Do you support trans people

I laughed at your post because of your take on transgenderism being a psychological disorder.

I find it not only amusing, but laughable.
Yet another self made psychologist.

Mr. Lucy is a Psychiatrist and he is just one of MANY Psychiatrists and Psychologists who agree that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder.

But WTF do qualified Psychiatrists and Psychologists know, I mean Armchair Internet um experts like Will know so much more :rolleyes-41:

Will and I usually get along, but here he is Trolling me because perhaps I hit a nerve, notice that the majority of people in this thread are commenting the same as me ie. that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder but Will isn't Trolling them.

Also his comments bringing religion into this are ridiculous, he's bizarrely going Semi-Leftist.

WillHaftawaite what is next on your Agenda, burning your bra, going on Pussy Hat Screaming Marches and eating Granola?

Psychiatrists and psychologists agree that gender dysphoria is a disorder. And it a recognized disorder by the World Health Organization.

Gender Dysphoria | Psychology Today

Gender Dysphoria is classified as a Psychological Disorder under the classification of Dual Role Transvestism in the ICD-10 which is The International Classification of Diseases Tenth Revision.

Dual Role Transvestism ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code F64.1

2017 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code F64.1 : Dual role transvestism

Also to further clarify it is classfied as a Psychological Disorder, it is grouped within Diagnostic Related Group 887 with a variety of other mental disorders:

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The diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria is determined if at least TWO of the criteria in the DSM-5 are met. The DSM-5 is The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Will of course is going to Funny this post like he did my other posts on this topic, illustrating that Will is either just Trolling or that he's not intellectually capable of comprehending, if it's the latter he should just STFU already because his juvenile non-comparisions of everything from Southern Baptists to vegans are just embarrassing and pathetic.

Considering I'm married to a Psychiatrist and we have a lot of friends who are Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists and Psychologists, I think I might know more about what is and what isn't classified as a Psychological Disorder than someone such as Gibbering Will and his ilk.

As we know they do not like to read when something illustrates that they are incorrect, I have highlighted it:


Classified as a Mental Disorder ie. a Psychological Disorder by ICD-10 - The International Classification of Diseases Tenth Revision:

Transgenderism is the same kind of disorder as body integrity disorder. I do not support people cutting off their arms and legs or putting drano in their eyes. It would take a person of a special evil to support that kind of lunacy. They don't need empathy, they need treatment. They are sick people.
You're more sick than any transgendered person. Your hate and lack of empathy proves it.

Empathy means understanding where the other has been.

Sorry, not sure how one could be.
Let me put it another way. I'll try to be as PC as possible. Male to female transsexuals are required to insert an object inside their artificially constructed vagina several times a day in order to prevent it from growing closed. They also have high suicide rates. When the OP asks whether or not I support transgenders, the unasked question is do I support them serving in the armed forces to which I would unequivocally respond NO. A battlefield is no place for these individuals, any more than there is for a diabetic who requires insulin injections. It is only logical.

I can't stop them from undergoing the procedure in civilian life, so in that regard I suppose I 'support' them. I think they're sad, confused, mentally ill people being exploited by by the left to create a new class of victims to use as pawns for their political agenda, which is a terrible thing indeed.

You've lept WAY ahead of this argument assuming that NO transgender medical attention is appropriate. And that's what's WRONG with this discussion. It's all opinion on people's STATED gender. There is nothing LESS legally binding than a simple DECLARATION that you "FEEL" transgender. When in fact a small fraction of those DECLARED transgender actually have a MEDICAL or/and PSYCH determination of that FACT..

And that's where I stand on all of this. What a person DECLARES as -- is virtually irrelevant. BUT -- to get RECOGNITION of that "fact" --- you only need to turn to science to find out WHEN and in which cases -- transgender re-assignment actions are really justified.

There are some clear cut cases that SHOULD be medically addressed. And your response shows that you don't realize that fact..
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You've lept WAY ahead of this argument assuming that NO transgender medical attention is appropriate. And that's what's WRONG with this discussion. It's all opinion on people's STATED gender. There is nothing LESS legally binding than a simple DECLARATION that you "FEEL" transgender. When in fact a small fraction of those DECLARED transgender actually have a MEDICAL or/and PSYCH determination of that FACT..

