Do you think it odd that your God never acknowledges you? Is that rude?

Pretty sure he's busy.

Busy doing what? So many cancers, people going hungry, kids being abused. Sounds like to me God isn’t doing much.

No. Cancers, hunger, child abuse . . . all human acts or causalities of human behavior, not divine ones. Mankind must take responsibility for his own actions, and the subsequent consequences--not blame them on God. Do you blame your parents for the consequences of your own actions?

Then what is the purpose of worshipping God if ain't doing shit for humanity?

Stop worshiping the Gods of smart devices, social media and purely intellectual moral relativism--they are all graven images created by and proselytized to men by men. Stop blaming God for the consequences of human behavior, and submit your outrage over human darkness to the Son who always forgives. God has done much for humanity simply in giving him a place at the starting line of life. What we do after beginning the race is on us. Personal responsibility is the only path to the Logos within and without.

I worship no one or nothing.

What you're saying, goes against religious ideology. According to all three Abrahamic faiths, everything is decreed for us before we're even born, by God. So how can we have personal responsibility for something that was decreed for us already?
Pretty sure he's busy.

Busy doing what? So many cancers, people going hungry, kids being abused. Sounds like to me God isn’t doing much.

No. Cancers, hunger, child abuse . . . all human acts or causalities of human behavior, not divine ones. Mankind must take responsibility for his own actions, and the subsequent consequences--not blame them on God. Do you blame your parents for the consequences of your own actions?

Then what is the purpose of worshipping God if ain't doing shit for humanity?

Stop worshiping the Gods of smart devices, social media and purely intellectual moral relativism--they are all graven images created by and proselytized to men by men. Stop blaming God for the consequences of human behavior, and submit your outrage over human darkness to the Son who always forgives. God has done much for humanity simply in giving him a place at the starting line of life. What we do after beginning the race is on us. Personal responsibility is the only path to the Logos within and without.

I worship no one or nothing.

What you're saying, goes against religious ideology. According to all three Abrahamic faiths, everything is decreed for us before we're even born, by God. So how can we have personal responsibility for something that was decreed for us already?

You would love to ride that wave of no consequence for action wouldn't you. Why, you could commit any crime against self or society with that philosophy, without tear if guilt. Personal responsibility is all we have. That and the consequences of our own actions. What you're referring to is the recent God of moral relativism. Something entirely different. Try not to be such a nihilist; their lives almost always grind down to a halt . . . like the Tin man run out of oil.
Human beings are evolving into what may be our ultimate form. Death is essential to that process. You can't blame G-d because his plan for us isn't yet complete.

Yes I can. Who do you blame. Man?

Do you think it odd that your God never acknowledges you? Is that rude?

We all have a God. I say that in the broader sense of the word, as God is an ideal you have created for yourself. From atheism to fundamental, you will, in that sense, have a God/Ideal, be God your God natural or supernatural.

God/ideals can only be exhibited or expressed through a person.

We all give plenty to our Gods and their human mouth pieces, --- mostly false prophets if the bible speaks the truth, --- yet God never acknowledges what you do for him or her.

I, as a Gnostic Christian clergy, self-appointed (as is fit), has been acknowledged and do not include myself in the “you” of the opening question.

Why does God not acknowledge all but the few?

Why are you, of the supernatural God type, a cash cow and devoted slave to what amounts to a deadbeat parent and absentee God and his less than moral religion thanks to lying clergy?

You love God but the lack of acknowledgement from God shows that God does not love you back. That means that it is not a true love. This is in accordance to the standard that Jesus set. It is a shame that the Jesus followers, Christians and Muslims, will not do as he bids them do, as was the Jewish tradition of archetypal prophets, and elect a new God that might return your love.

Can you forgive a rude God?


This made me laugh, for which I am ever appreciative.

Broken down:

Why are you not special? *I* am ever so special, and made sure I am special by designing God to my specifications. But I am accusing you of designing God to YOUR specifications. Therefore, I am more specialer than you.

Isn't that special?

I agree that all Gods are man made.

You wright funny and your comprehension might not be what it should be as you did not catch that I admitted apotheosis.

I guess you were too busy laughing.


Oh, you think I would devise a God who would condemn me to everlasting Hell in my natural state? I can't redeem myself. In my own qualities, just as I am here as I type, I am without hope. Good wrighter or bad wrighter.

But you have redeemed yourself. Correct?

So you were created without the necessary qualities. Sounds like God created you defective and then puts the onus on you to do what you cannot. Only a real prick of a God would do that.

That aside.

Have you even read your bible?

What do these tell you about needing a redeemer other than yourself?

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

1 Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

Note that all you need is the knowledge of truth and repentance. You do not need to abdicate your responsibility for your sins.

In fact, these say you cannot.

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

You might want to read your bible some time instead of listening to your false preachers.

