Do you support trans people

Do you support transgender? What is your opinion?

I support them to the extent I accept everyone as an individual on a level playing field.

I do not support LGBT when they disseminate individual confusion to the public, otherwise known as "men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom". In other terms, I don't support anything that corrodes society, all the while telling nature and common sense to get fucked.
Look at this bigot trying to pretend he isn't one.
He always fails at everything he does.... just like his fuhrer.
DOG WHISTLE: all liberal/progressives pitch in..."BIGOT" has been used!!!!!
I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
You shouldnt do that. Just treat everyone the same. Us republicans have been called nazis and racists just for being republicans, but we dont need you to treat us differently based on that discrimination. That would be just as insulting as the non stop "youre racist" crap..
Sonny, any of us who are white, middle-aged, conservatives (regardless of a GOP association), especially if we voted for Trump, have now been labeled nazis and racists.
I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
You shouldnt do that. Just treat everyone the same. Us republicans have been called nazis and racists just for being republicans, but we dont need you to treat us differently. That would be just as insulting as the non stop "youre racist" crap..
I'll do exactly what I please. Those who are marginalized and discriminated against need more support than others.
It's what being a Christian and good American is all about. I see that's not your thang.
The line for the blue Koolaid starts to the left...
The root cause of suicidal tendency is an underlining Psychological Disorder, not all of them actually might want to die per se, so that in Psychological terms is called Parasuicide, which just illustrates that on some conscious level they are aware they have a Psychological Disorder and need professional help.


Being shunned by society, family, and friends is bound to cause depression, which is the major cause of suicide,

People that are lunatics are often shunned. People are uncomfortable around mental illness. Not only did these poor afflicted people start out with a mental illness, but they take hormones which act directly on the brain making them even more crazy.

Trans feel like there is something wrong with them, something basic. They are uncomfortable being themselves. They fixate on being the opposite sex, the same way someone else might feel themselves normal without legs, arms, being blind or deaf. When they achieve their goal, it does not fix the underlying disorder of being uncomfortable being themselves. They have done all they can, they can do no more, they commit suicide.
People that are lunatics are often shunned


what makes them 'lunatics'?

They don't agree with YOUR version of 'normalcy'?

Is someone a 'lunatic' because they follow a different faith?

Because they are vegans?

Because they prefer chocolate ice cream to vanilla?

Trans feel like there is something wrong with them, something basic.

Because they have to interact with people like you, and others on this board, not to mention a large part of society.

and they know they don't fit in with YOUR version of 'normalcy'.

Because people who fantasize that they are something they are not are not "normal" in any sense of the word. They have a disorder. Gender identity disorder. Very similar to Body Integrity Disorder where people imagine themselves to be without limbs, or blind.

A vegan is not disordered. A vegan who imagines they are a tree is disordered. Someone who follows a different faith is not disordered. Someone who wanders the street claiming "I am Jesus and I can heal you" is disordered.

Someone who prefers chocolate ice cream to vanilla is not disordered. Someone who believes that they are a cow is disordered.

Did this clear anything up for you?

Someone who loves dogs is not disordered. Someone who goes out at night and howls at the moon is disordered.

See how that works.
Because people who fantasize that they are something they are not are not "normal"

Well, not YOUR version of 'normal', certainly.

If someone is color blind, are they normal?

If someone is born with Downs Syndrome, are they normal?

Do you seriously believe there is a 'treatment' that can turn a gay person, or a transgender, into your version of a 'normal' person?

If there is, why haven't we seen thousands of success stories regarding said treatments?

No someone who is color blind or had down's syndrome is not normal. Through no fault of their own, they have a condition that renders them outside the parameters of normalcy. Someone who is color blind cannot be a color mixer. Someone with Downs cannot teach higher mathematics. I never said there is a treatment that would turn transgendered or gay people normal. Do you think there is a treatment that could convince people who believe they should have neither arms nor legs to keep their limbs? No.