And that's where I stand on all of this. What a person DECLARES as -- is virtually irrelevant. BUT -- to get RECOGNITION of that "fact" --- you only need to turn to science to find out WHEN and in which cases -- transgender re-assignment actions are really justified.

There are some clear cut cases that SHOULD be medically addressed. And your response shows that you don't realize that fact..

I assumed nothing. Want a sex change? Go for it.
You've lept WAY ahead of this argument assuming that NO transgender medical attention is appropriate. And that's what's WRONG with this discussion. It's all opinion on people's STATED gender. There is nothing LESS legally binding than a simple DECLARATION that you "FEEL" transgender. When in fact a small fraction of those DECLARED transgender actually have a MEDICAL or/and PSYCH determination of that FACT..

And that's where I stand on all of this. What a person DECLARES as -- is virtually irrelevant. BUT -- to get RECOGNITION of that "fact" --- you only need to turn to science to find out WHEN and in which cases -- transgender re-assignment actions are really justified.

There are some clear cut cases that SHOULD be medically addressed. And your response shows that you don't realize that fact..

I assumed nothing. Want a sex change? Go for it.

To GET a sex change -- you must first get medical/psych evaluation. THat's different than the political/social issues of PROTECTING people as a class from discrimination because they FEEL like one of 100 genders today. The latter is plain nuts.

Or putting your 4 yr old on a transgender path as a parent before ANY med/psych folks would ever even THINK of weighing on whether that child is a candidate. If there are no physical reasons to consider that -- then I believe it's child abuse up to age of puberty.
I laughed at your post because of your take on transgenderism being a psychological disorder.

I find it not only amusing, but laughable.
Yet another self made psychologist.

Mr. Lucy is a Psychiatrist and he is just one of MANY Psychiatrists and Psychologists who agree that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder.

But WTF do qualified Psychiatrists and Psychologists know, I mean Armchair Internet um experts like Will know so much more :rolleyes-41:

Will and I usually get along, but here he is Trolling me because perhaps I hit a nerve, notice that the majority of people in this thread are commenting the same as me ie. that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder but Will isn't Trolling them.

Also his comments bringing religion into this are ridiculous, he's bizarrely going Semi-Leftist.

WillHaftawaite what is next on your Agenda, burning your bra, going on Pussy Hat Screaming Marches and eating Granola?

Psychiatrists and psychologists agree that gender dysphoria is a disorder. And it a recognized disorder by the World Health Organization.

Gender Dysphoria | Psychology Today

"Gender dysphoria used to be called “gender identity disorder.” But the mismatch between body and internal sense of gender is not a mental illness. Instead, what need to be addressed are the stress, anxiety, and depression that go along with it."
I laughed at your post because of your take on transgenderism being a psychological disorder.

I find it not only amusing, but laughable.
Yet another self made psychologist.

Mr. Lucy is a Psychiatrist and he is just one of MANY Psychiatrists and Psychologists who agree that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder.

But WTF do qualified Psychiatrists and Psychologists know, I mean Armchair Internet um experts like Will know so much more :rolleyes-41:

Will and I usually get along, but here he is Trolling me because perhaps I hit a nerve, notice that the majority of people in this thread are commenting the same as me ie. that Transgenderism is a Psychological Disorder but Will isn't Trolling them.

Also his comments bringing religion into this are ridiculous, he's bizarrely going Semi-Leftist.

WillHaftawaite what is next on your Agenda, burning your bra, going on Pussy Hat Screaming Marches and eating Granola?

Psychiatrists and psychologists agree that gender dysphoria is a disorder. And it a recognized disorder by the World Health Organization.

Gender Dysphoria | Psychology Today

^^^^ I already mentioned about this in my below post, but Will doesn't care he just wants to continue posting gibberish about Catholics, Southern Baptists, Chocolate Ice Cream, Vegans and all other completely idiotic non-comparisons.

View attachment 147282

and you foolishly ignore them.
I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
I marched in civil rights marches and anti war rallies.
I have a conscience unlike the fat anus who promised to protect the transgendered community and then didn't.

You discriminate against gun owners. S0 that makes you a liar. As far as the mentally ill trannys, I don't support them, they need help, and I support them getting help.
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Do you support transgender? What is your opinion?
Every American should acknowledge the rights and protected liberties of those transgender, and oppose governments’ efforts to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law, where such measures violate the equal protection and due process rights of transgender Americans.