That or listen to a preacher that speaks the truth.

Do you think it odd that your God never acknowledges you? Is that rude?

We all have a God. I say that in the broader sense of the word, as God is an ideal you have created for yourself. From atheism to fundamental, you will, in that sense, have a God/Ideal, be God your God natural or supernatural.

God/ideals can only be exhibited or expressed through a person.

We all give plenty to our Gods and their human mouth pieces, --- mostly false prophets if the bible speaks the truth, --- yet God never acknowledges what you do for him or her.

I, as a Gnostic Christian clergy, self-appointed (as is fit), has been acknowledged and do not include myself in the “you” of the opening question.

Why does God not acknowledge all but the few?

Why are you, of the supernatural God type, a cash cow and devoted slave to what amounts to a deadbeat parent and absentee God and his less than moral religion thanks to lying clergy?

You love God but the lack of acknowledgement from God shows that God does not love you back. That means that it is not a true love. This is in accordance to the standard that Jesus set. It is a shame that the Jesus followers, Christians and Muslims, will not do as he bids them do, as was the Jewish tradition of archetypal prophets, and elect a new God that might return your love.

Can you forgive a rude God?

So sorry to hear that you are ignoring god.

I follow the dictates of my God more than you do yours.

Not too surprising as your God wants to be emulated and he is a baby torturer and murderer.

You do not want to face that fact and thus call evil good.

God doesn't need to harm children. Yet I see these cancer wards full of children. Their parents think this is a test. what kind of a "GOD" tests
Pretty sure he's busy.
Not if he's actually omnipotent.

Omnipotence doesn't necessarily denote effective work habits.

Why does god kill innocent little kids? Recently, I was in Denver's new children hospital.God kills kids all the time.I am like, take me, instead. I am a zillion years old and these poor kids deserve mercy. God kills them anyway, like bugs on a windscreen. So much for "gods mercy".
It was exactly that fact that drove me to conclude that there cannot be an intervening God. Why doesn't he help the most innocent? Because you either intervene or you don't. On the human scale it is unconscionable cruelty to the most innocent. But God is an infinite being and on an infinite scale we are blips on a radar screen and will soon enough be part of the infinite. JMO

If Jesus was real, which is doubtful, then God intervenes as policy.

If he then ignores or creates evil in us, it is on him.

You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

No more plausible than God being an uninterested entity who has just moved on to a more interesting species.

If all God can be is a deadbeat absentee dad, why should we even want to acknowledge that such a prick exists?

You seem to need God to be an "involved Dad" in order for you to believe in God's existence. That seems a narrow view of what an all being might be.

Indeed. If a deadbeat dad wants respect from his children, then he should not remain a deadbeat dad.

If God cannot walk the dad path properly, that shows a character defect and that would help explain why he is shown to be a genocidal son murdering prick.

You do not appear to be rational in your discussion about God. Did you have expectations of God that were not met?


I see you do not put any reasons on your criticism.

Do so or be seem for the liar and poor judge ot rationality you seem to be.

You show a lot of hate with your chastisement without correction.

Do you also spank your kids without correcting them?

Never spanked my kids and they are grown now. Please show me any hint of hate or chastisement in my comments to you. I simply pointed out that you appear to have a lot of hostility toward God because he does not fulfill your image of what he should be "an involved Dad". Peace out Mike

That is not why.

The reason is that both Christianity and Islam, slave holding ideologies, have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations.

Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality.

The Theft of Our Values - Top Documentary Films

Humanity centered religions, good? Yes.

Supernaturally based religions, evil? Yes.

Do you agree?

Busy doing what? So many cancers, people going hungry, kids being abused. Sounds like to me God isn’t doing much.

No. Cancers, hunger, child abuse . . . all human acts or causalities of human behavior, not divine ones. Mankind must take responsibility for his own actions, and the subsequent consequences--not blame them on God. Do you blame your parents for the consequences of your own actions?

Then what is the purpose of worshipping God if ain't doing shit for humanity?

Stop worshiping the Gods of smart devices, social media and purely intellectual moral relativism--they are all graven images created by and proselytized to men by men. Stop blaming God for the consequences of human behavior, and submit your outrage over human darkness to the Son who always forgives. God has done much for humanity simply in giving him a place at the starting line of life. What we do after beginning the race is on us. Personal responsibility is the only path to the Logos within and without.

I worship no one or nothing.

What you're saying, goes against religious ideology. According to all three Abrahamic faiths, everything is decreed for us before we're even born, by God. So how can we have personal responsibility for something that was decreed for us already?

You would love to ride that wave of no consequence for action wouldn't you. Why, you could commit any crime against self or society with that philosophy, without tear if guilt. Personal responsibility is all we have. That and the consequences of our own actions. What you're referring to is the recent God of moral relativism. Something entirely different. Try not to be such a nihilist; their lives almost always grind down to a halt . . . like the Tin man run out of oil.

