Do you think that in America major companies should have “minority” hiring quotas?

Do you think a company should have hiring quotas for people based on skin color or religion?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
It’s happened and it’s occurring now…. Should state and federal governments take action to prevent such blatant racism and favoritism. Again, why not just have a meritocracy?

Imagine if a major fortune 500 company said we refuse to hire any blacks, we refuse to hire any women. What then would the trolls say? Would they still say “well I thought you conservatives want government hands off business” because that’s what they’re going do in this thread…. they troll like that. This isn’t necessarily about the government obviously they are included. It’s a common sense question it’s a simple question. Do you think a company should have hiring quotas for people based on skin color or religion?

Well it is astonishing isn’t it that groups like BLM and similar still complain about so-called “systemic racism”. They want more and more they don’t wanna work for anything. They want free handouts. They don’t give a darn about poor white people in this country who have nothing.

As many as a half-dozen companies have said they’ve adopted workforce quotas in recent months. These include Wells Fargo & Co., the nation’s third-biggest bank, which said it will increase Black leadership to 12%. The bank last week settled federal allegations of hiring bias. Meanwhile, fashion house Ralph Lauren Corp. said it aims to make 20% of its global leaders people of color, including Black, Asian and Latino workers. Delta Air Lines Inc., where 7% of the top 100 in the organization are Black, will double the percentage of Black officers and directors by 2025.

Lots of hard-working young white men have been screwed over by this blatant racism against white people in America. Through DEI and things like that. I have family members who have been screwed over by this. They’re not even Trump supporters. It’s blatantly obvious that this is occurring in the business world where under qualified People are given a promotion or a job because they are a certain skin color or sex.

“ oh but don’t you know the racist history of America”

Actually, racism occurred all over the world in the USA was probably the most liberal country in the world history. It’s 2024 now… all people no matter their skin color are over. Religion historically have been discriminated against. That radical left-wing talking point doesn’t play anymore.

It’s 2024 let’s have a meritocracy. Nothing wrong with anyone in America whether they’re white or black. It is once again the corporations, the mass media and Hollywood that is the problem.

I give all the credit toward any hard-working black or white man/women in America who earns their position.
I think they should have a minority influence on Congress, that's what I think.

That is not currently the case.
And since when is religion lumped in with sex or country born or skin color? You can pick your religion. Just like you can pick your politics.
Who knows why my friend. Companies across America are not saying they want to hire the best available people. They’re telling us they want to fill positions with people based on skin color or religion, if they were in a wheelchair etc all sorts of things.

That’s what America is in 2024 for a number of companies in our country… they believe if they have somebody who is wearing a religious clothing outwardly like it’s noticeable… that that is something that they want. It gives them DEI points.

In some cases they are making pledges to have a certain percentage of their jobs filled with people of a certain color or sex. I believe this is actually against the bill of rights in some manner. It certainly is against a moral value system.

It will hurt the American economy in the long run if they are willing to do this. Just have a meritocracy higher the best qualified people doesn’t matter what their color is.
It really comes down to values. I say you should be able to hire or serve whoever you see fit. Freedom of association. It really is a simple concept.
Yes, to a certain extent. For example, the Secret Service has what a lot of folks call dangerous policy. They have a different qualification process for women compared to men. And this is the job that is protecting the president of the United States.

When it comes to employers in the USA and this is going to include police departments and our military it is important to have the most qualified and strong people in some cases. .. if we allow radical politicians to dictate DEI when it comes to policing, flying our planes, public transportation, Protective services…. that’s not going to be a good thing in the long run

That’s why I agree with JD Vance on eliminating DEI and the federal level when it comes to federal jobs.

I was never one of those guys who says government should keep out of it, and every aspect of our life. We’re supposed to have a responsible government in this country. I believe that the founding father wanted. Not anarchy, not communism….. I think most Americans would agree with strict requirements, including physical requirements when it comes to protective services in this country like the police or the military and have DEI stay far away from that stuff.

Separately If the private sector wants to hire people not based on merit or skill, but based on how they look… that’s going to hurt our economy.
I think they should have a minority influence on Congress, that's what I think.

That is not currently the case.
Agreed. With the amount of money and power that corporations wield over the political process though it’s hard to imagine this happening. It would take a lot. But It would certainly be a change for the better.
[snipped],... flying our planes, public transportation, Protective services…. that’s not going to be a good thing in the long run.

That’s why I agree with JD Vance on eliminating DEI and the federal level when it comes to federal jobs.
Flying our planes?!? Black people have been flying "OUR" planes since the Tuskegee Airmen joined the 2nd world war effort under the Double V campaign which was first instituted in 1942. Due to the United States still being under legally mandated racial separation, those of them who survived and made it back home to their families and loved ones were then denied outright, employment opportunities with the commercial airlines for just about 20 years subsequent to the end of the war in 1945 and their return back to their homes in the United States.

It took a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision before the first African American pilot was hired by a U.S. passenger airline in 1963.

