Do You Think Conservatives Are A Dying Party?


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
I'm an independent, but I feel like if Conservatives continue to carry the same social views, they will eventually die out, since the social views in America have become more progressive. I'm not sure though, since there are so many other components. What do you think?
America is so Progressive these last 2 midterms saw historic shifts away from Progressives and more toward Conservatives.

It's like Global Warming, Progressives notched historic losses at every level of government because they're so awesome
The biggest problem for conservatives may be that they are not a political party. Instead their positions are muddled by "mainstream" Republicans who don't want to offend anybody. As a result, there are a lot of conservative Democrats and independent who are turned off to the Republican brand. Maybe it's time to reconstruct a Conservative Party with clearly defined positions.
I'm an independent, but I feel like if Conservatives continue to carry the same social views, they will eventually die out, since the social views in America have become more progressive. I'm not sure though, since there are so many other components. What do you think?
Conservatives aren't going anywhere. The thing about conservatives today is that they were yesterday's liberals. The conservatives of their youth would be devastated by what modern conservatives currently believe. Just like today's conservatives would be devastated by what conservatives in 30 years or so believe. When gay marriage is commonplace, black people are social equals, religion has less say on political agendas... who knows what conservatives will believe then. But today's conservatives would be horrified.

And human kind will continue moving forward :thup:
Dying? No, dead. They no longer exist, and that's a damn shame actually. Unlike reactionaries and Ayn Rand kids they can be reasonable.
This is why the left lost so badly last November. The extremists took over and spewed this sort of shit until people got sick of them. We need answers and solutions, not more hate filled bile.

Conservatives aren't going anywhere. The thing about conservatives today is that they were yesterday's liberals. The conservatives of their youth would be devastated by what modern conservatives currently believe. Just like today's conservatives would be devastated by what conservatives in 30 years or so believe. When gay marriage is commonplace, black people are social equals, religion has less say on political agendas... who knows what conservatives will believe then. But today's conservatives would be horrified.

And human kind will continue moving forward :thup:
It will be a more and more limited crowd they'll appease on most issues.
This is why the left lost so badly last November. The extremists took over and spewed this sort of shit until people got sick of them. We need answers and solutions, not more hate filled bile.

Conservatives aren't going anywhere. The thing about conservatives today is that they were yesterday's liberals. The conservatives of their youth would be devastated by what modern conservatives currently believe. Just like today's conservatives would be devastated by what conservatives in 30 years or so believe. When gay marriage is commonplace, black people are social equals, religion has less say on political agendas... who knows what conservatives will believe then. But today's conservatives would be horrified.

And human kind will continue moving forward :thup:
Today's republicans are not the same as Bush's republicans. I think they learned from that disaster. Notice how none of them are calling for us to invade anywhere and social issues have completely fallen off a cliff? That's progress :thup:
I'm an independent, but I feel like if Conservatives continue to carry the same social views, they will eventually die out, since the social views in America have become more progressive. I'm not sure though, since there are so many other components. What do you think?
Conservatives aren't going anywhere. The thing about conservatives today is that they were yesterday's liberals. The conservatives of their youth would be devastated by what modern conservatives currently believe. Just like today's conservatives would be devastated by what conservatives in 30 years or so believe. When gay marriage is commonplace, black people are social equals, religion has less say on political agendas... who knows what conservatives will believe then. But today's conservatives would be horrified.

And human kind will continue moving forward :thup:

You bet, agree 100%. My family, parents, ascendants all from the far western states. Republicans, small towns, farmers, ranchers. Gun owners, hunters. Never took a dime in any kind of federal or state aid. Paid their way without credit cards.

And my parents wouldn't believe the invasion of privacy that the conservatives condone and promote today. They'd say, "Get the fuck out of my bedroom." My mother used to say if anything was free it should be education and we needed more vocational schools. My dad was an EOE employer before there was an EOE. So in today's world they would be considered flaming liberals.
This is why the left lost so badly last November. The extremists took over and spewed this sort of shit until people got sick of them. We need answers and solutions, not more hate filled bile.

Conservatives aren't going anywhere. The thing about conservatives today is that they were yesterday's liberals. The conservatives of their youth would be devastated by what modern conservatives currently believe. Just like today's conservatives would be devastated by what conservatives in 30 years or so believe. When gay marriage is commonplace, black people are social equals, religion has less say on political agendas... who knows what conservatives will believe then. But today's conservatives would be horrified.

And human kind will continue moving forward :thup:
Today's republicans are not the same as Bush's republicans. I think they learned from that disaster. Notice how none of them are calling for us to invade anywhere and social issues have completely fallen off a cliff? That's progress :thup:

That's true, they are not openly advocating invasion of any sovereign nation that had nothing to do with 9/11. How far they've come, hmmmm?
Folks enjoy writing the eulogy long before the patient has died.

Given the slant of the MSM, from whom many if not most Americans get their alleged "information," it is difficult for Conservatism to engage in the necessary debate against "Liberalism" and "Progressivism." The media (such stalwart honest reporters as Brian Williams) drown out the arguments offered against the "beliefs" of the liberals.

Still, with the roosters coming back to roost, the shallowness and fundamental fallacies of modern American "liberalism" can't be covered up that much longer.

Eventually, and we might hope before it's too late, the counter arguments to the left wing's efforts will be heard.

So no. I don't believe that the Conservatives are a dying Party.
I think all liberals on USMB should have clown faces and all conservatives on USMB should have Maori warrior masks.

But that is just my opinion...chuckle

Income inequality, larger minority populations, growing large urban areas, greater acceptance of gay marriage, and a declining christian right-wing population all work against conservatives.

If they are to survive they have their work cut out for them.

If the threats of climate change start to become more real that would also certainly work against them as well.
Income inequality, larger minority populations, growing large urban areas, greater acceptance of gay marriage, and a declining christian right-wing population all work against conservatives.

If they are to survive they have their work cut out for them.
Nobody votes Republican anymore.
I miss Conservatives.

Now they're nutty RWs hell bent on wrecking America and turning us into Russia.

Read this board to see what I mean.

Income inequality, larger minority populations, growing large urban areas, greater acceptance of gay marriage, and a declining christian right-wing population all work against conservatives.

If they are to survive they have their work cut out for them.
Nobody votes Republican anymore.

Thanks to gerrymandering, they don't have to.

And if they're not gerrymandered back in, Adelson/Koch will buy it for them.

Good work, RW assholes.
And as for the simplistic and erroneous claims of Muddly, it is the LOLBERALS who want to turn America into some communist paradise.
Income inequality, larger minority populations, growing large urban areas, greater acceptance of gay marriage, and a declining christian right-wing population all work against conservatives.

If they are to survive they have their work cut out for them.
Nobody votes Republican anymore.
Thanks to gerrymandering, they don't have to.

And if they're not gerrymandered back in, Adelson/Koch will buy it for them.

Good work, RW assholes.
Or people are sick of your shit. The simpler answer is usually true.

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