Transgenderism today, is a mass hysteria. A few people, a fraction of a percent has somehow grown into attracting every lunatic under the sun. The best that could be hoped for these poor souls is to accept that they are what they are. The woman is not a cat, the man is not a woman, no amount of howling at the moon with make a person into a dog. People who are gay started out right. They wanted to be allowed to practice their perversion in privacy. They should be allowed to maintain themselves without interference. They wanted toleration. Now they want celebration and acceptance. They are abnormal, leave them be and they should leave everyone else be too.
The root cause of suicidal tendency is an underlining Psychological Disorder, not all of them actually might want to die per se, so that in Psychological terms is called Parasuicide, which just illustrates that on some conscious level they are aware they have a Psychological Disorder and need professional help.


Being shunned by society, family, and friends is bound to cause depression, which is the major cause of suicide,

People that are lunatics are often shunned. People are uncomfortable around mental illness. Not only did these poor afflicted people start out with a mental illness, but they take hormones which act directly on the brain making them even more crazy.

Trans feel like there is something wrong with them, something basic. They are uncomfortable being themselves. They fixate on being the opposite sex, the same way someone else might feel themselves normal without legs, arms, being blind or deaf. When they achieve their goal, it does not fix the underlying disorder of being uncomfortable being themselves. They have done all they can, they can do no more, they commit suicide.
People that are lunatics are often shunned


what makes them 'lunatics'?

They don't agree with YOUR version of 'normalcy'?

Is someone a 'lunatic' because they follow a different faith?

Because they are vegans?

Because they prefer chocolate ice cream to vanilla?

Trans feel like there is something wrong with them, something basic.

Because they have to interact with people like you, and others on this board, not to mention a large part of society.

and they know they don't fit in with YOUR version of 'normalcy'.

Because people who fantasize that they are something they are not are not "normal" in any sense of the word. They have a disorder. Gender identity disorder. Very similar to Body Integrity Disorder where people imagine themselves to be without limbs, or blind.

A vegan is not disordered. A vegan who imagines they are a tree is disordered. Someone who follows a different faith is not disordered. Someone who wanders the street claiming "I am Jesus and I can heal you" is disordered.

Someone who prefers chocolate ice cream to vanilla is not disordered. Someone who believes that they are a cow is disordered.

Did this clear anything up for you?

Someone who loves dogs is not disordered. Someone who goes out at night and howls at the moon is disordered.

See how that works.
Because people who fantasize that they are something they are not are not "normal"

Well, not YOUR version of 'normal', certainly.

If someone is color blind, are they normal?

If someone is born with Downs Syndrome, are they normal?

Do you seriously believe there is a 'treatment' that can turn a gay person, or a transgender, into your version of a 'normal' person?

If there is, why haven't we seen thousands of success stories regarding said treatments?
And yet: color blind people are limited in the fields they can enter in the military (pilots?). Downs Syndrome sufferers are not even permitted to enlist in the military. The primary question about the cost effectiveness that arises regarding "transgendered" "people", especially in regards to military service, i.e.:Is the "treatment" required to convert a "transgendered" person into the desired gender cost effective, providing a combat-ready, viable warrior for combat?
My experience indicates that any individual suffering from such psychological anomalies is unable to fulfill a combat commitment.

Being shunned by society, family, and friends is bound to cause depression, which is the major cause of suicide,

People that are lunatics are often shunned. People are uncomfortable around mental illness. Not only did these poor afflicted people start out with a mental illness, but they take hormones which act directly on the brain making them even more crazy.

Trans feel like there is something wrong with them, something basic. They are uncomfortable being themselves. They fixate on being the opposite sex, the same way someone else might feel themselves normal without legs, arms, being blind or deaf. When they achieve their goal, it does not fix the underlying disorder of being uncomfortable being themselves. They have done all they can, they can do no more, they commit suicide.
People that are lunatics are often shunned


what makes them 'lunatics'?

They don't agree with YOUR version of 'normalcy'?

Is someone a 'lunatic' because they follow a different faith?

