Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

The Democrats had control of the House, the Senate and the Presidency for two years. If it is a Republican thing, why didn't they end the war on drugs then, cockbreath!

Ahh, so Republican STARTED the war on drugs, and pretty much made all the laws that enforce the war on drugs.

And the war on drugs has been ongoing for about 40 years now....

But, because Democrats had some years in which they could have attempted to end it, but didn't get enough votes to pursue it, the War on Drugs is now all the Democrat's fault too?
Tell me, do you also consider Watergate to be the Democrat's fault?

How about Iran/Contra? Was that the Democrats too?

Watergate was Nixon's fault and he paid the price for it. When are Holder and Obama going to pay the price for Fast and Furious?

Iran/Contra was all the Democrats fault. They prevented Reagan from stopping the Communists from dominating Central America by passing the Boland Amendment(s). Unlike many leftie posters on USMB, and in the Dem controlled senate, Reagan wasn't going to allow a Communist puppet regime on our southern border, and used an alternate method to fund the opposition to the Communists.
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Obamabots/Dems just don't care about all those brutally murdered with Holder's guns. And that says everything you need to know about them. 'Party before Country.' They're a real disgrace.
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Obamabots/Dems just don't care about all those brutally murdered with Holder's guns. And that says everything you need to know about them. 'Party before Country.' They're a real disgrace.

Try researching before simply regurgitating the MSM line.
It looks like the guns were legally purchased and the ATF had no ability to stop it.
Look to all politicians and special interest groups that allowed this to happen - forget which party they belong to.
Then, the way that both sides have acted since the operation became public news.
It's a total scandal and reflects the worst aspects of the US political system.
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Obamabots/Dems just don't care about all those brutally murdered with Holder's guns. And that says everything you need to know about them. 'Party before Country.' They're a real disgrace.

Try researching before simply regurgitating the MSM line.
It looks like the guns were legally purchased and the ATF had no ability to stop it.
Look to all politicians and special interest groups that allowed this to happen - forget which party they belong to.
Then, the way that both sides have acted since the operation became public news.
It's a total scandal and reflects the worst aspects of the US political system.

The part you're missing is that the gun shop owners tried to STOP the sales, they knew something was wrong, and the ATF FORCED them to go through with the sales anyway.

Had the ATF allowed the gun shops to FOLLOW EXISTING LAW, those sales would never have happened!
And winning.

Until the Dems stop being such pussies, the Cons will continue. After all, why should they change whats working for them?

Yikes, there really are americans who still think government isn't growing fast enough and isn't squashing liberties fast enough.

All the liberties I see being squashed are being squashed by people with an R after their name.

As does every hyperpartisan, it's always the other team's fault. Both parties will happily squash liberties in order to please their corporate owners, Obamacare is a perfect example. Squash a citizens liberty to own or not own insurance, and the big insurance companies make billions more.

Enlighten me, what view do you have that qualifies as libertarian? And how do those views push you towards unwavering support of Obama?
Look people. There are a LOT of things you can blame on Democrats.

They're not perfect. They've fucked up a bunch of times.

But the War on Drugs? Seriously?

I'm thinking you people are taking way to many of the drugs they've been waging this war on.


You're saying the dems aren't to blame for the war on drugs?

What have they done to stop it? Slow it down?

They love the war on drugs every bit as much as the reps do.
Look people. There are a LOT of things you can blame on Democrats.

They're not perfect. They've fucked up a bunch of times.

But the War on Drugs? Seriously?

I'm thinking you people are taking way to many of the drugs they've been waging this war on.


You're saying the dems aren't to blame for the war on drugs?

What have they done to stop it? Slow it down?

They love the war on drugs every bit as much as the reps do.

Look people. There are a LOT of things you can blame on Democrats.

They're not perfect. They've fucked up a bunch of times.

But the War on Drugs? Seriously?

I'm thinking you people are taking way to many of the drugs they've been waging this war on.


Huh? Of course the Democrats have supported it ans still are.

Marijuana Arrests Driving America’s So-Called ‘Drug War,’ Latest FBI Data Shows | NORML Blog, Marijuana Law Reform

Look at the number of Marijuana busts and how much they rose during the 90's. Who was in charge then? Have they come down under President Obama. Nope.
Obamabots/Dems just don't care about all those brutally murdered with Holder's guns. And that says everything you need to know about them. 'Party before Country.' They're a real disgrace.

I still content they are victims of the drug war. Not the weapons manufacturers, not the gun shops along the border, and not ATF and not the AG of the USA, the Cartels are responsible.
Obamabots/Dems just don't care about all those brutally murdered with Holder's guns. And that says everything you need to know about them. 'Party before Country.' They're a real disgrace.

I still content they are victims of the drug war. Not the weapons manufacturers, not the gun shops along the border, and not ATF and not the AG of the USA, the Cartels are responsible.

You're giving Obama & Holder a free pass. And i just don't get that. What do you owe them? You're very disappointing on this one.
Obamabots/Dems just don't care about all those brutally murdered with Holder's guns. And that says everything you need to know about them. 'Party before Country.' They're a real disgrace.