Marlon Dewitt Green[1] (June 6, 1929 – July 6, 2009) was an African-American pilot whose landmark United States Supreme Court decision in 1963 helped dismantle racial discrimination in the American passenger airline industry.​
The decision led to David E. Harris's hiring as the first African-American pilot for a major airline the following year. Green was subsequently hired by Continental Airlines, for whom he flew from 1965 to 1978.
Marlon Green - Wikipedia

So the denial of employment opportunities as commercial airline pilots suffered by these men, men who had more than proven their mettle in the skies over the Europe & northern Africa, can undeniably be attributed to white racism. And because the Tuskegee Airmen achieved the high standards, skills and prowess they did with their aircraft prior to the issuance of the executive order which created affirmative action, it is also undeniable that they achieved what they did solely on their own merits.

The Double Victory campaign was announced on February 7, 1942, about two months after the attack on Pearl Harbor had thrust the United States into World War II, in an African American newspaper called the Pittsburgh Courier. Its catalyst was a letter written by a reader from Kansas named James Thompson titled "Should I Sacrifice to Live Half-American?" Thompson questioned whether colored Americans would see any improvement in their lives or be forced to suffer the same indignities in the future that they suffered at present. In the military, African Americans were relegated to the most menial tasks, and segregation among troops was an official policy. The Double V represented the V for victory that was so popular among the Allied countries and an additional V to stand for a victory over the prejudices against people of color that threatened the freedoms of all American people.​
The Pittsburgh Courier was the most popular black newspaper in the country at the time. Well into 1943, the Double V Campaign ran weekly along with patriotic appeals to purchase war bonds. The campaign was extremely popular among African Americans. In a survey in October 1942, around 90 percent of readers responded favorably to it. The Double V insignia continued to appear in the paper until September 1945. In 1946 it was replaced by a single V, indicating the victory that still remained to be won for equal rights for African Americans in the United States.​
The Double V Campaign helped to achieve at least two major milestones following the end of World War II. In 1947, Jackie Robinson became the first African American to sign with a major league baseball team. This opened the color barrier for many other talented black athletes. Additionally, on July 26, 1948, President Harry Truman signed an executive order calling for the desegregation of the US military.​

Further Reading
The Double V Campaign was used in World War II. It was aimed at African-Americans, and it first appeared in an African-American newspaper, the Pittsburgh Courier, in 1942. The Double V Campaign worked to have a victory over racism abroad and racism in the United States.​
In World War II, we were fighting against Germany, Japan, and Italy. Germany had strong beliefs about the supremacy of the Aryan race. There was a concerted effort by the Germans to kill people who weren’t Aryan. The Germans especially targeted the Jews. Our soldiers were fighting to defeat this form of racism. We were fighting to defeat non-democratic governments also.​
At home, African-Americans faced discrimination and racism. They weren’t allowed to attend the same schools as whites. They had to sit in separate sections on buses and in separate train cars. African-Americans fought in segregated units in the army. They also faced discrimination in getting hired in federal defense plants. Thus, they also were fighting to show that the reasons why we were fighting in Europe also existed in the United States. They were fighting to end racism in the United States also.​
A. Philip Randolph threatened to lead a march on Washington in 1942 unless the federal government ended the discrimination in hiring workers in federal defense plants. President Roosevelt didn’t want any public protests against the war, as he feared that would send the wrong message to the Axis Powers. He signed an executive order ending discrimination in hiring workers in federal defense plants. When Truman was president, army units were integrated.​
The Double V Campaign was an important cause for African-Americans in World War II, and there were some positive results from it.
Further Reading
Double V Campaign
There was a time, long ago, when rational people supported Affirmative Action, properly defined.

If a position is vacant, establish a set of criteria that is only as demanding as necessary. For example, a college degree is not really required for 90% of administrative and management positions in the country, but historically it was required simply because it lowered the number of candidates who had to be considered.

Once the standard is set, then CONSIDER race as a criterion, with a goal of making the workforce reflect the local demographics.

The WORST form of AA is to impose the standards on White applicants and throw them out when considering POC's. That's what we saw from most companies who decided to play the game.

For the record, Congress has NO POWER under the Constitution to make any demands on companies regarding employment, one way or another. It is only in the context of significant government contracts where that mandate can legally be enforced.

But nobody pays any attention to the Constitution any more, so...
It really comes down to values. I say you should be able to hire or serve whoever you see fit. Freedom of association. It really is a simple concept.

We need to bring back the american motto of "may the best man win" and leave it at that.

If every company had a mission statement of "let's hire the best person for the job" then none of this would be necessary. If all those people happen to be white or Asian? Oh well, they hired the best people they could find.

Equal opportunity employment act says you can't discriminate, but dei hiring policies discriminates. I don't understand how there aren't massive lawsuits against companies that state they will hire X amount of blacks or whatever because that means you won't hire X amount of whites. Which is by the very definition racist and discriminatory.

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