Personal responsibility went out the window when dogma said that we could not save ourselves and must rely on Jesus and barbaric human sacrifice of the innocent instead of the guilty.

Pretty sure he's busy.

Given the damage his homophobic and misogynous religions are doing to society, you would think he would want to clean up his vile genocidal son murdering reputation.

He isn’t responsible for what hate filled loons do in his name

I agree as he did not create the loons. Lying clergy did that.


and people who wanted power so thought they'd use the masses and their fears
Do you think it odd that your God never acknowledges you? Is that rude?

We all have a God. I say that in the broader sense of the word, as God is an ideal you have created for yourself. From atheism to fundamental, you will, in that sense, have a God/Ideal, be God your God natural or supernatural.

God/ideals can only be exhibited or expressed through a person.

We all give plenty to our Gods and their human mouth pieces, --- mostly false prophets if the bible speaks the truth, --- yet God never acknowledges what you do for him or her.

I, as a Gnostic Christian clergy, self-appointed (as is fit), has been acknowledged and do not include myself in the “you” of the opening question.

Why does God not acknowledge all but the few?

Why are you, of the supernatural God type, a cash cow and devoted slave to what amounts to a deadbeat parent and absentee God and his less than moral religion thanks to lying clergy?

You love God but the lack of acknowledgement from God shows that God does not love you back. That means that it is not a true love. This is in accordance to the standard that Jesus set. It is a shame that the Jesus followers, Christians and Muslims, will not do as he bids them do, as was the Jewish tradition of archetypal prophets, and elect a new God that might return your love.

Can you forgive a rude God?

So sorry to hear that you are ignoring god.

I follow the dictates of my God more than you do yours.

Not too surprising as your God wants to be emulated and he is a baby torturer and murderer.

You do not want to face that fact and thus call evil good.


Wow an internet theist who made up his own God!

Raise your hands all y'all who NEVER EVER saw an internet theist make up his own God and then, for some unknown reason, attempt to pound Christians to dust. (extra points for "baby torturer and murderer").

For some reason these folks never ask themselves why they aren't so eager to confront, say, Islam with the same charge

Kermit and tea.jpg
Pretty sure he's busy.

Given the damage his homophobic and misogynous religions are doing to society, you would think he would want to clean up his vile genocidal son murdering reputation.

He isn’t responsible for what hate filled loons do in his name

I agree as he did not create the loons. Lying clergy did that.


and people who wanted power so thought they'd use the masses and their fears


That would have included the politicians who colluded with the lying clergy.

Especially in the U.S. where if you are not a Christian of some stripe, you will likely not get elected.

Separation of church and state is a farce in the U.S.

Do you think it odd that your God never acknowledges you? Is that rude?

We all have a God. I say that in the broader sense of the word, as God is an ideal you have created for yourself. From atheism to fundamental, you will, in that sense, have a God/Ideal, be God your God natural or supernatural.

God/ideals can only be exhibited or expressed through a person.

We all give plenty to our Gods and their human mouth pieces, --- mostly false prophets if the bible speaks the truth, --- yet God never acknowledges what you do for him or her.

I, as a Gnostic Christian clergy, self-appointed (as is fit), has been acknowledged and do not include myself in the “you” of the opening question.

Why does God not acknowledge all but the few?

Why are you, of the supernatural God type, a cash cow and devoted slave to what amounts to a deadbeat parent and absentee God and his less than moral religion thanks to lying clergy?

You love God but the lack of acknowledgement from God shows that God does not love you back. That means that it is not a true love. This is in accordance to the standard that Jesus set. It is a shame that the Jesus followers, Christians and Muslims, will not do as he bids them do, as was the Jewish tradition of archetypal prophets, and elect a new God that might return your love.

Can you forgive a rude God?

So sorry to hear that you are ignoring god.

I follow the dictates of my God more than you do yours.

Not too surprising as your God wants to be emulated and he is a baby torturer and murderer.

You do not want to face that fact and thus call evil good.


Wow an internet theist who made up his own God!

Raise your hands all y'all who NEVER EVER saw an internet theist make up his own God and then, for some unknown reason, attempt to pound Christians to dust. (extra points for "baby torturer and murderer").

For some reason these folks never ask themselves why they aren't so eager to confront, say, Islam with the same charge

View attachment 206597

First. What is almost a signature for me these days.

Both Christianity and Islam, slave holding ideologies, have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations.

Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality.

The Theft of Our Values - Top Documentary Films

Humanity centered religions, good? Yes.

Supernaturally based religions, evil? Yes.

Do you agree?


Do you really need me to point to all the baby murdering and torturing cases. I easily can.

So tell us what you find so adorable in your genocidal son murderer that has you ignoring all of his crimes against humanity?

Please, as most of you Christians just run away from telling us.


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