Because they are vegans?

Because they prefer chocolate ice cream to vanilla?

Trans feel like there is something wrong with them, something basic.

Because they have to interact with people like you, and others on this board, not to mention a large part of society.

and they know they don't fit in with YOUR version of 'normalcy'.

Because people who fantasize that they are something they are not are not "normal" in any sense of the word. They have a disorder. Gender identity disorder. Very similar to Body Integrity Disorder where people imagine themselves to be without limbs, or blind.

A vegan is not disordered. A vegan who imagines they are a tree is disordered. Someone who follows a different faith is not disordered. Someone who wanders the street claiming "I am Jesus and I can heal you" is disordered.

Someone who prefers chocolate ice cream to vanilla is not disordered. Someone who believes that they are a cow is disordered.

Did this clear anything up for you?

Someone who loves dogs is not disordered. Someone who goes out at night and howls at the moon is disordered.

See how that works.
Because people who fantasize that they are something they are not are not "normal"

Well, not YOUR version of 'normal', certainly.

If someone is color blind, are they normal?

If someone is born with Downs Syndrome, are they normal?

Do you seriously believe there is a 'treatment' that can turn a gay person, or a transgender, into your version of a 'normal' person?

If there is, why haven't we seen thousands of success stories regarding said treatments?

No someone who is color blind or had down's syndrome is not normal. Through no fault of their own, they have a condition that renders them outside the parameters of normalcy. Someone who is color blind cannot be a color mixer. Someone with Downs cannot teach higher mathematics. I never said there is a treatment that would turn transgendered or gay people normal. Do you think there is a treatment that could convince people who believe they should have neither arms nor legs to keep their limbs? No.

Transgenderism today, is a mass hysteria. A few people, a fraction of a percent has somehow grown into attracting every lunatic under the sun. The best that could be hoped for these poor souls is to accept that they are what they are. The woman is not a cat, the man is not a woman, no amount of howling at the moon with make a person into a dog. People who are gay started out right. They wanted to be allowed to practice their perversion in privacy. They should be allowed to maintain themselves without interference. They wanted toleration. Now they want celebration and acceptance. They are abnormal, leave them be and they should leave everyone else be too.
No someone who is color blind or had down's syndrome is not normal.
Thank you.

Yes, their brains are wired differently, and we have no way to change that.

Through no fault of their own, they have a condition that renders them outside the parameters of normalcy.

as do gays, transexuals and transgenders.
I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
I marched in civil rights marches and anti war rallies.
I have a conscience unlike the fat anus who promised to protect the transgendered community and then didn't.

Trannies have to dildo fuck their bloody hole six times daily to prevent it from closing up. They have incredibly high rates of suicide. And the left thinks it's a good idea to have people like that in the armed forces.
Our generals found no problem with them being and fighting in the military. I'll take their opinion before a bigoted asshole like yours.
Are you currently serving in the military? Which branch of service? Have you ever served in the military? When, and how long?
Imagining that a transgendered person can be on a combat mission asks us to suspend our disbelief. Of course they can't. They need constant medical care. They must take their hormones and blockers. A field medic is not equipped to practice sex change medicine. It's insulting that we're even told that they can.

Being transgendered is like having an organ transplant. The person never "gets better". They take drugs daily for their entire lives.
I laughed at your post because of your take on transgenderism being a psychological disorder.

I find it not only amusing, but laughable.
Yet another self made psychologist.

Mr. Lucy is a Psychiatrist and he is just one of MANY Psychiatrists and Psychologists who agree that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder.

But WTF do qualified Psychiatrists and Psychologists know, I mean Armchair Internet um experts like Will know so much more :rolleyes-41:

Will and I usually get along, but here he is Trolling me because perhaps I hit a nerve, notice that the majority of people in this thread are commenting the same as me ie. that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder but Will isn't Trolling them.

Also his comments bringing religion into this are ridiculous, he's bizarrely going Semi-Leftist.