Otherwise, Americans are entitled to their opinions as to transgender Americans, no matter how bigoted and hateful, with the understanding that those opinions are personal and subjective, devoid of legal worth or merit.
Every American should acknowledge the rights and protected liberties of gun owners, and oppose governments’ efforts to disadvantage gun owning Americans through force of law, where such measures violate the equal protection and due process rights of gun owning Americans.

Otherwise, Americans are entitled to their opinions as to gun owning Americans, no matter how bigoted and hateful, with the understanding tht those opinions are personal and subjective, devoid of legal worth or merit.

Trannys need mental help.
Do you support transgender? What is your opinion?

I support them to the extent I accept everyone as an individual on a level playing field.

I do not support LGBT when they disseminate individual confusion to the public, otherwise known as "men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom". In other terms, I don't support anything that corrodes society, all the while telling nature and common sense to get fucked.

Your opinion corrodes society.
I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
I marched in civil rights marches and anti war rallies.
I have a conscience unlike the fat anus who promised to protect the transgendered community and then didn't.

They are mentally disturbed who need treatment not mutilation.
Says someone who knows nothing about the transgendered and has zero empathy for them.

I'm sick of hearing about these fruitcakes.
Thanks for your bigoted small minded response.
Now back into your basket with your fellow deplorables.

Do you support transgender? What is your opinion?

I support them to the extent I accept everyone as an individual on a level playing field.

I do not support LGBT when they disseminate individual confusion to the public, otherwise known as "men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom". In other terms, I don't support anything that corrodes society, all the while telling nature and common sense to get fucked.
Look at this bigot trying to pretend he isn't one.
He always fails at everything he does.... just like his fuhrer.

I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
You shouldnt do that. Just treat everyone the same. Us republicans have been called nazis and racists just for being republicans, but we dont need you to treat us differently. That would be just as insulting as the non stop "youre racist" crap..
I'll do exactly what I please. Those who are marginalized and discriminated against need more support than others.
It's what being a Christian and good American is all about. I see that's not your thang.

Transgenderism is the same kind of disorder as body integrity disorder. I do not support people cutting off their arms and legs or putting drano in their eyes. It would take a person of a special evil to support that kind of lunacy. They don't need empathy, they need treatment. They are sick people.
You're more sick than any transgendered person. Your hate and lack of empathy proves it.

I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
I marched in civil rights marches and anti war rallies.
I have a conscience unlike the fat anus who promised to protect the transgendered community and then didn't.

Trannies have to dildo fuck their bloody hole six times daily to prevent it from closing up. They have incredibly high rates of suicide. And the left thinks it's a good idea to have people like that in the armed forces.
Our generals found no problem with them being and fighting in the military. I'll take their opinion before a bigoted asshole like yours.

Mental disorder...they should be sent to the nut house for advanced treatments
Isn't it amazing how all deplorables have the same bigoted backward opinions.
Doesn't surprise me a bit..

I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
I marched in civil rights marches and anti war rallies.
I have a conscience unlike the fat anus who promised to protect the transgendered community and then didn't.

Trannies have to dildo fuck their bloody hole six times daily to prevent it from closing up. They have incredibly high rates of suicide. And the left thinks it's a good idea to have people like that in the armed forces.
At least you're honest about yourself with the screen name you chose.

Damn man, can you give us a break on your non stop trolling people?
I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
I marched in civil rights marches and anti war rallies.
I have a conscience unlike the fat anus who promised to protect the transgendered community and then didn't.

You discriminate against gun owners. S0 that makes you a liar. As far as the mentally ill trannys, I don't support them, they need help, and I support them getting help.

Responsible gun owners like me aren't 'discriminated against'.
I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
I marched in civil rights marches and anti war rallies.
I have a conscience unlike the fat anus who promised to protect the transgendered community and then didn't.

You discriminate against gun owners. S0 that makes you a liar. As far as the mentally ill trannys, I don't support them, they need help, and I support them getting help.

Responsible gun owners like me aren't 'discriminated against'.
lol the libs want your guns.
I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
I marched in civil rights marches and anti war rallies.
I have a conscience unlike the fat anus who promised to protect the transgendered community and then didn't.

You discriminate against gun owners. S0 that makes you a liar. As far as the mentally ill trannys, I don't support them, they need help, and I support them getting help.

Responsible gun owners like me aren't 'discriminated against'.
lol the libs want your guns.

More ignorance from the ignorant Texan.

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