I still content they are victims of the drug war. Not the weapons manufacturers, not the gun shops along the border, and not ATF and not the AG of the USA, the Cartels are responsible.

You're giving Obama & Holder a free pass. And i just don't get that. What do you owe them? You're very disappointing on this one.

Faux News has been trying to saddle the current administration with a Watergate equivalence for years now. It still doesn't work. And Issa's conspiricy theory is worse than the birthers. You are a hyper-partisan, so I take your disappointment as a good sign.

Fox News Might Want to Retire the Watergate Card - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire
Faux News has been trying to saddle the current administration with a Watergate equivalence for years now. It still doesn't work. And Issa's conspiricy theory is worse than the birthers. You are a hyper-partisan, so I take your disappointment as a good sign.

Fox News Might Want to Retire the Watergate Card - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire

Yeah, Watergate was BAD, REAL bad. It involved a burglary of election plans. How anyone could claim a measly 300 murders by guns provided by the top law enforcement agent in the nation could rise to looking at the opponents game plan is shocking.....

You gotta have priorities....
Faux News has been trying to saddle the current administration with a Watergate equivalence for years now. It still doesn't work. And Issa's conspiricy theory is worse than the birthers. You are a hyper-partisan, so I take your disappointment as a good sign.

Fox News Might Want to Retire the Watergate Card - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire

Yeah, Watergate was BAD, REAL bad. It involved a burglary of election plans. How anyone could claim a measly 300 murders by guns provided by the top law enforcement agent in the nation could rise to looking at the opponents game plan is shocking.....

You gotta have priorities....

Please post your proof that the top law enforcement agent provided any Cartel with guns.

Of course the real culprit, the War on Drugs, is worse than Nixons Watergate.

Woodward and Bernstein: 40 years after Watergate, Nixon was far worse than we thought - The Washington Post
If there is a war on drugs and you support drugs to be free wouldn't you be a traitor to your country by giving aid and comfort to the enemy?
If there is a war on drugs and you support drugs to be free wouldn't you be a traitor to your country by giving aid and comfort to the enemy?

I don't support "drugs to be free" what ever that means.

I do however support comercialization and taxation of more recreational substances. Some of which are a vital source of revenue for the Cartels/Mexican-Mobsters.

Support your local growers, buy Homegrown.
If there is a war on drugs and you support drugs to be free wouldn't you be a traitor to your country by giving aid and comfort to the enemy?

I don't support "drugs to be free" what ever that means.

I do however support comercialization and taxation of more recreational substances. Some of which are a vital source of revenue for the Cartels/Mexican-Mobsters.

Support your local growers, buy Homegrown.

I guess thats what we need more high assholes acting like adults.....Of course real adults dont get high.
The premise for the OP is pure deflection.

The only real problem with the frat-party type ops in Watergate was intent. Criminal intent is an impeachable offense. Redundant criminal intent will lead to impeachment proceedings, which in Nixon's case led to resignation.

Black Obamney likes to copy Republican ideas and policies. He sucks. Holder is his toad. FF was a fiasco. We can all find that out, more, with every Abatis post. Black Obamney is a stonewally-worlder, no doubt. The black Obamney administration is stonewalling Congress, with regard to FF and the Manning defense.

But that is only an instant deflection, from the really pertinent issues:

1. The drug war is a killer, and it killed Brian Terry
2. The drug war deflects media, from CO2-neutral biomass, so the US suffers fracking and nukes, but nobody has caught up to Henry Ford's hemp ethanol or indestructible hemp plastic, in 70+ years
3. The drug war will kill the economy, since it can't stop drugs, but it can unfund the US republic and the other nations of the world
4. The drug war rewards criminals, greedy people, and stupid people
5. The drug war has a carbon footprint, in excess of preventing biomass

No end of assholes keep wanting the lousy drug war. We need freedom, from ASSHOLES, more than any of us needs to ever get high, legally. Whoever equates wanting an end to any war, particularly a costly, corrupt, fake war, with TREASON, in time of real war is a piece of shit.

Without an end to the drug war, Brian Terry won't rest in peace. Neither will any other multi-role agent, dead or alive, who can be swept into a life-threatening situation, for drug war intrigue.
I guess thats what we need more high assholes acting like adults.....Of course real adults dont get high.

If there was even a chance, to get past the CRIMINALS, the STUPID people would be trying, to look like GREEDY people, to get their stupid rocks off and deflect, against how we need FREEDOM, from criminals, stupids, and greedies, one-two-three.

Too stupid or greedy, to notice a human rights debacle or a funding debacle or a carbon footprint, theanus is from Stupid, Florida, which will have storm and sea level rise problems, sooner or later.

Either the drug war ENDS, or Stupid, Florida gets to go for a swim, without an effort, to re-green. Stupid is probably going down, anyway, since we could stop emissions, altogether, and sea level would still go up, several feet, by the end of the century.

But if we don't grow all of hemp, switchgrass, and algae, while cutting our carbon footprint, Stupid, Florida can go for a swim, a lot faster than it would have to.

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