WillHaftawaite what is next on your Agenda, burning your bra, going on Pussy Hat Screaming Marches and eating Granola?

Psychiatrists and psychologists agree that gender dysphoria is a disorder. And it a recognized disorder by the World Health Organization.

Gender Dysphoria | Psychology Today
Do you support transgender? What is your opinion?
I neither support them nor condemn them. Given the artifice and contrived nature and the relatively small number effected I am wondering why this is even an issue. What about the extinction of the Monarch butterfly? What about the availability of left handed scissors? Trans stuff is not even on most of our RADAR, to be honest. It's out there, not an real issue that effects most of our lives.
I laughed at your post because of your take on transgenderism being a psychological disorder.

I find it not only amusing, but laughable.
Yet another self made psychologist.

Mr. Lucy is a Psychiatrist and he is just one of MANY Psychiatrists and Psychologists who agree that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder.

But WTF do qualified Psychiatrists and Psychologists know, I mean Armchair Internet um experts like Will know so much more :rolleyes-41:

Will and I usually get along, but here he is Trolling me because perhaps I hit a nerve, notice that the majority of people in this thread are commenting the same as me ie. that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder but Will isn't Trolling them.

Also his comments bringing religion into this are ridiculous, he's bizarrely going Semi-Leftist.

WillHaftawaite what is next on your Agenda, burning your bra, going on Pussy Hat Screaming Marches and eating Granola?

Psychiatrists and psychologists agree that gender dysphoria is a disorder. And it a recognized disorder by the World Health Organization.

Gender Dysphoria | Psychology Today


brains aren't wired the same as 'normal' people.
I laughed at your post because of your take on transgenderism being a psychological disorder.

I find it not only amusing, but laughable.
Yet another self made psychologist.

Mr. Lucy is a Psychiatrist and he is just one of MANY Psychiatrists and Psychologists who agree that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder.

But WTF do qualified Psychiatrists and Psychologists know, I mean Armchair Internet um experts like Will know so much more :rolleyes-41:

Will and I usually get along, but here he is Trolling me because perhaps I hit a nerve, notice that the majority of people in this thread are commenting the same as me ie. that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder but Will isn't Trolling them.

Also his comments bringing religion into this are ridiculous, he's bizarrely going Semi-Leftist.

WillHaftawaite what is next on your Agenda, burning your bra, going on Pussy Hat Screaming Marches and eating Granola?

Psychiatrists and psychologists agree that gender dysphoria is a disorder. And it a recognized disorder by the World Health Organization.

Gender Dysphoria | Psychology Today

^^^^ I already mentioned about this in my below post, but Will doesn't care he just wants to continue posting gibberish about Catholics, Southern Baptists, Chocolate Ice Cream, Vegans and all other completely idiotic non-comparisons.

I totally thought this was a fringe issue. My ex brother in law divorced my sister, then got a sex change and married and moved on. That effected my sis and their son. It does effect me, but not so much in a good way where we all see differences and beauty in life. The life lesson I got was people are such scoundrels that hide behind changing norms and honesty and integrity are out of the window. How dare we expect people to be open and honest and have integrity. And the funny thing is, My nephew and my sister still love this guy/person and they forgave him. I don't know if that is deluded foolishness , beautiful human forgiveness... or both. I don't forgive someone I never liked to begin with. This person, he/she was proven to be a slimy manipulative liar. But that's my spin.
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John Walker Lindh was raised in a very liberal household in Marin. He had no direction in his life, no religion, no guidance. He made a friend. A muslim boy. Johnny Walker was attracted to the strict lifestyle that provided the direction he craved.

All might have been well in Johnny Walker's life had it ended there. But no, his father came home wearing a dress and announced that he was leaving the family for a man, his true love. His heart's desire.

That was enough to turn whitebread John Walker Lindh into Jihad Johnny. He went to Afghanistan to join the Taliban. He was convicted of killing Michael Spahn. Spahn was killed when he was attacked by Taliban fighters and bitten to death.

