to me. Background check ALL of them.
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Aww you ARE still made about catching you in your lie the other day.


You should huff less over cleaner, seriously.

Unfortunately (for you) you just lied again in your lashing out.

Ohhhh, so exposing your stupidity is "lying..."

Show me my quote on inheritance.
And does a background check cost $250 or require 28 forms?

You're really quite stupid.

You seek background checks on every transaction - that means that even transfers between family members would be subject to your oversight.

I use sarcasm to illustrate the stupidity of your draconian proposals.
Aww you ARE still made about catching you in your lie the other day.


You should huff less over cleaner, seriously.

Unfortunately (for you) you just lied again in your lashing out.

Ohhhh, so exposing your stupidity is "lying..."

Show me my quote on inheritance.
And does a background check cost $250 or require 28 forms?

You're really quite stupid.

You seek background checks on every transaction - that means that even transfers between family members would be subject to your oversight.

I use sarcasm to illustrate the stupidity of your draconian proposals.

I said all gun sales.

You move the goal posts into inheritance.

So you can keep making all the personal insults you like. It appears to be your only argument.

In fact, that's all I've gotten from the over-represented 8% who oppose background checks on all gun sales.

Diversion to other topics, goal post moving, and personal insults.

So can anyone of these 8% articulate a reason why background checks for all gun sales should not be mandated without all the diversionary tactics?

I'll be listening ....
So can anyone of these 8% articulate a reason why background checks for all gun sales should not be mandated without all the diversionary tactics?
I'll be listening ....
2 reasons:
- Background checks are a form of prior restraint, which violates the constitution.
- The Constitution does not grant the power to regulate commerce across my fencline.
I have no idea how many gun shows you go to. You have no idea how many guns shows I go to.
Senseless pissing contest.

But show me where I've lied.

I'm 51 years of age
I once said I've been too thousands of gun shows I say I've been to over 2500 in my lifetime.
Some times I'll go to two different shows on the same weekend because where I live they'll have two or three different gun show in the same weekend within driving distances of each other.

You said

I've seen these straw sales take place so many times that I have a hard time believeing that they are rare occurances. And that's just on the show floor. I can't begin to estimate how often this happens in the parking lot. (and I won't even try).

Yes it happens but not like the orgy you're trying to say it happens

I never said orgy - I said I've seen them happen so many times that I have a hard time believeing that they are that rare. It appears to me that you wanted to read "orgy" into that.

The fact that you have seen them too, confirms my post.

btw - you have been to more gun shows than I have. By at least a factor of 10 - probably more - if you have been to 2500. That doesn't make your opinion on universal background checks any more "authoritative" than mine.

btw - I'm 52 - what does that have to do with anything?
You're a fucking gun grabber you have no authority or factual opinion to support your argument.
You can lie to those who don't go to gun shows but you can't lie too those who do.
So can anyone of these 8% articulate a reason why background checks for all gun sales should not be mandated without all the diversionary tactics?
I'll be listening ....
2 reasons:
- Background checks are a form of prior restraint, which violates the constitution.
- The Constitution does not grant the power to regulate commerce across my fencline.

Thanks M14, I sincerely appreciate your response. I may disagree with it, but you have a right to it and you are able to articulate it honestly. Rep coming.

And I agree that background checks are a form of prior restraint. In D.C v Heller the court ruled an all out ban on gun ownership by law-abiding citizens is unconstitutional. But the court specifically noted in the decision a non-exhaustive list of a number of presumptively lawful regulatory measures that included imposing conditions on sales.
So can anyone of these 8% articulate a reason why background checks for all gun sales should not be mandated without all the diversionary tactics?
I'll be listening ....
2 reasons:
- Background checks are a form of prior restraint, which violates the constitution.
- The Constitution does not grant the power to regulate commerce across my fencline.

Thanks M14, I sincerely appreciate your response. I may disagree with it, but you have a right to it and you are able to articulate it honestly. Rep coming.

And I agree that background checks are a form of prior restraint. In D.C v Heller the court ruled an all out ban on gun ownership by law-abiding citizens is unconstitutional. But the court specifically noted in the decision a non-exhaustive list of a number of presumptively lawful regulatory measures that included imposing conditions on sales.
The court was unspecific about what conditions it meant, and so to argue that its statenent to that effect supports the idea that background checls are constitutionally permissible is unsupportable. In specific, the phrase you refer to points more to the commercial restrictions on the sale of firearms, not the restrictions placed on thise who buy them.

Prior restraint is a particularly egregious affront to the rights and liberties protected by the constitution, and so, in terms of the 2nd amendment will surely be considered in a manner similar to that in the 1st -- at the very least, there is no sound argument that the rights protected under the 2nd deserve any less consideration that those protected by the 1st.
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