Of course this is harmful. It's deadly.
Do you support transgender? What is your opinion?

I support them to the extent I accept everyone as an individual on a level playing field.

I do not support LGBT when they disseminate individual confusion to the public, otherwise known as "men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom". In other terms, I don't support anything that corrodes society, all the while telling nature and common sense to get fucked.
Look at this bigot trying to pretend he isn't one.
He always fails at everything he does.... just like his fuhrer.

Fails at everything, good one "Reasonable". I don't care if you use your ass as a pretend-a-pussy. According to you, if I call an ass ass I'm a bigot.
I laughed at your post because of your take on transgenderism being a psychological disorder.

I find it not only amusing, but laughable.
Yet another self made psychologist.

Mr. Lucy is a Psychiatrist and he is just one of MANY Psychiatrists and Psychologists who agree that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder.

But WTF do qualified Psychiatrists and Psychologists know, I mean Armchair Internet um experts like Will know so much more :rolleyes-41:

Will and I usually get along, but here he is Trolling me because perhaps I hit a nerve, notice that the majority of people in this thread are commenting the same as me ie. that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder but Will isn't Trolling them.

Also his comments bringing religion into this are ridiculous, he's bizarrely going Semi-Leftist.

WillHaftawaite what is next on your Agenda, burning your bra, going on Pussy Hat Screaming Marches and eating Granola?

Psychiatrists and psychologists agree that gender dysphoria is a disorder. And it a recognized disorder by the World Health Organization.

Gender Dysphoria | Psychology Today

Gender Dysphoria is classified as a Psychological Disorder under the classification of Dual Role Transvestism in the ICD-10 which is The International Classification of Diseases Tenth Revision.

Dual Role Transvestism ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code F64.1

2017 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code F64.1 : Dual role transvestism

Also to further clarify it is classfied as a Psychological Disorder, it is grouped within Diagnostic Related Group 887 with a variety of other mental disorders:





The diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria is determined if at least TWO of the criteria in the DSM-5 are met. The DSM-5 is The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Will of course is going to Funny this post like he did my other posts on this topic, illustrating that Will is either just Trolling or that he's not intellectually capable of comprehending, if it's the latter he should just STFU already because his juvenile non-comparisions of everything from Southern Baptists to vegans are just embarrassing and pathetic.

Considering I'm married to a Psychiatrist and we have a lot of friends who are Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists and Psychologists, I think I might know more about what is and what isn't classified as a Psychological Disorder than someone such as Gibbering Will and his ilk.
I laughed at your post because of your take on transgenderism being a psychological disorder.

I find it not only amusing, but laughable.
Yet another self made psychologist.

Mr. Lucy is a Psychiatrist and he is just one of MANY Psychiatrists and Psychologists who agree that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder.

But WTF do qualified Psychiatrists and Psychologists know, I mean Armchair Internet um experts like Will know so much more :rolleyes-41:

Will and I usually get along, but here he is Trolling me because perhaps I hit a nerve, notice that the majority of people in this thread are commenting the same as me ie. that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder but Will isn't Trolling them.

Also his comments bringing religion into this are ridiculous, he's bizarrely going Semi-Leftist.

WillHaftawaite what is next on your Agenda, burning your bra, going on Pussy Hat Screaming Marches and eating Granola?

Psychiatrists and psychologists agree that gender dysphoria is a disorder. And it a recognized disorder by the World Health Organization.

Gender Dysphoria | Psychology Today


brains aren't wired the same as 'normal' people.

That's because people with Psychological Disorders are not clinically classified as being normal, if they were normal they wouldn't have a mental illness.

You cannot say that a Schizophrenic is normal, just like Transgenderism isn't normal. They have a psychological dysfunction, they are impaired.

The classification on what is normal and what is abnormal, something done to the very extreme is considered abnormal.

So considering Transgenders are so psychologically dysfunctional they want to have parts of their anatomy removed ie. mutilation by choice, then that is the ultimate in very extreme and therefore they are completely in the realm of Abnormality.

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